Talking about Density
"You Are My Density" (George McFly to Lorraine in Back to the Future)
First of all it's important to explain just what is meant
by "density", since its use in this material is extremely helpful to
our understanding once we clearly distinguish it from the common
usage that allies it with terms of inertia and opacity synonymous
with strictly physical existence. Although nowhere in the material
itself is the term "density" sufficiently explained so as to make
that distinction, initiated intelligence would have you
understand "density" in the sense of richness, the density of a
manifesting plane or space is not a calculation of its inertia in
this context, but to the contrary of its subtlety. It is easier to
understand density as the degree of coherent activity, the
characteristic "accommodation" of a given volume with respect to the
perceiving system.
The mathematical discipline of sphere-packing is helpful as a concept
in grasping this definition. (How many oranges can be packed in a
crate?) Sphere-packing employs the "greedy algorithm" in calculating
a pure economy of space and is therefore a very practical help in
communications, though it may theoretically work with an infinite
number of dimensions. "Density" is analogous then to a
multidimensional sphere-packing; the greater the density the more
information a given volume codes, the greater the energy-value and
richer the potential as which the space is configured. Like the
discipline of sphere-packing, the idea of density implies a "geometry
of information".
For example, we well know the "law" of 3rd density, our present
collective plane of focus: "No two objects can occupy the same space
at the same time". It should be obvious that this is a function of
perception, for the operative coordinates of perception determine the
outline of what's to stand as an object. According to 3rd density
focal alignments, the descriptive units of "objecthood" are mutually
exclusive and define one another by contrastive polarization.
Perception of the essential coinherence of all mutually defining,
polarized terms as an inextricable unity of complementary values, is
a function of a higher-density cognition (or depends on the use of
faculties belonging to the presently recessed planes and energy-
systems of the higher densities). Thus when, in the course of
spiritual discipline or occult practice performed through this plane
we presently perceive a luminous wholeness and basic simultaneity
that shines through all apparently separate objects (even though in
the field of tangible perception such objects may persist in the
perspectival "relief" that makes them appear distinct) we are
actually experiencing a mind-body alignment or momentary, harmonious
coordination with energies and instruments belonging to other
densities drawn into our frame of reference.
In this way we can understand the basic condition that comprises a
given density. When the Ra material talks about" 1st density" it's
talking about the developmental condition of a planetary sphere as it
moves through space the highest functional unit of which is capable
(in itself) only of supporting the degree of "consciousness"
and "light" known as mineral. It is, in other words, not yet of a
sufficiently rich "intensity" or degree of complex energy-
organization through any given section of its system to support the
minimum, coaxial cross-correlation of mirroring values indicative of
the threshold of self-conscious being.
When the Ra material talks about "2nd density", it's talking about a
planetary condition the highest functional unit of which is only able
in itself to support the degree of consciousness and light (still
therefore a "sub-conscious" degree) known as vegetable, and later
animal. Such a density is not in itself of sufficiently rich and
subtle composition through any given section of its system to suggest
the viability of a self-reflectively conscious axis.
Only the 3rd density of planetary development is sufficiently rich
and symmetrically potentiated through a characteristic cross-section
to imply the patterning of perceptual and cognitive processes
belonging to an axis of truly self-reflective consciousness.
The 3rd density degree of self-reflective consciousness is
the "moment" when the Soul awakens to itself, first through the
patterned mediation of symbolic or representative values. It is
therefore the "moment" when the unit of consciousness becomes aware
of itself by a process of modeled approximations (i.e., the ego-
image, the constructed or synthetic "self" of the memory-patterns).
Its self-representation emphasizes mind as the mediator of
consciousness through perceptions and cognitions; its chief vehicle
is the verbalization or abstract-imagistic description of the
interior monologue.
Its immediate potential, however, is the pure awareness of
consciousness in-itself, without descriptive characterization or
provisional modeling.
This is why the 3rd density of consciousness (i.e. the self-
reflective capacity of planetary Being) is a critical threshold
stage. Its potential clarity with respect to its own existence aligns
it in congruence with the complete, multidimensional axis of
consciousness (this is symbolized in the vertical, bipedal posture of
the cerebrospinal "trunk"); for the being of consciousness is no
longer structurally hidden from itself. It is at this stage only
masked by self-assumed patterns of symbolic modeling. Thus the Being
of consciousness is functionally masked from itself by relative
anisometric alignments along the minimally harmonized, globally
potentiated mind-body axis; but that axis is itself the Line through
which the Creative Intelligence of spiritual Consciousness generates
and organizes the multidimensional patterns of all the worlds.
Raised up in essential congruence with that Line, the potential of
3rd stage self-reflective consciousness has theoretical access to all
the powers, properties, vehicles and instrumentalities of the
densities (lower or higher with respect to its chronic, 3rd-stage
focal lockin) according to the functional degree with which it can
further integrate and harmonize its processing currents efficiently
modeling the perceptual vocabulary through habit-patterns of
Thus the 3rd density of conscious development represents a very
decisive stage in the progress of Soul-realization. In a certain
sense the destiny of such development has been shifted into
the "hands" of self-reflective ego-consciousness. What conditions
such consciousness at this stage arc the inbuilt patterns of ritual-
survivalism, reproduction and power-acquisition developed on the
basis of lower-density experience recapitulated through the basal-
brain lobes of the R-complex and the correlative abdominal centers of
the autonomic currents in the extended, mind-body form; what beckons
such consciousness of the 3rd stage level is the intimation of the
higher densities of intelligence and life, received at varying
degrees of strength and awareness through the unity of the
cerebrospinal axis or multidimensional, conscious Trunk itself.
Most immediately, the 4th density (characterized by Ra as the density
in which are learned the lessons of Love and Understanding) calls
consciousness, vaguely or urgently according to the quality of
attentiveness, to the experience of its psychic dimension as the
first overtly "spiritual" zone disclosed to awakening intelligence.
From the clarified value of this density revealing certain secrets of
Consciousness to itself, it is learned just why the 3rd level of self-
reflection was patterned in such a way as to initially mask the
character of Reality as a spiritual magnitude, substituting a
representative alphabet of symbolically modeled "name and form".
From the parting of the Veil draped across the perceptual threshold
of 4th density, a distilled sense may be obtained of how previous
Logoic experience with worlds of soul-development found such process
slow or positively stagnant, due to the absence of an adequate
catalyst which might serve to move mind toward active search for a
deeper Being ultimately commensurate with conscious-ness-in-itself.
Thus according to Ra the device for the succeeding Logoic pattern was
formulated, i.e. that of screening the value of spiritual inherence
(or Void-nature) from the perceptual potential of 3rd density where
consciousness first takes estimable stock of itself.
Cubing the Circle
Since dimensions are handily defined by "mutual perpendicularity",
such a screening process can easily be conceptualized with the use of
Rubik's Cube. If the perfect harmony, integration and mutual
alignment of the dimensions belonging to the Octave of Densities may
be visualized as the Cube rotated at its optimum coherence of color-
matched sides, then the screening process (whereby coaxial currents
of information-patterning are "skewed" so as to distort the view of
existence away from direct cognition of maximally symmetrized, self-
cancelling Void-reality) may be similarly understood by seeing what
happens when we give the Cube an arbitrary twist.
By this analogy it may also be understood how there arises a variable
gradation of patterns and multidimensional, coordinate-alignments by
degrees masking or disclosing the noumenal condition of Void-nature
through the given perceptual field; for just as, in reassembling the
optimal alignment of the sides and colored units of the Cube we may
pass through stages of experimental combination each turn of which
has multiple repercussion across mutually perpendicular axes, so too
in employing our endowment of overt and hidden faculties for purposes
of plumbing the paradoxes perplexing our normal reality-constructs we
may trigger electrochemical codes and dormant keys in the magazines
of our complex circuits which magically power a differential
repertoire of focal-compounds and variable alignments.
Rather than returning immediately to the perfect, global coherence
and symmetric cross-correlation of systems indicative of the pattern
at perfect "rest" in its inspiriting Ideal order, we may pass through
any number of mediate combinations and organizational variants which,
like the tumblers of the Cube occasionally mating one or two whole
sides may function through partial match-ups, turns of more "direct"
integration and alignment which nonetheless from the Aerial View
leave certain unseen phases in relative disorder and "incompletion".
Thus we have, at the 3rd density level and even beyond, the
interesting circumstance that the spiritual common denominator of
Void-value may be known through any number of disciplines or
"slants" producing some reorganization of the mind-body circuits
within the framework of the Whole. Yet all such disclosures are, in
themselves, metastable. They require constant work in adjusting,
shifting and realigning the operative coordinates in experimental
feedback generating an ongoing "adventure" in God-seeking since the
given illumination was produced in the first place by a fortuitous
ratio of interaction among certain emphasized centers and magnetic
circuits (dialing one of the "permissible" combinations that serves
to draw perception across the minimum requisite threshold of select,
self-cancelling symmetries).
Thus we have the traditional testimony of mystic and sage, the magus,
yogi and zen adept each describing a variation on Void-nature
sufficiently consistent and corroborative one with the other as to
give rise to the idea of universalism in the match-ups of Comparative
Religion; and each at the same time characterizing the conditions,
the indispensable fields or internal requirements of that Void-nature
in terms sufficiently disparate and unique to the given combination
of centers as to generate the classic contentions and "dharma-
combats" indicative of the traditions.
We may understand the business of the densities, then, by analogy
with old Rubik's damnable Cube. We may imagine that our minimal,
threshold level of self-consciousness in 3rd density is similar to
being installed at the globally symmetric center of the cube (thus
our potential for self-reflection, since we're functionally
established as a locus of cross-correlation and convergence through a
system of Looking-glass planes inset for infinite, imagistic regress
like a complex of dressingroom mirrors); at the same time, the units
of each side of the cube are still at their maximum state of
disorder, so that everything is functionally perceived through
distorted patterns of mazelike indirection.
This condition gives rise to some interesting potential, in the
formally screened or "masked" patterns of 3rd-density reality.
Keeping in mind that this calculated screening of the direct
recognition of Void-reality from 3rd density consciousness is for
purposes of "producing catalyst", we see that the practical result of
such disguise is the generation of a necessity for choice. Since the
absolute coin-herence, unity and ecstatic identity of everything with
everything else on the ground of Void-reality is not directly
perceived and is therefore not a functional "given", the self-
reflective ego consciousness of 3rd density is confronted with the
requirement of assessing the implication of all interaction with
other beings, and of choosing an orientation on the basis of that
assessment. Given the full complement of rational and intuitive
faculties with which 3rd-density consciousness is equipped, and which
may on the basis of identification function either in congruence with
or in antagonism toward the underlying principle of unity, that
consciousness is empowered to determine just what the informing
character of its reality is.
Thus, it can either ratify by experimental reflection and analysis of
consequence (of relative "cause and effect") the essential unity and
empathetic identity of all beings one with the other; or it may
reject the implication involved in the empathetic extension of
selfhood to other-beings, preferring to compound the harmony, self-
congruence and integral consistency associated with the principle of
selfhood in a purely personal portfolio of ego-investment, drawing on
the option made available through screening of direct Unity-cognition
by encoil-ing the love-nature around a fictitious core of separate I-
Thus 3rd-stage consciousness is always reflecting a potential
polarization between exclusive self-orientation, and an apprehension
of selfhood which follows the intuitive lines of the undivided void-
ground in extending that love value to all apparent "others" (i e ,
all those comprising the "objective" dimension of the subjective self-