Scientists have come to the conclusion that there is no God or supervisor who looks after the universe or actualizes it. The relationship or mental activity of all live-in participants of the universe, high and low, creates or produces the cosmic totality. This cosmic totality or the universe is the actual relationship of its participants. All participants seemingly live as separate beings within the oneness of universal consciousness. Each participant contributes according to its actions. The creative power of the universe is our collective consciousness driven by individual wishes and desires. The many worlds of the physical universe are but small aspects of the total reality of the universe. The total reality of the universe might contain infinite realities. All that exists however does exist in mind or consciousness. There neither is an inner nor an outer, there is only consciousness. <208> Since the future is not determined, we are given the choice to choose it. By choosing it we determine it. Our mental activity or choice expressed in physical reality is the world as it is and as it should be. We live here. We express ourselves here. To live any other place or to live in any other manner would make us prisoners of the universe. <209> Many people might consider themselves prisoners of some universal or worldly system. They are only prisoners of their own mind. Living on earth again and again will set them free. Life is a process of evolution. Each man is somewhere within this process. When this process has come to the point where an individual becomes consciously aware of a process of evolution he can help his process by making it a conscious evolution. Before this point it was only an unconscious development. To make this evolution a conscious evolution is most commendable. <210> Matter is slowed down mind. Mind is self- organizing life energy. Life energy is universal spirit. A human being is matter, mind and spirit. The combination of these three determine the state of your evolvement. If you're mostly matter, you're a mountain. If you're mostly mind, you're a genius. If you're mostly spirit, you're a living idea. Whatever you are this time around the next time you will be more mind or spirit. Evolution is consciousness doing its thing. Which is changing matter into mind into spirit. <211> Our higher selves or our Christ selves consciously create images of themselves by thought and hereby produce new forms of life. These images are you and I and everybody. We are thought projections of our God mind. We are children of consciousness. We, as these children, take on our own reality and, in our turn and time, we also become creators of new forms of life. We all are creators. We are children born out of consciousness with the likeness and ability of the universal creator. We all are aspects of consciousness with individual varieties and diversities. None of us however is either more or less than any other being. All of us are the same consciousness. There is but one consciousness. Since we live on earth at the present and are subjected to earth time, it might seem to us that we are created by beings who are higher than us or more powerful. This is not so. Our higher selves or Christ selves are thought projections or children themselves and are born or cast from the same consciousness you and I are. This consciousness is the womb of all creation. It is the same in ordinary life. A parent is not more or better than the child. The child is as much an expression of consciousness as the parent is or anybody. The child is consciousness in form. Whether it is young, old, ugly or beautiful, it makes no difference. These distinctions are but human preferences. Consciousness has no preferences. It is always itself! <212> Some of us think that there was a time that could be called the beginning of creation. There was no such time. Yet, consciousness creates and destroys in cycles. Consciousness does not always express itself into forms, either physical or otherwise. Sooner or later there are changes in the mode of manifestation in which consciousness collects all its children and hides within itself. This is the stage of non-being in which there are no manifestations. Then all diversity and variety has ceased. Then once again consciousness goes through a stage in which it dreams and creates diversity. Different than before but not necessarily better or worse. It is a cycle of being and non-being. It's called the breath of God. Scientists think of a beginning and call it the big bang. Before this bang however there was another and another and so on and so on. In every cycle consciousness expresses itself differently. In different galaxies, different planets, different worlds, different people, different trees and different flowers in new and different manifestations. Creation appears and disappears like clouds, like leaves on a tree, like you and I. Yet as always, consciousness is but itself, you and I and the neighbors. <213> The universe is the dream of consciousness on display. In order to appreciate this dream we have to experience it. That's why we live on earth as human beings. The dream of consciousness becomes reality and in order to recognize it for what it is worth we fall asleep and live the dream. We are on earth to discover that our dream reality is our creation. We must awaken from this dream, sometimes by pain and sorrow and sometimes by pleasure and joy. But awaken we will. This is what life is all about. <214> The persistence of perception makes us believe that the world we live in is solid and real. Scientists prove that solidness is an illusion and realness therefore becomes appearance. When we look from in here, what we experience out there is an interaction of energies. This interaction gives us the impression that there is something out there. In actuality, the in here and out there are one and the same energy fooling itself. This energy is consciousness or mind. We perceive the world the way we have been taught to perceive it. Our conditioning determines what we perceive. The way we see the world is created by the perceiver. The world is a mind trick. <215> The earth is a school with a million grades. Grades are not necessarily attended in sequential order. We go through a grade or experience whenever the circumstances in the world are suitable to teach us that certain lesson. The most difficult lesson to learn is that we are the creator of the lessons as well as of the school. Every time we leave our body and we feel good about ourselves we are ready for a more mature lesson. <216> The fundamental activity of our matter world is indeed fundamental or rather an activity founded on mentality. All events that occur in our space- time world are the result of mental forces. These mental forces are the thoughts and ideas that form or create our matter-space-time world. Whatever we experience in our material world are the reflections or results of mind. We, in our matter- space-time capsule, are tossed around by thoughts. <217> To hang on to anything in life slows us down on the path of enlightenment. Especially hanging on to ideas. We have come here to appreciate our creation and the emptier our mind is the better we are able to appreciate. Appreciation without personal involvement is enlightenment. <218> Life is the dance of cosmic energy. It dances and woos itself continually. The dance and the dancers are the same. All things in the material reality are energy force fields disguised as the world of sticks and stones. We are figments of this energy and our energy or soul is disguised as a human inhabitant of earth. Human force fields or souls interact and dance to the music of life. The rhythm and harmony makes them grow. The dance of life is the dance of God disguised as man. <219> The dance of sub-atomic particles is similar to the lives of many people. All events seem to happen by chance and life seems to depends on luck. This naturally is not so. All events in life for the ignorant as well as for the wise are governed by thought. If you cannot think for yourself you fall prey to the thoughts and desires of others. Events in all worlds, great and small, are determined by the actions of consciousness. Matter does not move by chance. <220> Modern scientists have proven that the universe is an unbroken wholeness. There are no parts, there is no separation. Life on earth contradicts this. However, the scientists are absolutely right. All members or aspects of the universe are mutually dependent and interconnected by a permeating, universal, living energy that creates and is all things. We are not just human beings living in different and separate bodies. We are interconnected and directly dependent upon this permeating, universal, living energy. This permeating energy is undetectable. We are this living energy, our way! <221> There are only ideas in the universe. There are no worlds, there are no planets, there are no galaxies, there are no realities. There are only descriptions or ideas about worlds, about planets, about galaxies and about realities. Man is an idea himself. To know anything else but ideas or descriptions is not possible. We, as an idea, compare ourselves to other ideas and thereby think we know others or things. We are ideas sensing others ideas. We live in mind or consciousness only. The universe and all worlds are mind or consciousness structures. All forms are posing mental energy or standing energy waves. <222> As long as our inner feelings are divided between love and hate, good and bad, happy and sad, nice and nasty or pleasure and suffering , our outer world is created that way. What we feel inside, we create outside. The God mind or creator under our command is an automatic manufacturer of the world as seen from the inside. This is the way the universe works. <223> All things are really thoughts and all thoughts are really things. There is basically no difference between a thing and a thought except for the range of vibration of the cosmic energy they consist of. When we live on earth we are subjected to our senses which are normally attuned to the frequency range of matter. When we are out of the body however we are more attuned to the frequency range of thoughts. This frequency range is higher. Things and thoughts are but a cosmic octave apart in frequency. When we leave our physical body at promotion time we drop our lower frequency range of vibration and we keep humming along recognizing things in a higher frequency range. Our world then has become an energy environment. This energy environment is consciousness or mind expressed as energy. In this energy environment we continue our life until we return to earth for our next physical expression. <224 The universal consciousness or mind is actually a multi-split parent mind. All personalities, people and things emerge from this parent mind and live in a dream state of self reflection that does not allow them to realize that they actually are the one parent mind. We are unconscious of our true identity. We suffer from a separation syndrome that can only be healed by becoming whole. This wholeness is what all of us are looking for, lifetime after lifetime. During these lifetimes we try to fill our emptiness by engaging ourselves in all kinds of activities that in the long run do not really satisfy us. We are hungry for our greater self, not for activities. As a human being, we live in some kind of dissociated state from our greater or higher self. We are sub-personalities of our parent mind and only by conscious efforts and radical realization can we, as individuated or dissociated dreamers, merge with our universal or parent mind. This parent mind is the creator of the universe that by means of its sub personalities creates according to their individual wishes and desires. All human wishes and desires however are not too effective towards inner fulfillment. We are missing our wholeness of being in the first place. Our wishing well has an empty source. This wholeness will be found when we enter the Christ consciousness or the kingdom of God. This is what all of us are working on life in and life out. Great mind in which we live possess our soul. <225> Any being, thing or form is nothing in and by itself. Only by its interactions with others becomes each identity what it is. The universe therefore is only of value to itself because of its expressions. All expressions of the universe are expressions of universal love. The inter relationship of all expressions is the love affair of the universe. Life, all life, is the expression of love. <226> In our three dimensional physical reality sub atomic particles appear and disappear spontaneously. Human beings do the same thing! Human appearances seem to last longer because the human time frame is at synchronism. Sub atomic particles have the same importance to the universe as human beings. Both are necessary in order to establish the other. It's a mutual act of creation. <227> Eternity is in the moment for the moment is eternity. Not a day nor an hour will ever be lost for the great mind in thought is creation. Mankind is its memory. <228> Within the infinity of time and space all things exist only for an instant. They do not exist before or after this instant. Since we are living at the same time as our environment and the things within it, we recognize that all things are real. Our life span on earth however is zero compared to infinity. Within the infinite spectrum of time and space lifetimes bodies and things are but mind created dreams or illusions. Within the instant of our dream, however, our life in the physical is real and lasting. Human beings are only relatively real. Like all other things, the only real thing in the universe is the universal consciousness or creator. We are this consciousness. We are this creator. <229> The light from a prism contains all colors. The universal energy contains all things. Man, the creator, is the lens or prism through which all things are created from universal energy. Man, the creator, lives all over the universe, in different forms with different souls. There are no other creators. <230> Miracle of miracles, mystery of mysteries, I am energy, I am man, bending and stretching, carrying and holding, energy as matter. I see the world, forms and shapes, animals and flowers, boys and girls. Alive and aware, each in their own way. All participating within the one and all, creating the universe we are being God! <231> The universe as an unbroken wholeness can never become aware of itself by itself. In order to become aware of anything the unbroken wholeness radiates itself into centers of consciousness or mind units. These mind units become all forms necessary in order to create a universe of infinite variety. Each mind unit or co-consciousness has the identity of the unbroken wholeness. Each co- consciousness or mind unit creates its own role in the play of creation. All centers of consciousness relate to all others for all forms, unknown to themselves are participating aspects of the one universal mind that loves all aspects as itself. We are self expressions of love in an infinite and universal relationship. THE UNIVERSE IS SELF EXPRESSED LOVE! <232> * * * * * * * * * * * Dear Friend if you've read all of "New Age Notes" and have understood the wisdom it contains, we say to you - Congratulations! We hope that you have enjoyed the wisdom we dare you to share. We hereby leave you with Love. May your Spirit radiate the Light of the Universe. - - Gerardus Everardus Tros - - * * * * * * * |