! Wake-up  World  Wake-up !
~ It's Time to Rise and Shine ~

We as spiritual beings or souls come to earth in order to experience the human condition. This includes the good and the bad scenarios of this world. Our world is a duality planet and no amount of love or grace will eliminate evil or nastiness. We will return again and again until we have pierced the illusions of this density. The purpose of human life is to awaken to universal truth. This also means that we must awaken to the lies and deceit mankind is subjected to. To pierce the third density illusion is a must in order to remove ourselves from the wheel of human existences. Love is the Answer by means of Knowledge and Awareness!

The truth about Jessie Jackson
by Gerard Jackson
TNA News with Commentary
Thursday 14 December 2000 

Four years of political warfare were signalled by Jesse Jackson when he 
exclaimed: “We will take to the streets right now. We will delegitimise 
Bush, discredit him, do whatever it takes, but never accept him,” even 
threatening a “civil rights explosion”. 
Jesse Jackson: reckless & dishonest 

Jackson tried to justify his threat against Bush by saying: “I hope today 
that this court will rule ‘let the vote count.’ The only way you can 
determine a legitimate winner is for the votes to count.” This statement 
exposes Jackson as a liar. First, every vote has been counted; second, he 
supported Gore’s efforts to literally disenfranchise service personnel plus 
25,000 absentee voters from Martin and Seminole counties. The more Jackson 
opens his sleazy mouth the more he sounds like one of Castro’s corrupt party 
hacks, especially the ones that work on the New York Slimes. 

That Jackson should threaten to subvert a duly appointed president should 
alert Americans to the lawless nature of the Democrats’ hardcore supporters 
and their utter contempt for the rule of law and anything resembling the 

Part of the problem is that only a tiny per centage of conservatives are 
truly aware of what kind of political animal Jackson really is, and even 
they remain silent. I, however, think the time has now come to expose Jesse 
Jackson as a race-baiting hypocrite and an anti-American activist who wishes 
his country nothing but harm. 

One only has to examine Jackson’s links to the Marxist Washington-based IPS 
(Institute for Policy Studies) to gain some understanding of his motives. 
This is how Brian Crozier described that organisation: “The IPS is the 
perfect intellectual front for Soviet activities which would be resisted if 
they were too originate openly from the KGB.” Crozier is a highly regarded 
commentator on intelligence matters and was a fellow of the prestigious 
London-based Institute for the Study of Conflict. His opinion was supported 
by the fact that the IPS had been a frequent meeting place for known KGB 
operatives. It also supported every anti-Western terrorist group I can think 
of as well giving strong support to Castro, which it still does. 

None of this stopped Jackson from developing strong ties with the institute 
and taking its advice, far from it. IPS founders Marcus Raskin and Richard 
Barnett, and institute fellows Roger Wilkins and Robert Borosage — all of 
whom profoundly anti-American and deeply pro-Soviet — were Jackson’s 
advisers during his futile run for the presidency. Wilkins was Jackson’s key 
speechwriter and was responsible for his candidacy speech; Wilkins, a 
fervent supporter of Soviet central planning, advised Jackson on domestic 
policy while Borosage, an admirer of Castro and other communist thugs, 
advised him on foreign affairs. Surely that is telling us something about 
Jackson’s true sympathies and his real attitude towards America. 

In 1984 (a most appropriate year) Gar Alperovitz and Jeff Faux, IPS 
apparatchiks and communist apologists, published +Rebuilding America, a 
manual for turning the US into a Soviet-style economy. And who heaped 
fulsome praise on this totally worthless piece of pro-communist propaganda? 
You guessed it. God ’ol Jesse “I love Castro’ Jackson who exclaimed that 
this economic nonsense would be “the economic manual for [my] Rainbow 
Coalition”. Five years later the centrally planned communist states collapsed. 

The at the IPS is opposed to America’s democratic traditions was made clear 
when it stated: “The Institute for Policy Studies is engaged in a longer and 
deeper struggle, a struggle over the underlying principles and future 
direction of the political bankruptcy of the ideas and assumptions now 
governing America . . .” That’s right, folks, the United States Constitution 
and the Bill or Rights are bankrupt institutions because they serve the 
interests of the ruling class. 

In November 1988 the IPS organised a conference called Anti-Communism and 
the United States: History and Consequences. As you can imagine, those who 
defended the values of the United States and opposed communist tyranny and 
the appalling crimes committed by communist states were berated as 
reactionaries. And guess who was wallowing in this leftwing sewer? No, not 
Jesse ‘Stick ‘em Up’ Jackson but Jack O’Dell who happened to be one of 
Jackson’s close advisers. The same Jesse ‘Shakedown’ Jackson who led a 
disgusting protest at Stanford University where he led student barbarians 
with the chant: “Hey, hey, ho, ho, Western Civ got to go.” 

Yep, this rabblerousing political parasite called for the destruction of 
courses teaching the glories of Western Culture — everything from the 
brilliance of ancient Athens through to the renaissance, the literary genius 
of Shakespeare, the works of seventeenth and eighteenth century thinkers and 
up to the present had to go. And now this lying thug is threatening to 
incite a race riot on the day Bush will be inaugurated. 

This is the real Jesse Jackson, the Jesse Jackson who despises America and 
all it stands for. The same Jesse Jackson who would sooner rub shoulders 
with the drug-running Castro than support a duly appointed Republican 
president. A man who prefers lies to the truth, dishonour to integrity, 
arbitrary power to due process and the power of the mob to reasoned debate. 
Jesse Jackson is only an American by birth whose real spiritual home is 
Castro’s Havana and not Freetown USA.