Behind the War: Personal & Spiritual Implications.
Our war on terrorism is the physical manifestation of the spiritual war that
has been raging for some time. It is a war about personal values and
choices. It represents the escalation of spiritual consequences for every
choice we make which affects all of humanity, this planet, and all
dimensions all the way Home to God. Humanity sits at the fulcrum of the
transformation of this earth plane. We are the experiement.
God is asking you to search your Souls and be more conscious of every choice
you make. Search for the highest wisdom and bring your unconsciousness into
the light. Reach higher into your Wisdom towards Universal Values, go deeper
into your own darkness. Both are needed in order to come to balance. Spirit
is close by, waiting for your hand to reach out towards it. As long as you
ask for it, guidance will be given to show you the way. Nothing has to be as
difficult and long suffering as it was in the past, unless you choose it to
be that way.
Now it is possible to make giant spiritual strides, because we have had
brave spiritual architects, individuals who have had the courage to break
through the "ring-pass-me-not" invisible membrane that keeps humanity within
certain boundaries. These people are far from the public eye, just ordinary
people who are spiritually motivated to break through their own personality,
karmic and genetic limitations to become clear insturments of Spirit,
Eternal Watcher and God Source.
Because of the changes in how time is running, everything appears to be
moving much faster, and yet at times a moment can feel stretched into
eternity. Time has become more pliable, and it is experienced differently by
each of us based on our individual realities and beliefs. This also means
that when we are given opportunities, they are open/shut in nature. The
window is open only for a short time, and then disappears. Do you get that
feeling? Do you sense the urgency?
About six months ago, I received my calling to become conscious of the "war"
that was in full swing on the higher dimensions. I was being called to arms
to join this spiritual battlefield and the main battle was being waged right
here on Earth. It is not the same kind of war that we might think of in a
physical sense, but indeed it was one of making right choices.
Once I committed to participate fully in this war of values and choices, I
found myself in deep predicaments I wouldn't have wished on my worst enemy,
and least of all myself. All my patterns standing in the way of living up to
my personal values came up, and it took ALL the courage I could muster up to
make "greatest good" choices. The ONLY reason I could step beyond my
limitations was because I knew that if I didn't do it in this War time
situation, then I would be choosing to be on the wrong side!! IF YOU'RE NOT
THE DARK SIDE. It's the side that says its okay to continue this masquerade,
to let the status quo remain. That is the side of continuing this karmic
madness, this wasted opportunity of a lifetime, this world of duality, and
this win/lose game.
In the old game, somebody's always got to lose, and it better not be me! So
the old war was the kind based on win/lose, right/wrong, you or me,
good/bad. These are the wars that our men have fought, and continue to fight
in this war against terrorism.
Out with this madness! That is old news and needs to be thrown out. Now is
the time to create win/win games, and accept that everyone has a right to
their own values as long as it does not violate someone else's sovereignty.
The universal value of sovereignty is the answer that will clear up a lot of
our world's mess. When anyone's sovereignty is violated, then it is time for
all good men and women to put our heads together and come up with creative
win/win solutions for the violating party. Most often the "No, you cannot
violate my space," needs to be accompanied by stong consequences in order
for the violating party to "get it."
To fight this war, the first order of business is to see clearly what it was
that was done to us that we are fighting against. Then we can look deeply
within ourselves and ask: where are we terrorizing ourselves and others? Are
we holding parts of ourselves and each other hostage to our own ways? Are
our own leaders using the fear and unity of the moment for their own
purposed under the guise of protecting us? What are the bottom line feelings
that are underlying the terrorists' actions? Is it control, fear, jealousy,
self-righteousness, judgment, victimization, anger?
We can win the war for both sides if we just take this opportunity to clear
these feelings and behaviors in our enemies within our own selves. This will
not only empower ourselves, but also sends a poweful spiritual message to
them through our own example. We can honor their good purpose, whatever that
is, as well as their sovereignty, and yet still send them a spiritual NO
message that it is NOT OKAY for them to violate our national sovereignty. We
can send them this message by saying NO to our own controlling selves, our
husbands, our children, our bosses, doctors, lawyers and government and all
the other representations of authority, whenever our own sacred sovereignty
has been violated.
We can fight our battle from the highest spiritual planes by sending our
enemies our message through God Source, so that they get the message to them
through their own higher selves.
As long as we have done our homework and focused on clearing our own
outdated and harmful patterns, the subconscious and unconscious planes
become very lucid, pliable and open to us to work on these planes through
our own good intentions. Try it. Intend to teach those around you on the
higher planes and watch the results. Be careful not to violate their
sovereignty while doing this, and respect their individual choices.
In this way we can support the women of the Middle East by "talking" to them
on the Soul level and in dream time and encourage them to stand up to their
men energetically from the same Soul level and dream time. This feminine war
can be fought at the highest and deepest levels where we can teach all men,
women and children alike that they are loved and equal under God,
energetically sovereign, and they can claim and protect this sovereignty. We
can teach ourselves and each other about Universal Values such as
Unconditional Acceptance (absent of judgment), Unconditional Giving and
Receiving of Love, Gratitude, Compassion, Courage, Surrender, Nurturance of
the Common Spirit that lies in All, Equality, Win/Win and Sovereignty. These
are the values that will create a new playing field for all Humanity here on
Earth. It will be a softer, deeper power, a balance of masculine and
feminine that can build bridges between divergent realities, bring us into
one accord, and truly manifest the peace on Earth that we have thus far only
dreamed about...
Malama Pono
(These Hawaiian words mean nurturing Truth and Righteousness Before God)
Behind the War: Personal & Spiritual Implications by source
Our war on terrorism is the physical manifestation of the spiritual war that
has been raging for some time. It is a war about personal values and
choices. It represents the escalation of spiritual consequences for every
choice we make which affects all of humanity, this planet, and all
dimensions all the way Home to God. Humanity sits at the fulcrum of the
transformation of this earth plane. We are the experiement.
God is asking you to search your Souls and be more conscious of every choice
you make. Search for the highest wisdom and bring your unconsciousness into
the light. Reach higher into your Wisdom towards Universal Values, go deeper
into your own darkness. Both are needed in order to come to balance. Spirit
is close by, waiting for your hand to reach out towards it. As long as you
ask for it, guidance will be given to show you the way. Nothing has to be as
difficult and long suffering as it was in the past, unless you choose it to
be that way.
Now it is possible to make giant spiritual strides, because we have had
brave spiritual architects, individuals who have had the courage to break
through the "ring-pass-me-not" invisible membrane that keeps humanity within
certain boundaries. These people are far from the public eye, just ordinary
people who are spiritually motivated to break through their own personality,
karmic and genetic limitations to become clear insturments of Spirit,
Eternal Watcher and God Source.
Because of the changes in how time is running, everything appears to be
moving much faster, and yet at times a moment can feel stretched into
eternity. Time has become more pliable, and it is experienced differently by
each of us based on our individual realities and beliefs. This also means
that when we are given opportunities, they are open/shut in nature. The
window is open only for a short time, and then disappears. Do you get that
feeling? Do you sense the urgency?
About six months ago, I received my calling to become conscious of the "war"
that was in full swing on the higher dimensions. I was being called to arms
to join this spiritual battlefield and the main battle was being waged right
here on Earth. It is not the same kind of war that we might think of in a
physical sense, but indeed it was one of making right choices.
Once I committed to participate fully in this war of values and choices, I
found myself in deep predicaments I wouldn't have wished on my worst enemy,
and least of all myself. All my patterns standing in the way of living up to
my personal values came up, and it took ALL the courage I could muster up to
make "greatest good" choices. The ONLY reason I could step beyond my
limitations was because I knew that if I didn't do it in this War time
situation, then I would be choosing to be on the wrong side!! IF YOU'RE NOT
THE DARK SIDE. It's the side that says its okay to continue this masquerade,
to let the status quo remain. That is the side of continuing this karmic
madness, this wasted opportunity of a lifetime, this world of duality, and
this win/lose game.
In the old game, somebody's always got to lose, and it better not be me! So
the old war was the kind based on win/lose, right/wrong, you or me,
good/bad. These are the wars that our men have fought, and continue to fight
in this war against terrorism.
Out with this madness! That is old news and needs to be thrown out. Now is
the time to create win/win games, and accept that everyone has a right to
their own values as long as it does not violate someone else's sovereignty.
The universal value of sovereignty is the answer that will clear up a lot of
our world's mess. When anyone's sovereignty is violated, then it is time for
all good men and women to put our heads together and come up with creative
win/win solutions for the violating party. Most often the "No, you cannot
violate my space," needs to be accompanied by stong consequences in order
for the violating party to "get it."
To fight this war, the first order of business is to see clearly what it was
that was done to us that we are fighting against. Then we can look deeply
within ourselves and ask: where are we terrorizing ourselves and others? Are
we holding parts of ourselves and each other hostage to our own ways? Are
our own leaders using the fear and unity of the moment for their own
purposed under the guise of protecting us? What are the bottom line feelings
that are underlying the terrorists' actions? Is it control, fear, jealousy,
self-righteousness, judgment, victimization, anger?
We can win the war for both sides if we just take this opportunity to clear
these feelings and behaviors in our enemies within our own selves. This will
not only empower ourselves, but also sends a poweful spiritual message to
them through our own example. We can honor their good purpose, whatever that
is, as well as their sovereignty, and yet still send them a spiritual NO
message that it is NOT OKAY for them to violate our national sovereignty. We
can send them this message by saying NO to our own controlling selves, our
husbands, our children, our bosses, doctors, lawyers and government and all
the other representations of authority, whenever our own sacred sovereignty
has been violated.
We can fight our battle from the highest spiritual planes by sending our
enemies our message through God Source, so that they get the message to them
through their own higher selves.
As long as we have done our homework and focused on clearing our own
outdated and harmful patterns, the subconscious and unconscious planes
become very lucid, pliable and open to us to work on these planes through
our own good intentions. Try it. Intend to teach those around you on the
higher planes and watch the results. Be careful not to violate their
sovereignty while doing this, and respect their individual choices.
In this way we can support the women of the Middle East by "talking" to them
on the Soul level and in dream time and encourage them to stand up to their
men energetically from the same Soul level and dream time. This feminine war
can be fought at the highest and deepest levels where we can teach all men,
women and children alike that they are loved and equal under God,
energetically sovereign, and they can claim and protect this sovereignty. We
can teach ourselves and each other about Universal Values such as
Unconditional Acceptance (absent of judgment), Unconditional Giving and
Receiving of Love, Gratitude, Compassion, Courage, Surrender, Nurturance of
the Common Spirit that lies in All, Equality, Win/Win and Sovereignty. These
are the values that will create a new playing field for all Humanity here on
Earth. It will be a softer, deeper power, a balance of masculine and
feminine that can build bridges between divergent realities, bring us into
one accord, and truly manifest the peace on Earth that we have thus far only
dreamed about...
Malama Pono
(These Hawaiian words mean nurturing Truth and Righteousness Before God)