! Wake-up  World  Wake-up !
~ It's Time to Rise and Shine ~

We as spiritual beings or souls come to earth in order to experience the human condition. This includes the good and the bad scenarios of this world. Our world is a duality plane and no amount of love or grace will eliminate evil or nastiness. We will return again and again until we have pierced the illusions of this density. The purpose of human life is to awaken to universal truth. This also means that we must awaken to the lies and deceit mankind is subjected to. To pierce the third density illusion is a must in order to remove ourselves from the wheel of human existences. Love is the Answer by means of Knowledge and Awareness!

There were no hijackers 
By Anonymous

The attack on September 11, 2000, was highly professional. The primary 
target was the World Trade Center (WTC), with the Pentagon [probably] only a 
decoy. There were NO hijackers on board on any of the four aircraft, or cell 
phone calls to anxious relatives. This is pure hysterical media hype.

Aircraft systems were functioning perfectly, including the IFF transponders, 
which were providing ATC with correct aircraft idents and telemetry. There 
were no mayday calls or "hijack" codes transmitted, despite the fact that 
the latter can be activated from four discrete locations on all of the 
aircraft involved. Once activated, a transponder "hijack" signal cannot be 
canceled inside the aircraft and can only be deactivated by ground engineers 
after landing.

The FAA knew this, and because there were no warnings at all, was compelled 
to immediately ground all four hundred aircraft in US airspace, all of which 
were potential flying bombs. At the same time the trigger-happy USAF was 
faced with an identical problem. How could it tell which potential "bombs" 
full of Americans it might have to shoot down next?

I don't think the USAF shot down the aircraft in Pennsylvania. Most probably 
it was a back-up aircraft, destroyed when it was confirmed primary and decoy 
targets accomplished. That said, shoot-downs could happen in the future. 
Your 50,000 reservists being called up include a large chunk of Air National 
Guard aircrew tasked with "Defending American Cities from the terrorists." 
Freudian slip from the White House there. How can you use Air Guard F-15 and 
F-16 interceptors to defend the cities from the "terrorists," if the 
"terrorists" are more "hijackers" already on your own airliners and already 
airborne en-route to their next targets.

The National Guard versions of F-15 and F-16 interceptors are both air 
superiority fighters designed to shoot down other aircraft. Cheney announced 
on TV that orders have now been issued for these aircraft to shoot down 
American or other airliners deviating from their flight paths. Travelling 
Amtrak will be a lot safer than flying.

Though I personally participated in UK in classified autoland (automatic 
landing) projects during the sixties, I cannot comment specifically on that 
because of the Official Secrets Act. However, I suggest you read the 
fictional story at the link cited below. Believe me when I say that what the 
author writes about is entirely possible, and far more beyond that. Think of 
radio controlled model planes and you might get close to the nature of the 
technology used.

Autoland is a system designed to completely control an aircraft from middle 
altitudes to precise touchdown on runway at a distant airport, with zero 
intellectual or physical input from pilots. Nowadays entire integrated 
aircraft systems are controlled by computers 1,000+ times more powerful than 
we had then.

It is 100% possible to take over the flight control computers of the 747, 
757 and 767 if you have the right access codes and op frequency. The 
computers can also lock out radio communications including IFF transponders. 
Under these circumstances the pilots would be completely powerless, able 
only to look out of the window to see where they were being taken.

While I cannot disclose sources, I can say it was disclosed that the 
Pentagon [Boeing 757] CVR was "blank". CVR is in the tail section and cannot 
be "disabled" by a physical hijacker on board.

In the mid-nineties Lufthansa, appreciating the potentially catastrophic 
effect of "boffins" hijacking their Jumbos by remote control, and assisted 
by the Luftwaffe, stripped out the American computers and replaced them with 
classified German equipment. At the time I thought Lufthansa's investment 
extravagant and slightly paranoid. Now as I look at the video of those 
planes crashing into the World Trade Center, I marvel at the foresight of a 
few clever Germans. They at least are safe from a repeat performance of this 
sort, but alas, the remaining 2,000 American heavies are not.



After the strikes on the north and south World Trade Center towers, both 
could be seen to be completely stable. Then without warning the south WTC 
tower imploded vertically downwards, almost impossible after the massive 
west-east sheer forces imposed by the strike. Then the north tower imploded 
vertically as well, a scientific impossibility with the massive north-south 
sheer stress imposed by the strike.

Plus/minus five seconds after the first tower collapse, all cellphone 
contact in New York ceased, though that in Washington remained unaffected. 
On this, research for yourself of the web, "Source Region Electromagnetic 
Pulse (SREMP)." The worst effect is on extremely high frequency equipment 
[including cellphones]. SREMP decays over time, in simple terms like the 
ripples on a pond. The risk of SREMPs in war is the reason you have a 
nationwide very low frequency (150 KHz) emergency communications network. 
The cellphones don't melt. Sub-surface micro nukes of the W54 (etc) class do 
not produce a flash. Forget Hiroshima. It is the cellphone operating 
frequency that is temporarily disrupted, not the handset.



Within minutes of this event, Air Force One diverted to Offutt AFB, 
Nebraska, where George W. was secured in an underground bunker for more than 
two hours. Offutt is also home to the special "war room" Jumbos equipped to 
allow the US President to control WWIII from international airspace.

As for who the responsible parties may be, remember the occupants of the WTC 
have over the last two decades destroyed the currencies and lives of at 
least a dozen different nations, so the queue of "suspects" would probably 
stretch for miles, including a few Russians, British, French etc. Need I go 
on? Much more likely targets for Muslim nations would have been the UN & US 
State Department. The list of suspect nations with very serious grudges 
against occupants of WTC should [realistically] be extremely long. Why focus 
idiotically on a single deeply religious Arab, sitting in a tent reading the 
Koran and drinking a cup of mint tea?

I cannot confirm or deny US involvement. Were the factions within the US 
responsible for the WTC bombings, I don't believe George W. was involved. 
While I appreciate George W. may have a slightly higher IQ than Dan Quayle, 
he would never be advised of a forthcoming strike of this magnitude. When 
Air Force One diverted to Offutt it did so to protect and preserve the 
integrity of the Presidency itself, not George W. Bush personally, who is of 
absolutely no strategic or tactical importance to anyone.

If your political masters and lobbies had been directly involved in [or 
behind] the attack, a shower of punitive Tomahawk missiles and other 
assorted junk would have hit Kabul and Baghdad within hours of the WTC. They 
did not, and the former bullies in the school yard are now running round the 
world trying to get the weaklings to join them in "crushing terrorism". An 
extraordinary sight.

They have much to worry about. How long and how much do you think it takes 
to strip the computer flight control gear out of every modern heavy in the 
USA? One hiccup in the wrong direction with punitive strikes on the wrong 
people, and next "terrorist" targets could be Hollywood and Los Angeles, for 
example. Despite the tough talk, the US military and government are already 
being extraordinarily careful. After all, Afghanistan and Iraq are still on 
the map after the WTC bombing.

From: http://www.konformist.com/911/no-highjackers.htm