! Wake-up  World  Wake-up !
~ It's Time to Rise and Shine ~

We as spiritual beings or souls come to earth in order to experience the human condition. This includes the good and the bad scenarios of this world. Our world is a duality planet and no amount of love or grace will eliminate evil or nastiness. We will return again and again until we have pierced the illusions of this density. The purpose of human life is to awaken to universal truth. This also means that we must awaken to the lies and deceit mankind is subjected to. To pierce the third density illusion is a must in order to remove ourselves from the wheel of human existences. Love is the Answer by means of Knowledge and Awareness!

Lone Nutter News
Jaye C. Beldo

AKA The Lone Nutter


The Lone Nutter in Paranoia!

    Goodbye (and good riddance) to Anonymous Magazine and hello to Paranoia.  
The Lone Nutter column will officially premiere in Paranoia Magazine coming 
soon!  Paranoia: The Conspiracy Reader, recently celebrating their tenth year 
in circulation, have given me space to vent my non fear based, 
multidimensional views on various conspiracies at large: real, imagined as 
well as somewhere in between.  You can find Paranoia at better bookstores 
everywhere (as well as at Barnes and Nobles)!  Stay tuned and in the meantime 
check out their compelling website at: 



Citizen Surveillance: Crisis or Opportunity?

    In the wake of 9-11, the U.S. Congress has quietly pushed through 
terrorist laws via the Patriot Bill that may profoundly compromise our 
constitutionally protected rights of privacy for very a long time.  Agencies 
such as the CIA and FBI have been given nearly total Carte Blanche to spy on 
US citizens no matter what their reasons for doing so are.  Is this overt 
encroachment into our personal lives something to be worried about?  I 
actually think not.  Rather we now have an opportunity to encourage such 
evolution retarding agencies such as the NSA towards spiritual enlightenment 
since they are probably listening in on our every utterance these days.  Here 
are a few creative suggestions to follow if you think you are being 
wiretapped, eavesdropped, e-mail snooped, even remote viewed. I offer these 
alternatives to paranoid reaction from a predominantly non-fear based 

1. Put a tape recorder with auto-reverse near your phone and play some Rumi 
poetry over and over again (Coleman Barks's recordings and not third rate 
poet Robert Bly's) eventually whoever is eavesdropping on you will grasp the 
40 levels of subtle meaning inherent in Rumi's mystically incidental 
quatrains or eventually give up and move on to easier game, i.e. spying on 
the many fans of Robert Bly to see what is really encoded in the 'deep' 
structures of his iambic drivel.

2.  If  you think you are a victim of remote neural surveillance which the 
NSA uses to see what you are seeing, hear what you are hearing, then drop 
those blueprints for your backyard  Hydrogen Bomb project and get out a dust 
covered art book, preferably Hieronymous Bosch or better yet Goya and his 
Disasters of War series and start admiring his work for hours on end. Better 
yet, actually go to an art museum.  Perhaps your aesthetic appreciation will 
rub off on those seeing through your eyes and they'll see (pardon the pun) 
the folly of their ways and the institutions that support them.  Better yet, 
read something really high vibrational like the poetry of Rabindranath Tagore 
and see how the various agencies reciprocate his timeless Vedic inscape.  
Perhaps the CIA's heart chakra will start to open up for the first time since 
its nefarious inception. 

3. Type out a few pages of Discourses by Meher Baba into the body of an 
e-mail text and send to everyone on your e-list.  If any governmental agency 
gets a hold of it such as the New Zealand Government Communications Security 
Bureau (who routinely spy on the world's e-mail on a daily basis), they may 
very well be inspired to gain an understanding of reincarnation and evolution 
of the human spirit and forget all about surveillance for surveillance's 
sake.  Discourses is not easy reading by any means, yet any sincere attempt 
will awaken within the aspirant a desire to transcend violence, hatred and 
inspire them to help others less fortunate then themselves.  Maybe a few FBI 
or BATF agents will be ladling gravy over instant mash potatoes at the local 
Salvation Army on Christmas Day for the homeless, as a result of your 
influential efforts.

4. Do you ever feel twitchy when scrutinized by security cameras?  Whether 
they be in your local bank, the 7-11 or perched up on a freeway overpass,  
just remember it is a reciprocal, give and take relationship between you and 
the all spying eye above.  You can influence the camera just as much as it 
influences you.  The best thing to do when you feel threatened by such state 
sanctioned voyeurism is to envision a yantra (sacred mandala image) and 
imagine it  going into the surveillance cameras lens and through the coaxial 
cables to the video monitor.  Who ever is watching you on the video monitor 
will receive the positive benefits of the yantra and carry it with them for 
the rest of the day.  

Computer Virus or Spiritual Meme?

    Recently a persistent someone has been 'anonymously' sending me what are 
supposed to be virus infected attachments using software which makes 
detection of the source of the e-mails difficult.  Yet when I unknowingly 
downloaded one of these 'infected' e-mail attachments on my painfully 
outdated Power Macintosh 7200/90 with a whopping 16 megs of (Sri) Ram, the 
'virus' did the most peculiar thing.  Instead of taking over the hard drive 
and sabotaging my files like a normal computer virus is supposed to do, an 
image of the Mac's mother board instantly appeared on my monitor in 
scintillating colors.  Suddenly these sapphire colored Sanskrit letters 
appeared enshrouded in brilliant golden light and hovered above what were the 
crucial acupuncture meridian points of the mother board as if they were 
somehow healing my computer of its many problems!  I was expecting some evil 
energy to come bursting forth from this image, a kind of Chaos Magick demon 
that would reduce me to the likes of a blithering goon.  But instead of 
something malefic happening, the illuminated Sanskrit letters then converged 
in a straight line, forming a sentence, dead front and center on the monitor. 
I reached for my Sanskrit dictionary and after much paging through to find 
the English equivalent of each letter, I managed to spell out what the 
letters said:

Narasimha Ta Va Da So Hum 
(pronounced: Nah-Rah-Seem-Ha Tah Vah Dah Soh Hoom)

    This mantra, devoted to one of the incarnations of Lord Vishnu, puts the 
aspirant in tune with the divine self within according to a much recommended 
book: Healing Mantras by Thomas Ashley-Farrand.   I started chanting the 
mantra out loud and felt such a benign energy coursing through me.  So the 
'infected' e-mail file was a gift in disguise.  I'm hoping that whoever 
she/he/it was who sent me this virus turned spiritual gem is reading this 
because I want to I thank you so very much!  Please make yourself known 
because the kind of computer knowledge to create such software could be put 
to such positive use in a technology that is tending towards the dark side at 
the moment.


Dark Night, Early Dawn
Book Review

    The following review is of a book I most recommend because it dares to 
suggest that we incorporate a multidimensional perspective to address our 
current world crisis.  The author advocates rebirthing, a form of breathwork 
which facilitates the release of stored trauma in our physical, emotional and 
mental bodies.  Having done ten sessions of rebirthing with a certified 
rebirther, I can say that it is some of the most positively powerful, 
transformational work I've ever done.  As a result of these sessions , I am 
more relaxed around others, more grounded, present and less fearful.  What 
more could one ask for these days? A 4-WD Lexus I suppose.

    I hope all of you are having a great Holo-Day season.  In spite of the 
consensus negativity, a lot of positive vibes are filtering into the world 
right now.  It is up to us to integrate and actualize these vibes into our 
surrounding environs.  I still advocate abstaining from T.V. and newspapers 
for intuitive well being and preservation.  Speaking of integration, I also 
recommend the works of Sri Aurobindo to augment/accelerate spiritual 
evolution.  I recently picked up a copy of the Dictionary of Sri Aurobindo's 
Yoga, compiled by M.P. Pandit, published by Lotus Light.  It sufficiently 
summarizes the key concepts of Aurobindo's Integral Yoga.  While most yoga 
philosophies emphasize the up and out approach to enlightenment/liberation, 
Integral Yoga suggests that we bring down the higher planes of awareness 
(Supermind) through ourselves and out into the world.  A much needed approach 
in my opinion considering how many people use yoga and meditation as a means 
of escape, no different really, than misuse of drugs and alcohol.

Dark Night, Early Dawn
Book Review

Jaye C. Beldo

    Christopher Bache may be the world's first Cosmosopher.  In his 
refreshing and innovative book, Dark Night, Early Dawn: Steps Towards an 
Ecology of Mind, he articulates transpersonal realms with a convincing 
intimacy, revealing a universe that is alive, intelligent and directly 
accessible within ourselves.  The author has taken great care to share many 
of the entheogenic, meditative and philosophical experiences he has had which 
assist in fore-lightening the inevitable global/galactic revolution to come. 
The timing of his work could not be better.  One only need look at current 
sociopolitical urgencies to appreciate Bache's efforts to move transpersonal 
psychology beyond its self referential orbit into more effacing, collective 
trajectories.  Dark Night, Early Dawn  offers a much needed alternative, 
encouraging  us to explore a connection to a cosmos which may require the 
very ego death of the human species as a prerequisite for its realization.
In order to fully realize the transition, Bache suggests that we abandon 
what remains of the Newtonian, mechanistic world view, i.e., the threadbare 
3-D illusion that our consumer society depends upon for its own self- 
perpetuation.  He suggests that we assist, through such things as rebirthing, 
holotropic breathing and meditation,in the realization/integration of 
multi-dimensional world where spiritually advanced beings exist.  These 
beings can offer us compassion, wisdom and a kind of infinitely broad, 
celestial panorama which encourages us to adopt a more life affirming 
perspective on what appears to be a severely  limited human future at 
present.   Nemeses abound however at current time, dedicated to making sure 
that such a marvelous realization as described above will not take place.  
Paranormal debunkers such as Paul Edwards, are devoted to discrediting the 
claims of those who believe in rebirth, for example. Edwards insists that the 
last two thousand years of philosophical development with its emphasis on 
linearity and so called 'rationality' is the end all, be all of human 
intelligence.  Bache makes sure to point out the weakness of Edwards's 
argument and does so quite convincingly.  He observes: 'If reincarnation can 
be proven to be true, then the modern Western philosophical paradigm will 
crumble because rebirth contradicts the core assumptions of that world view.' 
Such a remark enables one to perceive the unconscious fears which motivates 
people like Edwards, not to mention Martin Gardner and the CSICOPS cadre as 
well, who may very well be threatened by how integrated multi-dimensional 
awareness is becoming.  Just imagine the CSICOPPERS all doing holotropic 
breathing and what kind of resistances within themselves they would have to 
deal with!
Fortunately, Dark Night, Early Dawn  does not dwell on the 'infallible' 
3-D consensus delusion and the organizations that continue to promote it.  
The author shows a balanced approach to transpersonal work and offers the 
reader an effective way to traverse a living, intelligent cosmos and come 
back home not only intact but spiritually integrated in a deep and lasting 
way.  Citing the works of Stanislav Grof, Ken Wilber and Robert Monroe, as 
well as visionary mystics such as Teresa of Avila, Bache offers us a useful 
as well as fascinating means to explore the worlds these people describe so 
vividly.  The author also shares his own inner experiences in which he 
himself connected with these spiritually evolved worlds:
The time of rebuilding was suffused with an inner luminosity that 
signaled a  profound awakening in the human heart.  It was not the 
overwhelming brilliance     of diamond luminosity that shines forth from 
individual awakening, but a softer  luminosity that reflected the same 
reality but more gently present and more    evenly distributed throughout the 
entire species.  The whole of humanity was  going to go through the 
death/rebirth experience, and the substance of  awakening for the group was 
the same as for the individual, though realized     more slowly and in 
smaller increments.

With insights such as described above, it is apparent the Bache has 
prepared himself sufficiently enough not only to share this kind of profound 
information with us but to inspire us to safely explore these transpersonal 
worlds as well. I found his as well as his students's journal entries to be 
most revealing and informative.
Sri Aurobindo once observed: 'At present mankind is undergoing an 
evolutionary crisis in which is concealed a choice of its destiny."  Books 
like Dark Night, Early Dawn  will assist us in not only seeing the choices at 
hand beneath the surface of our culminating crisis but also how we can 
influence whatever destiny we collectively and perhaps competently choose for 
ourselves as a result.

Dark Night, Early Dawn  is  published by State University of New York Press.
Check out their web site at:


Jaye C. Beldo writes for the Konformist, Disinfo.Com, ViewZone, Dream 
Network, UP! and other venues on and off line.  He can be reached at:

� 2001 Jaye C. Beldo