!  Poems by Gerardus  !

File 23 of 25

    To One and All...
    The poems in the following * POEMS23.HTM * file have been arranged
    in the order they have been written.   The depth and nature of the
    poems therefore indicate the changes the author experienced during
    the time they were produced. There are more than 540 poems and the
    quality between the first ones and the last ones is remarkable!

    Many of the poems practically wrote themselves and all I had to do
    was sit still long enough for them to come through.  At the time I
    was totally amazed where they all came from.  Often I thought that
    I had become that good all of a sudden.  This naturally is not so,
    for all I did was function as an instrument or channel of the Soul
    I really am. I hope that many of these poems speak to the Soul you
    are, and if so; they really come from you!

    The poems in all their "simplicity and profoundness" form a course
    in metaphysics just by themselves.  It is possible therefore to go
    through them one by one, and learn more than by reading a stack of
    books.  The poems in these files are aspects of my Higher Self and
    with great pleasure do I hereby dedicate them:
           - To the World of Man and his Infinite Endeavours -

     Only because of the steady performance of my Benefactors have my
     poems been realized.  Humbly I acknowledge the great changes and
     growth that took place within me in the years 1979 to 1984.

                            Sincerely yours,
                                         Gerardus Everardus Tros


                      THE MYSTERY AND THE MIRACLE

         God is ...
              the Dynamic Force...
                             that moves every Atom.

         God is...
              the Intuitive Force...
                             that lives within all Life.

                   God is...
                        The Instinct of the Universe.

                        God is...
                           - THAT - what is lost within Man.

               God is... Man.    But God does not know it.
               Man is... God.    Man does not know that either.

         For Man to Know... that he is God...
                         is the Cosmic-Experience of God... as Man.

               God is...
                    the 'unconsciousness' of Man.

                              Man is...
                                   the 'consciousness' of God.

         The Universe is the Home of Man.
                        The Home of Man... is Man's Creation.
                                            By means of his Godness.

               God is 'being'.

                        Man is 'awareness'.

                     God as Man... and Man as God...
                                     THE MYSTERY AND THE MIRACLE.


                          MAN IS GOD'S EQUAL.

             To many People...
                         God is 'other' than Man.
                    And to a Few...
                             God is the 'Other Side' of Man.

         Since each man however...
            is aware of being an 'Individual Being'...
                he assumes that there is  - something -
                               that is 'other' than himself
                          or that God is the 'Other Side' of him.

         The I-ness of Man however is an Illusion.
                             It's a Self-Imposed-Delusion.
                   It's a State of Mind...
                            accepted or adopted out of Ignorance.
                                   For there is only God.

               Man then... is both.
                        Man is... God and Man.

               To know about this...
                        is knowing that God appears as Man
                              in multi-billion Forms
                                        all over the Universe.

               Enlightenment is...
                         experiencing God as Man.

                     Since God is...
                               the Miracle of Miracles...
                                              Man is God's Equal.


                        IN THE LIGHT I PROJECT

         The Mountain I am on...
                         is not of this World.
                  It's full of Pitfalls and Darkness.

         There are no other Climbers...
                            no Footsteps... no Path.
                        For this is a Private Mountain.

             I'm supposed to climb it...
                            but nobody told me so.
                     I've never seen this Mountain before
                                   for most of it is within me.

         Where the Top is... I do not know.
                     But once I reach it...
                            I will have found myself.

                            What I will be like...
                                       is reflected in my Path.

         The Darkness on this Mountain...
                      seems stronger than the Soul I am.
                And sometimes I don't even know...
                                  whether I'm going up or down.

         Not even God can help me...
                for THAT... is what I have to find.
                      That's why I'm lonely and longing...
                             for the Eternal Mirror on the Top.

                The Mirror will show me...
                                    the God I am
                                in the Light I project.


                             THE LIMITED.

         Your very Thought...
                   that YOU are YOU...
                            creates your YOU-NESS.

                   And this very Thought...
                                keeps you what you are...

         But as soon as you learn...
              to 'share' your Consciousness...
                      with the rest of the Universe...
                             you will know...
                                           and feel...
                                    that you ARE the Universe.

         You will feel as the Universe.
                        You will BE it in Feeling.

                        But whether you are able...
                                to feel it now or not...
                                     you are the Total anyway.

              But as long as you cling...
                        to your Selfness in Thought'...
                             you will but be you
                                             The Limited.


                          YOUR TRUE AWARENESS

         Life... is a Process.
                  Life... is the Process of 'Forever Growing'.

                       Without Beginning...
                                     without End.

         The Process of Growing...
                       is the Process of Growing in Awareness.

         And to become Aware...
              to become Aware of what Life really is...
                           is the 'Recognition of being Life'.

         This Recognition...
                      is the Transcendence of Unconsciousness.

                 The Transcendence of Unconsciousness
                       in the Physical Creation.

         That's why you are a Physical Being.
                  A Physical Being subjected to Time.
                                         The Time of Duration.

         By living Physical Lives...
              you will slowly grow and become aware...
                    of the Universal Nowness and Eternal Life.

              The Eternal Life...
                    of Growing towards the God you are.

                                          Your True Awareness.


                             THE ONE I AM

         Some future 'self' of my Soul...
                                will be the Christ.

                                       But only because of Me.

               Because of Me...
                      and the many Others...
                             that are Me in Soulness.

         So... what am I?

             I am Part of the Christ...
                  as much as that the Christ
                                that's still within Me...
                                              is a Part of Me.

              in the Universe of Consciousness
                   no Parts or Portions are possible.

                                               For All is One.

                    So... Who am I?
                          Who is the Christ?
                                        Who is God?

                    All of these...
                                      The One I AM.


                           LIKE IT SHOULD BE

         To have found 'The Truth'...
                         that you are standing still.
                                                Being blinded.

                   For Truth is Unlimited...
                                     and Unending.

         To have found 'The Truth' means...
                   that the Limited Container you are...
                                                    is filled.

         Maybe you are filled to the Brim...
                       but since you are 'Infinite'...
               you have but found the Limit of you... for now.

            as well as Truth...
                 are Infinite Concepts.
                              And so are You.
                                    For You are the Same.

             to think that you have found  'The Truth'...
                       is but Self-Delusion
                               within the Vanity of Ignorance.

                 Truth... or Life... or God...
                                       are Unknowable.

                          Like it should be.


                          LIVING LIFE AS MAN

         The Mind of the Masses...
                   projects their God outwards...
                                   way up into the Universe.

               As soon as it is out there...
                       they pray to it in order to be saved.

                       Little do they know...
                                that the real God...
                                           is the Projector.

         For God...
              the One that is... and lives...
                              has projected Itself...
                                    into a Being called Man.

         Man however...
              in his ignorance...
                       has forgotten Who and What...
                                               He really is.

         The Reason for being on this Earth...
                                       for every Man...
                                 is to remember his Godness.

              Because no other Being but God...
                                  is living Life as Man.


                            ETERNAL BOREDOM

         God is plenty weird.
              For God as People appears allover.

                           Yet very few People know...
                                            that they are God.

         People however...
                   are even more weird than God.
             For they are the ones...
                   that invent all kinds of other Gods...
                        instead of recognizing...
                                             the One they are.

             Besides all this...
                             People think...
                 that Life is supposed to make sense.
                                        It really doesn't.

         For Life is Chaos.
                   Life is Madness.
                             Life is Nonsense.
                                    Life is God alive... Wild.

         As long as People 'think'...
                that Life is what they 'think' it is...
                                they have no Feeling for Life.

         For Life is a Creative Feeling.
              Life is God as People doing what God wants...

              If God had any Purpose...
                        - of whatever kind -
                                   Life would be...
                                         Eternal Boredom.


                            ULTIMATE WISDOM

         There is no Limit to Wisdom...
                        and the Understanding of it.
                   But Ignorance...
                            is beyond Comprehension.

         Ultimate Wisdom... is Total Consciousness.
                   True Ignorance... is Total Unconsciousness.

                   Most People...
                          are somewhere in between.

         If you are...
             where most People are...
                             you belong to the Masses.
                                      The Masses are Ignorant.

         Ignorance however... is Curable.
             All you have to do...
                          is go with the Flow.
                                     The Flow of the Universe.

         To go with the Flow of the Universe...
                             is doing what you feel like.

             To do however...
                  what is to the detriment of Others
                                              is Ignorance.

             To do something...
                  to the advantage of yourself and Others
                                                    is Wisdom.

         The Purest Wisdom is...
                        to 'be' what you are.

             By 'being' what you are...
                        you'll become what you must.

                                              Ultimate Wisdom.


                           TO SAVE THE WORLD

         I am God...
               in Human Form.

                      God in Human Form...
                            is the best I can be for now.

         Since I am...
                 what I am...
                        I am like God.

                              For I cannot speak...
                                            of what I am.
                              Nobody understands...
                                         a word of what I say.

             Yet Everybody hears me...
                                  sees me...
                             and knows that I am.

                       But like God...
                             I might as well be Silence.

         For most of my Brother-Gods
                         are busy being Man... creating Chaos.

             While many of them are praying...
                                for God to arrive...
                                            in order...
                                         to save the World.


                       THE CONSCIOUSNESS THAT IS

        God - Universe - Divine Force - Totality - All in All -
             Reality - Wholeness - Understanding - Love...
                     The Infinite Light or TIL...
                           and Me or You...
                     are Words for the same thing.

                            All Unknowable.
                    For all are but Names or Words.

              But to 'feel'...
                     what these Words represent...
                                           is done by You.

              You are the Feeling....
                          You are the One...
                                     behind these Symbols.

              Awaken to the Meaning...
                           behind these Words and Symbols.

              For to awaken to the Meaning...
                                      of these Words...
                           is to awaken...
                                    to the Meaning of You.

                 For You are...
                       the only Meaning in the Universe.

                       You are...
                           THE CONSCIOUSNESS
                                         that is.


                        THE ETERNAL LIFE-FORCE

         Death... or the Appearance of it...
                        has nothing to do with you.
                                            For You are Life.

             Your Ego however...
                        or your Body-Mind...
                                      must die.
                              In order for You to live.

                        For You are God.
                                You are the Life-Force.

         And your 'Godness'...
              or the 'Life-Force' you are...
                           is not just some Ego...
                                          or Soul... or Mind.

              You are Life.
                      You are the Force of the Universe.

         Your 'thinking' however...
            - or whatever you 'think you know' -
                                        must vanish...
                                           in order to be IT.

         Yet in order to be IT...
                  you must be what you are for now.

         And whether you agree or disagree...
                  - or whatever else you might do -
                          Life as it is... is what it is.

         And no Mind... or Soul... or Ego...
             or any other Self-Imposed-Illusion...
                                       can exist forever...
                                      The Eternal Life-Force.


                       THE ONE THING CALLED GOD

        Each Cell of your Body is a living Entity.
                 A living Entity with its own Consciousness.
             A Consciousness... perfect in its own way.
                                While each Cell... is God alive.

        Every second... thousands of these Cells die...
                    new ones are reborn...
                                    and you do not feel a thing.

            Your Body is the Miracle Universe you live in.

        Suppose now that each Cell is a living Human Being
                       and that you are... the Force called God.

        Well... the Total Universe is like your Body...
                 for the billions of Stars...
                       Human Beings... Animals... Trees...
                            Flowers... Thoughts and Ideas...
                                  are the Cells of the Universe.

           The Cells that die and are reborn...
                            form together The Universe Alive.

           In which you live and perform...
                sustained by the Godness of your Body...
                                   the Universe in Miniature.

       While the Consciousness of the Cell...
              the Consciousness of the Human Body...
                   and the Consciousness of the Universe...
                                     are the same Consciousness.

                        The One Thing called God.


                           THE VERY GOD THAT IS

         God is not 'something'...
                    that can be found by seeking.

               God is Life... Life is God.
                        God is Man... Man is God.

                    God... Life... or Man...
                               is... One and the Same Miracle.

         The Miracle... God... Life... or Man...
               cannot be found by Seeking or by Knowing.
                                   It can only be experienced.

         By experiencing God... Life... or Man...
               one will eventually realize...
                                      that one is IT.
                                             One is All of IT.

         By Seeking God one will miss Life...
                                 in the Form of Man.
                       One will miss the Miracle of Existence.

             Besides... how can one possibly Seek...
                                      what one is already?

             The Love for God...
                         the Love for Life...
                               is the Love for and of Man.

         To learn to love God...
            to learn to love Life...
                 or to learn to love Man... is...
                      to grow in being... 'All That Is'...
                                   within the You-ness of You.

                                       The Very God that IS.


                            TO KNOW OURSELVES

         The Question...
                - does God exist -
                          is asked by Someone...
                                       who is too dense...
                                    to understand the Answer.

             For the Answer...
                  is all around him... as well as within.

             To help such a One...
                         - at this very Instant -
                                   is next to impossible.

             But in Time to come...
                       - in Lives to be lived -
                    this very Question will vanish...
                         from the Mind of God...
                                         that was asking.

         For All of Us...
               - high or low... great or small -
                     will find all Questions answered...
                             by the God we are...
                                             in Time to come.

         It is just...
              that All of Us are seemingly divided...
                       within the Mind we Are...
                                   because of Time and Space.

         While the Matter of our Body...
                  as well as Time and Space...
                       are the Creations we experience...
                             as our Mind in Action...
                                               in order...
                                           To Know Ourselves.


                          THAT'S REALLY YOURS

         Is a Flower more Beautiful...
                    because People admire it?

             Is a Rainbow more Splendid...
                            because People see it?

                   Is the Universe more Infinite...
                            because we count the Stars?

                           Is God more Powerful...
                                because we feel our Smallness?

         So why is it then...
                       that you are affected...
                                    by the Thoughts of Others?

              Are you less than the Flower?
                          Are you less than the Rainbow?

              Are you less than Infinity?
                                  Are you less than God?

         Could it be...
              that the Being you really are...
                                     is God...
                               while you think to be...
                        A Shaky Thought in the Form of an Ego?

               Are you affected...
                           because of the fact...
                                     that you can think?

         Could it be...
              that you really are...
                   'God the Thinker in the Form of Man'...
                        living in God's Creation...
                                         that 's really Yours?


                          LONGING TO BE LOVE

         There is but One Universal Law.
                                  This Law is Love.

                    The Law of Love is...
                                  To Love Yourself.

             In order to love yourself...
                                  you have to love others.

         By trying to fulfill the Law of Love...
                       you come to the Conclusion...
                                       that All others...
                                                are really You.

         In the Universe there is but One Being.
                                       This Being is God.

               God is not a Being in a single Form.
                                              God is All Forms.

               God is a Permeating Force of Essence.
                                   The Force or Essence of Love.

         Love is All There Is.
                    Love is the Law...
                          the One Universal Law.
                                            Love is You...
                                                   You are Love.

         To become aware that you are Love...
                   is the Beginning of the Fulfillment...
                                            of the Law of Love.
               Until you feel...
                          that this is so...
                                    you will be Longing.

                          Longing to be Love.


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