Hello corpse! I'm Nico Nuthouse. The publisher of "Introvisionary
Copying" was on the phone line again. I asked him, what is it this
time? He said Nico, I love you, but... and right there and then I stopped
him. And I told him. What you say is impossible, by
far. For you love someone or you don't as yet, and buts or ifs
are nonsense if you love someone. So what can I do for you? And
you know somehow, he was finished speaking, about what he was
going to say. And then he said, Nico you're right! I love you.
Period! And then I asked him, what else can I do or would you
like me to do. And right then, it sounded as if he was
crying, from deep within his heart, or somewhere thereabouts. He
didn't speak for a long time and then he guffed quite a bit. I think he gets lots of practise.
He said Nico, keep on writing your Writing Creations, because I love
them, and because of room in the Copy we produce, we have to skip
you once in a while. So there, he said. Well, I told him not to worry
one fimble, for the people that read your Copy, will demand that
you start printing daily all I write, so why worry? I also said, that
in a little while, because I know so, many and many people would
phone line him, about printing what I got to say. Because they
love it, and neither you as a publisher, not the people themselves
know it to be so. For first of all, they have to get used to me,
and to what they are going to miss. But then they will stand in
line to get your Copy and read Nico's 'gumbo'. How come you don't
know this, I said. I thought of all people you would know this
most of all. What kind of outfit do you run? People you know, I
said, have to be trained like chickens. They have to learn to pick their own food. Nico's 'gumbo' is their food. It's knowledge! And if they don't get it, they die and/or stay corpses forever.
He said, I see your point, but why am I the one
to print your 'gumbo'? I told him right there and then, because
the Cosmic Force that lives in me, and lives in you, has told me
so. I have heard it loud and clear, but somehow, you are a bit
mind-deaf. You're lucky, it's curable. And I am here to help you cure it for
good! Anyway, he phone lined a long time yet, and finally he was totally
flabbergasted by all that I know, and he didn't. Actually, the
point he had trouble with was the 'spook' article. He said it was
too much. And since I remembered Hank, I said, what is too much? And what
is too little? He got the point! For he didn't know either, but I
did! Nothing is too much, and nothing is too little. Things are
the way they are. Just right! I also told him that he suffered a Social Consciousness and from a desire to be accepted by normal folks. Maybe I told him something I shouldn't have. However, he agreed with a big grin on his face.
After all this phone lining I was tired and slept like a
bear in hibernating condition. It help be good, for when I woke up, I remembered the talk I had with my Guide from StarTrack, who was with me all the way. He said, Nico, tell them! Tell them like
it is! Somehow they know, but forgot! And don't become too
excited if they don't know right away. It takes time. For you
live in Time and also in Space. So give them Time, and also give
them Space, to cure themselves in. They need it plenty! I said, I
understanded him right to the bone, and told him not to be
concerned for the people on Earth.
My Guide said, spooks are of a different frequency and
'thickness'. That's why some people see them and others don't.
Anyway, I knew that already, but I just put it in scribbles for
the publisher to know. He knows little. Maybe he is where Hank
is! Hank says that he knows nothing. Anyway, this publisher is
not far behind. Or ahead! Who knows, and who cares? All I know
is, what I know, and that is plenty for me. For it helps me to
love all people in the world, and a few on Earth. For all of them
are the same as me, and of the same face. No face!
in the mirror of the universe some time. For pretty soon it is time to cash in your skin.