!  Poems by Gerardus  !

File 16 of 25

    To One and All...
    The poems in the following * POEMS16.HTM * file have been arranged
    in the order they have been written.   The depth and nature of the
    poems therefore indicate the changes the author experienced during
    the time they were produced. There are more than 540 poems and the
    quality between the first ones and the last ones is remarkable!

    Many of the poems practically wrote themselves and all I had to do
    was sit still long enough for them to come through.  At the time I
    was totally amazed where they all came from.  Often I thought that
    I had become that good all of a sudden.  This naturally is not so,
    for all I did was function as an instrument or channel of the Soul
    I really am. I hope that many of these poems speak to the Soul you
    are, and if so; they really come from you!

    The poems in all their "simplicity and profoundness" form a course
    in metaphysics just by themselves.  It is possible therefore to go
    through them one by one, and learn more than by reading a stack of
    books.  The poems in these files are aspects of my Higher Self and
    with great pleasure do I hereby dedicate them:
           - To the World of Man and his Infinite Endeavours -

     Only because of the steady performance of my Benefactors have my
     poems been realized.  Humbly I acknowledge the great changes and
     growth that took place within me in the years 1979 to 1984.

                            Sincerely yours,
                                         Gerardus Everardus Tros


                         BY INTUITION... AND TIME

         As no Animal can judge...
                         a Self-Conscious Man...
                 no Self-Conscious Man...
                              can judge a Man with Feeling.

           While no Man with Feeling
                              can judge or know
                      a Man with Cosmic Consciousness.

             In Future Time...
                       ALL BEINGS will be the Same.

                                             Life Immortal.

                For 'ALL' are made
                          of the same Essence.


            All Beings...
            and Man first of all... a God in Hiding
                                         will find himself.

                          By Intuition...
                                     and Time.


                             SO SELDOM KNOWN

         To know 'how to Love'...
                   to know the Feeling of it...
                                       is only yours
                               when you are meeting Coolness.

         For the Coolness that is met...
                          lets the Fire be...
                                 to burn itself in Stillness.

               The Stillness of the Soul.
                          In Silence of the Heart that feels.

         For to be met with Fire...
                   being the Fire of Love
              kills the Duality that should be.

                      The Duality that sustains
                         the Feeling of all Feelings
                                               To be in Love.

         And as soon as this Duality disappears
                            the 'Knowing how to Love'
                                 becomes Loving...
                                          the Self in Others.

             Blending Soul with Soul
                          with attracting Polarities
                               the Power of Love.

                                             So Seldom Known.



           By understanding my Smallness
                             I feel my Greatness.

                   And the Greatness I feel
                                       makes me Humble.

           Yet in my Humbleness
                             I know
                                   that I am...
                                        'All There Is'.

                    For I am "ALL"... by KNOWING ME.

           This Knowing is born Within...
                               by understanding my Smallness.

                  To know my Greatness...
                             will take an Infinity...
                                               of Humbleness.

               But Time...
                    is on my Side.

                           And that is my Potential...


                         LET'S LOVE ANOTHER TIME

         I love to feel
                   your Body love.
              And love to feel you high.

                     I love to feel...
                               you loving me.
                          And love to feel you cry.

         Yes... loving you...
                      is feeling good.

                                 It's touching Life-Sublime.

            Yes Loving you...
                      is being God...
                                alive in Cosmic Rhyme.

            So let us be...
                      and be... and be...
                              let's love another time.


                             AND CANNOT MISS

           To write a Masterpiece.
                               But How?

                To find the Words.
                                  Yes how?

                     Where are the Words...
                                    that hit... and hit?

                     Where is it that I look... for Wit?

           Where is the Sense...
                     to make them feel...
                                 the Feelings...
                                          my Words appeal?

           For All are living
                     with Matter-Mind
                              and slug... and slug
                                        their Daily Grind.

               With Faces...
                    that neither laugh... nor Smile.

               With Minds
                       that never think... in Style.

               There is no Thought about their Life...
                                and neither about What Is.

                     Yet... they are God...
                                    and cannot miss.


                           AND FREE... AND FREE

           How many Stars?
                   How many Loves?
                             How many Lives?
                      How many Dreams I'm dreaming?

                   Endless and Endless
                        in Time yet to come.
                                 Endless and Endless
                                        in Time that past.

           And the Number of Planets
                  upon which I will yet live...
                           are the Number of Stars...
                                            I will yet be.

                  For I am Life...
                         Yes... I am Life forever.

           And the Galaxies I do not know
                          are the Gardens of my Existence.

                     To find the Life
                                 that I know not.

                     To be the Mind
                                 that is the Lot.

               For within the Being...
                           that is the Me...
                                I'm 'All That Is'...
                                           without Degree.

            For I am Mind... yes I am Me.

                       A God in kind... and Free and Free.


                              IT FEELS GOOD

               Yes what is LOVE?

                         LOVE is the Good Feeling
                                       you have inside
                                and want to give to the Other.

                     And in LOVE...
                          the Other is trying
                               to give you the same thing.

               That's why it multiplies...
                                   and multiplies.

                               It's a Beautiful Feeling.

                   it is a Feeling of Helplessness.

                                 That's what LOVE is...

                    It's Beautiful...
                           like all Good Feelings.

                                      Enjoy it Often.

                                                It feels GOOD.


                              ALL THAT WAS

         When the Love that 'is' my Love
                      becomes the Love that 'was'...
                                            please do not cry.

               Just softly remember
                         the Moments of Nowness
                     we shared and loved
                               for what they were.

               Knowing that each day
                           we shared and loved
                                           to the Fullness
                                        of the Beings we were.

         For 'all that is' my Love
                    some day will pass
                            to become 'all that was'.

               To make us what we are then...
                              enriched by knowing
                          the Sharing and the Loving
                                               of Beings
                                           true to Each Other.

         Beings that shared and loved
                        with the Wisdom and Knowing
                that 'what is' will pass to become 'what was'.

         For Life is Change.
                To make us grow into Beings
                           knowing the Nowness of Time
                     with the Awareness
                                   that 'all that is'
                             will pass into... 'all that was'.


                             AND YOU ARE IT

         The Future is...
                     Moments of Nowness
                               laced into the Memory of being.

               While Life in each Moment
                      is the Result of Attitudes
                                     based upon the Past.

         To live Life to the fullest
                              in all Moments
                    is to know the above
                              without remembering.

                                            Which is 'being'.

         And Wisdom is the Sum
                        of all 'being '
                              without Thought.

                              To know Nothing
                                        is to be ALL.

                      To be ALL...
                            is Life itself.

                                    And You Are It.


                           GERARDUS WAS RIGHT

              In Time to come the Female Form
                           will be beyond the Human Norm

              For all of them in slick disguise
                          are Gods alive and mighty wise

              And will create by Mind Control
                          a Female Form Divine and Whole

              To slyly and with Silent Plea
                          seduce a Mate... a God like Me.

              And then this Pair will truly mate
                              in Rhythms of a Godly Rate

              To bring on forth by Pure Delight
                              a Being of the Godly Light

                 A God and Creator with Perfect Might

              Who will tell you... you see...
                                      Gerardus was right.


                           BEING GODS IN MIND

          From the Rainbows
                   within my Dream
                             I form and fashion
                                       her Lovely Name.

               And then from the Colours
                      and from the Rays of Light
                                           I sculpture
                                                   her Face.

          Slowly then
              from the Feelings that are me
                               I project the Words...
                                                 I love You.

          And Brilliantly across the Sky
                             I paint the Life we are.

                             A Life...
                                  of Love and Understanding.

              A Life...
                    in which we find
                              - the Goodness -
                           within the Simplicity
                                             of Loving.

              A Life...
                    of Freedom and Learning.

                         Learning Life...
                              by living Life in Matter.

                                          Gods in Mind.


                             I AM YOUR CLOUT

               To find the Soul I am
                        I write but Words.

               For beyond the Words
                              that's where I am.

                          with a Nip of Nag.
                          with a lil' of Laughter.

                                    with a Sob of Sadness.
                                      with a Dash of Dare.
                          with a Sense of Self.
                          with a Gift of Grace.

                                      But always ME.
                                            The Soul I am.

              Forever hiding...
                   so quite absurd.
              Forever there...
                         in Stillness heard.

                         To pop on out...
                              to yell and shout...
                                     I AM YOUR SOUL...
                                          I AM YOUR CLOUT.


                            AND SECRET DEEDS

            She cannot help
                   to be but Loving.

                   For she is Love
                       and quite Mature.

                   Self-Aware in being Spirit
                           Self-Aware in being Pure.

            She's Peace of Mind
                   but yet still searching
                             beyond the Sureness
                                       that but shows...
                   a Lovely Lady born for Living
                        within the Love she's gladly giving
                             to the World...
                                  and all who needs
                                          her Healing Smile
                                      and Secret Deeds.


                           TO THE GOOD OF ALL

         Some Kings and Queens
                         my Dear
                   are absolutely crazy...
                                  about each other.

            they would never admit this...
                                     to themselves.

            But to each other
                 by all the subtle movements
                                     and 'clicking'
                                they betray themselves.

         They know that they are Liars...
                               to themselves
                          and Lovers to each other.

            They sort of like it that way.

                 And what else could they but do?

                      They suffer in Thoughts of Pleasure.

         And some Kings and Queens
                      think about the Feasts they could have.

                      But Feasts however...
                                      mostly end up in Chaos.

                               Mainly their Own.

         Thus to You my Queen
                 I say in perfect Silence...
                                         I Love You.

                 And may the King...
                               be saved by Redheads.

                       To prevent him... from creating Chaos.

                                To the Good of All.


                                CALLED NOW

         Too many People
               are but concerned with the FUTURE.
                                 And reminisce about the PAST.

                    While they forget...
                                 to live right NOW.

         And living right NOW...
                   is not projecting into the Future...
                                 or looking back to Yesterday.

         For Living NOW is...
                   to take the time...
                             to look at a Flower
                                     growing amidst the Weeds.

                   And to imagine then...
                             that YOU are that Flower.

         For YOU...
              like that Flower...
                    are growing amidst the Weeds of the World.

                  the Worldly Weeds...
                        are your Brothers readying themselves
                               to become a Flower...
                                          like yourself.

                  For all Weeds...
                          will be Flowers...
                                     in Heaven's Time...
                                                   called NOW.


                              CALLED POEMS

         This Man
              This Poet
                   This Centre of the Universe
                                    is but like Dust
                                           compared to Stars.

         But yet...
              the Stars in all their Brilliance
                                           do not know
                                                  that He Is.

                     And compares himself
                               to them in Greatness...
                                           and in Difference.

                          They are but Matter.
                                      But He is Mind.

         And forever.
              Stars always will be Matter...
                                   in whatever Form.

                         But the Poet...
                                  always will be...
                                              Pure Mind.

               Alive in Forms of Stardust
                          to star in Forms Alive.

                              In Letters of but Dust...
                                                called POEMS.


                         TO BE OF FULL AWARENESS

         Life and the Eternity of it
                    is hard to take sometimes.

              But most of the Time...
                                I feel Grand
                    because of the Eternity of Life I am.

         For Day after Day of Living
                        makes me more Aware
                                   of the Beauty I am
                                            in Consciousness.

                        Consciousness becoming Aware.
                                         Becoming more Awake.

                              Each Day... Day by Day.

         And just imagine...
                   the Awareness I will attain
             when I am awake enough
                            to find myself
                                   without the Periods
                                   of 'hard to take' moments.

                   Then I will be Awareness...
                                  without Thinking.

         For it is my Thinking...
                   that keeps me asleep.

                            For it is my Awakeness
                                        that is my Awareness.

                   It's being without Mind...
                              to be of Full Awareness.


                             COMMON GODNESS

              and the intellectual juggling of them
                                 very seldom produces Wisdom.

                       The juggling of Intellectuals
                                                 excludes it.

         For Intellectualism...
                   and the Mediums used
                               only produce
                                        profound Thinking.

              Thinking however
                   is but a Product of the Conscious Mind.

              And the Conscious Mind
                   is the Product of a linguistic arrangement
                       of Words and combinations of them.

         Words then...
              will never solve anything.

                   And neither will Intellectualism.

                         Wisdom... on the other hand
                                              will solve all.

         For Wisdom...
              is the Meaning of Experience behind Words...

              It's called...
                        Action through Knowing...
                                           or Common Godness.


                           OF THE LIFE YOU ARE

           Life is the Eternal Search for Truth.

                                         But most People
                                    do not know
                                         that they are looking.

                 The few that know however
                         know that finding the Truth
                                 is finding it without looking.

                 The Time available
                         in which to find Truth
                                          is equal to
                                   the Infinity of Life itself.

           While Life...
                 and the Truth of it...
                      is a continual 'Separation in Love'
                                   from the World and its Ways.

                 In order to 'Join in Love'
                        the Flow of the Universe
                               and its Divine Guidance.

           In Time...
                all People will do this.

                           To learn to 'flow'
                                  takes an Infinity minus Time.

           The Search for Truth
                is the Meaning of Life Eternal.

                To be found without looking...
                          within the Universe Within...
                                           of the Life You Are.


                              AND SUCCEEDED

         Whatever the Masses believe to be so...
                                         is just the Opposite.

                     The Masses then...
                                 are always wrong.

         Your Task then is...
                   not to belong to the Masses.

                               Which means...
                                      be an Individual...
                                                    and Alone.

                And once you get used to it...
                                        it's Beautiful.

                        The only Way to BE.

         You will discover then
               that the 'One-God-Concept' of the Masses
                                             is totally false.

               The Masses and Masses of People
                   are in actuality billions and billions
                          of Unique and Individual God-Beings.

               Each and everyone of them...
                                  is a God on their Own.

         There is then...
                   not just ONE God.

                   But billions and billions of Them.

                              Search for the God YOU are.

                              Many did before...
                                           and succeeded.


                        LIKE THE AIR YOU BREATHE

           God is Light...
               and the more you shine... the more you are God.

           God is Love...
                and the more you love... the more you are God.

           God is Feeling...
                and the more you feel... the more you are God.

           God is Knowing...
                and the more you know... the more you are God.

           God is Patience...
             and the more you have it... the more you are God.

           God is Awareness...
                   and the more you are aware...
                                         the more you are God.

           God is Understanding...
                and the more you understand...
                                         the more you are God.

           God is Consciousness...
                and the more you are conscious...
                                         the more you are God.

           God is Taste... Eyes... and Sense...
                and the more you use these...
                                   the more you recognize God.

           God is ALL.
                Including Silence.

                         For God never Speaks.
                                      God is the Sound Within.

               God just IS.     Like the Air you breathe.


                              FOR WHAT I AM

          I am the Earth.
                    And bear the Life that forms your Body.

              I am your Host.
                         And I am a Living Entity like You.

                   But You as my Guests...
                                  are sickening ME.

          For You have stolen and sold ME.
               You have befouled and polluted ME.
                      You have scorched and burnt ME.
                          You have layed ME bare...
                                              and raped ME.

          You are suffocating ME...
              with your Stench of Money.
                           And You are killing ME...
                                   with the Fruits of Hate.

               You have ripped ME open and bombarded ME...
                            and all for what?

          Yet I steadily turn...
             keep my Face to the Light and do not worry.
                                             For I will be.

               While You will suffer the Pain You are.

               For I know how to rid myself...
                                of Bugs that bother ME.

          For in the days to come...
                     I will rumble and shake...
                                    I will rattle and spit.

          And finally...
             I will twist my Poles to wash You away...
                                       while I take a bath.

          To prepare myself anew and again...
                            to give Sustenance...
                  to the New Flowers
                            that know and respect ME...
                       as One of them... and for What I Am.


                      TO THE FEELINGS OF THE HEART

           To lose a Friend... is partly dying
                      While losing a Hand... is living more.

           And if I ever had the Choice
                                  of choosing
                          I would rather lose my Head
                                         than lose a Friend.

               For within each Person
                    that once was part of me
                              I see a Life of Living
                                           drifting away
                                        as if it was my own.

               For in all I touch
                     I touch but myself.

                     And when I do lose a Friend
                                        I do not know
                                        who is the One lost.

           And yet...
                the Friendship
                    was but a Feeling of Goodness
                                         hidden beyond
                                    some Words and Chuckles.

              Yet never Words nor Chuckles
                                 could truly hide
                           the Feelings that were there.

              For Words and Chuckles
                      are but the Products of Mind.

                      And nothing...
                               to the Feelings of the Heart.


                        AND SUNSHINE BUT A FRIEND

           And when it rains
                       people still go to work.
                  Huddled in Coats...
                            and Umbrellas that do not cover.

                  Their Smiles are wet.
                            Glasses full of Rain.
                  And Hands soaking...
                            from holding Coats
                            that blow away by Wind...
                                                that's Rain.

                  Nearly everyone stays inside...
                            and talks about the Rain...
                                and the Weekend even wetter.

           The Air is soaked with Moisture...
                  like Tears that are invisible...
                                   from crying far too long.

           Clouds speed across the Sky...
                              dark and gloomy...
                    creating Patches of Light...
                              there where the Sun should be.

           Not even the Birds are out.
                     And the Beetles keep crying.
                                  For Rain to them is Flood.

           All is Sad... for Light is missing.
               While the Darkness makes the Mushrooms happy.

           And the Grass but smiles...
                     with Greenness that is pure.
                                     For Rain is Life to it.

                       And Sunshine but a Friend.


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