! Wake-up  World  Wake-up !
~ It's Time to Rise and Shine ~

We as spiritual beings or souls come to earth in order to experience the human condition. This includes the good and the bad scenarios of this world. Our world is a duality planet and no amount of love or grace will eliminate evil or nastiness. We will return again and again until we have pierced the illusions of this density. The purpose of human life is to awaken to universal truth. This also means that we must awaken to the lies and deceit mankind is subjected to. To pierce the third density illusion is a must in order to remove ourselves from the wheel of human existences. Love is the Answer by means of Knowledge and Awareness!



by Brian Desborough 


Arizona Wilder, former Mother Goddess of the Illuminati,
recently appealed on the David Icke website for people
to focus on the transmission of higher vibrational
energies during the forthcoming solar eclipse. The
Intent is to negate the outcome of Illuminati
malevolent rituals scheduled for the same period.

Regrettably, her appeal will be ignored, not only by
the concrete-minded general populace but also by
superstitious Christians and Jews, fearful of
incurring the wrath of their vengeful deity Jehova.
Machiavelli stated In his 'Discourses' that humanity
is moved by two principle things: love and fear. The
one who arouses fear invariably gains more of a
following and is more readily obeyed, than one who
wins their affection. Sadly, most religious
practitioners equate deity worship with love, failing
to realize that it is not really possible to love a
vengeful god who might bring retribution to those who
have the temerity to question doubtful biblical

Most people willing to participate in group or
individual meditations in support of this effort are
anticipated to be members of either:

a) The New Age Movement and neophyte members of Wiccan
b) The UFO community.
c) Ethnic tribal groups.

In order to transmit psychic energy effectively during
deep meditations (the human brain generates scalar
waves) it is necessary to rid oneself of false
esoteric baggage. Neophytes seeking a closer
attunement with the cosmos, tend to assimilate New Age
or Wiccan doctrines, while individuals who believe
that they have had encounters of an extraterrestrial
nature tend to be drawn to organized UFO groups,

Sadly, the New Age, Wicca and UFO movements are
closely controlled by the Illuminati, who realize that
if we learn to manipulate ftheric energy effectively,
the Illuminati dragons will lose their dominion over
humankind. In consequence, the Illuminati have
promulgated layer upon layer of false dogma in order
to prevent humanity from acquiring true esoteric
knowledge. The purpose of this brief missive is,
therefore, to dispel the false dogma so pervasive in
both the New Age and Wiccan cultures, in addition to
providing a true history of wicca.

During the latter half of the 19th century, several
inventors (besides Tesla) discovered various methods
for the harnessing of ftheric energy while John Keeley
was demonstrating his anti-gravity craft to the US
army and operating his implosion motor, Nathan
Stubblefield was tapping into the planetary energy
grid in order to provide electric lighting and heating
for his home. 1

The Illuminati maintains its dominance over humanity
through the control of wealth, energy and most
importantly, suppression of knowledge. If the
discoveries of Keeley, Stubblefield, Tesla and other
inventors had not been suppressed by the Illuminati,
the world would have commercialized over-unity (free
energy) devices and transmutation technology in the
19th century.

The discoveries of these inventors necessitated that
in order to maintain control, the Illuminati would
have to withhold the true nature of ftheric energy
from free-thinking members of the public. This was
accomplished through the creation of the New Age
movement, with the intent of steering free-thinkers
into a quagmire of disinformation. In order to
maintain a low public profile, the Illuminati directs
the activities of public organizations it wishes to
covertly control, from behind the scones.

In the case of the New Age movement, its initial
secret director was Lord Butwer Lytton. Lytton was the
Grand Master of the Scottish Rites Masonic Order and
an Illuminatus. In addition to being Head of British
Intelligence and Viceroy of lndia.2 Seeking a suitable
candidate to front the fledgling movement, Lytton
found a suitable pawn in Helena Blavatsky. A multiple
personality possessed of a ferocious temper, Blavatsky
was unable to do no wrong in the eyes of most New Age
writers and lecturers, while critics, such as
psychical researcher Dr. Richard Hodgson, insist that
she was a blatant imposter.

What is a certainty, as she admitted in her
correspondence, her Ascended Masters were, in
actuality, merely living humans, primarily Freemasons,
occultists and political activists who provided
support to the Theosophical Society. Thus "Master
Chohan" was Baba Khem Singh, an aristocratic harem
owner noted for his drunken orgies, while "Master
Djual Kul" was political philanthropist Sirdar Singh
Majithia. Blavatsky's travel expenses to and from
India were paid by the Maharaja of Kashmir (Master
Morya); "Master Koot Hooml" was Sirdar Sandhanwalla,
claimed by Anthroposophist Rudolph Steiner to have
been a spy for Russia. In her waning years, Blavatsky
wrote a letter condemning the fraudulent channelers
claiming to be in contact with her fictitious
'Ascended Masters' !

Blavatsky was covertly controlled by a secret
directorate of the Illuminati. Among its members were
Charles Southeran and Guiseppe Mazzini. Southeran was
a founding member of the Theosophical Society and
belonged to many Illuminati front organizations,
including the Rosicrucians, the Rite of Swedenborg (a
Supreme Council member) Mizraim Rite and a Supreme
Council member of the Scottish Rite.

She was greatly influenced by Mazzini, whom she met in
London after he had been deposed as dictator of the
short-lived Roman Republic. A major figure in the
Carbonari secret society, he was also Grand Master of
the Scottish Rite Italian Lodge, thereby placing him
directly under the control of Lord Lytton. Mazzini's
principal aide Macheca, was dispatched to America in
order to establish a branch of the Mafia there.

Blavatsky was a member of several very dark Illuminati
societies, including the Order of Luxor, Lytton's
Young Europe and held the highest female rank (Crowned
Princess, 12th degree) in the Sat Rhal. 3

Although Madame Blavatsky has been criticized by her
opponents for having an illegitimate child, partaking
of narcotics and dabbling in the black arts, to her
eternal credit she attempted to advance the discipline
of esoteric science, even mentioning inventor John
Keeley. Despite being a political loose cannon and
often acting unwisely, she was, in the writer's
opinion, one of the greatest intellects in recorded

For some bizarre reason, many New Agers claim to
channel Count Saint Germain, whom they regard as an
ascended master. For the record, they would probably
obtain as much spiritual counseling from the
disembodied spirit of Jack the Ripper. The son of the
village postmaster at Sainte Germaine, he became an
agent provocateur for British Intelligence, creating
political mayhem in Russia under the alias of "General
Weldon". In order to provide a cover for his covert
activities, his intelligence overlords created the
myth that he had great occult powers including that of
bilocation. He became Grand Master of the Illuminati
Lodge of Paris to which Ben Franklin belonged. 5

According to the previously-mentioned Southeran, Saint
Germain initiated Cagliostro into the Illuminati
during a covert meeting near Frankfurt, at which the
American and French Revolutions were planned. 6

As "The Biggest Secret" detailed, Jesus Christ never
existed. According to this present writer's research,
the expense incurred in maintaining its empire
prompted Rome to seek a lucrative new revenue source.
At that time, gold mined in Ireland was fashioned into
jewelry in England, then marketed throughout the
Celtic commonwealth; this gold trade was under the
control of druids headquartered in England. Through
the simple ploy of creating a composite deity from the
myths of Esus, Mithra and Tammuz, etc. (Esus being a
member of the Celtic Holy Trinity and the son of a
wood-associated god) it was easy for Rome to supplant
the Celtic religion with Christianity, usurping the
druidic control of the gold market in the process.7

In the interest of good scholarship, we must address
the problem of why, if Christ never existed, do people
undergoing mystical altered states of consciousness,
e.g. near-death experiences, perceive a being claiming
to be Christ?

The answer is to be found in an UFO-related phenomenon
which has been ignored by the UFO community. The
subject of mystical and UFO-related abduction
phenomena is far more complex than the typical writer
or lecturer on such matters would have us believe. A
major point invariably ignored by such ill-informed
persons is that a major component of such phenomena is
the presence of a powerful electromagnetic field.

The nature of the phenomena depends upon whether or
not the electromagnetic field which initiates the
event is either powerful, or weak and nonturbulent. In
either case, the electromagnetic field is sufficiently
strong as to modify the percipient's brain chemistry.
How the resultant phenomenon is perceived is largely
dependent upon the changes in the percipient's neural
chemistry. These changes in brain chemistry have been
intensively researched for mind-control purposes.

Specific electromagnetic frequencies and wavelengths
stimulate the production of various
hallucinatory-associated chemicals, a-g. pinoline. And
can result in anomalous activity and perceptual
changes through neuronal kindling in specific regions
of the brain, such as the temporal lobes.

Perceptual effects noted in purported alien abduction
cases are missing time, clicking or buzzing sounds,
sexual stimulation or sulphurous odor. These phenomena
are typical results arising from contact with intense
electromagnetic fields, and are caused by
neurochemical changes in the following regions of the

Missing time: caused by electromagnetic stimulation of
the reticular portion of the mid-brain at frequencies
between 100 and 1500 hertz.

Buzzing noise or sulphurous odor: internally-produced
in the limbic region of the brain. 

Clicking: known as the Page Effect, it is due to
changes in magnetic flux. 

Sexual feelings: induced in the septal region of the
brain by electromagnetic frequencies of 30 - 40 Hertz.

Hallucinations: In 1930, Professor Cazamalli
discovered that electromagnetic frequencies of 500
Megahertz induced hallucinatory phenomena. 

Electroanfsthesia: occurs when the brain is subjected
to external frequencies between 100 - 1500 Hertz. Some
victims maintain the same frozen postures during
missing time periods, indicative that their brain
neurotransmitters sustained an electrical overload,
resulting in a temporary muscular immobilization known
as akinesia.

Such an electromagnetic-induced mystical experience
results in a cathartic modification of one's mental
and physical processes, such as chemical
hypersensitivity, heightened E.S.P. and adjustments in
spiritual values.

The above phenomena usually occurs if a person is
situated in an electromagnetic 'hotspot' caused by an
electromagnetic field temporarily generated by a
seismic disturbance (plezo electricity) or reflected
energy from a microwave transmitters in addition to
the above naturally-occurring phenomena, humanity is
also subjected to visitations by creatures that Carl
Jung termed Psychoidal Energies. These are apparently
intelligent beings of pure energy who co-exist with us
on the earth plane. Their atomic structure appears to
function at extremely high frequency rates, thus
normally rendering them invisible to us.9

These archetypal beings appear to be able to lower
their frequency rates, thus enabling them to intrude
into our realm of physical reality at periods when the
earth's geomagnetic field is in a relatively-quiescent
state. During the day, the solar wind, consisting of
electrically-charged particles, creates a great deal
of electromagnetic turbulence as it interacts with the
earth's magnetic field. At night,however, the field
becomes relatively stable, which helps to explain why
"abduction' events are most prevalent after dark. The
earth's geomagnetic field is most stable during solar
or lunar eclipses - a period when most ethnic tribes
hold their most important ceremonies, presumably to
facilitate the physical materialization of archetypes,
for communication with the tribal shaman.

When such an entity materializes, the magnetite
crystals in the percipient's brain orient to the
biofield of the entity, resulting in an alteration of
ionic flow in the percipient's brain. This modifies
the output of neurotransmitters, causing the
percipient to experience temporal lobe lability, which
induces an altered state of consciousness. As the
entity materializes, its electromagnetic field
interacts with the Meissner biofield (aura) of the
percipient, thus enabling the entity to extract
information from the percipient's mind and adopt any
physical form which is acceptable to the unconcious
mind of the percipient. Thus, archetypal entities have
appeared as fairies or elves to peasants, as the
Madonna, Christ or angels to Christians, and most
recently as extraterrestrials: in short, archetypal
entities assume a physical material form which is in
compliance with the cultural idiosyncrasies of the
percipients, presumably the reason why few
extraterrestrials were encountered in previous

During a typical encounter, the biofields of archetype
and percipient merge, enabling both to phase in and
out of our physical world into what we term the spirit
or astral world. Native American shamans have warned
that there are two types of such entities:
highly-evolved spiritual beings and a deceptive type -
the latter deluding the percipient by providing false
information. Such entities have exerted a profound
psychological effect upon their victims, and have
altered the course of history by fomenting wars and
changing the nature of religion.

The writer has conducted numerous exorcisms for
victims of the latter type of entity, who claim to be
either Christ or an angel and provide spiritual
counseling for several years, this eventually becomes
progressively malevolent. This type of entity should
not be confused with earth-bound discarnate entities
who had absorbed Christian dogma in a previous human

Since the release of the book "The Biggest Secret",
Mr. Icke and his publisher have been contacted by
well-meaning persons who have undergone mystical
experiences in which they have been communicated by
entities claiming to be Christ or angels. Such people
are usually abysmally ignorant concerning religious
literature, having been indoctrinated with false
Christian dogma. The writer wishes such people well,
but suggests that in order to avoid incurring negative
karma upon themselves, they should embark on an
intensive study of comparative religions and
Illuminati history for a decade or two, prior to
inflicting their views upon others.

To illustrate the necessity of intensive research into
such matters, we have only to consider the Archangel
Michael myth. According to Sumerian texts, survivors
of the last global deluge descended Mount Hermon and
migrated to Mesopotamia. One of the principal group
leaders was Dingir-en-ge-li (Enlil). The pictograph
representing the word "li" portrayed a potted shrub,
signifying agriculture, while "Dingir' meant an
aristocrat and the genitive "ge" translates to 'of',
hence the term 'Lord of agriculture"

With the passage of time, Enlil became deified and the
term 'ge' was changed to mean 'wind" or 'air". Thus
Enlil became "God of the air'. To the superstitious
Sumerian peasantry, if Enlil was God of the air, it
meant that he could fly and therefore needed feathered
wings, thereby making him the first angel. To make
matters worse, as Sumerian pictographs became
increasingly stylized under Akkadian influence, the
plant pictograph "li" was re-oriented horizontally.
Incredibly, a popular New Age author who has allegedly
been observed attending Illuminati rituals, has
mistranslated this word as "rocketsh ip" !

The second Sumerian monarch, Tas Mekigal, introduced
the plough to the aboriginal Sumerians and was also
accordingly hailed as "Lord of agriculture". In time,
he too was deified and depicted as a winged god on
Phoenician and pro-Christian British coins - the
original Saint Michael. The ancient Egyptians named
their Harvest God "Makhi-al", while in Britain,
Harvest Sunday falls on Michaelmas Day. Jewish culture
was devoid of angelology until they became aquainted
with it during their period of Babylonian captivity.

The above example is demonstrative as to why you, dear
reader, should personally conduct your own research
from first principles, instead of becoming suckered
into purchasing angel merchandise from a New Age
huckster (the New Age movement is a $ two billion per
year industry in the United States).

Many New Age neophytes are perplexed as to why, if
there is a Supreme Being, why He, She or it permits so
much death and destruction; indeed, our entire food
supply is based upon a predatory food chain. The
answer perhaps is best found in the application of
over-unity (free energy) physics. Unlike theoretical
particle physics, which has created a monstrous
universe based upon false precepts requiring
increasing mathematical corrections, it is necessary
to comprehend, in order to develop a successful free
energy device, that the universe is composed of
nothing but vortexial spin. Matter, space and time
arise from primal energy, which is movement.

It has been experimentally-demonstrated that time and
the velocity of light are variables: when a magnetic
field, produced by an electric field, is moved
longitudinally, a tempic (time) field is produced -
the basis of time machines. Movement is the sole
reality in the universe. Increase the vortexial spin
and a superphysical reality, unobservable by our
physical reality, is created -- permitting the
phenomena associated with such mystics as Sai Baba, in
addition to shapeshifting, to occur. 10 

Consciousness is the source of all energy and pervades
the whole of creation -- the Mind of God. The
consciousness of the creator pervades every atom and
activates the DNA molecule via morphic resonance, in
order to prevent universal chaos, sacred geometry in
the form of the Fibonacci mathematical series and
magic squares are encoded in the fabric of the
universe. Christians would be shocked to learn that
the Fraters Solomonis mystery school architects
incorporated magic squares into the architecture of
those most wondrous of structures, the Gothic
cathedrals, the magic square of the Sun, which totals
666 being prevalent (666 represents the energy of the
central sun and can be used either spiritually or
malevolently). Incorporation of magic squares insures
that gothic cathedrals function as resonant cavities,
in attunement with the cosmos.

In order to survive in a physical form, all creatures
on this planet are obligated to adopt a graduated
consciousness, i.e. we kill millions of living human
cells whenever we exercise our muscles, yet accept
this as inevitable. The universe is a creation of
conscious imagination involving divine love,
imagination and will; in order to sustain an evolving
universe, the Creative Intelligence receives the
experiences, good or bad, of everything in the
universe. If the universe were in a state of divine
harmony and perfection, we would have no frame of
reference to distinguish between good and evil.

Even though Blavatsky's "Ascended Masters" were a
figment of her imagination, anyone who is able to
astrally travel in a controlled manner is aware that
there are, indeed, spiritually-evolved
multi-dimensional beings in this universe as well as
demonic entities. It would appear that certain
highly-evolved non-corporeal entities determine the
evolutionary progress of the human race in accordance
with an overall divine plan for the evolution of the
entire universe. This approach insures that human
technological folly will not disrupt the effective
functioning of the rest of the universe.

These advanced beings apparently communicate
instructions to very covert groups of
spiritually-advanced human overlords, whose function
is to regulate the affairs of humanity. These
overlords apparently have altered the course of
history on numerous occasions by means of their
remarkable telepathic powers, which they use
periodically to subliminally influence those who
occupy the corridors (or bureaucratic labyrinths) of

Whenever human development falters, these hidden
initiates arrange for the course of history to be
redirected, not always peaceably, but always in an
unobtrusive manner, in order to restore humanity upon
its predestined evolutionary spiritual path.

Traditionally, a major administrative center for this
hidden executive has been the city of Balkh, in
Afghanistan. Much nonsense has appeared in
poorly-researched New Age literature about the
legendary city of Shambala. For the record, after the
Islamization of Afghanistan, Balkh became known as
"The Elevated Candle" (Sham-i-Bala). A center of
mysticism and science, several influential people
either were born or studied there, including the great
philosopher and physician Avicenna, Zoroaster and Omar
Khayyam. Western astronomy made major strides after
Adelard of Bath translated the work of Balkh scientist
Abu Ma'Shar. Roger Bacon (1214-1292) who wrote a major
encyclopaedia and understood Arabic, was greatly
influenced by the Sufi master Suhrawardi and even wore
Arab clothing.

Ever since the 7th century A.D., Sufism has played a
major role in the transmission of causes initiated by
the hidden executive: alchemy, astronomy and
mathematics in the West all bear the imprint of Sufi
impulses, introduced militaristically during the
Crusades and the Islamic domination of Spain. Islam
itself, only embraces the outer exoteric aspects of

The 11th century was an era of change in Europe: the
Celtic centers of learning, which demonstrated
elements of Sufic influence, had been crushed under
the oppressive hand of a Christian priesthood intent
upon the suppression of women.

Spain became a focal point of enlightenment after the
Moslem conquest, but the remainder of Europe became a
cultural wasteland after the Roman church imposed its
ideology at the Synod of Whitby in 664. It was
self-evident that the Hidden Executive would have to
become active again (it periodically becomes
semi-dormant for several centuries if human
development is proceeding in accordance with the
Divine plan).

A new "Inner Circle" of humans was therefore
established with major centers at Balkh, Bokhara and
also in the Hindu Kush. Known among initiates as the
Khwajagan (Persian for "Masters") its first leader was
Yusuf Hamadani (1048-1140), The amazing telepathic
powers of this organization, which still functions
today, is used not only to initiate political winds of
change, but also to transmit to segments of society a
spiritual force known as baraka. Pope Gregory VIl, who
was pontiff 1073 to 1085 and betrayed the Christian
ethic of peace, was almost certain to have been used
as an unknowing pawn by the Khwajagan in an effort to
bring cultural and spiritual enlightenment to the

Pope Gregory VII initiated the first Crusade. Even
though the Crusades incurred great loss of life, it
provided a meaningful opportunity for illiterate
Templars to acquire culture from the Saracens who
occupied the Holy Lands, some Templars even married
Saracen women. This is a typical example of how hidden
masters change the course of history by means of a
covert purposeful operation.

A major outcome of the Crusades was the Sufic concept
of courtly love and chivalry. This was introduced by
the Crusader and first troubador Guillem, 7th Count of
Poitiers. The name 'troubador' may be derived from the
Arabic root TRB. A troubador network was later
established by his very wealthy and talented
granddaughter Eleanor of Aquitaine, who accompanied
her husband to Syria during the second Crusade. Her
daughter Marie commissioned Chritian de Troyes, a
writer of salacious works, to write the myth of King
Arthur and the Holy Grail. 11

Early writers of the Arthurian eplc e.g. Nennius and
Geoffrey of Monmouth, appear to have created a
confusing composite of two historical figures - the
1st century Caradoc, captured by the Romans, and a 6th
century border chieftain. The legendary Merlin appears
to have been Bishop Dubricious. This is why it is
incumbent upon readers to conduct their own research,
instead of relying upon New Age writers more intent
upon pecuniary success than in conducting due
historical diligence.

The main corpus of the troubador poetry, with its
emphasis on the striving for almost unattainable love
reflects a thinly-disguised Khwajagan influence
demanding a striving for spiritual perfection. Even
the mythical Camelot may have acquired its name from
the Arabic word kamilat, meaning perfection,

Even the Cabbala is of Sufic origin. According to The
Jewish Encyclopfdia, the cabbala was invented in Basra
by a Sufi group known as The Faithful Brethren. In an
attempt to shield the effectiveness of the Cabbala
from the eyes of the profane, its original eight
sephiroth were increased to ten in the 11th century,
in order to reduce its potentiality. In a similar
manner, the meaning of trumps 14, 15, 16 and 20 of the
Tarot Major Arcana have been modified.

Three decades ago, a Knight of Malta acquainted the
writer with the existence of a secret group of human
masters who work in conjunction with the Khwajagan,
known as the Sarmoun. Believed to have been inspired
by the baraka of Khwajagan master Bahauddin Naqshband,
who died in 1389, the Sarmoun have occupied remote
monasteries in Baluchistan and Afghanistan.

The term 'Sarmoun' means "bee". Honey is equated by
this sect with knowledge, which the Sarmounis store
until it is time to elevate human consciousness once
more. Khwajagan adepts, and possibly the Sarmoun, are
presently operating in the West; the writer is aware
of the presence of the Khwajagan in California.

Even the best laid plans of the Khwajagan sometimes go
awry. A Bedouin tribe known as the Aniza, practised
the teachings of a Sufi adept called Abu-el Atahiyya.
The tribal totem was the goat and the logo used in the
branding of their camels was the so-called 'witches
foot' - the modern-day peace sign. A Moroccan branch
of this tribe formed a ritualistic sect known as "The
Two-Horned", According to Garderian appologists,
witchcraft has been in existence since the dawn of
history. This is clearly not the case, even though
sympathetic magic has been practised since the
neolithic era.

The terminology of neo-pagan witchcraft, as practiced
in Europe and America, originated with the
previously-mentioned Two-Horned sect. The ritual
garment worn by sect members was the kafan, from which
we get the word "coven". Similarly, the knife used in
their rituals was an adh-dahmme, while the ritual
itself was called Az Zabat (occasion of power) which
gave rise to the term "Sabbat". It must be emphasized
that this sect was spiritually-oriented.

Dissident members of this sect settled in Spain during
the 15th century and became united with Rabbi Ishaq
Toledano. Since Jews were suffering from Christian
persecution in Spain at that time, the Rabbi extracted
magical ritualistic information from the sect and
created a coven which was the precursor to the
modern-day covens in order to secure absolute loyalty
from the group, the Rabbi forced them to commit
unspeakable acts which put participants beyond the
bounds of accepted behavior (similar to the rituals
perpetrated by the Nazi hierarchy and the Illuminati
for the same purpose).

Neophytes join wicca covens in order to attune with
the planet, which is an admirable intent. Such persons
should realize, however, that organized wicca
represents the lowest level of the Illuminati, despite
what its leaders would have us believe, and is used as
a recruiting medium into the more satanic Illuminati

The line between the more senior wicca covens and
occult Illuminati lodges is very blurred. A very rare
conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter occured in 1881. The
event was celebrated at the Temple of Luxor and
attended by representatives of most Illuminati lodges
and covens. A schism developed during the convention
between those who wished to disseminate much of their
esoteric information to occultists in general, and
traditionalists, such as tho oligarchy, who did not.
This schism is still current; the oligarchy is
represented by such groups as the Order of the Dragon,
with its seven global directorates, the Welsh Cult of
the Wolf-god Fernis, and the Wessex Lodge with its
Skull and Bones front cult. 12

The opposition consists of such cults as the
Pickingili Covens, the Covens of the Royal Flame and
the Grand Knights of Dorset. All of the above cults
participate in human sacrificial rituals, so let this
be a warning to wicca neophytes.

During the early 1970's, the High Priestess of a
Washington State coven requested that the writer
perform an exorcism at her residence. She had invoked
a powerful entity; not being clairvoyant, nor very
clairsentient, she did not sense its presence and
therefore did not bother to perform a suitable
banishing ritual (a not too infrequent occurrence in
such low-level groups). Hence the need for the

After the exorcism, the writer warned her that one of
her members (a psychology professor) was a CIA
recruiter and also a satanist.

A few year's later, Marcia Moore, the brother of
author Robin Moore (The French Connection) announced
that she was about to commence research into the
heroin industry on behalf of her brother. She
commenced the investigation despite the writer's
misgivings regarding her lack of knowledge concerning
the narcotics industry.

At that time, much of the Golden Triangle heroin was
shipped into Seattle, where it was transferred to
sealed Treasury Department containers prior to
distribution. The operation was directed by a
prominent member of the Republican Party, who was a
confidante of the House of Windsor. Shortly after
becoming involved in her narcotics investigation, Ms.
Moore disappeared. She had been decapitated during a
ritual performed by the above-mentloned coven. This is
a prime example of an innocuous coven getting out of
its depth and becoming malevolent. How much better it
would have been if the coven had restricted its
efforts to learning how to restore the earth's
planetary energy grid to its former pristine state.

Last, but not least, we must appeal to the Native
American Nations to participate in the Grand Cross
meditations. Sadly, many younger tribal members are
disregarding the wisdom of their tribal elders, and
are not in attunement with the cosmos. Last year,
younger members of the Makah Indian Tribe were granted
permission by President Clinton and Mr.
Environmentalist Gore to resume hunting the gray
whale, Clinton even going so far as to authorize the
navy to supply the hunters with 50 m.m.cannon.

In actuality, the Makahs are fronting for the
Norwegian and Japanese whaling fleets, who are using
the situation as a pretext to resume whaling worldwide
(whalemeat retails for $80 per kilo in Japan). To
their credit, the tribal elders refused to participate
in this appalling venture.

The late Rolling Thunder, the extremely wise Cherokee
shaman, was adamant that it was time to merge ancient
tribal knowledge with modern technology. Unfortunately,
the writings of many New Age writers have angered
traditional Native Americans such as Lakota Holy Lady
Tilda Long Soldier: "Anglo women would bring us books
on New Age - crystal clutching, so-called holy women -
and ask us to read them... Coming from a different
culture and being a full-blood, I see these books as
very misleading. I cannot begin to read them because
they get me so angry. 13 

We have incurred the wrath of Native Americans not
only for our rapacious and arrogant activities, but
also because of our technological stupidity. We are
known as the spider people to the Lakota Nation for
our ill-informed habit of spanning continents with
railroad tracks and electrical powerlines. To make
matters worse, we link continents with submarine
telegraph cables.

In addition to the planetary ley-line network of
energy grids known as the Hartmann Net and the Curry
grid, there is also a widespread network of ftheric
energy grids which meander threadlike across the
countryside in a seemingly random manner. This latter
network imparts a subtle, but difterent ftheric energy
essence to each geographical region, depending upon
the geologic structure of the ground. This in turn
influences the biofield of all lifeforms in each
region, providing it with unique characteristics.
Unfortunately, our railroad tracks and powerlines are
good conductors of ftheric energy and therefore upset
the natural ftheric balance of our biosphere, by
ftherically linking individual geographical regions

For many centuries, the Khwajagan and Sarmoun adepts
have attempted to telepathically instill in humankind,
the qualities of love and compassion. The time has
clearly arrived when we also need to develop a
technological conscience. Hopefully, the Native
American Nations will be compassionate and overlook
our failure to effectively live in attunement with the
cosmos, and join us in our eclipse meditations in
conclusion, the writer hopes that the above comments
will enable persons who have only recently begun to
delve into the more esoteric aspects of life to avoid
the false dogma so prevalent in the New Age movement.


1. Stubblefield obtained electricity with
bifilar-wound coils consisting of adjacent windings of
copper and iron wire. The coils were buried at the
intersection of planetary ftheric energy grid points,
preferably under the roots of oak trees. Sufficient
electricity was produced to power electric motors and
arc lamps.

2. Lord Lytton also created ethnic terrorist
organizations, e.g. Young Italy. One of his Muslim
terrorist groups was responsible for the Baku
oilfields riot in 1905. This destroyed 3/5ths of the
Russian oil production. Another of his agents, the
Turk Alexander Helphand (codenamed Parvus) directed
the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand, the event
which fomented W.W. 1.

3. Abraham Lincoln also was a member of the Order of
Luxor. His descendants claim that he was the
illegitimate son of Nancy Hanks. Lincoln himself had
an illicit affair which resulted in twin girls Emma
and Emily, in 1856. Descendants were astrologer Linda
Goodman and Howard Hughes.

4. Readers wishing to research Blavatsky's political
affairs are advised to begin at the India Office
Library, London.

5. Ben Franklin was British Intelligence agent #72.
While ambassador to France, Franklin provided British
Intelligence with details regarding locations and
cargoes of American ship, which the Royal Navy then
sank. Franklin communicated with the British by means
of a heliograph system. His chief aide, Edward
Bancroft, was also a spy working for the British
Secret Service.

6. Sotheran, Charles, Allessandro di Cagliostro:
Imposter or Martyr? D.M. Bennett. New York, 1876.

7. Something very important has been omitted from
Early Christian history. It was customary for Rome to
execute captured foreign political leaders, yet when
English chieftain Caradoc was betrayed and captured,
he was taken to Rome, where speaking Latin, he made a
stirring and eloquent speech. He was given four
hundred servants and a palace (the Palatium
Briannicum) and promoted the new religion called
Christianity. His daughters, renowned for their
poetry, became the toast of Roman Society. A plaque on
the wall of the palace ruins states that this was the
site of the first Christian church. Contrary to
popular opinion, the first Christian church in England
was not established at Glastonbury, but on the Isle of
Wight, which was attached to the mainland in those

8. The powerful electrical charges generated by
seismic movement cause pockets of air trapped below
ground to become ionized. If the ionized air escapes
to the atmosphere through a fissure in the bedrock, it
emerges from the ground in the form of a glowing
plasma, which is encapsulated within a sheath of water
vapor. The resultant plasma from may be either
spherical, cigar-shaped or saucer shaped. The plasmoid
emits a powerful electromagnetic field, which
sometimes causes light refracted from it to created an
optical phenomenon known as Heilingenschein, in which
the plasmoid appears to have a shiny metallic surface.
The powerful radiation emitted by such earth lights
temporarily alters the brain chemistry of any nearby
observers, and appears to entrain both the earthlight
and the percipient in a consciousness field. This
imparts a quasi-intelligence to the earthlight.

9. Jung, C.G., On the Nature of the Psyche, Princeton
University Press, N.J., 1960.

10. The Russian physicist Kozyrev has experimentally
determined that time density varies. The late Dr.
Freeman Cope verified the existence of superluminal
magnetic monopoles (tachyons) at the Naval Air
Development Center, Warminster, Pennsylvania.

11. Even though the Arthurian tale is mythical, former
Mother Goddess Arizona Wilder has informed the writer
that she has seen the jewel-encrusted pre-Christian
era Grail Cauldron, which she claims is in the custody
of the Hapsburgs.

12. According to an Illuminati informant, Monica
Lewinsky is a mind-controlled CIA asset, and was
programmed by an Australian member of the Wessex

13. St. Pierre, M. and Long Soldier, Tilda, Walking in
the Sacred Manner,, Simon & Schuster, New York, 1995.

by: Brian Desborough, July 30th, 1999.
