Please send as far and wide as possible.
Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist
Beast of the Month - October 2001
The Shrub Military-Industrial Police State, American Terrorist Network
"Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.''
"president" George W. Bush
Ah, it seems like it was only yesterday that the biggest outrage in
the world was Gary Condit and his lies surrounding the disappearance
of Chandra Levy.
Since the day of infamy on September 11, 2001, conspiracy theories
have been rampant about what happened in the terror attacks against
the World Trade Center and the Pentagon by hijacked planes. (Gee,
imagine that?) There's been many questions asked, but the biggest of
all, of course, is "Who done it?" While the chorus of the korporate
media has focused almost completely on lone nut evil madman Osama bin
Laden - or, perhaps, that other evil crazy Muslim monster Saddam
Hussein - in their own officially sanctioned conspiracy theory, there
have been numerous alternative theories presented in the underground
press: Israel and Mossad, China and the PLA, Russia and the KGB, MI6
and the Royal Crown, and, of course, the always nominated Illuminati.
Still, one theory seemed to stick out as a popular choice, and indeed
its popularity is an obvious one: the idea that this was an inside
job. Specifically, the theory (or theories, as there is more than
one strain) posit that the 911 attacks involved US intelligence
agents and military people who wanted to let the attacks happen for
cynical and amoral (or immoral) reasons. Some believe that they were
even the masterminds of the operation, and not merely passive
supporters. Whether it be a Pearl Harbor (which was known about
beforehand by many US military leaders) or Reichstag (which appears
to have been staged by the Nazis themselves), this secret network, so
the theory goes, is linked to the BushMob, and some allege includes
Dubya himself.
For once, the official viewpoint of The Konformist editorial board is
in rejection of the most anti-Shrub konspiracy, as much as we detest
the sorry excuse for a man. Of course, that's partly why we reject
the more extreme version: the look on Shrub's face after he was
alerted of the attacks was the face of true cowardly fear and self-
concern. As good of a liar Bush is, he couldn't have faked being so
scared for his own life and political future as he showed in those
first hours. In fact, his behavior was so lacking in any virtue, the
White House had to lie and claim that the White House and Air Force
One were targeted in order to cover for his courage deficiency.
(Little surprise there: like father, like son, and George I was a
wimp, after all.)
One thing is pretty clear: whether or not Team Bush was behind in any
way the 911 tragedy, as luck would have it, they are the main
beneficiaries. Actually, luck has little to do with it, as such a
reaction to such a terrible event could've been easily predicted. So
much so, it almost makes you wonder. And that is why what we dub the
Shrub Military-Industrial Police State is The Konformist Beast of the
Month. Whatever enemy lurks from without, from within the gates is
something that is perhaps even more frightening. And with
a "defense" budget of $345 billion (plus another $40 billion for
emergency funds) it is the richest and most heavily armed network of
terror - which, let's face it, is precisely what all that weaponry is
for - the world has ever known. All without even having to win an
election. With such a nebulous group of Beasts in our midst, it is
important to identify who they are and what they stand for.
Let's start with "PRESIDENT" GEORGE W. BUSH, the top winner in the
911 sweepstakes. Rather than pointing out what a terrible job he is
doing in an office he never won, pundits, in a predictably cowardly
display of false patriotism, have tried to compare his embarrassing
speeches to the words of Winston Churchill.
Of course, it isn't just in mere political survival that Shrub has
won out. The bloated defense contractors (with increased
expenditures) and oil companies (who stand to gain big time from a
Caspian Sea pipeline) are the big winners of the sweepstakes as well,
groups which he and his puppet master, RICHARD "DONKEY DICK" CHENEY,
so happily serve. (So of course, are the airlines, who, in a reverse
of the supposed "free market" economics supposedly supported by Team
Bush, are receiving a $15 billion boondoggle - along with $10 billion
in guaranteed loans - while they 100,000 layoff workers, none of whom
are benefit from the massive government welfare bailout.) Meanwhile,
the heat is off their self-destructive economic policy, which had
left the US economy doomed to a major recession and effectively
sabotaged in less than eight months the entire budget surplus that,
had it been managed wisely, could have slowly but surely eliminated
the entire public debt. Instead, the cynical tax breaks for those
who need it least promoted by Shrub and Treasury Department Secretary
PAUL O'NEILL is no longer a point of criticism.
Oh yeah, did we already mention defense spending? Star Wars missile
defense (despite being unable to stop the WTC-Pentagon attacks) is
practically a done deal, with all the destabilizing ramifications of
heating up bad blood with Russia and China. Along the way, what
practically amounts to a blank check has been sent to Secretary of
Defense DONALD RUMSFIELD and his armchair chickenhawk Deputy
Then there's Secretary of State COLIN POWELL and National Security
Adviser CONDOLEEZA RICE, who continue their Uncle and Auntie Tom ways
of pursuing a foreign policy that combines the worst of nationalism
(rampant militarism and lack of concern of other nation's opinions
while simultaneously pushing for Star Wars and walking away from
Kyoto) and globalism (encouraging international agreements that place
corporate profits above the rights of people and sovereign nations.)
Meanwhile, they lead the finger-wagging against "supporters of
terrorism," an ironic charge considering the current Bush
Administration, much less modern US history. In particular are three
men of note, all who have as dirty ties as any to Ronald Reagan's
creepy and illegal terrorist-backing foreign policy: JOHN D.
NEGROPONTE who spent the eighties as Honduras Ambassador denying
terrorism in Latin American under US-backed death squads (perversely,
he was confirmed unaminously as US Ambassador to the United Nations,
only three days after the 911 terrorist attack); OTTO REICH, State
Department's one-time head of the Office of Public Diplomacy, which
ran an illegal, covert domestic propaganda effort against Nicaragua's
Sandinista government, nominated by Shrub for the post of Assistant
Secretary of State for Latin America; and perhaps most outrageously
repulsive of all, ELLIOT ABRAMS, Assistant Secretary of State under
Ronald Reagan and one of the main architects of the Iran-Contra
scandal, who specialized in massacre denial and lying to Congress:
absurdly, he is currently the National Security Council Senior
Director for Democracy, Human Rights and International Operations.
If Team Bush merely swindled money from the public to finance the
Military-Industrial Komplex and support a reactionary foreign policy
of terror, it would be offensive enough, but instead, it has gone
forward in a brash attack on constitutional liberties. Attorney
pushed for a series of law changes that violate basic civil liberties
and broaden the already frightening level of power to the federal
police state. Most notable include expanded usage of Orwellian
surveillance programs such as Echelon and Carnivore, along with
increased authorization of wire taps, break-ins of house and the
detainment of alleged suspects. Meanwhile, they have helped create
the office of Homeland Security, whose director, TOM RIDGE, had good
practice violating civil rights as Governor of Pennsylvania.
Where is the Senate, the supposed arm of cautious wisdom in the US
legislature, in response to this overt attack onfundamental
liberties? Unsurprising, they are joining the stampede with glee.
Most notable is the complicity of arch-reactionary TRENT LOTT, the
Senate Minority Leader, and supposed "moderate" Majority Leader TOM
DASCHLE, who, in a sign of unity and bipartisanship, have joined
forces to back the destructive economic and "anti-terror" plans of
Team Bush. Of course, such bipartisanship against the American
public has been a staple over the last eight years of Utah Senator
ORRIN HATCH and California's DIANE FEINSTEIN, who have backed nearly
every piece of legislation attacking civil liberties. (No surprise
then the "Combating Terrorism Act of 2001" was their handwork once
again, which catered to nearly every request on Ashcroft-Mueller's
wish list.)
With the executive branch under coup, the legislature under eager
servants, and the Supreme Court unwilling to do its job (as their
Dred Scott-like decisions of the past year clearly shows) the only
possible hope would be the so-called Fourth Estate, the mass media.
This seems to be an even greater lost cause. Whether it is to please
an administration that seems intent (under FCC Chairman MICHAEL
POWELL, Colin's toad-like son) on selling out public airwaves to
gigantic korporations at an even more obscene level achieved by Slick
Willie, or merely ideological support to a war which benefits
oligopolistic titans, big media has celebrated phony patriotism in a
rush to cheerlead both big business and big government. The examples
are too many to cite, but the telling fact is the unity of the top US
media sources in selling the same message. Whether it be CNN under
new Chairman WALTER ISAACSON in promoting Team Shrub propaganda (just
as it became Bush Sr.'s mouthpiece during the Gulf War), or Fox News
under ROGER AILES, who (following his work as a Nixon-Reagan-Bush
hatchet man) has continued to spread the right-wing ideology favored
by his boss Rupert Murdoch, the message of the country's biggest news
sources has been practically the same. And, as Isaacson has openly
courted Lott, Tom DeLay and other right-wing leaders and contemplated
hiring Rush Limbaugh to counter The O'Reilly Factor, the
similaritites between the two top news networks seems to be turning
even greater despite the supposedly "liberal" and "conservative"
spins they give.
Where are things heading? It doesn't look good. The actions of the
White House, Pentagon, State Department, DOJ, FBI, Senante and
Korporate Media should be expected, but ultimately the greatest
culprit of the Shrub Military-Industrial Police State is the public
itself. Authority only does what it can get away with. While
sniveling in complacemency and fear as the BushMob stole an election,
the American public had clearly set the bar low. Whether or not Team
Bush was behind the 911 terror or not, the stage was set for what has
followed. If this is a Reichstag, they appear to be ready to make
the most of it. And as Americans cheer it on, they seem almost eager
to seal their potential doom.
In any case, we salute the Shrub Military-Industrial Police State
(and its supporters) as Beast of the Month. Congratulations, and keep
up the great work, dudes!!!
Note: This list was compiled on October 1, 2001. On October 11, the
FBI released its own list of the 22 "Most Wanted Terrorists" of the
On October 7, 2001, the United States launched first strike attacks
against Afghanistan, for their refusal to surrender Osama bin Laden.
No evidence has yet been supplied to Afghanistan or the world public
showing his supposed guilt.
On October 26, 2001, George W. Bush signed the so-called "U.S.A.
Patriot Act" into law (passed in the Senate 98-1), fulfilling the
complete desires of Ashcroft and his Administration.
To be continued?
The Shrub Military-Industrial Police State
Top Twenty Terror Network Members
"president" George W. Bush
Richard "Donkey Dick" Cheney
Paul O'Neill
Donald Rumsfield
Paul Wolfowitz
Colin Powell
Condoleezza Rice
John D. Negroponte
Otto Reich
Elliott Abrams
John Ashcroft
Robert S. Mueller III
Tom Ridge
Trent Lott
Tom Daschle
Orrin Hatch
Diane Feinstein
Michael Powell
Walter Isaacson
Roger Ailes
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