! Wake-up  World  Wake-up !
~ It's Time to Rise and Shine ~

We as spiritual beings or souls come to earth in order to experience the human condition. This includes the good and the bad scenarios of this world. Our world is a duality planet and no amount of love or grace will eliminate evil or nastiness. We will return again and again until we have pierced the illusions of this density. The purpose of human life is to awaken to universal truth. This also means that we must awaken to the lies and deceit mankind is subjected to. To pierce the third density illusion is a must in order to remove ourselves from the wheel of human existences. Love is the Answer by means of Knowledge and Awareness!

                     The Shape of Things to Come    
           ~ Global Conspiracy & the World Trade Center ~
                           Alan Morrison

"The world is going to become a different place from now on". 
Ehud Barak, September 11th 2001). 

Did the millions of people across the world listening to that 
statement appreciate the sinister implications which lay behind it? 
There is a profound need for us to realise that the recent murderous 
destruction of the World Trade Centre in New York and the Pentagon in 
Washington was not merely a retributional terrorist attack of Middle 
Eastern origin, but that it really represented a quantum leap in the 
activities of the shadow governmental power in order to achieve its 

But what ARE those objectives?

The long-term primary objective of the shadow governmental power 
(which some people also call the "Illuminati") is a dictatorial 
global government which could have come straight off the pages of 
Orwell's superb book, "1984". This astonishing goal is something 
about which most people on the planet have not the faintest idea. 

They could very easily obtain more than the faintest idea, if only 
they would wake up and look at history, at the mass of credible 
literature available, at world events and begin to think for 
themselves instead of simply eating and drinking everything which the 
controlled media feeds them. The main reason that they don't have the 
faintest idea about what the shadow governmental power is doing is 
because they have been brainwashed by the newspapers, magazines, TV 
and films which have been manufactured and censored by the same 
shadow governmental power!

Just like Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, the IRA, Saddam Hussein, etc., 
modern terrorists have been allowed to flourish for a purpose -- a 
profound historical purpose. Their purpose is to create the right 
conditions for the establishment of a one-world government (cleverly 
disguised at first). There are a number of conditions which are 
necessary for the creation of such a government. Catastrophes such as 
today's and other future disasters (natural and manmade), plus 
related stock market crashes, are part of those conditions. However, 
things have moved into a much higher gear today. But this is just the 
beginning of the big stuff in the realm of unfolding events. This is 
what we have been waiting for. Those who understand, know... and 
wait... It is indeed the truth that "the world is going to become a 
different place from now on", but the differences are nothing like 
what many may imagine to be the case. How much education there is 
needed if we are to be ready for "the shape of things to come".

Now you may say that you live in a democratic country and that the 
United Nations is made up of democratic countries and that the 
members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation are democratic 
countries and that these democratic countries would never allow a 
dictatorial world government power to come into being. After all, 
they are continually speaking about the need for the "free world to 
unite against the forces of fascism and repression". But that is 
where the great deception comes in. Allow me to explain...

You see, my friends, the big trick -- the really big trick -- is to 
bring a one-world fascist totalitarian government to pass in such a 
way that no one realises it is happening. The only way such a 
deception can happen is on a drip-by-drip basis. So each time a 
little repressive measure is brought in, we will be told that it is 
in the interests of "freedom and democracy" and we will all accept 
it. After the installation of a great many little repressive 
measures, a totalitarian world state will have been established by 
stealth, and this is where the world is heading now.

In fact, this is where the world has been heading almost since the 
beginning of its history. For the battle between the forces of good 
and evil, which we see commencing in the story of the Garden of Eden 
(Gen.3:1-6), will culminate in the establishment of a fascist, 
totalitarian one-world government under the leadership of a totally 
lawless man (2 Thess.2:3-10) to whom power and authority will have 
been delegated by the leader of the spiritual forces of darkness 
(Rev.13:1-2) whom Christians have traditionally called the Devil, 
Satan or — more appropriately today — Lucifer.

Only then will the true weakness of the forces of darkness and the 
full power of the forces of goodness be fully revealed for all to 
see. For it will be shown that real power does not lie in political 
or worldly achievements -- no matter how grandiose they might be. And 
POWER is what this is all about. The Illuminati -- the shadow world 
government -- is all about POWER. Power over the whole world. Such 
power is satanic. For the only kind of power which Satan and the 
forces of darkness can exercise is power over the world through 

We need to realise that the shadow world government operates through 
the various organisations, cabals and conferences which control the 
way that governments act, the words that the media say and the way 
that many other decisions are taken throughout the world by such 
groups as the United Nations and NATO.

The shadow governmental power always has to have a big bogeyman on 
which to pin its supposed need for taking certain measures. These 
bogeymen are a pure fabrication which would have been without any 
substance had the shadow governmental power not given them all that 
they needed in order to flourish. They are allowed to flourish in 
order to fulfil the purpose of the Illuminati. For example, Lenin, 
Stalin and Hitler were financed and deliberately allowed to flourish 
for precisely the same reasons as Saddam Hussein has been. These men 
are stooges in the process leading to the coming totalitarian world 
government which will make all of them seem like Boy Scouts!

The shadow governmental power also always has to have a "fall guy" to 
cover up for its dastardly activities. When Kennedy was assassinated, 
it was Lee Harvey Oswald. When the community at Waco was torched by 
the U.S. government, it was David Koresh. After the bombing in 
Oklahoma, it was Timothy McVeigh. After the demolition of the World 
Trade Centre, it is Osama bin Laden. It is as if the script had been 
pre-written on each occasion. Well indeed it had! The media trots out 
whatever is fed to it, and then prints it out for the masses meekly 
to imbibe.

There is considerable evidence that the highest levels of the U.S. 
government, together with its security and intelligence services 
(e.g. CIA & FBI) knew very well that there was going to be a serious 
attack on a big target in the U.S.A.  [See, for example, 
in_review_id=456973.  See also the following link, 
http://www.proparanoid.com/priorknowledge.htm , which shows how the 
war against the Taliban was planned months in advance.  Or see  the 
article "Evidence of Criminal Insider Trading Before WTC ATTACKS 
Leads Directly into the Highest Levels of the CIA" by Mike Ruppert on 
http://www.copvcia.com/ .   His other articles are very revealing 
too.   See also http://www.apfn.org/apfn/knowledge.htm for an 
interview with David Schippers, top Clinton impeachment lawyer, who 
says that the highest levels of Government had prior knowledge of the 
September 11th attacks].

The failure to do anything about this evidence involves far more than 
a mere "lapse" in efficiency of the intelligence services, as the 
media has been programmed to portray it to those who might be 
concerned on that level.  The whole affair smacks of a mighty set-
up.  Furthermore, do you find it at all credible that the 
calculatingly careful and thorough men who hijacked and steered the 
planes to their targets would leave the following items in a hired 
car left at Boston's Logan airport: Instructional videos and manuals 
on how to operate Boeing 767s, coveralls similar to those worn by 
ramp workers, a copy of the Koran and a fuel consumption calculator? 
That's what the Illuminati-fed media is pumping out. Just how 
gullible do these people think we are? Well I hardly need to answer 
that, because they plainly think we are totally stupid!

There is a whole process of brainwashing and conditioning at work in 
the world which has been going on for many years. First, the 
Illuminati has to create the right kind of mindset in the population 
which renders it open to its brainwashing. They specialise in mind 
control (having operated actual mind-control programmes for many 
decades, viz. the CIA's MK Ultra "Manchurian Candidate" style of 
programme). Then, after they have created the right kind of mindset 
in the masses, they can go right ahead and do all kinds of things 
which would not normally be acceptable. Allow me to give a couple of 
examples. The Waco event was a classic in this respect. It was a kind 
of primer to induce people to accept passively the total annihilation 
of whatever religious groups are deemed unacceptable by government 
forces. The shadow world government needs to be free to destroy 
anyone who will not conform to its "global ethic"; but it has to be 
in such a way that Joe Public will accept it -- nay, welcome it! Waco 
was a great softener-up in that process. Another landmark event was 
the killing of Diana Spencer -- the "People's Princess". The hypnotic 
manner in which people responded to her death and the delusion 
involved in the vast outpouring of grief was a kind of "rehearsal" 
for later occasions when the masses need to be easily controlled by a 
power outside of themselves. It is in such a manner that the world 
dictator (the Antichrist) will be accepted by so many as a necessary 
leader (even by many calling themselves Christians -- and especially 
the one's who wear extravagant frocks!!).

The next stage in the process for which the Illuminati needs to gain 
acceptance is a gargantuan restriction of civil liberties and 
movement. The more outrageous mass killings which can be perpetrated 
(alongside other apocalyptic events), the more easily the powers can 
induce people to believe that totalitarianism is necessary -- all in 
the name of freedom and democracy! Last night on the BBC World 
Service, I heard a prominent aviation expert and magazine editor 
being interviewed who advocated the implantation of a micro-chip in 
the body which would contain one's total information, which could 
then be flashed automatically while passing through a screening area 
at airports. He said this was now being seriously considered by 
governments. Watch this space!

The churches are not in the least prepared for what is yet to come. 
In many cases they are largely responsible for bringing it about! 
Surely the churches bear a responsibility for the ease with which all 
these things are coming to pass. Do you find that surprising? One of 
the reasons for this is because the churches neither identify nor 
explain the kind of apocalyptic events which we have seen recently. 
The vast majority of priests, pastors, vicars, bishops and other 
ecclesiastical nabobs have -- either by default or design -- merely 
served as lackeys for the powers of darkness. All they have to offer 
are some mumbled prayers for the victims and their families. This is 
not to say that there is anything wrong with such prayer per se. It 
is simply that if all we have to offer is such prayers -- without any 
interpretation of history, without any placing of such events in a 
biblical and historical context -- then we are merely contributing to 
an emotionalism which masquerades as compassion, and the fostering of 
the incapacity to discern -- an inability to listen to "the music 
behind events". Whatever happened to the prophetic aspect of 

People seem to think that Christians should simply accept whatever a 
government says and whatever is the accepted spin on any event. But 
Christians should be the most questioning of all people. It will make 
you unpopular in the world -- and especially in the church! It may 
even get you killed. But establishing Truth in an age of lies is 
infinitely more relevant for the Christian than playing ball with the 
powers of darkness. You would be surprised at the number of people 
around the world who are not Christians who feel very uneasy with the 
way that the world is going, who have realised that there is a power 
of corruption which is endemic in governmental circles, who know that 
there is an evil Illuminati at work in an occult capacity, and who 
are open to hearing about the True Light who has come into the world 
to warn and to light the way. Compromise and cowardice will never 
impress those who are attracted to Truth. But courage and conviction 
will !

Many Christians find it difficult to accept that a number of the 
things which they would rather regard as "internal church matters" 
(e.g. pentecostalism, the charismatic movement, the gnostic teachings 
of the so-called Word of Faith movement, liberalism, etc.), actually 
interface with other areas of the Conspiracy in governance and 
religion. I have no doubt that these "internal church matters" are 
every bit as much a part of the global Conspiracy as was the First 
Parliament of World Religions and the financing of the Russian 
revolution by Western bankers, etc.  They are all deceptions leading 
in the same ultimate direction.

Many Christians do not like the idea of a global conspiracy at work 
because it does not fit into their preconceived notions of church 
life or their ideas about the church being the dominant force in the 
world. They can therefore become very irate at any suggestions of a 
conspiracy on the part of the forces of evil and will not entertain 
the concept of an Illuminati or shadow organisation influencing world 
affairs. What follows are some of the typical questions raised by 
those in churches who are either opposed to or confused by the idea 
of a global conspiracy leading to a one-world government, or who are 
simply seeking more information:

QUESTION 1: "By asserting conspiracy theories, you have left your 
biblical moorings and are relying on the teachings of men. Is it not 
the case that you are breeding paranoia when you should be asserting 
God's sovereign control?"

Conspiracy theory or conspiracy fact? THAT is the question.

Let's get this straight. I don't believe in conspiracy theory. I 
believe in conspiracy fact. There is still room for intelligent 
speculation, so long as it makes itself plain that it is speculation, 
and that it is designed to make people think about possibilities. But 
there is a great deal of factual material available to keen students 
of politics and history which reveal the reality of a vast conspiracy 
at work in this world. This is not speculation but education. At the 
very least there is a massive prima facie case to be made for a 
global conspiracy. But there are also many different strands which -- 
when put together -- provide incontrovertible proof that history is 
not at all as it has been spun to us at school or in the standard 

In case you hadn't realised it, the Bible is all about a vast 
conspiracy on the part of "powers... the rulers of the darkness of 
this age... spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places". 
What else is chapter 12 of the Book of Revelation about if it is not 
about a vast global conspiracy of the powers of darkness against the 
power of goodness and light? And that vast global conspiracy has a 
goal. The goal is total world dominion through global deception and 
the exercise of occult power (Revelation 13:13-14; 2 Thess.2:9-11; 
20:7-9a). Furthermore, the achievement of this goal (which will 
indeed be achieved — although only temporarily, Dan.7:21-27) will 
involve the most appalling persecution and murder of vast numbers of 
people who oppose the forces of darkness in any way (Revelation 13:6-

It is for this reason that it would be irresponsible not to speak 
about these things, in spite of the large number of professing 
Christians who, for some perverse reason, would rather they were 
never said. One of the major benefits of being uninvolved with a 
church is precisely because I am free to say these things without 
being silenced and disciplined by people who are woefully ignorant of 
what is happening in the world today right under their noses. These 
days a Christian believer is far more likely to be persecuted by 
others claiming to be Christians rather than unbelievers!

If I was just into crazy conspiracy theories (rather than factual 
conspiracies), I could have really made something out of the fact 
that Barbara Olsen — who wrote the recent damning biography exposing 
Hilary Clinton ("Hell to Pay") — was on one of the doomed hijacked 
planes on September 11th. Or I could have played around with the 
numbers 9 and 11 and come up with some quite astonishing stuff which 
would have made your mind boggle.  Or I could have shown you a 
picture of the plane crashing into the World Trade Center and 
pinpointed an image of Satan in the flames, complete with horns, fork 
and pointy tail !  Or I could have given you the false information 
that one of the planes that hit the trade centre towers was flight 
number Q33NY, and then asked you to write that flight number in your 
word processing software and then enlarge the font and change it 
to "Wingdings".  There are all sorts of astonishing things I could 
have done... if I was into absurd and crazy conspiracies — but I am 
not!  I am into conspiracy fact!

Why are so many professing Christians so rabidly opposed to any kind 
of analysis of world politics and governance? Why are so many 
professing Christians so scathing about articles which dare to assert 
the conspiracy which lies at the heart of the Bible? Why are so many 
professing Christians so readily prepared to bury their heads in the 
sand and hide behind the prissy skirts of superficial sermonising? 
The answer to those questions is that there are so 
many "sleepers", "plants" and "shills" in the churches today that the 
people of the pew have been subtly brainwashed and "led away with the 
fairies". Even the New Age occultists at the beginning of the 
twentieth century predicted that the churches would be overrun by 
infiltrators from the dark side prior to the revealing of the 

"Very definitely may the assurance be given here, that prior to the 
coming of the [World Teacher], adjustments will be made so that at 
the head of all great organisations will be found either a Master, or 
an initiate who has taken the third initiation. At the head of 
certain of the great occult groups, of the Freemasons of the world, 
and of the various great divisions of the Church, and resident in 
many of the great nations will be found initiates or masters" (Alice 
B. Bailey, Initiation: Human and Solar, Lucis Press, 1922, pp.61-62).

Do you see the significance of this statement to what we are writing 
about here? The forecast is being made that there are now high-degree 
occult initiates hell-bent on machinating the New World Order by 
occupying influential positions in the Freemasons, World Government 
and the Church. Well we don't need Alice Bailey to convince us of 
that! We only need to look around with our eyes open. She was able to 
make such a forecast because the Illuminati have worked according to 
a plan. From my experience, I would say that there are probably more 
initiates in the churches than there are in world government and the 
Freemasons! I have met many in churches in the past 15 years of whom 
I had no doubt were working for the other side. Some of them are 
famous people, highly feted, and they are certainly very clever 
people, fooling many into believing that they are great men and 
women. How easily fooled we are! How little we look beyond the 
surface of things! When will we wake up?

People think that all they have to do to write someone off is to 
accuse them of espousing conspiracy theory. That is their way of 
marginalising people who hold ideas of which they are afraid. I know 
all this can seem scary. But we still need to wake up to the fact 
that we are dealing with highly powerful forces of evil. Even the 
Bible reveals that. What do you think was happening in the first few 
verses of Genesis chapter 6? The traditional Protestant way of 
minimalising the force of those verses is to say that it refers 
exclusively to naughty men and women. But I am sure that Noah will 
have known exactly what he was up against in the world of his time -- 
nothing less than naked evil in the form of demon invaders of the 
earth! Today, we are up against very similar invaders. This isn't 
paranoia but common sense and an awareness of the cosmic battle 
encapsulated in the Scriptures.

When I was a hippy, I had a poster on the walls of my "pad". It 
said: "Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean that they're not out 
to get you". Wise words! I am not "breeding paranoia", as you put it. 
I am encouraging people to look around and use their minds.

QUESTION 2: "You are focusing on Satan instead of the Lord Jesus. 
Isn't that exactly what he wants? You should be writing about the 
works of Jesus and not the works of the devil. Why don't you preach 
the gospel instead of wasting your time speaking about the so-called 
Illuminati? Do you not see that you are becoming unbalanced?"

Forgive me for saying so, but you seem to have misunderstood the 
overarching purpose of Diakrisis. I am not focusing on Satan INSTEAD 
of (i.e. as an alternative to) the Lord Jesus. This is not an "either-
or" situation. There is a time and purpose for everything.

The people who sign up to receive our e-mailings neither need nor 
want the gospel preaching to them! They sign up precisely because 
they want to receive what is advertised by me as "written 
commentary... on a wide range of topical, doctrinal and pastoral 
issues". Sometimes this involves sending out expository sermons; 
sometimes it involves articles on a theological subject; sometimes it 
involves something in the way of counsel; but sometimes it also 
involves encouraging people not to be ignorant of Satan's schemes. To 
do so is part of the whole ministry. How can one hope to be a 
credible purveyor of Truth if one is a sucker for any deception which 
arises in the world. And if the affairs of the world involve one vast 
deception, surely it is the true Christian's job to be aware of that 
and to ensure that others are also.

To everything there is a season. There is a time for speaking about 
the works of Christ and there are times for speaking about other 
things. I have regularly written about "the works of Jesus". I have 
preached more than 1000 sermons in the past decade, given dozens of 
public talks, and written a large quantity of theological literature. 
But there is other work which is equally as pressing. One of the 
stated aims of Diakrisis is "to hold out a hand of rescue to those 
who suffer psychological and spiritual manipulation". I regard the 
work of the Illuminati and their stooges as one of the foremost works 
of psychological manipulation in the world today. Therefore I write 
about it. A true pastor should always be seeking to UNdeceive people. 
The apostle Paul said: "We are not ignorant of [Satan's] devices" (2 
Cor.2:11). Therefore, he was not slow to warn them about local and 
global deceptions, present and future (cf. Acts 20:28-31, where he 
warned them "for three years... night and day with tears", and 2 
Thess.2:3, where he begins with the words "Let no one deceive 

I write one article about the Illuminati and you accuse me of being 
unbalanced. Surely, my friend, it is you who is being unbalanced in 
seeking to stifle one important facet of the material I send out, 
simply because you cannot handle its implications. I would become 
unbalanced if I neglected to respond to world deceptions which are 
preparing the planet for even bigger deceptions. Therefore I shall 
continue to write about them, regardless of those who would try to 
discourage me.

QUESTION 3: "Where does all this information about the "Illuminati" 
fit in with Bible prophecy and the endtimes?"

I am just in the middle of a series of four articles on this subject 
(developed from some talks I gave), entitled "Discerning the Signs of 
the Times". Part 1 is on the Diakrisis website already. Part 2 (on 
the New World Order) will follow soon, with parts 3 and 4 later.

QUESTION 4: "As you are not an American, you have no right to make 
statements about the World Trade Center. What you do not realize is 
how great it is that patriotism (which was dying in the US) has once 
more surfaced in our country and there is a unity which we haven't 
known for decades. Even flags have sold out in the shops. People are 
turning to prayer. This could be the impulse that we have been 
waiting for to bring revival to this land. Would you deny that 

What you call "patriotism" is not what I would call patriotism. What 
you call "unity" is not what I would call unity. I have observed 
hysteria. I have observed shallow jingoism. I have observed 
manipulative emotionalism. I have observed an inflated sense of one's 
own country's importance over others. I have observed a great deal of 

It may seem very patriotic to say that one is going to be the 
spearhead in building a force to "destroy terrorism once and for 
all", but the global coalition which is being assembled at the moment 
is not going to eradicate terrorism at all. On the contrary, it will 
only serve to escalate the stakes. For I fear that we have not yet 
seen the full force of these incidents. I have a nagging feeling 
inside me that the next "attacks" will be far more than a mere 
exploding aeroplane half way up a tower block. How about an urban 
biological attack, or a nuclear one? Could that be possible? All the 
military men to whom I have spoken believe this to be a very real 
possibility. Watch this space...

If the USA was really serious about "ridding the world of terrorism", 
how come it has encouraged the proponents of terrorism to come to its 
shores and fundraise. (In Gerry Adams' case, Bill Clinton even laid 
out the red carpet!). Northern Ireland has stoically put up with 
gross acts of terrorism for decades. Did any US president ever 
volunteer to create a taskforce to round up the henchmen of the IRA --
 "dead or alive"? The USA has all but supported the IRA! What kind of 
hypocrisy are we dealing with here? Let's face it, there are surely 
more terrorists in the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of the USA 
than in any other organisation on earth!  The CIA has been shown to 
have been involved in drug running and the financing of terrorism for 
decades.  (See http://www.copvcia.com ).  Nearly thirty years ago, I 
remember reading Prince Norodom Sihanouk of Cambodia's book "My War 
with the CIA" (Pelican/Pantheon Paperbacks, 1973, currently out of 
print but available second-hand from Amazon.com).  That was my 
introduction to the Dulles brothers and their terror tactics in 
Vietnam and Cambodia.  How about a minute's silence for all the 
napalmed women and children of Vietnam/Cambodia; or for the countless 
thousands of women and children who have died as a result of that 
farcical intrusion into Iraq allegedly to stop the "terrorism" of the 
CIA stooge Saddam Hussein? Old father Bush was the US President who 
ordered that foolish war. Like father, like son. The Bush family is a 
New World Order family. The NWO needs to manufacture wars in order to 
strut its stuff. Clinton was just a fairground sideshow in between 
the bushes (in every sense!). Just as the US security and 
intelligence (sic) services knew in advance that Kuwait was going to 
be "invaded" (and even that was plainly pre-arranged!), so the US 
security and intelligence (sic) services knew in advance about 
the "terrorist" attack in the US last week. (In fact, I am convinced 
that it was more than merely a question of "knowing in advance").

What is more, all this stuff about Osama bin Laden is a smokescreen. 
Mr. bin Laden is a CIA-trained stooge, just like Saddam Hussein. Both 
those men could have been rounded up and killed many times over, but 
they are not really the people that they are painted to be in the 
mainstream lackey media. They are manufactured bogeymen, designed to 
serve a purpose. Here is an extract from an article 
entitled "Terrorism -- Fact and Fiction" by Joseph Farah, which 
appeared on the reliable WorldNet Daily investigative website on 
Wednesday, September 2, 1998:

"Osama bin Laden's family is one of the richest of the rich -- worth 
an estimated $5 billion. It's a pretty well-connected family, too. 
His brother is a director of the U.S. telecommunications giant 
Iridium, which is set to launch a revolutionary new global satellite 
communications system. And guess who has launched Iridium's 
satellites into space? You guessed it. Clinton's friends in China. 
And who are the family's partners on Iridium? Clinton's friends at 
the Loral Corp. and Hughes Electronics. The family also does millions 
of dollars of business with the U.S. government, having built an Air 
Force base for us in Saudi Arabia after Osama was blamed for blowing 
up the Khobar Towers in 1996.

"So let's get this straight. Osama blows up our facilities, and his 
family gets the contract for rebuilding them. Do you get the feeling 
there is more going on here than meets the eye?

"Then there are the questions concerning the other targets of our 
cruise missile attacks -- Osama's terrorist bases in Afghanistan. Of 
course, Osama survived the attacks, having, apparently, been tipped 
off in advance.

"Was he really the target? Or were these attacks one more example of 
what the Clinton administration has become famous for -- symbolism 
over substance. If the U.S. really wanted Osama, he could have been 
picked up any number of times in the past on his frequent visits to 
America, when he has stayed at the finest hotels in New York.

"It all sounds hauntingly like the catastrophic Waco raid also 
conducted by this administration. David Koresh could have been served 
with a warrant any time he ventured into town. The local sheriff 
would have been happy to serve him personally. Instead, the ATF chose 
to turn a minor affair into a massacre of men, women and children".

How gullible we all are! How easily we fall for the prevailing media 
spin on any issue! We have been falling for it for decades. We fell 
for it with Waco. We fell for it with the Oklahoma bombing (see 
http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=22684 ). And 
we fell for it last week too. When will we learn that we must take 
nothing at face value. I come from the "leave-no-stone-unturned" 
school of journalism and analysis. It's a rough ride because it gets 
you into a lot of trouble; but at least it kicks the dust off things 
and makes them far more visible.

My recent mailbag has revealed that many in the military are deeply 
disturbed by what is happening to their country. I have corresponded 
with military men of rank in the USA and asked them questions and 
they have given me very interesting answers. They all say that they 
have seen the national military motive in the USA change from being 
a) the spirited defence of the shores of the US against external 
aggression to b) a toadying to the whims of a New World Order which 
seeks to undermine national sovereignty and instead implant a global 
army and totalitarian global government. These enlightened USA 
military men are not at all excited at the prospect of the upcoming 
military action against as yet unnamed terrorist targets. They have 
seen clearly the way that the cloak of "freedom and democracy" is 
being used to mask a sinister descent into totalitarianism which will 
creep up on people without them even noticing that it is happening. 
They are not at all enamoured with the fact that shadowy groups such 
as the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission and 
the Bilderbergers seem to exercise greater influence over foreign and 
military policy in their country than their elected representatives.

So please don't talk to me about the wonderful renaissance of heart-
warming patriotism which the debacle at the World Trade Center has 
engendered. I don't buy that idea one iota.

As for the "unity" of which you speak, well that is manufactured too. 
It is the same kind of "unity" which the Germans experienced after 
the (doubtless insider job) burning of the Reichstag in Berlin on 
February 27th 1933. Actually, there are many similarities between the 
burning of the Reichstag and the demolition of the New York World 
Trade Centre. (See 
http://www.weyrich.com/political_issues/reichstag_fire.html for 
details of that). Is this where we are also heading now? At that time 
the necessary manufactured common enemy created by Hitler to 
establish his dictatorship and hype up this national "unity" was a 
communist called Marinus van der Lubbe. Today, in the USA, the 
necessary manufactured common enemy to hype up national "unity" and 
create a gung-ho world army (as preparation for a totalitarian one-
world government) is Osama bin Laden. But I don't buy that unity 
either. It is a hollow unity, inevitably interleaved with tragedy. 
The only real beneficiaries of the debacle at the WTC are the New 
World Order overlords, the many building construction companies who 
will rebuild the countries which will soon be bombed, and the 
countless shrinks whose bank accounts will be swelling massively with 
their Post Traumatic Stress Disorder treatment programmes.  So much 
for patriotism.  A flag is a rag, and its increased sales are the 
ragged edge of idolatry.

As for the potential for a religious revival in these recent events, 
I see no evidence of that. True spirituality involves infinitely more 
than a few warbly tearful renditions of "God Bless America"! I have 
seen a great deal of national pride, but no national repentance. I 
have seen a great deal of ecumenical bonhomie, but no spiritual 
unity. I have seen a great deal of Billy Graham style interfaithism, 
but no declarations of true faith. You may be right that there has 
been a RELIGIOUS revival; just as there was with the killing of Diana 
Spencer. But religion is precisely what the world does NOT need. 
Religion is a product of the forces or darkness and is one of the key 
tools of the New World Order in establishing its deceptive regime. 
This will become increasingly apparent to the diligent student of 
subterfuge and duplicity.

QUESTION 5: "What reading material would you recommend on this 
subject of the New World Order and the deception about which you 

There is a great deal of material on this subject. A great deal. Be 
warned that some of it can be pretty weird -- although that doesn't 
necessarily mean that it is untrue! Sometimes it just takes us a 
while to accept some things. Sometimes -- because they confirm our 
worst nightmares -- we have to go down a pathway of increasing 
exposure with different layers being peeled away like an onion before 
we can get to the heart and accept it. I won't give a vast list of 
material here. What I will do is present a primer of the more sober 
reading matter as an introduction.

Try the following:- "None Dare Call it Conspiracy" by Gary Allen 
(ISBN: 0899666612). "Global Tyranny...Step by Step : The United 
Nations and the Emerging New World Order" by William F. Jasper (ISBN: 
0882791354). "The Shadows of Power : The Council on Foreign Relations 
and the American Decline" by James Perloff (ISBN: 0882791346). "Who's 
Who of the Elite : Members of the Bilderbergs, Council on Foreign 
Relations, & Trilateral Commission" by Robert Gaylon Ross Sr. (2000 
edition, ISBN: 0964988801). "The Unseen Hand" by A. Ralph Epperson. 
Nesta Webster's books on secret societies and global socialist 
conspiracy cannot be ignored. Neither can "Proofs of a Conspiracy" by 
Dr John Robison.

I especially want to recommend a book here which has been written by 
an insider. It is entitled "Tragedy & Hope: A History Of The World In 
Our Time", by Carroll Quigley, mentor of Bill Clinton and award-
winning history professor at Georgetown University until his death in 
1977. The book shows that he has clearly identified a secret group 
which has been working towards global domination.

Books which show that the WTC is in the same cover-up territory as 
the Oklahoma bombing are "Others Unknown: Timothy McVeigh and the 
Oklahoma City Bombing Conspiracy" by Stephen Jones (ISBN: 
1586480987). "The Oklahoma City Bombing and the Politics of Terror" 
by David Hoffman.

If you want to keep abreast of breaking news with an insightful 
slant, try http://www.eionews.com . I can guarantee that you will 
spend many hours there. There is a convincing expose there of the WTC 
debacle also. This is a really superior investigative website.  [STOP 
PRESS!  9th November 2001.  This site has inexplicably suddenly 
changed its entire emphasis.  The articles exposing the World Trade 
Centre have gone, and it has been transformed into a heap of Jungian 
New Age nonsense.  The front page just has something about puppies!  
The Psyops articles have all gone.  After publishing Part 2 of their 
series on the World Trade Center in October, the editors wrote: "For 
the record, save our key webpages (Save As..) and graphics (right 
click).  Or use a web site copier to grab the whole site... Then if 
anything happens to our site, please get the word out.  Because you 
will then KNOW we are on the right track".  Well something HAS 
happened to their site.  You can therefore come to your own 

There is a also a searching article on the WTC debacle on the front 
page of http://www.williamcooper.com .  He also provides many links 
to other related items regarding the global conspiracy. You can also 
listen to Bill Cooper's radio program "The Hour of the Time" on short-
wave (SW) radio at WBCQ on 7.415 MHz at 10 pm Eastern Standard Time 
(0300 - 0400 UTC/GMT) Monday to Thursday.  [STOP PRESS!  7th November 
2001.  You will no longer be able to listen to Bill Cooper's radio 
shows as he was gunned down just after midnight today after being 
ambushed by 17 police outside his house.  Things are getting serious 

A short-wave radio is vital for world coverage in these times. You 
don't have one? If you want to spend some money, you can get a top-of-
the-range AOR 7030+ for $1300 from http://www.universal-
radio.com/catalog/commrxvr/3396.html . Or a Drake R8B for the same 
price from http://www.universal-
radio.com/catalog/commrxvr/0082.html . Those are for serious SW 
listeners and have impeccable reception. One really needs such 
a "table-top" receiver to get the highest quality reception. However, 
those on a tight budget can start with the Sony ICF-SW7600GR for 
about $150 from http://www.universal-
radio.com/catalog/portable/0360.html . Or the extraordinary shirt 
pocket-sized Sony ICF-SW100S for about $200 from http://www.universal-
radio.com/catalog/portable/0111.html . You'll also need a good 
antenna. Consult a dealer about a longwire and magnetic balun or 
other good SW antenna. For an indoor extension to a telescopic 
aerial, one can get a little roll-up wire of about 8 metres to hang 
up in your room. Consult a dealer for more information. In the UK, 
Lowe Electronics is a good place to start.

Finally, I guess it would be absurdly reticent of me not to recommend 
my own 800 page book "The Serpent & the Cross", as it attempts to 
provide a theological and biblical framework to the global 
conspiracy, the cosmic spiritual battle, and where the crazy church 
scene of today fits into that. For a description and reviews, see 
the "Books" link after pressing the "Resources" button on the left of 
your screen on the www.diakrisis.org  website. To learn about 
availability and pricing, send an e-mail to KandMBooks@aol.com .

QUESTION 6: "I appreciate the things that you have said about the 
Illuminati; but do you not have any words of encouragement in the 
midst of all this? Is it all doom and gloom?"

Actually, if you examine my mails on this subject carefully you will 
see that there is always a reminder that the apparent triumph of the 
powers of darkness is only temporary. We should never be "fazed" by 
the works of the powers of darkness. It is all a question of 
perspective. The right perspective. Once you have got the perspective 
right, then you will understand that all evil is both transient and 
transformative, in the sense that it is overruled by the Creator and 
used for His own purposes. The events of the Cross must have looked 
pretty doom and gloom to the disciples at the time; but it was the 
most transformational occurrence in the history of the universe. We 
must always realise that the evil of the world is used by God in His 
overruling agency. (You can read all about this in the article on the 
Diakrisis website entitled "Tested by Fire: The Origin & Purpose of 
Suffering & Evil"). This does not mean that we should do nothing in 
the face of evil. On the contrary. But the reason why I am saying 
these things is to convince you that no matter how much an evil act 
may appear to be out of our control, there is another higher 
transformative power at work. We will have to wait until a later date 
to appreciate this fully!

So, to answer your question "Is it all doom and gloom?" I would have 
to say "Yes and no". This world, in its present form, is indeed 
doomed, eventually. But that is because this present world is just a 
stepping stone in the whole course of creation to a new universe in 
which all corruption has been eradicated. But as far as the gloom is 
concerned, there is no need to live in that gloom, provided one has 
made the right choice. This is why the man we call Jesus Christ came 
into the world. Two thousand years ago, He warned of all this. He 
said it was all coming. He warned that, as the end of the age 
approached, people would pretend to be the saviour of the world and 
that there would be many false prophets and that we should not be 
deceived by any of them. He warned that we should stand up to evil 
and stick close to the truth. He warned that a time of awful 
suffering and persecution would happen in the world before it was due 
to end. He warned of all this (See Mark 13 and Matthew 24).

But He also invited those with a passionate interest in Truth and 
integrity to follow Him, to become His disciples. And in an uncertain 
world, we can do just that. We need spiritual protection against the 
powers of darkness. And as darkness increasingly swamps the earth, 
never has that protection been more vital.

QUESTION 7: "What you say is all very interesting but, in the light 
of that, how should we be living and what is the "Truth" that we 
should be conveying to others".

We are involved in a massive spiritual battle. The way we conduct 
ourselves as those who know the Truth is vitally important, as our 
behaviour and attitude can be exploited and used by the powers of 
darkness. Therefore, we must live as clean and diligent lives as we 
possibly can. But because of the strange -- often bizarre -- nature 
of life in this world today, we must expect the unexpected and be 
prepared to find ourselves even at the hinterland of human 
experience. These are serious times. Be prepared for anything. Those 
who have seen through the lie will be especially savagely attacked 
from many sides. They will be hugely assaulted in unexpected ways and 
should not be surprised at the sources of their hassle. They need our 

Ultimately, I am putting myself at some risk by saying these things. 
(Go to http://www.illuminati-news.com and see what has happened 
there). Even in the past week I have received mails from people 
telling me dark secrets about their lives and experience and what 
they know, and then saying that everyone with whom they have shared 
these secrets has finished up in a body bag. (And I'm speaking here 
about really heavy stuff involving such things as mind-control 
programmes, satanic abuse at the hands of small-town henchmen with 
Luciferian connections, etc.). But there is a sense in which the dark 
powers do not mind too much that little people like me have some idea 
of what they are doing. After all, what influence do I have? They can 
always spin such little people out to the ignorant as being "deranged 
nuts". Besides, they also know that the vast majority of humanity 
will faithfully buy what they say. The fact is that -- as the 
engaging children's book, "The Emperor's New Clothes", demonstrates --
the vast majority of people prefer the safe-looking lie even when 
the truth has been unequivocally shown to them!

So what is the "Truth" that we should convey to others? Many people 
in the world believe that there is a global conspiracy afoot 
involving evil forces. They may not be Christians, but they have seen 
the Lie at work in the world and are, in many ways, more insightful 
than the majority of professing Christians. They need to hear about 
the fact that there is a Creator in total control of all this who 
will ensure that there will be a triumph of light over darkness, good 
over evil, and that there is another, infinitely lighter "conspiracy" 
at work involving a vast cosmic plan which is exceedingly more 
complex and far-reaching than anything which the powers of darkness 
can dredge up.

I could say a great deal more. But as I have no desire to be the 
conveyor of "information overload", I will finish with one final 
thread:- Do you imagine — because I write about these events as being 
conspiratorial — that I have no compassion for the victims of the 
heinous crimes? Why do you think that I spent most of Tuesday night 
awake, wrestling with all this? Let me tell you now that I was deeply 
indignant that so many tens of thousands of people should have been 
so heartlessly sacrificed in order to bring some satanic madmen's 
plans closer to their dastardly fruition (and I don't mean the 
characters who hijacked the planes). Let me tell you now that I was 
even more passionately incensed that so many billions of people the 
world over should have been so easily brainwashed into accepting the 
party line about why these events happened. It all fills me with 
pain. If only you knew my true agony of soul. Sometimes my knowledge 
is more than I can bear. But it is not my place here to lay bare my 
heart and agony. You can get all the whingeing prayers and 
condolences you want from the likes of Tony Blair and George Bush. I 
watched their acts and I was not in the least impressed. On the 
contrary, I found them cold and heartless. There was something 
weirdly automatic about their responses. I felt as if I was watching 
zombies who can do nothing other than trot out clichιs in the wake of 
every disaster.

We need to realise that the New World Order and the dark global 
conspiracy is not so much a political/governmental development as a 
spiritual one; and it can only be combatted spiritually. The web of 
intrigue involving secret conspiracy, political cabals, global 
elites, extra-terrestrials, UFOs, etc., is a dark satanic mill 
grinding its way to certain destruction. But we will not reach people 
by hiding our heads in the sand from the reality of life in this 
world or by telling them some sentimental twaddle about "Jesus loving 
them and having a wonderful plan for their lives". However, we will 
reach into people's hearts with a robust message pointing in the 
direction of Truth, light and safety which can be found in the Man we 
call Jesus Christ, who will one day return to this planet and wipe 
out the powers of darkness — both human and angelic — "with the 
breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming"(2 
Thess.2:8).  But in order to communicate these things effectively, we 
need to be people of courage and conviction in the face of ridicule 
and ostracism. Compromise and cowardice will never impress those who 
are attracted to Truth. But courage and conviction will !

This is a space which needs to be watched. Do not be surprised by 
anything. You will not only need fortitude but also the ability not 
to think down tramlines. Be vigilant. Pray with intelligence. Do not 
lose your sense of humour. Be careful who you trust. Find some good 
friends who know and understand what you do. Allow your mind to go 
beyond its self-imposed confines and those which others would force 
on you.

May we open our eyes to the fullness of reality in this world and 
beyond, and steel ourselves for the rocky pathway which lies ahead, 
supporting one another with love and kindness, and reaching out into 
the world with the Truth which we have been shown.
