A formula for Totalitarianism
No doubt about it:
there was a FORMULA utilized by the perpetrators of Nine-One-One.
No matter whodunit - it was a well and precisely planned operation.
From Webster's Dictionary, a definition of 'formula': "A set form of words
for use in a ceremony or ritual".
The formula can best be described in four simple words:
TYRANNY: Absolute power, especially when exercised unjustly or cruelly.
TREACHERY: Willfull betrayal of fidelity, confidence or trust; perfidy.
TERRORISM: The systematic use of terror, violence and intimidation to
achieve an end.
TRAUMA: An emotional shock that creates substantial and lasting
damage to the psychological development of the individual
generally leading to neurosis.
Which leads us to.....
TOTALITARIANISM: A form of government in which one person or party
exercises absolute control over all spheres of human
life and opposing parties are not permitted to exist.
Sound familiar? Where have we heard this before ?
Has our government betrayed us?
Are we being ushered into the Fourth Reich?
But....IT COULDN'T HAPPEN HERE..... Or could it?
Was the mass murder and mayhem, the operation code named Nine-One-One a
ceremony or ritual ?
And if so, what kind of ritual ? For what purpose ?
Was Nine-One-One simply the most extreme 'international incident' to date in
a long-term operation of 'trauma-based programming?' - part of the 'ritual
abuse' of the American public ?
Worse yet, was it a 'Satanic Blood Sacrifice' ?
Could these sorts of hideous rituals be part and parcel of the programming
of the collective American psyche ?
If so, to what end ?
Not easy questions to answer, much less furnish proof for. Yet the answers
leap out in a plethora of dramatic symbols, for those who have eyes to see -
and more importantly - the freedom of mind to perceive.
For centuries, occultists have relied on symbols to harness the power of the
human mind for use in rituals. By far, the greatest creative power resides
not in the conscious mind, but in the unconscious, and even more so in the
vast reservoir of what Carl Jung termed the Collective Unconscious.
The unconscious 'thinks' in symbols - pictures - instead of words. If a
picture is worth a thousand words, maybe that's why.
You don't have to believe in Jung's theories to understand the power of
symbols. Symbols are all around us; but never more compelling than when they
are internalized within the life-force of the mind. Internalizing a symbol
is not hard to do, either by a voluntary act of conscious will, as in prayer
or meditation..... OR by the IMPOSITION OF SOMEONE ELSE'S will as in
hypnotic suggestion, black magic or mind control.
Once a symbol has been internalized, it takes on a life of its own.
And once it
digs in and puts down roots, its power over the mind of the host -- for good or
ill-- grows as it is watered and fed by the conscious mind.
The easiest way to 'feed' a symbol is to use repetition. Flash that symbol
--over and over-- in front of the subject's eyes until the point of saturation.
Critical mass.
The perpetrators of mind control have developed this sort of 'ritual' not only
as a science, but to a near art form. Dominating the energy -- individually
or collectivley-- in the psyche of the target is the cornerstone of mind
Let's consider the most potent symbol flashed into our consciouness by the
perps of Nine-One-One.
The World Trade center towers. A raging inferno. People leaping from the
windows. A larger-than-life spectacle of death and destruction. Many writers
have noted that there was an element of unreality in it all --like something
you'd see in a movie.
But it wasn't a theatrical production. It was REAL.
The immediate reaction of most people witnessing this horror was shock.....
INTENSE AND PROFOUND TRAUMA. How could it be otherwise ?
When trauma strikes, the boundaries protecting the psyche come crashing down.
The ability to think critically and analytically is suspended. Until the shock
wears off -- if it ever does-- the traumatized mind simply REACTS.
And it reacts emotionally. A traumatized mind is vulnerable and therefore far
more suggestible. And the suggestions the mind is most willing to accept are
those which it believes will ensure its PROTECTON and SURVIVAL...at any cost.
This the key to "trauma-based programming".
Read it and weep: IT WORKS
Could it be that Operation Nine-One-One was planned for this precise purpose ?
Using terrorism to traumatize Americans into a mass panic which the perps knew
would lead to their unquestioning and emotionally-based desire for PROTECTION
Have many traumatized Americans been programmed to give up their freedoms in
the false, irrational and emotionally-based belief that they can exchange their
freedom for protection and thus ensure their survival ?
If so, they've made a deal with the devil, and there'll be hell to pay.
It is hard to pinpoint with precision the beginning of institutionalized use of
mind control in America , but 1947 was certainly a critical year.
In 1947, the Central Intelligence Agency was created from its precursor, the
Office of Strategic Services. The agency was staffed predominantly with Nazi
scientists brought to the U.S. under an operation code named Project Paperclip.
In 1953, the CIA 'officially' began the MKULTRA mind control program, under
the direction of Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, incorporating roughly 165 sub- projects.
George Hunter White, colleague of Nazi criminal Sidney Gottlieb, described his
involvement in the CIA's infamous MKULTRA project this way:
"I toiled wholeheartedly in the vineyards because it was fun, fun,
fun.....Where else could a red-blooded American boy lie, kill, cheat, steal,
rape and pillage with the sanction and blessing of the all-highest? "
Indeed, where else ? Where else but in America, the Land of the Free and the
home of the Brave.
Home of the Criminally Insane Agency.
Does this utterly demented, deranged and demonic mind-set tell you anything
about the agency -- or the government-- that could implement such a project,
at the cost of unimaginable human suffering, while the perpetrators are swept
merilly along in the sadistic thrill of it all ?
Who can tell us about the depth of such suffering ?
Maybe we could ask Eric Olsen. The CIA "suicided" his father, Frank Olsen in
1953, connected to the MKULTRA operation, then engaged in a massive cover-up.
The real story has only just begun to come out, but the lies and betrayal
continue apace.
In 1999 The Expert Witness Show, hosted by Mike Levine, ran a series of
programs about CIA mind control. I was one of the guests interviewed, as were
Eric Olsen and Martin Lee, author of Acid Dreams, a classic on CIA MKULTRA.
I was asked to appear on the program as a survivor of MKULTRA. Yet I was given
little opportunity to tell my story. Had I been allowed more air- time, perhaps
my testimony would have shed some light not only on the mind control abuses of
the past, well-documented and eloquently stated by Olsen and Lee, but on the
fact that the atrocities of mind control ARE STILL GOING ON TO THIS DAY in our
Sidney Gottlieb, the project's founder, was purportedly ordered by DCI to
destroy all MKULTRA documents, circa 1976-77. We know that ALL the documents
were not destroyed, as evidenced by those which remain. However it is my belief
that there are many more documents in existence which have not yet come to
I believe this because of my own invovlement in MKULTRA and other black
projects and also because this has been confirmed to me by insider sources.
Furthermore, I KNOW the project was NEVER abandoned, as the CIA claims. I
know this because I MYSELF WAS STILL INVOLVED, long after the program was
purportedly "discontinued".
In fact, MKULTRA is still operating today. The names of its sub- projects may
have changed and some of the players have passed away. But the game remains the
same. It didn't stop. It just went deeper black, that's all.
And what's worse, the scope of mind control has expanded to include not just a
small group of "test subjects" but the attempted brainwashing of the entire
Witness: HAARP
Witness: EM Frequency Weapons
Witness: Psychotropic Drugs
Witness: Satellite technologies
Witness: biochip implants
And these mind control systems are only the tip of the iceberg........
In the words of the psychopath Jose Delgado: "A psycho-civilized society."
On the evening of October 6, I began writing this article. On the morning of
October 7, I received e-mail from an unknown source. Strangely enough, the
content of the message fit right in with what I was writing. It may shed some
light into the darkest corners of the human psyche, as reflected by the body
politic. And if true, is chilling to contemplate.
Subject: conspiracy tape ? Message: have you seen this ?
I had not, so I clicked on the URL to a webpage which contained one item:
a link to a clip of videotape.
http://cswilson15.home.mindspring.com/ (See it for yourself. )
Text on webpage: " This is a tape that was made by my father-in- law's
client, who was dying of cancer. He left instructions that he wanted it
to be seen."
The scene opened on a man in a hospital bed. A full head of white hair and
thick black-framed glasses. Tubes ran from a bedside machine into his right
It was the deathbed confession of a man who claimed to have worked for 27 years
for "the group with no name". His identity as well, was undetermined.
The man appeared to be addressing his lawyer, "John" making a confession
regarding the nefarious activities he had been involved in. He appeared
agitated and had some difficulty speaking, so some of his testimony was
unintelligible. I've transcribed it to the the best of my ability here:
"John, this is the last time you'll hear from me. Thanks for your friendship,
your loyalty, thanks for your hard work. You've been more than just my lawyer,
you've been a good friend.
I'm going to ask for one more favor. Do this thing for me. I'm going to tell
you....secrets. These things are true. I want to tell people....I want people
to know...to confess.....
About the Wall Streeet that never was.....all lies.
Something else...I've been working for the group with no name....the way things
are done.
I was....management...yes, bookkeeping...keeping track of the money.
They don't care about money...listen, I can try to explain..but
it's difficult...gonna be hard to explain.
I'm not crazy.....You've heard all those conspiracy stories...Jews, Masons,
secret societies....some truth in it...it sounds insane.
But I tell you, I've seen terrible things....listen....
The Mayan culture in South America....Mayans were the first ones....no one
discusses these things.
They killed....[unintelligible]
Harrington was always talking....he's gone now....leave his name out of it.
They betrayed us.....our era.
This is the way things are done. You must have wondered yourself..... what the
hell is going on here ? This is the way things are done. Listen to me...try to
The blood sacrifices they did down there...hearts were torn out...thousands of
them...their own people. You know why they did it ? It's the power...the power
created from pain and suffering.
There are those who have ultimate power....who decide how things will
go....part of a strategy...part of a plan.
Let me explain....I was programmed in the usual ways....Skull and Bones, the
Bohemian Grove....[unintelligible]...so I could be used....
I don't know all that much....
The reason is the transfer of power...that's why they do what they
do....magic...ancient magic....occult practices.
They discovered the transfer of power and energy...
know what I'm talking about?
They discovered certain practices....you can't even conceive of.... I don't
exactly know how it's done. I avoided finding out...I couldn't stomach it.
The reason they create wars, atrocities, murder, assassinations, genocide...it
creates a form of power..energy. They use that..... I don't know how....I know
it moves... and it works....I've seen it...horrible things. It's a science...
it works.
I wasn't involved in that. It just came into my life...27 goddamn years !
They told me I'd be there to witness the end...I was this close !
27 years...now I won't be there to witness it.....to see it coming...
and to die now.
You know I never smoked...they do this all the time...it's punishment...no
right to do this to me....
They lied...I kept my end of the bargain...they said there was no problem. They
May 17...August 9....November 5...November 12...watch...see what
happens....then you'll know.
I'm speaking the truth.
There is no way to stop them ! Both sides know how it works....terrorists in
the third world....doing the things we used to do....They've already started
killing off the herd...it's in the water..it's in the air...
It's the way things are.....
I can't put it any clearer than that...God help me...
Get this goddamn thing away from me ! Turn it off! "
[Waving his arms at the camera.]
End transcript.
Was this tape a hoax ? I don't believe so. There were too many realistic
elements. The hospital setting. The man's obvious distress and difficulty
speaking. To me, it comes off as a real deathbed confession.
Of course, it proves nothing. But how much "proof" do we need ?
Haven't we heard and read about all of this many times before? Ad nauseum?
How many witnesses do we need ? How many confessions ? How much testimony ?
How many tortured souls ?
How much more bloodshed ?
When is enough, enough ?
Now I have a few questions for all self-respecting, freedom-loving American
Are YOU willing to "negotiate" with the powers-that-be for YOUR freedom ?
Do you believe that YOUR freedom, like a license to drive or to practice law,
is a priviledge issued by the state ?
Will you let YOUR freedom --or lack thereof-- be determined by the covert
agenda of the "group with no name", a cabal of Satanists and bonesmen
perpetrating mind control, fomenting terrorism and engaging in blood sacrifice
rituals ?
Or is YOUR freedom --as protected under the U.S. Constitution-- a GOD-GIVEN
You decide.
Freedom begins in the mind.
"Give me liberty or give me death".......Patrick Henry
Postscript: I would like to thank all those people who have shown the courage
to stand up for freedom, especially those researchers and journalists who have
worked so hard, for little or no remuneration, to make the alternative media
available to the general public. The alternative media may truly be the forum
for Freedom's Last Stand.