! Wake-up  World  Wake-up !
~ It's Time to Rise and Shine ~

We as spiritual beings or souls come to earth in order to experience the human condition. This includes the good and the bad scenarios of this world. Our world is a duality planet and no amount of love or grace will eliminate evil or nastiness. We will return again and again until we have pierced the illusions of this density. The purpose of human life is to awaken to universal truth. This also means that we must awaken to the lies and deceit mankind is subjected to. To pierce the third density illusion is a must in order to remove ourselves from the wheel of human existences. Love is the Answer by means of Knowledge and Awareness!

        Heretical Science:
        The Coming Revolution In Military Affairs
        By Tim Rifat     2001/12/07

September 11th marked a turning point in US military affairs, 
in fact some might even say that a revolution had occurred. In
a paper entitled Revolution in Military Affairs staff at the US
War College had previously outlined how the US military could 
take over world affairs by starting a revolution, which by its 
nature would be covert; and in which not only would the aims of
the US military be achieved but its successful outcome would put
them in charge of running the world. 
Madmen like Bin Laden have enabled the US Military to attack any 
country so that their multi-national backers can pillage the 
planets resources exclusively for themselves. Total control of 
the West by the military allows globalisation to occur faster 
and more efficiently as anyone who argues against it can 
immediately be labelled a terrorist sympathiser or worse still
a terrorist themselves. And that in turn would immediately 
invite lethal force and/or imprisonment. The widespread use of 
psychotronic weapons in the UK and Australia, where in contrast 
to America the populace has been disarmed, means that large parts
of the West can be turned into giant open-air concentration camps. 
Taking the UK as a model let's see what the rest of the West 
has in store; the TETRA system used by British police for 
telecommunications covertly covers Britain with Extremely Low 
Frequency mind control entrainment. The 30,000 ELF transmitters 
that are now in use across Britain have turned the police and 
populace alike into ELF zombies. Based on CIA mind control 
research conducted by Dr. Ross Adey the system has been installed
at a cost of over two billion pounds, largely taken from the 
victims themselves via taxes. As a result covert microwave 
weapons are systematically targeting the 3 million dissidents 
kept on MI5 files. The methodology is as follows: 
  * Digital Angel like transmitters are placed on the targets
    clothing so that they can automatically targeted by microwave
    weapons 24 hours a day. 
  * Their cars have one of the power lines cut so that small 
    microwave transmitters can be soldered to the wire with a 
    one centimetre loop of the joined wire acting as an antennae.
    This literally burns their brains while driving, inducing 
    brain tumours in men or triggering breast cancers in women. 
  * While sleeping targets are irradiated with 1 to 5 giga hertz
    radiation to induce cancers and brain tumours even while they
    are oblivious to these attacks. 
A microwave oven with a horn antennae attached to its wave guide 
is a working example of how easy it is to build weapons that kills 
slowly and unbeknown even to its victims. This writer was recently 
paid by Britain s Channel 4 TV to demonstrate just how easy it was 
to build such a device. Unsurprisingly perhaps the program was 
never broadcast. Digital Angel and other such location transmitters
turn shopping malls and streets into vast shooting galleries where 
microwave weapons automatically target dissidents wherever they go. 
However the USA poses a significant stumbling block to the 
implementation of such a scenario, largely because the population
is armed. Disarming them is thus a high priority. Moreover this 
can be done using the threat of attacks by Muslim extremists 
allowing civilian disarmament under the pretext of Operation 
Homeland. Militia can then be implanted while in detention with 
British Telecom's soul catcher like devices, turning them into 
docile zombies. 
Russia, India and China pose the only significant threat to the 
domination of planet's resources by Western Multi-National 
Corporations and are therefore the only enemies that the US 
military and NATO respect. The Strategic Defence Initiative has 
been designed to enable the US military to thwart these three 
potential super powers with impunity. Unfortunately the development
of microwave plasmoids, particle beams and gravity wave displacers 
will give Russia total defensive against ICBM's. In fact the 
weaponisation of space by the US is designed to take out hostile
satellites and blind them to pre-emptive strikes, space based or
The entire 21st century will be dominated by this military 
revolution that will spiral out of control of the US and NATO's
dominance with the development of new strategic weapons. Israel 
and South African Goose Eggs man portable nuclear weapons allow 
the big three (Russia, China and India) to destroy the UK, France 
and significant parts of the US by destroying nuclear plants and 
reprocessing facilities. 
The discovery that the nuclear binding force can be changed using 
PSI combined with research on torsion fields will enable sub 
critical masses of Plutonium, U235 and U238 to be detonated in 
fission nuclear explosions using such man portable and easily 
deployed technology. Like a modern day Maginot line the US and 
NATO's SDI will offer no protection against Muslim fanatics, 
carrying sub kilo nuclear weapons and driven by rage over 
Afghanistan and Palestine. The use of PSI and torsion fields 
will render the US and NATO's electronic and nuclear weapons 
inoperable and outdated. In turn this will give China, Russia 
and India eventual pre-eminence as they deploy weapons not based 
on the West's reliance on sophisticated electronics and 
technology. The US military's tunnel vision in relying on 
technology and electronics blinds them to heretical science that 
will render such technology vulnerable to attacks in the 21st 
  New Dawn Magazine, GPO Box 3126FF, Melbourne, Vic Australia

  Remote Viewing by Tim Rifat, published by Vision Paperbacks 