! Wake-up  World  Wake-up !
~ It's Time to Rise and Shine ~

We as spiritual beings or souls come to earth in order to experience the human condition. This includes the good and the bad scenarios of this world. Our world is a duality planet and no amount of love or grace will eliminate evil or nastiness. We will return again and again until we have pierced the illusions of this density. The purpose of human life is to awaken to universal truth. This also means that we must awaken to the lies and deceit mankind is subjected to. To pierce the third density illusion is a must in order to remove ourselves from the wheel of human existences. Love is the Answer by means of Knowledge and Awareness!

Dan Winter Interview...

Burning Bush: Why America Attracts a National Near Death Experience

Nov 7. Interview with Dan Winter (DW) by Implosion Group (IG): 
       (the nexus of things for Nexus Magazine).

Implosion Group: Dan Winter's current research is described at IG's web:

IG: Dan - What is your view of the current world situation.

DW: As with much of our planetary drama, the big picture concerning the
current FEAR OF TERRORISTS concerns the interplanetary scramble for
sustainable DNA. The interplanetary economic interests wanting control and
distribution (stewardship) over the valuable genetic library of Earth -
which invested so heavily in the Sumerian / Annunaki genetic engineers we
later called Ptah, Enki, and 'Genesis of the Grail Kings'. (N'Iburu /
H'Iburu was an EXPENSIVE artificial genetic engineering planetoid). The
gene splicing which resulted in donkeys they called TakAdama (we later
called Adam and Eve) to make gold mining borg clones was because of their
blood addiction to the Gold /Manna / Ormes / Spice eating. That addiction
(Akhanaton as Moses was a reluctant gold powder cook) was caused by their
('Nephilim'/fallen) failure to re-learn to implode their DNA (make glandular bliss 
or passion) sustainably. 

So the Gold harvesting here on our planet (Elohim's Nephilim meaning FALLEN 
blood) was merely a by product of a GENETIC problem. The existence of more 
gold then normal in our planet vein structure was also a by product of the 
magnetic line self-similarity/fractality which more importantly made DNA here 
which could more readily learn self-similarity -- self-organizing -- self awareness . 
The effect of magnetic environment on DNA determines the fractality of the
braiding algorhythmn which limits the evolution to implosion / self awareness 
and gravity making power of those genes.

So understanding the magnetic implosion. Self embedding potential
geometrically of our solar system (position with respect to stellar masses -
see "peshmehten" article at the next link below) is necessary to
understand the high POLITICAL leverage of our planet in the on-going Orion
war conflict, for which most of Earth history since Sumeria is a mere
recent skirmish. Earth human's who choose to ignore the ET history of their
own DNA are stupid Ostriches with their head buried in sand, soon to die.

(IG's web site references for this section: www.soulinvitation.com/sbET1.html )

The family (An , Antu from Sirius) which funnelled the Orion (Peshmehten ,
wingmakers.com calls the returning genetic predator ET's) "Mag's" money in
our planet, exemplified the severe split between wholly DNA intelligences
vs. machine hybrid borg intelligence which epitomized the Orion wars. (much
older than Earth). Steiner called this Luciferic vs. Arhimanic. The 2
battling brothers ENKI / ENLIL took turns labeling each other the DEVIL in
the religions which propated like a smelly disease of the stupid on this
planet. Enki / Ptah / Adonai no more wanted his kin 'Tut" to become the
false centerpiece of the lie filled Jesus myth of the priests, than he
wanted Thoth or the fallen Drac's to make an interplanetary black market
for live human glands. 

The real issue behind the battle of the brothers
(Israel / Yalweh / Enlil - vs. Muslim / Enki / Arab.. East of Eden..) was
over whether or not to give emerging genepools like ours enough freedom to
hang ourselves. If you left a dangerous genepool like ours (something of a
contagious virus that could have military implications) get loose beyond
our solar system in the galactic politics, the WHO behind steering major
black holes tunnelling expensive cargos between stars might change dollar

On the other hand, if you failed to self-empower emerging genepools like
ours, there might not be enough coherent DNA field effects to REGULATE
IMPLODING SUNS GRAVITY like ours. Something of a 2 edged sword. This is an
oversimplification of the political squabble behind the humanoids versus
the machine hybrids whose genetic star battles overflowed the Orion sector
to become our Solar politics. (Sumeria / Shining Ones / Elohim .. Annunaki..)

So the essential split in the conflict as it arrived on Earth might be
oversimplified as: (war of the - half-brothers - East of Eden.. etc.)
interventionist vs. non-interventionist (Those who believed DNA could learn
to steer itself as a wave in time, vs. those who did not respect DNA's
internal self-organization) (see the various ET groups categorized as
interventionists versus... at lettersfromandromeda.com ).

Enlil (Yalweh) vs. Enki (Adonai) - (An's sons - different Mother's, only
Enki / Adonai spawned the line which became Tut -whom Rabbi's distorted
into the Jesus myth - were able to en-soul / raise the dead / properly
initiate DNA implosion. )

DNA centered / individualizing vs. machine hybrid / borg  (both Luke
Skywalker AND Muab Dib / Dune wake up to find Dad was half machine -
example; Stephen Hawking speaks from half machine to advise humans they
NEED soulless genetic engineering in order to keep up with machine

The Mag orion syndicate started the largely disempowering Christian ( "God
is outside your body" is a phrase only required by parasites / 'priests'.)
AND Muslim religions for largely the same purpose. Gold powder addicts
(like Germain, "Ascended Masters" Sai Baba etc. ) become imprisoned in the
astral, unable to fabricate the glandular bliss juice necessary to free
themselves, thus becoming increasingly enslaved to the astral milkhouse we
call religious fervor. It is like an endless colony of stranded worms
feeding voraciously. (The ultra violet' bliss cocoon of partially ignited
DNA is their food - which they themselves lost the ability to make internally).

Their problem climaxes when our Sun is about to orgasm, (now til 2011)
whose compression wave stands to toast most of the DNA here. This 'rapture'
is not designed naturally to end genepools like ours, but merely to
appropriately test for non-destructive compression which DNA has acheived
the braid implosion gravity making potential necessary to steer stars like
ours. You can feel the gravity making force of the imploding field around
your cells during bliss (it is sometimes called centering force - balance
is the result of 'self wareness' teaching waves to agree / fuse by imploding). 
The amount of gravity making force of your genes is most easily
measureable as weight loss at the moment of death ( less than a pound for
most un-evolved people). 

Our Sun, like all stars, desperately needs an inhabiting genepool /
soul-group to stabilize the life-force body we oversimplify as her gravity
field. This is why Star Being, Solar Logos, like An , An-Tu, Vairachoca,
were called "Sun" gods. It is not so dramatic - it is merely 'normal'. If
you cannot imagine what it is like to live in the Sun, that is your problem. 

I know lots of people who have had the experience. ( IG's web:
www.soulinvitation.com/solarshamans ). Not too many physicists took up the
challenge to describe the principle WHY focused human attention measureably
repairs radioactive half-life (Uri Geller study) or why millions of children 
singing in unison effected Solar flares by measurement more than
once. After they cogitate that, I dare them to understand how Tut's blood
was used to regulate the timing of the Nile flood. Until a generation of
Earth's ego driven physicists die off to allow the kids to learn how to
steer tornadoes and gravity using excited genes, there is not much hope 
for the children of Earth.

The physics of why parasites die in Sunlight is most instructive.
(implosion / fusion is a wave which SORTS for the SHAREABLE). Lo grade /
non-self imploding / non self-steering DNA (the 'let God do it - because I
can't' - crowd) cannot withstand the phase discipline which implosion /
fusion requires. In other words as we say, not only should you not buy a
used car from shifty eyes (inability to produce coherence -
coherence=survival, see that measured with HeartTuner), but you DEFINITELY
will not get ensouled (sustainable tornado thru lightspeed in your genes)
from that salesman (however religiously 'fundamental' they may claim to be.)

Let us apply this to practical Earth politics. There is so much literature
on this, the reason most Earth people have not looked at it is not because
it is not available, but rather they are of the "well ET origins of Earth
politics is probably true but it might be scary so I don't want to know"
type. I will only do a VERY rough overview, with reading suggestions. But
it IS necessary to see a little past WHO is most religiously 'fundamental'
in order to get the flavor of current Earth wars.

Let us begin with the origin of Insurance and Banking on this planet. The
western view that the Templar's invented Insurance and Banking in order to
fund Gothic cathedrals is such an interesting paradox of the real truth.
The Gothic cathedral is a prime example of a mostly parasitic
(non-self-empowering) structure. How come only priests got use of the only
bathroom for hundreds of miles? The real truth is much deeper and concerns
the Templar service to the MAG tradition they learned at Uru-shalem
(=Jerusalem - means literally place of the URU - home of the Snakes
- LEVIathan). Mag was a name assigned to the Orion telepath's whose
matriarchy ruled from the bloodline of the velociraptors. MAGdala means to
TOWER snake like. 

Nothing wrong with snakes in your DNA as long as their is
some bird brain to steer. That MAG culture had set up parasitic harvesting
of numerous planets by installing insurance and banking, before they
repeated their old trick here. This industry of fear was more accurately
labeled piracy and extortion only for a short time (under Mag's skull and
bones), when the King and Pope reduced their Public Relations budget

The skull (and bones) touch (Baphomet) was a ritual mechanism of
transferring the capacitive spark gap necessary to carry on hive memory
thru death. (The hybrid borg culture could create immortal bodies but NOT
long memory - only those who knew HOW DNA implodes could do that - note
bene - Earth genetic engineers.). The skull and bones society of the
displaced Templar Navy (pirates) wealth was the result of anchoring
extortion sites on trade routes. However more deeply, it came from
regulating the consumption of psychoactive substances which so controlled
their inner magnetic wormholes / gravity fields they so desparately needed
to steer. (Guild navigators soaked in soluble gold - kind of thing). Kind
of gives the phrase: 'wealth from the SPICE trade' new meaning doesn't it?'.

So Skull and Bones became synonymous with "if you want Psychoactive
substances, pay me first". The relationship of Skull and Bones to the
origin of the U.S. CIA versus the drug cartel has been explored elsewhere /
"Nexus Magazine" etc. I am trying to extract the cultural meaning of the
institution here.

Let us move from the Skull and Bones society at Yale (Bush family history),
to the more recent CIA. The CIA was so shocked at losing the obedience of
John Kennedy when his drug / oil cartel father Joe died, that they staged a
military coup to assasinate him. Even Clinton the bastard love child of the
Arkansas Rockefellers did not satisfy the obedience level needed. The Bush
family on the other hand, has ALL the right roots. I would speculate the
current president does not KNOW the dirty laundry of his father's Zapata
Oil CIA drug money laundering. The Bush family IS CIA. The CIA is an
insitution dedicated to making memory NOT shareable. Therefore, it is an
instrument of death. (Waves which cannot become distributable by phase
ordering / fusion / union / implosion, are SELF canceling).

American's chose to ignore the illegalities (see below) which allowed Bush
to cheat the election, they sealed their fate choosing a NATIONAL NEAR
DEATH EXPERIENCE. The NAME in principle for a near death experience in
which the electrical tree structure of ones memory storage IS NOT FRACTAL
(sharable) is CALLED: A BURNING 'BUSH' EXPERIENCE. (I do enjoy the irony).
A tree structure which is not fractal or phi-lotactic WILL CREATE HEAT WHEN
COMPRESSED. This is the "Burning Bush". That heat, is the destructive
compression which results from memories being not able to fuse / share at
their coeur.

Religious fundamentalists are the most easily mind controlled group. They
actively seek to ENJOY the feeling of being controlled. By calling control
outside their body 'GOD', they exalt the process of becoming a borg / slave
/ golem / food for parasites. All parasites (worms, Draco's, CIA, priests
etc.) exist because lack of life force inside a body needs to be eaten out
if it. Studying one's parasites is how you learn about what is not vibrantly 
alive and shareable in your body.

The term GOD while not fundamentally a mistake, is only self empowering
when it refers to the POSSIBILITY of genetic biology being able to generate
a field effect which becomes self-organizing (& therefore self-aware). This
requires hygiene and pure principle, which are generally the opposite of
dogma. George Bush is a religious fundamentalist, elected illegally (see
below) by religious fundamentalists, who has now ironically declared war on
religious fundamentalists. That kind of religion is based precisely on the
notion, the universe is too complicated, so let God and not your
self-empowerment control it. The very IDEA of worshipping miracles requires
wanting to believe that the pure principles behind universal creation are
not KNOWABLE OR STEERABLE by you. This is simply a facade for: 'It is a
privelege to be assimilated'. (the borg - the Ashtar command.../ a central
computer intelligence).

The angry "God" Yalweh of the Christian Bush, and the God behind the Dome
of the Rock of the Muslim's, is the exact same medium grade genetic
interventionist, reptile Enlil. That (Sumerian / Annunaki / Draco) family
tragedy of loss of DNA sustaining skills by loss of how to hold glands in
bliss from within (Nephilim), is precisely being played out on our global
stage today.

One simple glance at George Bush's own skull geometry makes it clear to
anyone biologically informed he will never have the glandular equipment
required to support self-organizing bliss, which is the ONLY way DNA get's
ignited enough to become self steering. By 'electing' such a lo grade
genetic specimen (nothing personal George, kindergardners just need special
classrooms), America put their steering in the path of needing to taste death.

My own oversimplication is that probably the CIA is catching up with the
Catholic church in being the instigator of the most planetary wars.

Issues which DO need to be made shareable include:

-the CIA was so embarassed about the rejects from their Manchurian
candidate mind control experiments next door to WACO they had to shoot them.

-then the survivors got so pissed they bombed Oklahoma city.

-Osama Bin Laden is another recent survivor of a CIA experiment (fund the
war on the soviets, then dump the experiment victims).

While I think the evidence from the seismic data (~10hz) that a separate
sonic scalar really brought down the World Trade Center 
(http://www.cyberspaceorbit.com/towrcmmnt.htm ) is probably meaningful, 
it is not the real ISSUE that needs dealing with. (Who done it locally - is
not the same as WHO SENT those who-dunnit. ) Hoagland's pages of
numerological rambling about the disaster pointing to the Templar's etc. 
(http://www.enterprisemission.com/tower2.htm ) is his usual 'find somebody
to blame while totally missing the point' drivel. (Like he never understood
a magnetic line needed to cut a tetrahedral latitude since he did not
understand how only fractal self-similar magnetic arrays stabilized
gravity.) I would recommend the links at www.whatreallyhappened.com ,
mostly to begin to track the recent history of the US government dirty
laundry which MADE these enemies.

The 'war on terror' serves the parasites of self-determining DNA by using
fear to eliminate individual freedoms. The rate at which law changes
destroyed individual freedom in America just after Sept 11, is probably
unprecedented in history. DNA cannot take responsibility for it's own
steering in the time wormholes / destiny, unless people can take individual
responsibility for the same (their own destiny). For example DNA cannot
self steer if idiot people (genetic engineers) hack up it's braiding
algorhythmn not even understanding that it HAS a field effect - much less
that the faster than light sustainability of that field effect is the ONLY
way to immortality.

If you think this is terror, wait til you feel the terror at discovering
all your children's DNA lost the ability to self-steer and have a soul,
just because you believed the parasite genetic engineers who said - we
don't need to know how DNA gets ensouled and self-organized before we hack
up the genes in your kids breakfast. THAT is terror. Eliminating that kind
of terrorism (genocide) could give the death's in NY some meaning.

The point of unpacking unshareable dirty laundry, is to eliminate the need
for the near death experience. When Doc says: you are about to die so sort
your memory. If you sort well enough, you harvest so much electrical tingle
(charge fractality) you then eliminate the biological requirement of dying. 
How about that for the opposite to a self-fulfilling prophecy? That is the
spirit in which I write this. America: I challenge you so truly SORT your
national memory - do it and you live, fail and your nation dies. Death will
occur by the hand of the chaos that results from storing too much national
secret. (example USSR) . Non-destructive compression - eternal life - is
the privelege of only those who do not require secrets.

Afganistan / Iraq centers of oil and mineral wealth and the place Sumeria
started, are literally the sex juice chakra of Earth. When people do not
realize what sex juice is for, igniting / squirting DNA into stars /
tantra, then they get cancer. When planets do not realize what the global
creative juice is for - getting soul groups gene pods prepared for gravity
insertion into the sun and stars, then the planet gets cancer. It is
appropriate and simple. To call the symmetry NATURE of waves unforgiving is
to misunderstand. Only pure principle was EVER inhabitable - nothing but
the truth survives among waves - that is the symmetry test which implosion
/ compression / creates. The compression wave (rapture) is solar generated
and solar harvested. The only way outta here is embedding in the Sun. The
heart of the Sun (hydrogen fusion) contains the implosion symmetry map (ANU
/ human heart) to link us into something shareable sustainable. Failure to
employ the solar directive ("Tutankhamon Prophecies"), is death. The pure
geometry of embedding is teachable - just like the Shaman discovering how to
make gravity when he just thought he was embedding himself in a tornado in
order to steer it to save his home town.


Under the catagory of "Unshareable memories: attractors for death
experiences / AMERICAN's - the most lied to people on Earth" - I recommend
an exerpt from Vincent Skulnick's web site:

The most massive so-called "terrorist" attacks on U.S. soil since the
Oklahoma City bombings of 1995, were known, a week ahead of time, by the
American CIA. Among the foreign intelligence agencies who penetrated the
plots were the French CIA and Israel's The Mossad, units of both often
working with one another.

Foreign intelligence sources confirm the validity of this story. And they
state that they informed the U.S. secret police who absolutely failed,
neglected, and outright refused to take action as to known prior specifics
of which the top-level of the CIA were informed in advance.

As made known to the CIA, were the following, among other details

[1] That George Herbert Walker Bush, as President, at the close of the
Persian Gulf War, 1991, arranged to bring into the U.S. some four thousand
Iraqi military officers, some from intelligence units, and their families.

[2] Some 550 of these officers became residents in Lincoln, Nebraska, AND
TWO THOUSAND OF THEM took up residence in Oklahoma City. In a watered down
story, CBS' "60 Minutes" Program did a segment once on this about Lincoln,
Nebraska but said NOTHING about the Iraqi military officers in Oklahoma City.

[3] The financial and other provisions for them and their families were
arranged by the Elder Bush, and then quietly continued by Bill Clinton as
President, and perpetuated by George W. Bush as White House "resident" and
"occupant". The arrangements included financial subsidies, housing, and
employment for the Iraqi officers.

[A brave Oklahoma City TV Reporter, Jayna Davis, on their local TV station,
put on the air several stories about the Iraqi connection to the bombing of
the Alfred P. Murrah Building, the bombing done with the aid of domestic
dissidents as surrogates. A group bought out the TV station and silenced
her. Timothy McVeigh's chief defense counsel for the murder trial, Stephen
Jones, on behalf of McVeigh, filed an extra-ordinary petition in the next
higher court, just prior to the murder trial. To no avail, Jones tried to
force Denver U.S. District Judge Richard Matsch to compel the American CIA
to disgorge records held by them showing prior U.S. knowledge of the
bombing, as confirmed by other known records, some of them also in secret
court records. We have a copy of the 185 page U.S. Court of Appeals, 10th
Circuit, petition filed by Jones and almost uniformly ignored by the
American monopoly press. The petition raises the Iraqi connection.]

[4] The foreign intelligence agencies informed the American CIA that guns
would be planted on-board as many as ten U.S. commercial airflights. This
to be done by airplane clean-up crew members who are generally not subject
to airport security provisions. These workers most likely did not know the
purpose of the gun-planting.

[5] The CIA also was informed prior to the "terrorist" attacks scheduled
for "911" Emergency Day [September 11], that highly skilled Iraqi pilots,
among the four thousand Iraqi officers resident in the U.S., would take
over the commercial flights, by retrieving the weapons concealed onboard,
and then commandeering the flight deck.

[6] The Elder Bush, Clinton, and George W. Bush, all were in a position to
know that the Iraqi officers that they provided for included some
double-agents. The FBI Counter-Intelligence Division at no time was
instructed to do anything about these double-agents in a position to commit
mischief, murder, and mayhem, on U.S. soil.

[7] As I revealed a week prior to the "terrorist" attacks, some foreign
television networks were busy preparing lengthy documentaries that would
scandalize George W. Bush and other members of the Bush Family, including
the Elder Bush and Jeb Bush. The subject matter included how forty million
dollars in dope funds were used by the Bush Family to reportedly corrupt
South Florida DEMOCRATS to abandon the recount even ahead of the U.S. 
Supreme Court ruling installing George W. Bush as the "resident" and
"occupant" of the White House. The dope funds came reportedly from Bush
Family business partner, Carlos Lehder, co-founder of the U.S./Colombia
medellin dope cartel. [Visit our website story, "Chandra Levy Affair, Part
Two".] I discussed this on radio talk shows.

[8] As part of the targetting of the World Trade Center buildings, a group
of surrogates for the Iraqi military officers, reportedly spent
considerable time within one of the buildings, with building security
officers somehow oblivious of their presence.

[9] As the CIA top officials were informed and had prior knowledge, the
purpose of the "terrorist" attacks was to effectively paralyze the
financial infrastructure of the U.S. Some of the most important stock and
bond houses in the world, with their key people having loads of inside
knowledge and hard to replace trading tricks and expertise, were located in
the known-to-be-targetted twin towers of the World Trade Center, New York

It was like blowing up the main "financial factory" and destroying their
inventory. The so-called "back-up" records kept parked across the river in
New Jersey, are not only inadequate but cannot help reconstruct various
accounts and transactions in the works.

Financial experts tell us the "back up" records parked in New Jersey, may
NOT be sufficient to re-start the American financial apparatus. Some of the
experts are loudly grumbling that they should have early on seen Federal
Reserve Czar Alan Greenspan on the television explaining about the
financial ramifications. Of course, some suppose that Americans would panic
and run out of control. So we are dealt with like little children.

[10] It is a serious mistake, according to savvy American and foreign
intelligence sources, to blame the Emergency all on Osama bin Laden. As
readers of our website are aware, we have long pointed out that bin Laden
is reportedly in the Mid-East Construction business. His reputed partners?
The family of Sharon PERCY Rockefeller. She is the wife of John D.
Rockefeller 4th (D., W.Va.), great grandson of the founder of the infamous
Standard Oil Trust that used to bomb their own obsolete buildings to
falsely blame onto their competitors. Bin Laden's so-called "secret"
accounts, which the White House has said they would like to freeze, are or
have been actually reportedly in the Harris Bank, Chicago, joint accounts
with the family of Sharon PERCY Rockefeller.

[11] The Saudi Royal Family actually consists of some five thousand
members, some of whom actually are for the U.S. and some anti-U.S. Some of
them have bankrolled Iraq's war against Iran, 1980 to 1988, to destroy some
oil facilities and keep the price of oil HIGH. The foreign intelligence
agencies, that penetrated the plots to be carried out on U.S. soil, are
aware that some of the Saudi royals are actually sympathetic to the Iraqis
destroying the World Trade Center Buildings and in part, wrecking the
Pentagon. [As if the American CIA did not ALREADY have their own knowledge
of this.]

Whenever there is a political assassination or some other unusual violent
event, what is the key question the oil-soaked, spy-riddled monopoly press
ALWAYS fails to ask? WHO BENEFITS. With a scandal about to break against
George W. Bush, he and his circle had an interest NOT to stop these things
from happening. And to divert attention. The White House has a strong
motive to silence critics and urge people TO RALLY AROUND THE PRESIDENT. 
Simple-minded folks, of course, often poorly informed, do not understand how
the ruling classes would shed the blood of thousands if not millions of
innocent people, in some instigated war, to avoid dealing with the apparent
on-coming economic disasters.

In the midst of this prior-knowledge emergency, who dares now to point to
the Bush Family as reputed business partners of the major kingpin, Carlos
Lehder, of the U.S./Colombia medellin dope cartel? Or how huge dope money
bought the Electoral College trick in Florida and corrupted the U.S.
Supreme Court's "gang of five".

Von: pr@tetrahedron.org [mailto:pr@tetrahedron.org] Gesendet: Dienstag, 6.
November 2001 23:06

Please circulate this important list as widely as possible.

26 Reasons Why "White Collar Terrorists" Are To Blame
    for "America's New War" and the Impending World War III

1) The "terrorist" attacks were completely predictable and, in fact,
predicted. Forewarnings were issued by many patriotic and heroic
individuals to government and military officials well in advance of Sept.
11, 2001. For instance, in August, Dr. Garth Nicolson, Ph.D., and his wife
Nancy Nicolson, Ph.D., among the world's most esteemed Mycoplasma
researchers and Gulf War Syndrome investigators, reported to Pentagon
officials that they had confirmed intelligence that on Sept. 11, 2001 a
terrorist strike against the Pentagon would be made. Their sources included
individuals in key intelligence positions, the mob, and one high level
African diplomat. 

Their "information was passed on to the Director of Policy of the
Department of Defense, the Inspector General of the US Army Medical Corps
and the National Security Council," Dr. Nicolson wrote. "Unfortunately, it
was ignored."

Likewise, Dr. Leonard Horowitz, the award-winning author of the
prophetically titled book, "Death in the Air: Globalism, Terrorism and
Toxic Warfare," (http://www.tetrahedron.org; 
http://www.prophecyandpreparedness.com) released three months before the
attacks on Washington and New York, correctly predicted such a first strike
on New York. For three years, based on government documents and
intelligence reports, he had been warning "Metropolis" residents, "It's
time to move."

2) On Friday, September 7, Florida Governor, Jeb Bush, brother to the
President, issued an Executive Order in which members of the Florida
National Guard were activated, "for the purpose of training to support law-
enforcement personnel and emergency-management personnel in the event of
civil disturbances or natural disaster." Perhaps the president and his
brother received Dr. Nicolson's warnings or were the source of the warnings? 

3) On Sunday night, September 17, 2001 CBS's "60-Minutes" revealed that
President Bush's close associates had suddenly, and inexplicably, sold all
their airline stock just days before the terrorist attacks. The story was
completely overlooked by mainstream newspapers thereafter.

4) FEMA sent the Urban Search and Rescue Team to New York City THE NIGHT
BEFORE the attacks occurred!  One FEMA official, Mr. Tom Kennedy told Dan
Rather on Sept 11, "We're currently one of the first teams that was
deployed to support the City of New York in this disaster.  We arrived on
late Monday night [that is, on September 10, the NIGHT BEFORE] and went
right into action on Tuesday morning." 

5) Osama bin Laden and his band of "Terrorists" could not have pulled off
the "sophisticated" operation of four simultaneous air hijackings, and
precision directed attacks, without the support of one or more
"intelligence organizations." This was the expert testimony provided by
past CIA Afghanistan operations director and bin Laden's American
intelligence aficionado, Milt Bearden, interviewed by Dan Rather on
September 12, 2001. In fact, when pressed by Dan Rather to endorse the
theory of bin Laden's culpability, Mr. Bearden stated, "if they didn't have
an Osama bin Laden, they would invent one."

6) On October 31, 2001, the French daily "Le Figaro" reported that Osama
bin Laden had met with a high-level CIA official in July 2000. At that
time, bin Laden was already being sought for trial for his involvement in
two U.S. embassy bombings and the U.S.S. Cole attack. The meeting was held
in bin Laden's private suite in a Dubai hospital. Though he was eligible
for elimination, according to President Bill Clinton's intelligence findings, 
on July 14th he was let go and left Dubai on his private jet. 

7) Every expert in the field of terrorism, up until Sept. 
11, 2001, routinely explained the fact that certified terrorist
organizations operate in an effort to garner worldwide attention and
support for their political cause (s). In the case of pro-Palestinian
terrorist organizations, their attacks had been traditionally against
American military facilities and personnel. This was obviously neither the
intent nor outcome of the attacks on the World Trade Center.

8) For weeks preceding September 11, 2001 international opinion regarding
Israel and the United States had plummeted to an all-time low.
Alternatively, pro-Palestinian attitudes had rapidly increased to an
all-time high, particularly following the United Nations Conference on
Racism wherein the U.S. and Israel had been chastised for their racist
policies. Any intelligent pro-Palestinian terrorist group, such as Osama
bin Laden's legions, or intelligence organization(s) supportive to the
Palestinian cause, would not have jeopardized the significant gains
achieved at that time.

9) Osama bin Laden took his direction and money from the CIA for ten years.
During this time, approximately $5 billion was funneled to his organization
through black op budgets into CIA operation known as Maktab al-Khidamar-the
MAK.  It is clear, as a MAK mercenary army leader, bin Laden's fortune
vastly increased during that time. It is said that, "Once in the CIA,
always in the CIA." Could this be one of the intelligence organizations
about which Milt Bearden was speaking? (See #5 above.) 

10) On Tuesday evening September 12, 2001 previous Secretary of Defense for
the Clinton administration, William S. Cohen, explained to CBS News
anchorman Dan Rather, that the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington
were an aberration. He fully expected there to be a full-scale deployment
of biological and chemical "weapons of mass destruction" very soon. This
reinforced his earlier statements as Defense Secretary that a five-pound
bag of anthrax bacteria in the hands of terrorists would likely cause the
deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans. We were particularly
vulnerable to this "immanent" threat, he said.  Many critical military
observers considered these statements treasonous. Reason?  
At no time in American military history has a top level official broadcast
internationally the country's greatest attack vulnerability. In effect, his
statements were akin to giving anti-Americans their marching orders.

11) A sincere U.S. Government, truly concerned about the health and safety
of American citizens, would be doing everything in its power to advance
public health and educational policies for biological and chemical attack
preparedness. Instead, such critical policy and advice has been left
entirely to independent, often ill-trained, "experts," at best, and
special interests and media producers at worst. The mainstream media has
completely neglected the simple things people can do to guard loved-ones,
such as natural medicines (e.g.,garlic) to ward off infections such as

12) In July 2000, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) endorsed one
single largely untested and highly risky antibiotic, Bayer Corporation's
Cipro, for anthrax prophylaxis and treatment. Following September 11, 2001
demand for this drug skyrocketed 1,000 percent, according to Peter Jennings
in an ABC News report broadcast September 27. Pharmacies charged $700 per
person for a mere two-month supply of Cipro. It is well established that
far less expensive antibiotics, including the penicillins and
tetracyclines, are highly effective against Anthrax. The Bayer Corporation
during and following World War II had been blacklisted by the U.S. 
Government for being the principle profiteer, in partnership with the
Rockefeller Standard Oil Company, for funding the Third Reich, their
terrorist organizations, and Germany's war machine.

13) During the first week of October, the media heralded a bizarre anthrax
outbreak at the National Enquirer near Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. By October 11, 
three cases of reported "criminal" anthrax infections had occurred. 

This form of anthrax--a classic biological
weapon strain--is not easily acquired. It is distributed mainly by the
American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) of Rockville, Maryland. The curator
there is Dr. Joshua Lederberg, who is also the president of Rockefeller
Preceding the Gulf War, the U.S. Congressional Record (May 25, 1994,
commonly called the "Don Riegle Report") exposed the ATCC for shipping to
Sadam Hussein's Ministry of Higher Education and the Ministry of Trade,
nineteen shipments of various strains of Bacillus Anthraces from 1978 to

14) According to investigators at the FBI, the Enquirer anthrax attack was
not likely done by 
typical "terrorists," but rather one or more "criminals." For what motive?
Obviously, whoever did this had a motive, and had access to weapons grade
anthrax. That virtually leaves typical blue-collar "criminals" out entirely
since skill in handling and shipping live anthrax would be required for
this crime. The fact that, of all places, America's bestselling tabloid was
first attacked, then other mainstream media outlets, speaks volumes about
the criminal motive. Since no one has claimed responsibility for this act,
they obviously did not do it for personal publicity. Obviously, then, the
attack was a white collar crime by one or more "white collar
bioterrorist(s)."  At least one Rockefeller-linked U.S. biological weapons
official, Dr. Lederberg, and Rockefeller-partnered Corporation, Bayer
(aspirin) that largely financed the Third Reich, and Hitler's rise to
power, had obvious white-collar (financial) motives for these 
contemporary "terrorist" attacks. This deserves critical consideration and
further investigation. 

15) On October 1, 2001, Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz sent the FBI, as well as
half the members of the U.S. Congress, an urgent request to investigate
this matter. (See: http://www.tetrahedron.org "Apocalypse Prevention
Project") Included in this letter was the following statement concerning
the links between contemporary terrorist organizations, the global neo-Nazi
movement, and possible Bayer Corporation involvement: 

The Bayer Company [also linked to AID-virus contaminated blood products
during 1980 investigations] evaded U.S. 
Government controls during and following the holocaust in which millions of
mostly Jewish people were used as experimental subjects in medical
atrocities overseen by I.G. Farben's president Hermann Schmitz, who also
directed the German­multinational Bayer A.G.

Of urgent pertinence to the FBI's current investigation into terrorism's
money trail, a recent investigation into terrorist group funding, issued by
The Oklahoma Bombing Investigation Committee (OBIC) directed by
Representative Charles Key, found "Neo-Nazi figures have actually been
implicated in Middle Eastern special weapons procurement and terrorist
activity." For example, the group reported, "since the 1960s, an old Swiss
Nazi named Francois Genaud has reportedly masterminded several airplane
hijackings for the PLO." The now defunct "Odessa" organization, the
post-war successor to Hitler's S.S., according to OBIC, "had numerous
documented meetings with representatives of various Arab organizations;
and, during the early 1980s, a Neo-Nazi named Odfried Hepp attacked several
U.S. military installations in Germany with bombs. 
Hepp was later found to have been financed by Al Fatah." Hepp, OBIC
reported, did his Ph.D. on "Neo-Nazi/PLO bombings of U.S. housing, cars and
military facilities in Germany." Given these facts alone, an FBI
investigation into this matter is critical. 

I am also contacting congressional leaders at this time urging an immediate
U.S. General Accounting Office (GAO) investigation into the FDA's "advisory
committee" that sponsored the unprecedented sole endorsement of Bayer's
Cipro for anthrax.  Nowhere in the Physician's Desk Reference (2000) is it
claimed that Cipro is especially indicated for anthrax. In fact, Bacillus
anthracis is not even mentioned. What is mentioned is that, "although
effective in clinical trials, ciprofloxacin is not a drug of first choice
in the treatment of presumed or confirmed pneumonia secondary to
Streptococcus pneumoniae." This organism, like anthrax, is an aerobic
gram-positive microbe. (Likewise, Bacillus anthracis causes pneumonia in
the form of commonly terminal hemorrhagic bronchopneumonia.) Furthermore
numerous bioweapons experts have consistently recommended far less costly
and time- tested antibiotics to fight anthrax, including the natural and
synthetic penicillins, erythromycin, cephalosporins, and the tetracyclines. 

As with Dr. Nicolson's forewarning to military leaders concerning the Sept
11 Pentagon attack, the above urgent request by Dr. Horowitz for FBI
investigation into this matter, to date (Nov. 5, 2001) has gone ignored.
This strongly suggests, if not evidences, a conspiracy within our own
government-a conspiracy of silence at minimum.

16) Aaron Swirski, one of the architects of the World Trade Center, said
they designed the towers to withstand airplane collisions. "I designed it
for a 707 hit, he said."  The collapse of the buildings came as a complete
"shock" to him and his colleagues. 

Van Romero, a demolition expert, former director of the Energetic Materials
Research and Testing Center, and current vice present for research at New
Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology said that the manner in which the
twin towers collapsed, resembled those of controlled implosions used in
planned demolition. "My opinion is, based on the videotapes, that after the
airplanes hit the World Trade Center there were some explosive devices
inside the buildings that caused the towers to collapse," Romero said.

ABC News interviewed people who had 
escaped "ground zero" on September 11, 2001. One unidentified man said: "We
were stuck on the stairs for a while. I came down from the 85th floor. When
we were just about to leave the building, there was a blast." A woman's
testimony followed: "I got stuck on the stairs. When we got to the lobby
there was a blast," she said.

17) On September 11, 2001 President Bush was is Sarasota, Florida, "In
Sarasota, Fla. "reading to children in a classroom at 9:05 a.m. when his
chief of staff, Andrew Card, whispered into his
ear, according to the Associated Press (Sept. 12). The president briefly
turned somber before he resumed reading. . . .[Next] President Bush
listened to 18 Booker Elementary School second-graders read a story 
about a girl's pet goat . . . before he spoke briefly and somberly about the 
terrorist attacks." Many are curious as to why the "Commander-in-Chief" of 
the U.S. took about a half-hour before he responded to the national security 
urgency, or even addressed the tragedies.

18) The New York Times reported on September 15, 2001 that Pentagon
officials had been tracking the second two hijacked planes for almost an
hour following the WTC attacks because they simply "didn't know what to
do." Regarding the plane that crashed into Pennsylvania "Paul Wolfowitz,
the deputy defense secretary, said . . . that the Pentagon had been
tracking that plane and could have shot it down if necessary; it crashed
about 35 minutes after the Pentagon crash."

Many are wondering why, if they could have shot that plane down, did they
not shoot the plane down that flew into the Pentagon?

19) Vice President Dick Cheney was interviewed on Sept. 12, 2001. 
When asked where he was when he learned of the attacks, many were
surprised to learn that he was alerted by his secretary who was "watching
television" in his Washington, D.C. office. In essence, though the FAA had
known at least four planes were veering far off their course, while the
Pentagon, too, had been tracking at least two of the hijacked planes, Mr.
Cheney received his initial intelligence report by way of television
through his clerical secretary.

20) "Drugs and terrorism go hand in hand," wrote investigative journalist
and retired LAPD officer Michael C. Ruppert (http://www.copvcia.com)
"Conveniently ignored in all of the press coverage since the tragic events
of Sept. 11," Mr. Ruppert wrote, "is the fact that on May 17 Secretary of
State Colin Powell announced a gift of $43 million to the Taliban as a
purported reward for its eradication of Afghanistan's opium crop this
February. That, in effect, made the U.S. the Taliban's largest financial
benefactor according to syndicated columnist Robert Scheer writing in The
Los Angeles Times on May 22."

21) "Now as US military action will replace the Taliban government and
fresh crops will be planted in Afghanistan," Mr. Ruppert continued, "the
slack in cash flow will assuredly be replaced by dramatically increased
opium production in Colombia; the revenues from that effort being needed to
maintain the revenue streams into Wall Street. Prior to the WTC attacks,
credible sources, including the U.S. government, the IMF, Le Monde and the
U.S. Senate placed the amount of drug cash flowing into Wall Street and
U.S. banks at around $250-$300 billion a year."

22)  Mr. Ruppert also revealed that an Executive Director at the CIA named
A. "Buzzy" Krongard is suspected of Wall Street profiteering from
foreknowledge of the Sept 11 attacks. Formerly with Bankers Trust catering
to the world's wealthiest clients of the Deutsch Bank.  (The Deutsche Bank
is heavily implicated in Dr. Len Horowitz's book Death in the Air:
Globalism, Terrorism, and Toxic Warfare released in June, 2001) In 1999,
Mr. Krongard left Deutsch Bank for his present high-level job in the CIA.   

Enormous quantities of "Put" options were handled through the Deutsche
Bank, which allowed the options buyers to earn profits in the event the
value of airline stocks went down.  The appearance of advance knowledge of
Sept. 11 is so strong that to date $2.5 Million of the $20 Million in profits earned 
on those unusual trades, remains unclaimed, possibly by Mr. Krongard, or other 
affiliates of the CIA.

23) Many journalists have reported that the bombing of Afghanistan,
allegedly intended to punish the Taliban for affiliations with Bin Laden,
is simply a cover for that government's reneging of support for an oil
pipeline through Afghanistan from the vast Caspian Sea oil fields. 
Sept. 11, provided a great excuse to pursue this petrochemical, economic,
and "national security" objective. 

24) On December 20, 1997, the national newspaper CONTACT: The Phoenix
Project, published an interview on anthrax biowarfare threats and
vaccinations in which Dr. Leonard Horowitz was asked "about the
government's pressure to vaccinate [using the anthrax vaccine] and the
bioweapons scare tactics, etc." He responded: "Look at the motive behind
the persuasion, and what is it? They're preparing to blame it on the
Muslims, Christian patriots, and militia groups. The militia groups are
already dysfunctional because they're penetrated by agitators."

This is precisely what followed in the wake of the 9-11 attacks. Muslim
groups were blamed for the 9-11 attacks. 
Christian patriots were blamed for the anthrax mailings. 
Militia groups were entirely silenced and even implicated. 
And false patriotism in which Americans welcome the destruction of basic
constitutional liberties with CIA command over the entire U.S. military and
Government has come to pass.

25) On October 31, 2001 the American people and U.S. 
Constitutional freedoms were attacked, not by the Taliban government or
Muslim terrorists, but by CDC officials who advanced the "Model State
Emergency Health Powers Act" that will force masses of people suspected of
exposure to broadly-defined "infectious diseases" and biological weapons
into concentration camp-like holding facilities for drugging, vaccination,
and quarantine, without any viable legal recourse.

26) The entire 9-11 tragedy and subsequent threats to U.S. 
national and global securities fits far too perfectly with standard
Machiavellian theory to be overlooked. This ongoing practice-the
"problem/reaction/solution" agenda of precisely "managed chaos"- appears to
be standard operating procedures for oligarchs historically bend on
developing a "New World Order." Sadly now for the American people, as it
has been for the Third World, this effort includes killing approximately
half of the world's current population. 

For more information, review the following websites: 