! Wake-up  World  Wake-up !
~ It's Time to Rise and Shine ~

We as spiritual beings or souls come to earth in order to experience the human condition. This includes the good and the bad scenarios of this world. Our world is a duality planet and no amount of love or grace will eliminate evil or nastiness. We will return again and again until we have pierced the illusions of this density. The purpose of human life is to awaken to universal truth. This also means that we must awaken to the lies and deceit mankind is subjected to. To pierce the third density illusion is a must in order to remove ourselves from the wheel of human existences. Love is the Answer by means of Knowledge and Awareness!

Health Freedom,Codex Issues
John Hammell 

Club of Rome Website Reveals Totalitarian Satanic Agenda

IAHF Webmaster: Breaking News, Genocide, Illuminati Exposed, New 
Section: Club of Rome

IAHF List: See the thread titled "Let the Antichrist Come" on the 
messageboard of the Club of Rome's website, below, with url.

The Club of Rome, operating out of pharmaceutically dominated 
Hamburg, Germany is a satanic, New World Order UN NGO think tank with 
heavy Rockefeller connections that is pushing very hard to usher in a 
global totalitarian state and to abolish nation states, and cull 
us "useless eaters". You can see the program from their latest annual 
conference in Chile at 
http://www.clubofrome.org/activities/conferences.html but they don't 
make the minutes or any of the papers from their Conferences public 
because they don't want us to know about their agenda to enslave the 
people of the world, to kill us off with their genocidal agenda, and 
to try to force us to worship Satan- their god. (See the thread below 
from their sites mssg board if you think I'm exaggerating- its 
titled "Let the Antichrist Come")  

The Club of Rome is pushing a Nazi eugenics population control 
agenda. The UN Codex agenda to ban consumer access to high potency 
vitamins is part of that population control agenda and if you attempt 
to access the Club of Rome's documents regarding their population 
control agenda at http://www.clubofrome.org/archive/reports.html and 
attempt to download their report "The Limits of Growth"  You get 
a "forbidden" message indicating that they are operating in secrecy- 
they won't let you download this information. Here is the forbidden 
message: http://www.clubofrome.org/doc/limits.rtf

The German based "Club of Rome" is heavily behind the RU 486 Abortion 
Pill, a product of the French company Rousell-Uclaf, which is a 
subsidiary of the German company Hoechst- which was part of IG 
Farben, the Pharmaceutical Cartel that fueled Hitler's rise to power 
http://www.newsmax.com/showinside.shtml?a=2000/10/2/104509   See 
article "RU 486 Brought to You By John D Rockefeller"  by Nancy 
Johnson of Sierra Times at 

I was not surprised to see the thread below titled "Let the 
Antichrist Come" on their public message board. Although I am 
personally offended by the title of the thread and by many of the 
messages within it, I choose not to participate in the thread because 
I feel that to do so would only lend credence to the Club of Rome, 
and possibly give them information that they could use against us.  
Look at what it says here if you don't think these bastards are 
operating covertly, they flat out say so publicly: 


The Club Of Rome Intranet is a non-public instrument for the internal 
communication and discussion as well as a tool for coordinating the 
everyday work among the members of the Club Of Rome. 

See this thread on their messageboard:

First mssg in a thread on the Club of Rome website titled 

LET THE ANTICHRIST COME  from healer@hushmail.com

Let The Antichrist Come
Let the Antichrist come and destroy all Christians 
and use their churches as public toilets. 
Burning christians on stakes for all to see. 
Let us line our streets with christians hanging from power poles. 
The Antichrist is supreme and complete let him show us the way and 
worship this true master 
The God of the bible, let us spit into his eye and curse him to his 
very face. 
Let us be healed by our master and ruler


Three years ago I was forced out of S. Florida by death threats, and I 
moved to the middle of nowhere. The threats stemmed directly from my 
efforts to expose the UN Codex threat to health freedom and the 
larger threat posed by Illuminist groups such as the Club of Rome. 
The Illuminati are terrified that the American people will awaken to 
the Codex vitamin threat, and then clamor, en masse, for America to 
pull out of the UN and WTO. They're terrified of this possibility 
because they are fully aware that in 1994, more Americans called and 
wrote to congress in support of passage of the Dietary Supplement 
Health and Education Act than any issue in the HISTORY of the US 
Congress. They're terrified that enough people could see through 
their spin controlled lies on the Codex issue that their greed driven 
genocide agenda might be stopped.  They're afraid we'll all heavily 
arm ourselves and make plans to fight back.

The lie is that Codex "won't impact our domestic vitamin law". The 
lie is being heavily pushed by NNFA's lobbying firm Parry, Romani, 
DeConcini, and Symms which is dominated by multinational 
pharmaceutical interests. They whitewashed the Congressional 
oversight hearing on the Codex vitamin issue on March 20th 2001 and 
would not let me or any of my other witnesses speak. See their 
website at http://www.lobbycongress.com More info at 
http://www.iahf.com  If you doubt the existence of the Illuminati, go 
to http://www.suite101.com and use the search engine on that site, 
type in Illuminati and you will find an interview and several 
articles exposing the Illuminati.

If you appreciate my ongoing effort to expose this agenda, please 
email a donation to IAHF via paypal at http://www.iahf.com or send a 
check or money order to IAHF POB 625 Floyd VA 24091 USA. Thank you- 
John Hammell, President, IAHF 800-333-2553 Anyone can sign up for the 
IAHF email distribution list from the IAHF website at 
http://www.iahf.com  Please forward this widely.


Woodstock and the Word 

It was either Adorno or Horkheimer (someone from the Frankfurt 
School, I'm pretty sure) who questioned the relevance of  poetry 
after Hiroshima and Auschwitz. 

But there was poetry after Auschwitz, great poetry.  It was a poetry 
however, that recognized that it was being written in a post-
Auschwitz, post-Hiroshima world.   One thinks of Allen Ginsberg, 
Gregory Corso, Adrienne Rich, and the thousands who came after them, 
influenced, in one way or another, by their political and aesthetic 
visions of post-nuclear poetry. 

While Shelley would indeed be bummed out were he to come back from 
the dead to find that poets in the 21st century are not "the 
unacknowledged legislators of the world," but merely unacknowledged, 
he might be heartened to know that poets still have the final word, 
or more importantly, the word; that poetry is still the mysterious 
art that can spring from anyone -with or without a PhD - at anytime, 
whenever there is no "rational explanation" for our human condition 
of pain, love, hate, sorrow, madness, terror, ecstasy, despair and 
all the rest,  only expression, the word, from the heart.

The Woodstock Poetry Festival, held during  three days of clear skies 
and balmy temperatures during August 23-25, 2001, was a celebration 
of the word in which poets, from the world renowned (Robert Creeley, 
Robert Bly) to the relatively known, to the unknown open-mike 
readers, offered words, and audiences, who came from several states, 
accepted them.  No big celebrities, no special effects, no particular 
agenda.  Poets and listeners. Portraits of various minds painted in 
free-verse, rhyme, sonnets, blues poetry, confessional poetry and all 
forms in between. Dithyrambs, rap, and iambic pentameter. 

Folk tales and personal reminiscences.  Each poet's language was 
his/her DNA, essence,  chemistry, or whatever that made him/her unique 
and worth listening to.   The Woodstock Festival was a celebration of the 
collective as individual. Various voices, rhythms, imageries and 
styles reinforced the common strain: we exist, we are, we live, love 
and suffer; most of all, we remember (both the great events and the 
minutia) and we speak, and these things make poetry great, for it 
makes us, both poet and listener, great. 

In retrospect, it was particularly interesting to hear Robert Bly 
read poems, from a forthcoming book, styled after a difficult, 
beautiful form of Islamic poetry.  I don't think he could read that 
in public, in America, today. 

The words of  a pre-Auschwitz/Hiroshima poet reverberated in my head 
when my father-in-law called to report that he'd just seen a plane 
smack into the World Trade Center from his office-window at New York 

"...things fall apart, the center cannot hold..." 

And as the news reports came in and the dreadful images were played 
over and over and over and over, it was Yeats again whose words 
popped into my otherwise silenced mind:

"All changed, changed utterly: a terrible beauty is born."

I don't know when I will again be able to experience three days 
of "peace, love and poetry" as I did in Woodstock this August.  But I 
know that the poetry I do experience will be as different from the 
poetry in Woodstock as Ginsberg was to the pre-Auschwitz/Hiroshima 
world.   But the strength of poetry is to change with our thinking; 
for it is our thinking, and our feeling.   

I am powerless to save the victims of September 11, and I doubt my 
power to effect the machinery set in motion that is claiming victims 
and will continue to claim victims, for we do not know "what rough 
beast slouches toward Bethlehem, waiting to be born."  I am not 
powerless however, to write and to read, to speak and to listen. The 
poetry of the Woodstock Festival was, for the most part, fun; 
however, the poetry we write today is essential.  Essential to give 
voice to our fear, courage, love, hate, outrage. Our human voice to 
express our human souls and human dignity. To stop, or at least 
recognize, the gears of the inhuman machinery sweeping across 
television screens throughout the land. 
Most of us are neither legislators, nor acknowledged. But all of us 
have language and  a voice to mark us as unique, worthwhile beings 
and recognize others as such. Some of us read and write poetry. 
Perhaps it is time for more of us to do one or both.  For poetry is 
as important now as it has ever been. In a world of Big Media, Big 
Images, and Big Terror, our words are all we have to identify 
ourselves as individuals, and communicate with other individuals, to 
rip the images from the screens and personalize them, each adding his 
own identity to the symbols and icons that threaten to take away our 
identities,  depersonalize us and hammer our voices into slogans, 
keep us marching in lock-step. 

We don't need a Shakespeare, or a Byron, or a Yeats, no Big Voices, 
only millions if not billions of little voices, each one singing, in 
his/her own rhythm, "I am."   

Adam Engel   October 30, 2001