! Wake-up  World  Wake-up !
~ It's Time to Rise and Shine ~

We as spiritual beings or souls come to earth in order to experience the human condition. This includes the good and the bad scenarios of this world. Our world is a duality planet and no amount of love or grace will eliminate evil or nastiness. We will return again and again until we have pierced the illusions of this density. The purpose of human life is to awaken to universal truth. This also means that we must awaken to the lies and deceit mankind is subjected to. To pierce the third density illusion is a must in order to remove ourselves from the wheel of human existences. Love is the Answer by means of Knowledge and Awareness!

Is it really such "A Privilege to be Assimilated"?

JOIN THE COLLECTIVE (plz ck individual freedom at the door)

An update on how to sort the latest PR from 'the collective'. (If you are 
trying to remember where you heard 'the collective' before, hint: the BORG 
in Star Trek )

by Dan Winter ,2/28/2000, url: ../thecollective , related articles: 

By request, we begin with commentary on the DOMA way (Daughters of the Orion 
Draco 'Collective') : http://www.webcom.com/way/the-way.html

This is yet another "History of the Elohim" (Annunaki) on Earth, except 
notice the exquisite spin-doctoring. Don't mind the continual apology for 
female dominance, since the genetic truth has been repressed. Yet how much 
extortion will it take to leverage us to accept our (Draco / Niburu) 

It is a VERY interesting Interventionist Annunaki apologetics for the 
bible.. gives the ORION Queen Draco ("DOMA Collective") spin apology .. VERY 
detailed explanation of the ET origin of Bible stories.. (The Orion 
Draco/Dragon Queen telepathic "hive mind' they call the "DOMA" 
"collective"...."Daughters of Ma".)

One piece of useful info they offer, is that Enoch (scribe) was the shined 
up 'pride of the fleet' Annunaki DNA droid resubmitted to the Draco 
starships for inspection. (hence his story.. see "Keys of Enoch"). Enoch was 
the proof the Draco queens needed to condemn Enki's family for disobeying 
their rules about un-planned blood line crosses, particularly having sex 
with their own genetic engineer originators. This suited angry half brother 
Enlil's (Yalweh) and the "Collective" 's political excuse for blowing up 
Atlantis. (Noah's story)

As I said to the authors:(quote)

> "interesting PR....
> I suppose your Orion Queen (DOMA)
> were afraid to show their (Draco) Sumerian face (picture) ( ../lionpath/ )
> and to illustrate that their red inverted "M" cross vortex logo (top of 
their web site) ("By this sign you shall CONQUER" ?!?!) is the star map to 
Orion. See " Antarean conversion " orion starmap pics at 

Their "devil" is Enki (Adonai)who was simply trying to defend having made 
humans fertile..., hiding Cayin's (Cain) kids (genetic freedom embodied) in 
Atlantis..(ref: Gardner). The interventionist Annunaki geneticists' (Enlil 
family / DOMA) nuclear disaster desertified Sinai, and by their own 
admission sunk Atlantis.

Whom they serve hides a bigger picture. ... see Anna Hayes "Voyagers", 
lettersfromandromeda.com,"Guardians of the Grail" Morningsky, "Genesis of 
the Grail Kings" Gardner.... The issue is: WHO WILL RESPECT the prime 
directive.. individual freedom for indigenous genepools...
> They might mention which of their Draco relatives started the galactic 
black market on live human glands for eating.. for example.. It is so kool 
how many meanings we are given for "NEPHILIM" / the fallen ones. Every 
meaning except the real one: those who lost the Glandular hygiene to get the 
superluminal squirt gun going in their own DNA, without external borg like 
mechanical means.

At least they admitted the manipulative origins of religion on this 
planet... They manipulate the myths originating both Christianity and Islam, 
in many disempowering ways, and now wring their hands that together these 
religions account for the majority of murders on this planet. My heart 
bleeds for them that their hypnotic showmanship creating the Fatima/Lourdes 
phantasms have been mis-interpreted. You never hear of the Galactic 
Federation staging mass "miracles" to manipulate a genepool. Miracles are 
not only a name for "you can't understand the PRINCIPLE", but they are also 
a name for "please don't try to understand the principle because then we 
couldn't use them to manipulate you!". The use of 'miracles' in the Jesus 
fiasco was a prime cause of his murder. Read about the astral transferrence 
process Jesus used aboard the Draco ship, to get into another living body, 
after the cruci'fiction'. They didn't plan the murder of Jesus exactly, but 
then what a great way to facilitate myth making. They explain how the same 
Draco technology did the Crucifiction Earthquakes, we later see at Kobe. 
(They make no apology for their political reason for causing the murder of 
the other DNA twin, John the Baptist.)

The book "Course in Miracles" for example is a prime example of astral 
manipulation. "There is no 'Order of Difficulty' to Miracles, (in that 
TO OUR AGENDA. Natural law means: 'be empowered /fired by the pure principle 
inside out'. While 'Miracles' mean worship something outside you - you can't 
understand which controls you (Welcome to Christianity).


Amazing how the lineage of Reptilian Orion Queens interventionism can be 
made to sound all benevolent.

(they say: it was THEIR Draco warship over Christs birth which was the 
star...???? why should such DNA planning require a Draco Warship???). At 
least in the "Innana Returns" ( http://inannareturns.com/ ), the returning 
Annunaki interventionist Genetic warrior lady has the decency to be 
apologetic about hacking away at our DNA so cavalierly for millenia.

If you read between the lines, (in "The Way") when the DOMA reptile queens 
are plotting to blow up Atlantis in "the-Way", it confirms interestingly 
Gardner's great scholarship in "Genesis of the Grail Kings", that indeed 
Atlantis began as Enki/Adonai created a haven for Cain/Cayin (first grail 
king/DNA experiment toward ensouled psychokinesis). He did this specifically 
to protect the evolutionary potential of the TakAdama (our) blood line from 
the murderous Enlil (Yalweh), whose spin doctoring now spurts from the 
"DOMA" way. Compare this with the Turanesian, hi end DNA part of the Christ 
/human bloodline in the new Anna Hayes. (Below courtesy of Raphiem...). 
Atlantis was destroyed BECAUSE that DOMA collective would not permit our DNA 
to potentially outshine theirs. The same reason Mag's Elizabethan kids tried 
to destroy "America's Spiritual Destiny", in the American Revolution. And 
the same reason the New World Order lawn mowers individual freedom today.

This is explained in more detail in Anna Hayes recent: (%Raphiem)

"Subject: Amenti 13 - The Anunnaki Deception Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2000 07:36:45 
-0000 ,From: ,"Raphiem" 

There has been alot of info flinging back/forth about our beginnings, who 
made us etc etc and where we are heading/going... As the info is great there 
can also be alot of mis-information. Nearly where ever you go you will see 
some info from Anunnaki/nephilim sources saying they are our friends etc and 
it was they who originally made us ... etc etc but barely any info from 
non-Anunnaki sources ... Also brings up the issue of Enki ... be it as it 
may ... that Enki may have had a lot of input into our genetics, society, 
our protector from Enlil as well as teaching us maths, perhaps setting 
up/messing around with the earth grids and what have you ... the question to 
ask is ... did Enki do it for our own good ... or did he have another agenda 
and what was that agenda ??  .... and did the info he gave us really 
empowered us or was false to lead us off the path? Just because Enki had a 
biff with his brother Enlil, does not mean he was Pro-Human and Enlil 
against Humans ... might have been just another power struggle and we were 
pawns caught in the middle.

Always ask questions.

Below is some more recent info from Anna Hayes re: this subject matter.
It gives us another look .. another angle at the cosmic power struggles at 
hand. Another view from the otherside. - Raphiem.


The Anunnaki/Draco try to make it look like Earth was formed from Maldak 
(the Nibiru BATTLESTAR was formed from it, not Earth.

They try to make it look like they did us a favor by taking cave men and 
making them human. [Neanderthal etc came after the original Humans not 
before as evolution would have it]. A total lie aimed at hiding the TRUE 
human heritage of the 12-strand Turaneusiam. They have 10-strand DNA and DO 
NOT want us to realize we have the 12 potential superior to theirs. 
What they DID do was mutate the human Cloister strains, tainting the race 
pool and hybridizing the Low Belil and Black Sun human gene codes into the 
lineage, which was NOT a part of the intended human evolution plan. Sharks 
in Sheeps Clothing.

They are trying to make it look like the Anunnaki were the Original Lyrans, 
when in fact the Sirian Anuhazi and their human-hybrids Oraphim Emerald 
Order were the pure Lyran strains, the Anunnaki were "fallen" Anuhazi that 
crossed with Drakonian from Orion and were mutated into the 10-strand 
reptillian imprint.

The Anunnaki DID exploit here and elsewhere for gold, but the pure strain 
Lyrans did not have to, as they had immortal bodies and full mastery of the 
densities at will. Only the mutated Anunnaki, their hybrids and the races of 
the Drakonian nations needed gold and other things to sustain manifestation, 
as they lacked the 8th and 12th DNA strands and have monadic reversal and 
couldn't draw perpetual energies directly from Source.

This is another song and dance from the middle council fallen Elohim, the 
Nibiru Anunnaki, Nephilim, Kurrendara and Dracos. The hidden agenda is not 
as bad as the Nephedem and pure Drakonian Black Sun Strains who desire human 
exploitation to extinction, but it is a sinister agenda none the less. These 
guys seek to "befriend" us as our long lost progenators.
They then desire to hybridize with our Diamond Suns to get their missing 
coding, while mutating the 12-strand potential OUT of our gene pool through 
code saturation and monadic reversal.

They want to "help us evolve" only into the D-4 frequencies where they can 
interact with Earth more directly, then "cap" our evolution so we never 
actualize the 12-strand ... as this would place us at a higher evolution and 
greater power than they are. Their agenda is pro-Anunnaki, Dracos and 
Beli-Kudyem evolution and anti-Adami-Kudmon Turaneusiam original 12-strand 
evolution. With friends like this we don't need enemies!

The Nibiruian Councils and the Fallen Elohim matrices that are behind a lot 
of false angelic contacts and who run the "Galactic Federation" con. 
Guardian Alliance knows these guys, because whenever the Galactic Federation 
gets into trouble with the lizard big guns from Drakonian Orion (D-11 
avatars and their Nephedem and Drakonian family lines), they come crawling 
to Guardian Alliance and Emerald Order Melchizedek Councils for protection 
and to "make deals"... Guardian Alliance will deal with them occasionally 
and protect them here or there, if they can do something in exchange to 
assist the pro-all peaceful evolution agendas of the Guardian Alliance. 
Guardian Alliance doesn't trust them as far as they can see them because 
whenever deals are made these guys back out on their end as soon as they got 
what they wanted (usually localized protection from a Drakonian "hot spot").

They are now, and always have been, interested in hi-jacking human evolution 
to keep humans as their subservient pawns, and they hold a One World Order 
mind-control agenda toward earth humans, just as does the Orion Drakonian 
crew. Part of this programming is the false and twisted history, to hide our 
true lineage and the fact that they have abused, mutated and exploited our 
race for hundreds of thousands of years. The Anunnaki and their 
manipulations were responsible for the original "fall of man".

The Turaneusiam cataclysm 550 million years ago on Tara. They were jealous 
of our race and its extended potentials of the 12-strand code, and so did 
their best to mutate it. The earth humans are descendants of the 
Adami-Kudmon Turaneusiam, those whose 12-strand coding was restored after 
the Anunnaki mutated it on Tara. The Beli-Kudyem were the mutated Anunnaki 
strains that were never restored.

In Earth history the Anunnaki have tried to wipe out the Adami strains while 
enhancing the Anunnaki and Beli-Kudyem strains through exploitation of other 

The Anunnaki were not always Blonds ... the true Nordic Blonds were 
Lyran-Pleiadians who migrated from Lyran, to the Pleiades to Procyone eons 
ago. The Anunnaki invaded and hybridized Procyone to gain more of the Lyran 
coding and literally mutated the original Lyran-Pleiadian-Procyone Blonds 
out of existance....like they hope to do with the Adami races. Thats how the 
primarily black-haired tan skinned Anunnaki adoped the more appealing Nordic 
appearance in some of their strains (esp. the Nibiruians).

In their history of lies they always try to make it look like WE started out 
as the "cave men", but in truth those pathetic hominid forms were Anunnaki 
mutation experiments made from distorting the original human DNA imprint. 
THEY ARE LYING.... the Nibiruian-Anunnaki-fallen Elohim covert mind-control 
human hi-jacking nonsense. Guardian Alliance usually just take a stance of 
non-interference, allowing them to misguide the portions of the human 
populations that carry their Belil and Black Sun DNA mutations. The Guardian 
Alliance helps "refugees" from this group- Nephilim, Anunnaki, Kurendara and 
their human hybrids- who want out of this control matrix, offering them Host 
Matrix transplants and non-violating hybridization programs to advance their 
evolution, as long as they fully adopt pro-human 12-strand evolution agendas.

The Guardian Alliance brings in the undistorted history and DNA mechanics 
etc, for any humans who will listen. Usually only the Diamond Suns or 
Oraphim respond to the true history, as the mutated Belil's and Black Suns 
have DNA and a consciousness that is "tuned" to the Nibiruian or Orion 
Drakonian mind-control matrices. Even the races that are NOW Black and Belil 
Suns were once upon a time Diamond Suns, so the option of evolving back to 
wholeness exists for them if they don't buy into the Anunnaki bull.

Even the Anunnaki can reverse-mutate their Drakonian contaminated 10-strand 
pattern to re-evolve into the Anuhazi-Lyran-Sirian Imprint out of which they 
originally came. But most of them , like the Drakonian Dark Avatars, do not 
want to operate via the Law of One fairness, and so refuse reconnection to 
their original Monadic families of consciousness through which they could 
reverse-mutate their coding and reunite with their Rishi collectives.

It is simply the nature of the polarity game as it manifests in the lower 3 
harmonics. There are hidden alterior motives of evolutionay hi-jacking. They 
are using the LIE thay have used with our race for 200,000+ years, that they 
made us from animals and are thus are our forefathers and "gods"."

Thanks to Anna Hayes for this (see ../amenti also) AND to Raphiem, whose 
detailed reviews can be found at: http://mission-ignition.tripod.com , & 


So if we have learned anything, IT IS THAT THIS GOLD POWDER MINING FAIRY 
TALE is literally just the smoke screen cover story for the real VALUABLE 
which the Gold atom was merely a little detonating trigger, when in the 
context of glands which could TAKE OVER THE STEERING of genes THRU LIGHT 


SO IN SUMMARY this gland induced yet GENETIC ability to embed your DNA 
eventually leads to creating centering and gravity force, which bends light, 
and thus is creation as a wave mechanic. (STARFIRE for real). The purpose of 
this conversation is to put those clues together with the Gold Powder 
controversy to get some perspective on how best indeed to stir up the 
brain./ heart juices into a STAR fire which is SUSTAINABLE and SELF-steering 
as a wave / worm.

So the real question has become WHAT IS THE BEST WAY TO GET THE FIRE OF 

from danwinter.com/goldpowder

.. now we have more info on WHY this is valuable..

Coming soon: How to Become a Solar Being: My review of the new "Tutankhamun 
Prophecies"... of Maurice Cotterell...
