MATURITY ~~~~~~~~ Our Life... is the Experience of our Mind in Action. For we always experience the Result of our Thoughts. Our Thoughts are the Bricks of Reality. Good... Bad or Indifferent. Our Mind.... is the Creator of our Reality. Our Mind however is not just our Mind. Our Mind really is the Universal Mind. Since we only know our own small Aspect of this Mind we have assumed that this small Aspect is our Personal Mind. This is not so. In actuality... we as Human Beings are only using a very small Aspect of the Total Mind that is available to us. This Total Mind.... this Universal Mind is the very Creator of the Universe. This Universal Mind is the Bricklayer of the Cosmos. This Universal Mind... is Our Mind. There is only One Mind. We as Human Beings... and the Thoughts we entertain are the Creators of the World and the Life we experience. We are the very Force... called God. Our Personal Human Mind is not some separate or isolated mysterious piece of Equipment. Our Personal Human Mind is that Aspect of the Universal Mind we have accepted as our Mind. Most of what we call our own Personal Mind is the Universal Mind in a State of Unconsciousness. To Awaken this Unconscious Aspect of our Cosmic Mind is our Purpose on this Earth. To grow in Consciousness and to become fully Aware of The Greatness We Really Are is the very Purpose of all Human Endeavour. To grow in Consciousness or to become Aware of our True Self is what we are working on Lifetime after Lifetime. This very Earth is the Classroom or School of Human Gods And each Lifetime is but another Grade. Our Universal Mind... basically has two Aspects... - The Conscious... or Awake Aspect - The Unconscious... or Asleep Aspect. The Conscious Aspect of our Mind... in combination with the Unconscious Aspect of our Mind continually... cast themselves into new Ideas and Expressions. These New Ideas and Expressions or New Creations are basically Unconscious Energies that by means of the Awakening Nature of Mind itself eventually accept self-responsibility and become fully Conscious. This might well take millions of Lifetimes. Time however is only a relative Aspect of the Human Condition for we all live in Mind only. The Creation of our Human Existence is an additional Aspect of Our Universal Mind which previously was Unconscious or Asleep within this Mind. In other words.... We as the Universal Mind desired to cast from this Mind Ideas and Expressions that blossomed into Mankind's Existence. We as the Creator... are the First Cause of the Human Beings we are. Our Creation naturally includes the Solar System and all that goes with it. Human Life then... or the Human Endeavour on Earth is an Opening-Up... or an Expansion of the very Universal Mind We Really Are. We as the Universal Mind... or We as the Creator have expanded and created Human Beings who are now in the Process of discovering.... Who or What They Really Are. Since most Human Beings are still Unconscious or Asleep but are Creators anyway the World of Man reflects their Ability. ! CONFUSION... CHAOS... AND DESTRUCTION ! We as Man.... are the Creators of the World we experience. Not until the Majority of Mankind awakens to the Truth of its own Condition and Greatness can and will the World of Man change for the better. Human Life is the Creation and Result of our Mind in Action. Thought by Thought... Brick by Brick we create our World and our Environments in which we live or die. This is so... because the Creator we are... is still learning. We are in the Process of Awakening to full... MATURITY o o o o o o o THE EYE OF EXISTENCE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Earth is a School for Mankind. We are here to learn the Secrets of the Universe. These Secrets are hidden within ourselves and in every life we live we teach ourselves to awaken to the Secrets Within. Since we are programmed by the World around us we have a tendency to reject awakening. We'd rather stay asleep. One of these Secrets is... that we are the Eye of Existence. However... the Eye of Existence we are is almost completely closed. We are the Eye of Existence looking at ourselves in Innocence and Ignorance. To awaken to the Fact that we are the Eye of Existence or the Eye of God is the Task we have accepted by living on Earth. Living on Earth is living in our own Creation for we are the Creator of the Universe. To awaken to the Truth is extremely difficult for we as Man are conditioned to Nonsense and Lies. Once we awaken however... to the Greatness we are we will know that the Universe and all it contains is the Creation of our Mind. We are The Living God and Creator. - Dreaming Creation - In order to awaken... each of us has chosen a different Path while yet... all of us are the same Being... God in Hiding. As Human Beings on Earth we seemingly live different Lifetimes at different Times and different Places. In actuality however... there is but One Life. The Life of the Creator we are. Lifetime after Lifetime we awaken more and more to the very Being we are. We are the Light of the Universe peeping through... THE EYE OF EXISTENCE o o o o o o o GREAT MIND WE ARE GUIDE US THROUGH OUR DREAM IN COMFORT AND PLEASURE IN CELEBRATION AND PLAYFULNESS. ARE WE REAL ~~~~~~~~~~~ In our Three Dimensional Universe Matter is a Visible Vibration of Cosmic Energy. Different kinds of Vibrations produce different kinds of Matter. A Living Human Being in actuality is nothing but its own Song. While even a simple Rock is a Beautiful Tune. Since the Human Eye is only sensitive to certain Vibrations we can only see certain kinds of Matter. Many kinds of Vibrations are invisible to the Human Eye thus many Beings and Things are beyond our Vision. The Visible Universe is only a small Part of the Total Phenomena. Time and Space are part of the Visible Universe and both of them are very real. Yet... we cannot hold them in our Hands or even see them. The deeper we look into the Visible Universe the more we seem to see out there. Yet... all we see... are but Vibrations of Cosmic Energy. What we see... is not really out there. What we perceive... is created in our Mind. Are All Things Created In Our Mind? Could it be... that the Visible and Invisible Universe are really Projections or Ideas of our Mind which we accept as Reality? Are Ideas or Projections of Mind real? Is an Idea more real than a Dream? Is Reality a Process... in Time and Space? Is the Universe a Gigantic Thought we accept as Reality? ARE WE REAL o o o o o o o THE SHOW IS A MIRACLE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mankind in general... - The Mass Consciousness - moves... in Ritualized Ignorance. And he who questions... is declared Insane. The Mass Consciousness will never admit that it is asleep. This would confirm that you are awake. So I suggest... - just sit there - and enjoy the Game. The Game of God... played by the World of Man... wearing a Mask of Ignorance. The World of Man... is like You. The Creator at Play. Some Play the Game... and think that it is real. Others watch... and know it isn't. To Me... THE SHOW IS A MIRACLE o o o o o o o AND ALL IS WELL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In Man... God becomes aware of Matter. In Man... God becomes aware of Creation. In Man... God becomes aware of Itself. Reflecting upon this... I ask myself... Let the God I am step forward. Then I close my Eyes... and look into the Mirror of my Soul. and behold... I see the God I am. Then I look at the River... I look at the Mountains... I look at the Earth and the Sky... and then I know. I know... that I am looking at the Miracles I am. Then... I think about Man. I see the School... and the Lesson. I see the Teacher... and the Student. I see the Beauty... and the Poverty. I see the Splendor... and the Ugliness. I see the Wise... and the Ignorant. I see that all my Children are the One I am. .... And then I know... that the Creation I am... is learning... and is struggling... to become aware of the Greatness We Are. AND ALL IS WELL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o o o o o o o FOR ALL WHO THINK... CREATE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you analyze Matter... or Life... or a Dream you will find nothing more substantial than the Conclusion that they were Real. This Realness however... is but Relative. For no Thing in and by itself is Real. Only the Absolute is Real. The Absolute in our Universe is the Presence of Undefined Cosmic Energy or Free Consciousness. Undefined Cosmic Energy or Free Consciousness is the Essence of the Universe and it assumes an infinite variety of activity that manifests itself in an infinite Diversity of Forms. These Manifestations... in physical as well as non-physical Forms are created by an infinite variety of Ideas that act upon the Undefined Cosmic Energy and produce the actual Manifestations as Power Postures. In other words.... the Idea of a Flower... or the Idea of a Human Being act upon the Undefined Cosmic Energy which then manifests itself as Complex Energy Fields in the Form of a Flower... or in the Form of a Human Being. The idea or the Word is The Reality. All Manifestations in our Universe are Cosmic Energy Fields of specific Activity that present themselves to the Human Consciousness as - whatever - we become aware of. The Flower... or the Human Being or the Specific Energy Field they are interacts with any other Specific Energy Field and all interacting Energy Fields sense these Cosmic Interactions in their own way. Whatever a Human Being becomes aware of is nothing but another Cosmic Energy Field. In other Words... Self... recognizes Self. Since Thought is the Creator of the Universe and since all Energy Fields or Entities learn to think the Total Universe or Creation is Undefined Cosmic Energy arranged according to the latest Ideas or Concepts. The underlying Cosmic Energy never changes however but only assumes a forever changing variety of Power Postures or Manifestations which together form the Universe as we observe it. Creation is brought about by the Thinking Members of our Universe who modify Undefined Cosmic Energy into Power Postures that reflect their Thoughts and Ideas. Our Universe evolves and expands according to the Thoughts and Ideas of all its Thinking Participants. All Parts or Entities of the Universe are Aspects of the One Universal Mind or Consciousness and their Participation in Creation depends upon their Sensitivity and Ability to create. Mankind is a Co-Creator... FOR ALL WHO THINK... CREATE o o o o o o o WE ARE ONE MIND... DREAMING ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Few People understand that the World is a Stage. Every Being plays a Role and no Role is the same. Also... no Role is Inferior or Superior. Roles are only different. The Idea that your Role is Inferior or Superior is your Idea. All Roles are equal in Importance for all of us are One expressed as Many. All of us are the Universal Creator and we play our Play according to Capabilities. We are God at Play. Sooner or later... any Role you want to play will be available for we are the Writers of the Roles we play. We are the Writers and Creators of a Cosmic Play. This Cosmic Play... is ... the Universe. The Conscious Mind or Ego we think we are is the Dynamic Memory of our Actions and Feelings. It gives us the Idea that we are a Separate Individual Being. This is an Illusion. The Intuition of the Heart is the Almighty Voice of the Universe. The Lifetimes we live are the Lessons in Listening. In order to listen we must pause long enough to understand that the World is a Stage. We must understand... that all Roles... are but Dreams... of the Creator We Are. We are not Separate Individual Beings. WE ARE ONE MIND... DREAMING o o o o o o o |