Iron Mountain Report:
Recently there have been some people of considerable clout and financial
status who have gone to great lengths to discredit the Iron Mountain
conspiracy. They have expended time and money in an attempt to convince
people that it was all just a hoax. Why would anyone fight against something
so hard if it were just a fake and a practical joke. They wouldn't. It would
require someone very gullible to believe that during the early sixties, one
of the most crucial and dangerous periods of the century, people in high
places would go to such extremes to pull a practical joke of such a
magnitude. No friends, the Iron Mountain conspiracy was real and it's
purpose and plans are still alive and well.
As a result of the Iron Mountain conspiracy, a book was published by Dial
Press in 1967, called "Report from Iron Mountain: The Possibility and
Desirability of Peace". It was not peace, but world domination and
population control to be enforced by the ever increasing global authority of
the United Nations that was the driving force behind the Iron Mountain "Big
The following is a summary of some of the events surrounding the Iron
Mountain plot:
In August of 1963, 15 people working for the elite power-brokers of the
Illuminati met in a nuclear fallout city, built deep inside of Iron Mountain
near Hudson New York. The Iron Mountain underground city was built through
the finances of Standard Oil of New Jersey, the bank manufacturers, Hanover
Trust, Shell Oil and other elitist corporations.
Their meetings continued for 3 years and ended in 1966. These men were the
think-tank-group who had the responsibility of designing a global plan of
action to control world events, depopulate the earth, completely control the
masses and to steer humanity into the inescapable net of a one world
government by the turn of this century.
John Kenneth Galbraith, a professor and member of JFK's "Brain Trust," Dean
Rusk, Secretary of State, Robert Strange McNamara, Secretary of Defense
(later to become president of the World Bank), E.L. Doctorow, Victor
Navasky, and McGeorge McBundy were among those among those most deeply
involved in the Iron Mountain conspiracy. The committee met monthly to
formulate their sinister yet brilliant plans for America and the world as we
headed toward the new millennium.
Within this elite group of people were a psychologist, a biochemist, an
international law specialist, a literary critic, a political historian, an
industrialist, a war expert, an anthropologist, an economic specialist, a
sociologist, a physicist an astronomer and a mathematician.
These "Illuminated" elitists believe in a world system led by men who
consider themselves to be of a god-like superior race of individuals endowed
through blood and royal heritage to be the benefactors of this planet and
it's people for their own personal pleasure and desires.
The Iron Mountain conspiracy also ran deep into the top levels of several
federal agencies, who were aware of and involved in concealing the
operation. Most notable were the FBI, CIA and the National Security
This covert operation was being conducted behind the back of President John
F. Kennedy. When John Kennedy became aware of this covert undertaking, he
was quoted as saying that he would "splinter the CIA into a thousand
pieces". He also swore to fire J. Edgar Hoover after his re-election. Of
course, we all know there was no re-election.
The Illuminati had always used war as a means of controlling the masses and
restructuring the economics of the world to their own desires. In fact, the
entire Cuban Missile Crisis was said to have been contrived by these
international elitist (Illuminati) to have America start a nuclear war with
Russia in 1962 during the Kennedy administration. The plans were to
annihilate the Soviet Union and establish a world government based in
America. Because of America's vastly superior nuclear capabilities at that
time, they had projected that the Soviet Union would suffer 100 million
casualties and the USA would lose about 10 million.
John F. Kennedy, despite his short-comings, was a man of extraordinary
courage, and he and his brother, Senator Robert Kennedy decided to defy the
Illuminati. JFK undermined these monstrous world war plans and was able to
negotiate behind the scenes with Nikita Kruschev and bring a peaceful end to
what nearly became a nuclear holocaust with Soviet Union. Kennedy had also
made plans to end the Vietnam War. This was also vehemently opposed by the
The Iron Mountain experiment resulted from a this failed attempt, and it
became clear to the Illuminati that they would have to change strategies to
deal with controlling the masses during an era of relative peace. The
Illuminati’s infuriation over this dramatic turn of events, created by JFK,
and the defiance of the Kennedy’s resulted in an American President and his
brother dying young! (Ted Kennedy will never have that problem)!
One of the plans from the Iron Mountain conspiracy to deal with controlling
humanity during the projected era of peace was in their words, "to introduce
a sophisticated form of human slavery that in some form would be consistent
with modern technology and the political process".
The marriage of television and socialism would be used as a powerful
brain-washing method to mold the minds of future generations into a
propagandized society of hero worshipers. The heroes would be made by the
T.V. media, and the “heroes” would either be political leaders or political
advocates (roll models) of a leftist/socialist theology to their many
followers. There is little need to carry on about the mind altering affects
that the mass media methods have had on our society. The affects of
socialism saturated T.V. are obvious and reported on regularly by
psychologists and other concerned individuals and groups. It has singularly
had the largest impact on producing the current “generation X” mentality of
our youth and sadly that of far too many adults as well.
The plan for using technology to produce government super-computers and
massive data banks containing all of your and my life's history was also
part of the Iron Mountain plan to bring people under economic slavery,
resulting in all families and individuals becoming financially dependent
upon our “Big Brother” government, and eventually a "one world government".
The "committee" also developed formulas to substitute for wars. One such
plan involved creating a world threat from beings from out of space! From
page 66 of the report came the following quote: "Experiments have been
proposed to test the credibility of an "out of our world" invasion threat.
It is possible that a fear of the more difficult to explain flying saucer
incidents of recent years were in fact, early government experiments of this
The Iron Mountain group also made plans to “unite the people of the world
behind a monumental technological project”.....the exploration and
conquering of space. Everyone can see the results of those plans: moon
walks, space telescopes, international space stations, satellites of all
sorts and the unyielding search for life on other planets and galaxies. This
has been one of the most expensive ventures ever undertaken, and the results
have been virtually useless. The space race and all the space fascination
was thrown into high gear after the “Report from Iron Mountain”.
The report went on to say that "blood games" may also have to be introduced,
similar to the Spanish Inquisition and the "witch hunts" of earlier periods
of history, where frantic people attacked and killed (shed blood) of
perceived enemies. The people would become united going after a subversive
non-existent enemy. The “Iron Mountain Report” stated that "this was good"
because the elitists were able to maintain and increase "control" of the
frightened people.
The "Report" advocated the renewal of these "blood games" for the purpose of
population control and the need for “Big Brother” government to assist and
unite the people against the enemies of the state, who will be perceived as
being the reason for all of the upheaval (deliberately contrived chaos).
These “enemies” would become accused as being responsible for preventing the
formation of a peaceful global village, that most people would eventually be
brain-washed into supporting.
One doesn't have to think hard to know that these "enemies of the state" and
hinderers of "world peace" will be Christians, nationalists and patriots.
Ethical, racial and religious cleansing will become the rule of the deceived
masses who are struggling for world peace, while simultaneously fighting
against people of different ethnic backgrounds and beliefs. They will do so
because they have become convinced through the “propaganda machine” that the
others are the obstacles to the elusive peace and harmony for which they are
striving to achieve.
Massive birth control and eventual legalized abortions came about as a
result of the depopulation desires of the "Illuminated" “Report from Iron
Mountain”. The “Report” stated that, "there is no question that universal
requirements that procreation be limited to the products of artificial
insemination would provide a fully adequate substitute control for
population levels." This would mean that natural procreation would
eventually be unlawful and governmental permits would be necessary for
anyone desiring a child.
China already has the one child per family requirement and was given an
award recently by the UN for their "family planning" program! Under the
plans of the “Report From Iron Mountain,” an even more sinister “family
planning” program will become mandated on all the people on the planet!
The "Report" went on to state, "the indicated intermediate step, total
control of conception, would be possible via water supplies and certain
essential foodstuffs.” In other words, they intend to eventually have the
ways and means to put additives in food and water supplies that will cause
all men and\or women to become sterile. Therefore, only a government
approved set of parents could receive an antidote that would allow them to
have a child. Also, any single woman, who met government approval, could
receive a license for an antidote and either become a mother for herself or
a surrogate mother for some prominent person or homosexual couple (via
artificial insemination), who could not have children. All pregnancies would
be strictly controlled by government guidelines. This would become “Big
Brother’s” way of controlling the gene pool, and for choosing which
bloodlines could continue to exist!
Finally, the most ingenious and evil conspiracy developed by the Iron
Mountain experiment, was the “environmental revolution”. It was decided by
these evil plotters of the Illuminati that the world could become united
behind the common cause of preventing the environmental destruction of
planet earth. Thus the “environmental movement” began. The first “earth
summit” was held in 1970. This has become the most villainous, deceptive,
humanity destroying “movement” ever devised!
The Iron Mountain group decided that the large factories and industrial
corporations of the world should be allowed to pollute the air, water and
earth on a large scale. The results of the pollution would also be
exaggerated and propagandized to place fear in the hearts of humanity.
People would be made to believe that extreme measures of “global” dimensions
would be necessary to save “mother earth”.
Gaia (the demonic religion of earth worship) has come out of the closet of
iniquities in recent years and is glorified on T.V. movies, books, music and
by socialist politicians, and their Hell-bent advocates. Every fascist face
of the global governance conspiracy, from Mikhail Gorbachev to Ted Turner
and many in between have made their warped declarations and demented
allegiance to this masterfully orchestrated and diabolical plot.
They are convinced that this is the “in road” mechanism for expanding global
laws over all nations and domination over the ignorant masses of planet
Albert Gore is America’s most outspoken political stoolie, for this wicked
“movement” leading the way from the Clinton White House of Horrors. His
book, “Earth In The Balance” makes it clear that this moral degenerate has
sold his soul to this contrived and tyrannical cause in order to secure his
standing among the inner circle of the Illuminati. As he leads the duped
“green gang” into the 21st century, Gore drools at the aspect of holding the
political power to force global dictatorial laws upon all people of all
nations. He is using his current position to spread this evil agenda.
His Hollywood and mainstream news media co-conspirators, are helping in big
ways to deceive the masses through exploiting these totally concocted and
fictitious environmental emergencies and by spreading fear into the hearts
and minds of the unknowing and unlearned public sector. These crusaders of
evil intent are loudly proclaiming the need for “Big Brother” government
solutions to this fabricated “catastrophe”. Additionally, they are calling
for the “urgent need” for more and more personal sacrifices from everyone.
Otherwise, we will surely kill “Mother Earth”.
Ordo ab chao (order out of chaos): This is the Illuminati motto (also, the
long-held creed of communist revolutionaries)for controlling the population.
Chaos is created or invented by these elite power-brokers so that “they”
(through their owned politicians) can save us from the terrors of a world in
chaos. It has been the chaotic conditions that existed in various nations
throughout history that caused the populace to cry out for and willingly
accept tyrants to rule over them, for the promised assurance of peace and
All of the plans briefly discussed in this article were in compliance with
the “ordo ab chao” theory. This is the master-plan methodology being
currently employed on a global scale to secure for the “Illuminated”
self-proclaimed god-men, a world that would give them a planet and it’s
people to use as their cold, evil, malignant hearts desire.
The sinister plans for an elitist controlled “ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT”, all
began centuries ago (Book of Genesis). While the aim has never changed, the
methods have been upgraded and refined many times. One of the latest
refinements bringing this long suffering evil plan into it’s “soon to be”
completeness came from the brilliant yet evil minds, and their demonic
schemes developed and prescribed in the “REPORT FROM IRON MOUNTAIN”.