Are You Sure You Have Been Told the Truth About What Is Going On?
By Michael Rivero
On Sept 11/01 four teams of hijackers walked past the security at three
major metropolitan airports and hijacked four aircraft. Two were crashed
into the World Trade Towers, one into the Pentagon, and one was apparently
and thankfully shot down before it could reach its target.
The media call these perpetrators terrorists. Given that we don't really
know exactly who they were and what belief systems they were slaves to, we
cannot know whether they called themselves holy warriors, freedom fighters,
or something else. I doubt they call themselves terrorists, no more than the
American colonists who used unconventional tactics that the British found
morally repugnant called themselves terrorists.
But what we do know about these people is that they were educated. They were
pilots. They were equipped to survive in modern American culture.
Minus their hate, they could have been prosperous and successful here. With
their hate, because of their hate, they were willing to throw their
education, their prosperity, their futures, and their lives away in a
blinding flash as aluminum ploughed into concrete with hundreds of innocent
lives following just a few feet behind.
How could anyone hate America enough to throw their own lives away in their
attacks on the symbols of our nation's economic and military power? I mean
it's not like someone just wakes up one morning and decides to hijack a jet
passenger liner and use it to knock down a skyscraper and is willing to die
in the process because there's nothing good to watch on TV. Nobody wakes up
and says, "Gee the baseball game got rained out, let's go blow up a
building." Anyone willing to commit such a crime as we have seen this week
is seriously pissed off about something, and in order to stop more attacks
we need to face up to what that something is.
We're not talking "lone nuts", but entire teams of people willing to die in
their attacks on our buildings and against our citizens. What makes these
people so hate us that they would sacrifice their lives in their eagerness
to strike at us?
Maybe it's because America, despite lovely speeches about bringing freedom
and democracy to the world, has a record of backing some of the worst
dictators to be found. The US Government, for reasons of commercial
interest, backed men like Batista and the Shah of Iran, despots who drove
their people into poverty to enrich American corporations until their people
rebelled. Then we Americans scratch our heads and wonder why those people
don't seem to like us very much.
Maybe people hate us because what we call Peacekeepers still looks and feels
like an invading army to those who stop the bullets, step on the landmines,
and catch the bombs.
Maybe its because the US Government has executed its foreign policy by
tricking nations into fighting each other. Saddam was our buddy once, when
he was useful to our policy towards Iran. We The People paid for the
Supergun. Our government sold Saddam the first of his biological weapons.
Then our government decided they didn't need him any more, told him it would
be okay if he invaded Kuwait and declared war on him, blowing up the
Supergun and the biological weapons (we hope). Think maybe Saddam carries a
grudge? I sure would if I was double crossed like that.
We played the same double cross with Osama Bin Laden, our ally and a CIA
contract agent in Afghanistan, now branded a supervillian worthy of a comic
book. Remember the last time our government decided to "take care of Osama?"
We blew up an aspirin factory in Sudan. Big joke, that was. You, the
taxpayers, not only got to pay for the million-a-shot cruise missiles, you
also got to pay to rebuild the aspirin factory when the owners sued the USA,
with Vernon Jordan as their attorney! Think the people who worked in that
factory (the ones who survived at any rate) like us? I doubt it.
Maybe the reason people in the middle east are willing to conduct holy wars
against us is because so many holy wars were conducted against them in the
past, going back to the so-called "Holy" Crusades.
Jerusalem was conquered on 7/15/1099 and 60,000 non-Christians were killed.
Bodies were slit open to search for gold coins they might have swallowed.
Jews who had taken refuge in the city's synagogue were burned alive,
thousands of muslims were chopped to death in Al-Aqsa mosque.
According to the Archbishop of Tyre, who was an eye-witness, "It was
impossible to look upon the vast numbers of the slain without horror;
everywhere lay fragments of human bodies, and the very ground was covered
with the blood of the slain. It was not alone the spectacle of headless
bodies and mutilated limbs strewn in all directions that roused the horror
of all who looked upon them. Still more dreadful was it to gaze upon the
victors themselves, dripping with blood from head to foot, an ominous sight
which brought terror to all who met them. It is reported that within the
Temple enclosure alone about ten thousand infidels perished." Christian
chronicler Eckehard of Aura noted that "even the following summer in all of
Palestine the air was polluted by the stench of decomposition".
After rude behavior like that, nobody would be welcome again.
Or maybe the reason so many people hate us enough to die attacking us is
something as simple as growing up watching your playmates blown to bloody
bits before your eyes, and picking up a piece of shrapnel stamped, "Made in
the USA". It is silly to think that anyone could endure a childhood like
that and remain entirely cheerful. Because for all its public talk of peace,
the United States remains the largest exporter of mechanized death in the
world. And if it is acceptable for the victims of guns to blame the gun
makers, it must be equally acceptable for the victims of bombs, missiles,
and mines, to blame the weapons makers as well.
It is far less than clear just who is behind the attacks in New York and
Washington DC. Fingers have been pointed at Saddam Hussein, Arafat, and ex
CIA agent Osama Bin Laden. It may be any one of them. It may be all three.
It may be none of them. It could be the work of a third party, unknown and
unseen, with the goal of triggering yet another war where the blood of
innocents will be bartered for greater wealth and influence.
What we do know is that wars are often started with deceptions. Sun Tzu
states in "The Art Of War" that all warfare is based on deception, and that
rulers must cultivate the appearance of moral rightness in order to pursuade
their nations to fight.
When Hitler needed the support of the German people to invade Poland, he got
it by staging a phony attack complete with dead bodies in Polish uniforms on
the German side of the border. Recently declassified documents prove that
Pearl Harbor wasn't quite the total surprise it was claimed to be. And the
story about stolen incubators that angered America into support of Desert
Storm turned out to be a complete fiction created by Hill & Kowlton, a
public relations firm that has grown rich lying to people on behalf of
governments, ANY governments, and whose executives have bragged, "We would
represent Satan, if he paid us."
Forget for a moment who was hurt in these attacks, and study who benefited.
A few weeks ago the USA was factionalized, her people justly critical of the
policies of the government, questioning even if that government's taxes were
legal, questioning the support of Israel, questioning the handling of the
Condit case, questioning Waco, questioning a self-critical nation demanding
answers to some tough questions; answers the government did not have.
Now, the United States has been transformed. All criticism is gone,
Criticism itself is now deemed to be, instead of the right of the people, an
act of treason.
In the blink of an eye our nation has gone from being 266 million thinking
citizens wanting to know if the government is right to 266 million
conscripts willing to follow the government into war even if it is wrong. In
the blink of an eye the people have stopped blaming the government for the
worsening economy and shifted that blame to the "terrorists".
The government of the United States has reasserted its power over the
people. It is stronger, much stronger, because if this attack. And any
educated student of history would know ahead of time that this strengthening
of the US government's power would be the result of horrendous attacks such
as we have seen..
Israel, criticized by the world for its treatment of displaced Palestinians,
now finds that criticism silenced. For the foreseeable future, Israel can do
what it will with the Palestinians, immune from the censure of the world's
Unless he is still working for the CIA, Osama Bin Laden would not have
wanted to cause any of the changes which have resulted from the horrific
attacks on New York and Washington DC. The attacks made the US government
stronger. Who benefits from that? That stronger US Government is now ready
to wage war against the Arabs. Who benefits from that?
Who really gained from the attacks in New York and Washington DC? Whose
political agendas were advanced by the attacks?
That we have been attacked is certain. But before we send out the cruise
missiles to prove how big our national dick is, we had better make sure we
are aimed at the right party, and not just being suckered into bombing
someone that the real planners and perpetrators of the World Trade Center
attack want to trick us into bombing. Because if, in the heat of the moment
and the lust for vengence we surrender our basic American principles such as
demand for proof beyond a reasonable doubt, then we ourselves will have
damaged America and what it stands for far more than those who attacked the
World Trade Center could ever do themselves. What the hijackers could not
knock down, we will have thrown down ourselves. If we do that, then those
who planned and carried out the attacks against the World Trade Towers and
the Pentagon will have won, even if we hunt them down and kill them.
Don't be a slave to your beliefs about what a government could or could not
do. History is full of governments that perpetrated monumental frauds upon
their own people to trigger a war. Governments HAVE to commit fraud to start
a war because most people, especially Americans, refuse to initiate a war of
conquest. They have to have the illusion they have been attacked first.
20,000 lives are a lot. But to a government, ours or anyone else's, it's a
tiny fraction of a percent to sacrifice to bring 100% of the nation under
control, isn't it? And if we go into a protracted war, we will soon long for
the days when only 20,000 lives had been lost.
The World Trade Towers cost a billion dollars. That's 1/10th of what the
Department Of Defense lost last year, and a drop in the barrel compared to
the worth of the oil sitting under the lands we are about to attack.
Are you really so sure you have been told the truth about what is going on?