                      Greetings with Love - - Gerardus

              Greetings with...
                       Light... Love... and Laughter!
                               ~ Gerardus ~

   Enlightenment is living with Love in your Heart from minute to minute.

                       Light... Love... and Laughter!
                               ~ Gerardus ~

 We are the One experiencing the All - We are the All experiencing the One!


           Light... Love... and Laughter!            *!* Gerardus

        Light... Love... and Laughter...         Gerardus     {-^o}
                                          Love at first byte!   `

                       Light... Love... and Laughter!
                               ~ Gerardus ~

   The wonder of it all is in the ordinary...
              How can it all be?         Where does it all go?
                  And why am I wondering... and laughing?

                       Light... Love... and Laughter!
                               ~ Gerardus ~

                 We as Man are the Thoughts of the Creator
                     We also are the Creator thinking.

            Light... Love... and Laughter!          *!* Gerardus


         God is the Universal Holographic Quantum Energy or Source.
                    Our Soul is God's Holographic Image.

             Light... Love... and Laughter!        *!* Gerardus


 I envision a world in which every human being has awakened to the knowledge
 that we are the 'Creative Force' in Human Form. When this awareness becomes
 realized within all of us, Love is the result! Everyone will know then that
 all of us are One Family, One Being and have One Purpose. Which is to share
 our abundance freely and love the Self We Are in Human Form...

                       Light... Love... and Laughter.
                               ~ Gerardus ~


    The aspect of God I am has lived many many lifetimes and finally it
    has reached a state of awakeness in which it knows that it is awake.

   In my awakeness I am aware that the air I breathe, the food I eat and
   the Light of the sun that keeps me warm are the very benefits of a
   Universal Welfare System that sustain me.  Therefore, I have complete
   trust in the universe and its workings, for deep down I know, that I
   am what I am because of the universe - not just because of me and the
   reality I think I create. The body-mind I am is the instrument of the
   Soul I am.  And the Soul I am is the very God or Infinite Light that
   lives within me. It does this because it enjoys being me...

                      Light... Love... and Laughter!
                               ~ Gerardus ~

     The way we see and experience the world, is the result of our mind
     and its habitual attitudes over many lifetimes.  Therefore, we are
     responsible for the way we experience the world, for our habits of
     mind create the flavoring of our experiences.  Needless to mention
     that our mind-set is a very important creator in the universe.

                       Light... Love... and Laughter!
                               ~ Gerardus ~

   Wisdom always keeps one Eye on the Present and the other on Eternity.

           Light... Love... and Laughter!            *!* Gerardus


    * I like you comes from the Mind - I love you comes from the Heart *

                       Light... Love... and Laughter!
                             *!*  Gerardus  *!*

                As much as each letter belongs to each word
        as much as each word belongs to each poem to make it a song
                   so do You and I belong to the universe
                         to make it a Celebration!

            Light... Love... and Laughter!         *!* Gerardus


     I am 100% in favor of an Unconditional Ascension.  This means that
     everybody, good/bad or indifferent, is raised to a higher level of
     Awareness, regardless of whether or not their karmic sequences are
     completed. As far as I am concerned, each and everyone is forgiven
     whatever they did.

     Naturally if you want to stay in a 3D karmic environment you may do
     so by reincarnating upon a different planet. The Earth is scheduled
     to ascend!  So, let's hop on the next Wave of Creativity. Enough of
     this Darkness, let's enter the Light of Love - The Fifth Dimension!


             Light... Love... and Laughter!            Gerardus

   /===O=============== From the Works of Gerardus ================O===\
  ||                                                                   ||
  ||         Life... in whatever matter form or spiritual state        ||
  ||          is a modification of the Radiant Creative Force.         ||
  ||           To know this is to realize the insignificance           ||
  ||                    of individualized existence.                   ||
  ||         To live Life with Joy however makes it significant.       ||
  ||                                                                   ||
  ||                                 ||
  ||                                                                   ||
  ||      Light... Love... and Laughter!           *!* Gerardus        ||
  ||                                                                   ||

        By the time we have learned how to think, we already have
        formed many opinions. Before we know it, we either try to
        defend or transcend them. This creates tension or stress.
        This tension or stress creates the feelings of discontent
        within us that becomes our personal resistance to freedom
        and happiness. In order to be free and happy we must drop
        all attitudes and opinions. We must become impersonal and
        radiate divine indifference.  Unconditional Love follows!

            Light... Love... and Laughter...          Gerardus.


      * Sometimes a bit of Truth hits us harder than a pack of Lies *

           Light... Love... and Laughter...          *!* Gerardus


    What we experience in Life is decided by what we think and believe.
    This means that if we only think rationally our life will only be a
    rational affair.  When we begin to think and believe 'irrationally'
    our life becomes a miraculous journey.  It also means, we must stop
    thinking like a human being and begin to think like God...

           Light... Love... and Laughter...          *!* Gerardus

          Life is not about Believing - our Life is about Knowing.
                                - and yet -
                   Our Life is what we believe it to be.
                      Could anyone explain that to me?

           Light... Love... and Laughter...          *!* Gerardus


    At one time God winked at me and said: Go for it and do your Thing!
    I have been doing it ever since. Just wish I knew which eye it was.

                       Light... Love... and Laughter!
                               ~ Gerardus ~

               ! The greatest mystery is the Mystery Within !
                          - We all have our Own -
                               ~ Gerardus ~

    Once the God within you awakens - you know that the God of the Bible
                             - never existed -
                 as it only was a concoction of man's mind.

                       Light... Love... and Laughter.
                               ~ Gerardus ~ 

                                 SIG - 00

  The World, the Universe, Truth are not just things that are already made
  ready to be captured. Each and every one of us create our own version of
  the above. We are the Creators of our own models of reality. Infinitely!

                      Light... Love... and Laughter.
                              ~ Gerardus ~
        The Enjoyment of the Moment is the Infinity of the Future.
        That is why no Moment of Enjoyment ought to be skipped. It
        would create a Future full of Holes reaching for the Past!

                      Light... Love... and Laughter.
                              ~ Gerardus ~
      All I know is that I am a small aspect of the universe and that
      I know next to nothing of how it works. I can't even turn it on
      or off! And I have no idea what my final destiny precisely will
      be. One thing is for sure, I trust the process for I AM - I AM! 

                       Light... Love... and Laughter.
                               ~ Gerardus ~
                  Everybody is the Essence of the Universe.
                No One can touch it - Yet everybody uses it.

                       Light... Love... and Laughter.
                               ~ Gerardus ~
     All of us are 'enlightened' all ready and because of that, we have
     sent 'aspects' of ourselves, into different realities or illusions
     in order to experience other modes of Life, through these aspects.
     These aspects in turn, must realize that they are aspects of their
     Enlightened Self and are free to do whatever they see fit in order
     to enjoy themselves, while they help awaken more of us to the same
     realization. Naturally all aspects are the Enlightened Self in the
     first place and we could say therefore: We all are Children of the
     Creator We Are!

                       Light... Love... and Laughter.
                               ~ Gerardus ~
      Before an apple falls from the tree, it is an aspect of the Tree.
      As soon as it has fallen, it is an apple, with many trees within.
      In the same manner - as soon as we are free from the High Self We
      Are  - We are One ourselves, with many within. As above so Below!

                       Light... Love... and Laughter.
                               ~ Gerardus ~
                                 (o   o)
             /=================oOO=( )=OOo==================\
            ||                                              ||
            ||        ! TIL is Man and Man is TIL !         ||
            ||          I am not sure about Women.          ||
            ||            But I am working on it.           ||
            ||        Or was it the other way around?       ||
            ||      Maybe they started the whole thing?     ||
            ||               ! Such is Life !               ||
            ||                                              ||
            ||       ~ Light... Love... and Laughter ~      ||
            ||                                              ||
            ||                 .ooo0              Gerardus  ||
             \==================(   )=0ooo.=================/
                                 \ (  (   )
                                  \_)  ) /
   HahahhahHhahahha HahhhHhha Hahahah hahha Hhhhahaha HHhhahha Hahaha Hah
  Hahahah Hhahha HhhhaHaha HHhhahha HahahaHahahah HHahha Hhhhahaha Hhhahha

                ! Know the Present and the Rest is Clear !
                       Light... Love... and Laughter.
                               ~ Gerardus ~
    Nobody is going any place, we're here to find joy until we lift off! 
    The entire universe is an experiment in mind, in which we play games 
    with ourselves.  In order to do so we all play different roles. Some 
    seemingly better or worse than others. It's all the same Being being 
    itself differently!  The help we need we find within by trusting and 
    loving the aspects we are and roles we play...

                       Light... Love... and Laughter.
                               ~ Gerardus ~
       ! The Beauty of Self is present in the Moment of Nowness !
                         Smile when you see it.

                      Light... Love... and Laughter.
                              ~ Gerardus ~
    Everything is a thought, dressed up in different energy vibrations 
    in order to be and entertain the Thinker and its Thoughts. Some of
    these Thoughts have reached far enough to become a Thinker as well 
    and issue Thoughts on their own! Since all this takes place beyond 
    time, there is but One Original Thinker. The Infinite Light - TIL.
    We are The Infinite Light in Human Form...

                       Light... Love... and Laughter.
                               ~ Gerardus ~
    In the midst of the world in trouble, entities in Human Form as old 
    as the Universe itself gather invisibly to each other and play with 
    words by means of incredibly complex gadgets. Providing Recognition 
    of Self and the pleasure of enjoying the One They Are. This play is 
    mutually conductive to many ready to receive, via the medium of the 
    One Mind. It's how the Universe shares itself - Thought by Thought. 

                      Light... Love... and Laughter.
                               ~ Gerardus ~
     The Infinite Light is the Intelligence behind our Mind, the Love 
     behind our Heart, and the Impetus behind all Manifestations. The
       Infinite Light is the Omnipresence and Essence of Creation.
                ! This Light is You - You are this Light !

                      Light... Love... and Laughter.
                               ~ Gerardus ~
     Everything we encounter in our daily world is a Hologram.  It is 
     energy in a certain manipulated form. Nothing is real except the 
     Creator of the Hologram. We are this Creator!  To know that this 
     is so, has stunning implications. The body we live in, is also a 
     Hologram.  It contains our very Soul - which is an aspect of the 
     Universal Creator in a personalized form. The Creator is present 
     within its creation by means of the Soul We Are!

                      Light... Love... and Laughter.
                               ~ Gerardus ~
       There are worlds within worlds and dreams within dreams. When 
       the reality frequencies of two or more worlds coincide, extra 
       ordinary occurrences are noticed. Happenings of the past seem 
       to appear 'amidst' our present reality for example!!  This is 
       most flabbergasting to those not familiar with the manners by 
       which our realities are generated.  All realities are virtual 
       and they are Holographic Projections, from higher dimensional 
       realities.  These exist all around us, but we only experience 
       the dimension we are attuned to.  We do this on purpose!

                     Light... Love... and Laughter.
                               ~ Gerardus ~
       What is the nature of Creation?  Creation is a Holographic or 
       Morpho Genetic Energy System, that can be modified at will by 
       those who have risen to higher dimensional regions.  Creation 
       is God's Infinite Arcade within which all participants play a 
       self created and self involved Reality Game... 

                       Light... Love... and Laughter.
                               ~ Gerardus ~
       Our Soul... 
       is a holographic energy system which is constantly projecting 
       aspects of itself into other realities.  These aspects appear 
       real to our senses.  Our body is a lens giving reality to the 
       illusion we are all subjected to.  Human Life occurs amidst a 
       very complex and 'illusive reality' that completely fools us. 
       We are fooled by our own body and its Holographic Interpreter 
       the human brain.  That's why life in matter is a Celebration. 
       We are the Light of Creation living as Fools in Matter!

                       Light... Love... and Laughter.
                               ~ Gerardus ~
   ! Love is most important indeed - but true knowledge includes Love !

                        Light... Love... and Laughter.
                               ~ Gerardus ~
       Our body is the secret clue to physical reality.  Without it 
       we are not able to witness it, or live in it.  Our conscious 
       mind, our senses and our brain form a biocomputer that makes 
       us believe we live in something different than mind. This is 
       not so! All is Mind and the specific reality systems we live 
       in require specific instruments in order to experience them! 
       Our body is that Instrument!   The Universe is a Holographic 
       Phenomenon, from within all of us participate and create the 
       actuality of all things. Our Thoughts create All That IS!!

                        Light... Love... and Laughter.
                               ~ Gerardus ~
      Creation is God's Arcade and all of us are interactive Players.
            Life is the Game and there are no winner or losers.
         The way we play the Game is most important for it creates
                 the consequences we will be subjected to.
                    Cheating therefore is not possible.

                      Light... Love... and Laughter.
                               ~ Gerardus ~
   The world is a zoo where the monkeys are in charge. When the monkeys
   begin to endanger the existence of the zoo.  There will be an inter-
   vention from a higher Plane of Being. -----> NewAgePeoplePowerNow!!!

                      Light... Love... and Laughter.
                               ~ Gerardus ~
     When we are subjected to certain electromagnetic forces or fields 
     we experience other aspects of our mind. These other aspects seem 
     to include UFOs and other alien experiences.  All experiences are 
     real for our mind contains all things.  Not necessarily are alien 
     experiences pleasant or without danger to our well being...

                      Light... Love... and Laughter.
                               ~ Gerardus ~
        We all live as if in a dream in which we assume or take on 
        individual identity to give validity to the reality of the 
        dream. This so called dream takes place amidst an infinite 
        field of energy we could call The Infinite Light. The most 
        persistent question is - whose dream is this?   The answer 
        to this question lies within us, because all of us are The 
        Infinite Light looking at ourselves from a view point that 
        lies within the reality of our dream.  We are able to find 
        out who or what we are and will find that we are - The One 
        and Only. The Infinite Light! 

                      Light... Love... and Laughter.
                               ~ Gerardus ~
   What we are and think we experience is experienced by our Greater Self.
   The Greater Self is Infinite and we are but one tiny aspect fraction of
   this Infinite Being.  We are like one cell in the Body of this Infinite
   Being and all we need to learn is how to clone ourselves and become it!

                      Light... Love... and Laughter.
                               ~ Gerardus ~
        Good things happen to me - especially when I do not think. 
        That's when true insights hit me hard. I call it intuitive 
        inspiration or radical knowledge. No thinking is involved! 
        I just know for I am ready to know... 

                      Light... Love... and Laughter.
                               ~ Gerardus ~
  ! Expert in Absolute Metaphysical Nonsense that turns out to be True !
                           ... Your Gerardus ... 
    Atom Built - Molecule Maintained - Matter Ready - Perfect Illusion.
                            ! Soul Inhabited !
                      Light... Love... and Laughter.

       The more knowledgeable we become, the more we slowly realize 
         that we are infinitely small and great at the same time.

                      Light... Love... and Laughter.
                               ~ Gerardus ~
  We all have different truths and different values in Life. Could it be 
  that we are all different on purpose, in order to realize that neither 
  truth nor values are as important as tolerance and understanding...

                      Light... Love... and Laughter.
                               ~ Gerardus ~
  Did you know, that when you say something doubtful, half a dozen Souls 
  jump on you and when you say something right no Soul ever beeps a boo?
  Human nature you know - hard to beat. I am full of it...

                      Light... Love... and Laughter.
                               ~ Gerardus ~

     All subatomic particles have a tendency to exist only.  They are 
     not really real - except on paper.  All these particles come and 
     go and are created and disappear almost at random. Amazing thing 
     is - so are people!  What really is the difference?  I feel that 
     particles and people are created and disappear, according to the 
     laws and needs of the universe and that the Source put the whole 
     thing on automatic pilot and took a vacation being particles and 
     people to see what's going on.  Who do you think that Source is? 

                      Light... Love... and Laughter.
                               ~ Gerardus ~

    Since the universe apparently does not function according to human 
    understanding we feel there is something wrong about.  Questioning 
    all this is close to the question - How High is High?   A nonsense 
    question for sure!  
    Not Finished!!
                      Light... Love... and Laughter.
                               ~ Gerardus ~

      ! When the Light hits the Heart it kills the individual Mind !

                      Light... Love... and Laughter.
                               ~ Gerardus ~

        Becoming conscious of Consciousness sounds to me as if one 
        become conscious of Life and as what is.  We can only live 
        and experience this - but never convey or express it. That 
        is the inner mystery of All That Is... US!

                      Light... Love... and Laughter.
                               ~ Gerardus ~

                  Things we do in Joy adds to our Light.  
               Do them without Joy and we stay in Darkness.

                      Light... Love... and Laughter.
                               ~ Gerardus ~

           No thing stands alone in the universe and all things 
           flow forth from one another.  Life is a Dynamic Flow 
           within which the Source of all Things is "reflected" 
           within its Manifestations.   Simultaneously there is 
           a continuous feedback from its Manifestations to the 
                      Source to keep it up to date...

                      Light... Love... and Laughter.
                               ~ Gerardus ~

      Theories and Paradigms are Mental Spectacles, through which we 
      look and find what we are after.  This is so because we always 
      create what we're looking for. The Universe is a Wishing Well.

                      Light... Love... and Laughter.
                               ~ Gerardus ~

    Creation?   What is it? 
   Creation is an "Infinite Relationship" within which we accept finite 
   roles with different functions in order to learn more and more about 
   ourselves and the possibilities of this Relationship. All in all, it 
   is a Universal Creative Play.  We are the Authors, Directors and the 
   Players of this infinite spectacle.  Before we discover that however 
   all of us identify with our roles too much and seemingly get lost in 
   the details of our Universal Creative Play... 

                      Light... Love... and Laughter.
                               ~ Gerardus ~

  I do not see positive and negative forces in the universe.  The entire 
  Creation, in which the Creator slumbers is an Awakening Infinite Giant 
  in the process of discovering that it is experiencing itself! 

                      Light... Love... and Laughter.
                               ~ Gerardus ~

  I do not see Gods or Egos, all I see is the Creator in different poses 
  of being itself within its creation, searching for the silent voice of 
  itself, speaking to itself so that it may awaken to its full glory and 
  the recognition of itself by means of the experiences needed to awaken 
  its Infinite Creative Force - The One We All Are - Equally! 

                      Light... Love... and Laughter.
                               ~ Gerardus ~
  Enlightening to me means - experiencing enough of myself to make me realize 
  the Greatness I really am although what I am at this moment, a simple human 
  being, does not diminish what I really am.   My Human Form is but one of my 
  disguises.  To fully embody my Greatness is full Realization.  A few people 
  have but accomplished this in the last few thousands years. But more are to 
  follow soon.  Whether or not I'll be among them or not does not concern me, 
  nor does it diminish my efforts to share what I know - at this time. I know 
  that eventually we'll all have our Moment of Glory.  In the mean time, I do 
  what I can to let the Joy and Freedom within me share its abundance... 

                      Light... Love... and Laughter.
                               ~ Gerardus ~
        Sometimes a comment from the heart hits people in the head.

                      Light... Love... and Laughter.
                               ~ Gerardus ~
   People, Teachings, Books, Religions and other seemingly useful things 
                  (Including the Many Works of Gerardus)
             are sign posts one can lean on only for so long.
     Life becomes a glorious path when we start to live what we know.
                       It's called Wisdom in Action. 

                      Light... Love... and Laughter.
                             *!* Gerardus *!*

     In the universe there are basically only two things:  Energy and 
     Information. We are this Energy collecting Information. In order 
     to do that we have created an unlimited amount of Forms of Being 
     which group together and have relationships in unlimited numbers 
     or settings. All in All - We call it Life.  We are this Life!

                      Light... Love... and Laughter.
                             *!* Gerardus *!*

       Life is a Laugh! 
       However, you have to know where and when to tickle it. If you 
       don't, it will make you cry more often than laugh. It all has 
       to do with your attitude and the awareness of who you are! 

                      Light... Love... and Laughter.
                             *!* Gerardus *!*