WELCOME...! I knew you would go to the last file... I am still working on this file For now it contains a few loose thought from here or there. Once in a while I add a little poem to my collection and somewhere I have a lot more... some place. They belong to the first poems I wrote and sooner or later I will put them on the Net! I did and they are called: My Earlier Poems! Light... Love... and Laughter! *!* Gerardus *!* The universe, in my view, is an undetermined and undifferentiated as well as an unlimited amount of different levels of Energies or Essences. From this, we create Ourselves and our Levels of Being! This means, that all of us can have different thoughts, ideas and understandings of this fascinating Essence and all be right! For we all create our own participartory-reality within this infinite scheme of realities and/or possibilities... *!* Gerardus ALL OF IT IS THERE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ God does not live among the religious the rich or the writers any more than among the beggars the thieves the poor and the silent. For all of us off and on this planet are this very God in Action creating Worlds within Worlds by our very thoughts to the amazement of all. We are this very wholeness nobody will ever know until we are able to witness this very glance within made without the slightest touch or word revealing that all of it is there. -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=- 94/12/16 At one Time I was God but I became bored with it. I fell asleep and dreamt that I was Gerardus. This was enough to keep me awake. Eventually I began to search why and when I fell asleep. I discovered that my sole purpose was to be Gerardus to the fullest. ...and my discovery is my Celebration! -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=- September 1995 Brand new single Cosmic Cookie! Our entire Body/Mind/Soul is a Hologram and it functions as a Personal Frequency Receiver and Analyzer. What we receive and analyze are the Vibrations of the Energies of Mind which are encountered out there and we experience as the Reality we think we see and experience. We make up our own Reality at every instant from the Vibrations of Mind in which we live. This Mind is the Universal Mind and we live in this Mind. Since all Things are Vibrations of the Energy of Mind all Things of similar Vibrations are grouped together and form a Realm. Different Realms are able to pass through each other since the Vibrations are far enough apart to let other Movements go through. In the entire Universal Mind there are noting but Vibrations or Waves Forms that form an Infinite Hologram of which we are particular interference Patterns. The particular interference Patterns we are have been created by our Experiences and the State of Mind or Vibration Pattern we are in interprets all other Holographic Energies we encounter into the Realities we experience in all Dimensions of Existence. July 12 1995 Light... Love... and Laughter! *!* Gerardus. -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=- -------------------------------------------------- New Poem! Within the Glimmer of our Hearts Life is the Enjoyment of the Moment and all Moments are infinitely arranged along the Shores of Eternity upon which we walk and wonder about some kind of Greatness we do not know. While all along this very Greatness is leaving its footsteps upon the smiles of our lips and within the glimmer of our Hearts. ----------------------------------------------- The Soul We Are This sleeping Soul... this Soul of Humanity that lives within us is sleeping and dreaming within us and through us. In its unconsciousness or dream this Soul does not know what it is doing or what it is creating. For its Dream is Creation. Its dream is a terrible nightmare and Humanity is suffering because of it. Slowly though... this Dreaming Soul will awaken. The fact is... that this Soul or Dreamer can only awaken because of its dream by the experiences it has through Humanity. As a matter of fact... the awakening of this Dreamer is guaranteed for the severity of the nightmare warrants it! In some of us... this Dreamer is more awake than in others and all they can do is stand by and wait. Wait until the Dreamer awakens in all of us and only then can we make conscious changes and end our nightmare. So in many of us... this Giant Dreamer needs more time to sleep and dream. While in others it seems to be awake. This is why some know... that what is happening in the world is needed to awaken the Soul We Are. THE INFINITE LIGHT IS THE INFINITE DREAMER - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ! TITLES FOR BOOKS... CHAPTERS... OR WHATEVER ! SEEDS OF LIGHT FLOWERS OF WISDOM NEW AGE WISDOM FOR THE LOVE OF MAN DIVINE WHIMS OF CREATION THE GREAT AWAKENING GOSSIP OF THE GALAXIES FOR GENIUSES ONLY FOR SPIRITS ONLY ! BRILLIANT BLASPHEMY ! COSMIC GOODIES LIFE... LOVE... AND LAUGHTER WORDS OF WISDOM TOO MANY ALIENS TALK TOO MUCH INFINITY IS THE LIMIT ALL IS WELL WITH MAN CHURCHIANITY IS OBSOLETE SELF LOVE RELATIONSHIPS AWARENESS VIBRATIONS THE ENERGY OF LIGHT BEINGS CELEBRATION OF LIFE THE GOD IN MAN IS AWAKENING GOD IS MAN... MAN IS GOD SALVATION IS SELF ELEVATION SELF DEVELOPMENT FOR APPRENTICE CREATORS ONLY GODS AND THEIR INSANITY THE SILENCE OF GOD/THE NOISE OF MAN THE INSANITY OF MAN THE PERPETUATION OF NONSENSE. I'M SURE YOU WILL AGREE THE AWAKENING OF GODS THE AWAKENING OF MAN THE AWAKENING OF GOD IN MAN FOLLOW ME... OR DIE! THE KINGDOM OF MAN IS LOST ALL RELIGIONS ARE DOOMED FOOLS IN PARADISE THE UNIVERSE OF HANK THE RAPE OF MANKIND THE GLOW OF IGNORANCE WISDOM IS REALIZED IGNORANCE THE FOG OF UNCONSCIOUSNESS (IS LIFTING) SEEDS OF WISDOM... TREES OF LOVE COSMIC HONEY LIGHT... LOVE... AND LAUGHTER (MAN)THE UNCONSCIOUS CREATOR WE LIVE IN MIND THIS SLEEPING GOD... CALLED MAN WISDOM OR NONSENSE... IT'S UP TO YOU THE UNIVERSE IS OUR MIND A MIND FULL OF MIRRORS A MIND FULL OF MIRACLES HOLOGRAPHIC MIRACLES THE MIRRORS AND MIRACLES OF MAN LIGHT LOVE MATTER ENERGY SPACE TIME LOVE IS UNDERSTANDING MIRRORS AND MIRACLES MAN... THE CREATOR OF SELF THE NAME OF GOD IS MAN NOTHING IS LIKE YOU THINK IT IS -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=- At one time I started a one-liner business but they were so many that I lost track of them and I did not put them on the bottom of this illustrious list. Hmm!? Aha! ! God has never spoken a word and Man has spoken too many ! ! Enlightenment is living ordinary existence in a gracious way ! ! Enlightenment is not something to attain... it'a Gift ! ! Happiness... you either have it... or you don't ! ! Life is not a problem to be solved but an occasion to celebrate ! ! Only when you have awakened to Wisdom in Life... Death is easy ! About Religions... they are obsolete and they fool the best of us. Writing is doing the things of the Heart... with your Mind. God is an impersonal Force... that becomes personal within you! Life to me is God at play - need to forget that I'm human. Life is the exercise of discernment... between Stoicism and Divine Indifference! It's a very rare man... who is wiser... than a million people in a million years! ( Boy this is a good one! ) 95/12/30