I AM AN INFINITE SOUL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dying could be Painful... but Death is Beautiful. Death is the most Amazing Experience. For Death is a Joke.... a Fiction of the Mind. There is no Death. There is only Life. To die is to enter into a different State of Being. We continue to live... but in a different Mode. We live in a Physical Body... for a certain time or duration and after our Physical Body expires we continue to live as the same Person in an Energy Body. In that Stage of our Existence... we review our life in the Physical with the help of our Friends... Guides and Teachers. Everybody in the World has Guides and Teachers. They look after us in a Spiritual manner and try to assist us. Guides and Teachers are ordinary People living in Energy Bodies who are familiar with Life on Earth because they have gone through similar Stages of Growth. Sometimes they live on Earth at the same time as we do. We meet them as Friends... Neighbours... Parents... Sons... Daughters... or as Spouses. Naturally very few of us on Earth are precisely aware of the Roles and Positions we occupy among our Soul Mates. The Trick is to learn from all of them. All of us are Teachers and Students. The Earth is a Gigantic School for Learning Gods and in our many Returns to this Planet we quite often meet the same People again and again. Naturally every time around they wear different Masks for the Earth is a Continuous Halloween Party. Sometimes we come back to reverse our Relationships so that each of us is able to see things from the other side. Could that be the Reason why Life seems so unfair sometimes. Could that be... why some People experience Ordeals that seem totally unjust? Is that the Way we balance our Scales of Justice? Are we born crippled in some Lifetimes in order to learn what it is like to be totally dependent. Is that why we are born Poor or Rich... Tall or Short Gifted or just plain Stupid? Is that the Way the Universe works? Are we searching for Parents and Circumstances between Lifetimes in order to find the Experiences we need to grow from? Is that what our Guides and Teachers are for? Does our High Self or God Self select and coordinate all the Lifetimes it needs in order to reach Enlightenment? Are the Lessons our God Self experiences by means of its Incarnations in Human Bodies chosen by our God Self? If we experience all these Lessons and Lifetimes does that mean... that We Are This God Self? Please answer Yes to all Questions. The Earth is like a Hospital... many People are born here... and die here. Everybody keeps coming back however... again and again because there is always more to learn. When our Mind or Soul arrives on Earth - snuggled up in a Brand New Body - we can't remember where we came from or what we came to do. Bit by bit however we take up our Task of Learning. Eventually... all Teachers and Students leave for good with a Cosmic Smile on their God Face that says... I AM AN INFINITE SOUL o o o o o o o CONSCIOUSNESS A LA MODE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Time and Space... are Aspects of our Consciousness. Mind and Matter... are Aspects of our Consciousness. Awareness and Consciousness... are Aspects of Each Other. Time and Space... are a Continuum. Mind and Matter... are a Continuum. Awareness and Consciousness... are a Continuum. When we put these three Continua together we have combined many different Aspects of our Consciousness that constitute a World of Time... Space... Matter... and Awareness. Consciousness however... with all its Expressions in Vibrations and Movements is the Source of Being. In other words... without Consciousness... nothing could exist. Consciousness... IS ... what we all are and what the Totality of Creation is made out of. Different Combinations of the Expressions of Consciousness produce the Diversity and Variety of Creation. A Mountain naturally is a different Expression of - Consciousness - than a Plant... an Animal... a Human Being.... or a Spirit Being. The Whole of Creation is Different Vibrational Combinations of Expressed Consciousness or Consciousness in Different States of Being Itself or Consciousness in Different States of Awareness. Pure Consciousness... is ... Consciousness that has not expressed or diversified itself into different states of awareness. Since Consciousness is - common - to all things it is therefore possible to become pure Consciousness. What we have to detach ourselves from are all the Things that are not pure Consciousness. Pure Consciousness is a State of Being which is beyond creation. Creation and all the Creatures and Things it contains are the Expressions of Consciousness in all their Diversities. We are this Consciousness expressed as Man. Conclusion... All Beings... Creatures... and all Things are different States or Expressions of Consciousness or States of Awareness which together form the Totality of the Universe... Known and Unknown. Consciousness or Mind is The Self Organizing Neutral Source or Originator of All That ever existed... exists... or ever will exist. The Totality of Existence is Ourselves in Different Forms or CONSCIOUSNESS A LA MODE o o o o o o o WE LIVE IN CONSCIOUSNESS OR MIND ONLY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All Physical Events are Vibrations or Movements of Consciousness or Interlocking Energy Force Fields. These Movements of Consciousness or Energy Force Fields are recognized and evaluated by our Conscious Mind according to our Conditioning and what we conclude... we accept as Reality. Not Everybody however... experiences the same Reality. Since Physical Reality is actually a Vibration or Movement of Consciousness or Energy Pressures it is possible for us to store the Records of these Events in a Mental Recorder or Memory System. Our Mind or Soul is the Memory of Life's Activities. All Physical Events are transduced by our Body and Brain - into a Higher Order of Energies - which are stored in our Mind or Soul Computer - as Physical Events - by means of an Energy Storage System. Our Conscious Mind... consisting of our Body-Brain and Personal Mind or Consciousness recognizes... that all Physical Events have a Time and Space Relationship Component. Since there is a definite Future-Present-Past Relationship in the Recall of our Physical Activities the Time Relationship Components are stored in the Memory Sequence Recorder of our Computer. Under normal Circumstances we consult Our Memory Sequence Recorder for Data of Past Events of this Lifetime only. We conclude from this... that our Body and Brain introduce the Time Factors of the Actions in our Life into the Memory Sequence Recorder of our Computer. Our Selfness or Soul creates our Body's Personality and Conscious Mind by consciously selecting the required Genes before Birth and by expressing itself Psychologically in the Body and Brain. Our Soul consciously controls the preparation of the Body for the Chosen Task ahead. Since all Physical Beings.... Human as well as Animal generate their own Time and Space Relationship the Body... and the Brain... are the actual Creators of this Commodity. The Senses only re-enforce and affirm the Effect. Our Conscious Mind then... is subjected to a self-created Time and Space Relationship with the Physical Environment upon which we automatically focus and have been conditioned to believe in. The Body and Brain Activity of all Physical Beings is under the Influence of the Space/Time Force Field of our Physical Dimension that by means of a Special Effect preconditions and limits our Awareness. Our Awareness is aligned by this Effect to the Physical Range of Vibrations of Consciousness only. The Rest of the Universe is beyond our Perception. This makes it possible to live in a Limited Environment successfully. The Physical Environment or Physical Reality itself... is generated by a Force Field of an Electromagnetic Quality that creates an Arena of a Higher Order of Energies that are not known to Mankind as yet. This Force Field is superimposed upon Man's Existence because it is an Integral Aspect of the Physical Universe. The Physical Universe hereby becomes an Energy Arena that cannot be surpassed by Physical Beings. These specific Unknown Orders of Energy introduce certain Conditions and Illusionary Effects upon Physical Human Beings and other Life because the Focus of our Awareness is directed automatically towards the very Nature of Physical Reality. Naturally... All Conditions... and Illusionary Effects of our Environment that coordinate Life within this Energy Arena or Reality are Valid Constructions of Consciousness. In other words... Physical Reality is as real as any other Reality. However... all Realities are but Relatively Real because all Realities are Products of Mind or Consciousness. Only Pure Consciousness is Real or Absolute. Our Personal Mind or Consciousness... or the Self that lives in the Body and survives the Body is subjected to our Time and Space Environment by Habit. It is possible to overcome this Habit and recall Happenings that are prior to Birth by means of Hypnoses or other alternate States of Awareness. The Body-Brain Activity or the Time and Space Components are suppressed in these States. Mind or Consciousness is beyond Time and Space in the first place and to subject it to Time and Space has been a Great Accomplishment by the Race of Man. Since the Memory Sequence Recorder or our Soul Computer is the Store-House of our Past Events it would be true to say.... that when we lose the Body... and live in Mind only we can re-live any... Physical Action ... at any one Time since Time has been surpassed. Time then has become Static and becomes an Eternal Present which we can explore forwards and backwards. In other words... when Time has been surpassed because we are without a Physical Body we can... place ... our Mind on any one Action of any one Time Period or Moment of our Total Existence and we can experience any Event in our Past or Future. All we do is pick and play the Recording of our Choice. Naturally we have to learn to do this. In all Lives in the Past... Physical Action was transduced into Mental Energy or Input... by our Body and Brain and saved in our Mind or Soul Computer. After our Body expires... in the Spiritual State we can re-live all Recordings as Physical Actions. - - - - - - - While when we are in the Physical State we can re-live all past Actions only in a Mental Way Our Body then... in other words... looks at Time... and acts in Space... and is Space. While our Mind looks at Space... and acts in Time... and is Time. The above includes... that Life after our Body expires is just as ALIVE as it is before we leave our Body. Conclusions... Physical Reality is created by a Force Field that includes the Total Physical Universe and all Life within this Field is automatically subjected to its Influences. These Influences effect the Awareness System of all Living Creatures and create the Impression that Time... Space and Matter... are Things... in and by themselves. Physical Reality is a Specific Aspect of the Universe that in and by itself is absolutely Real and serves as an Arena in which the Light that is within Matter is converted into Consciousness and eventually returns to its Original State of Pure Consciousness. Time and Space and the Matter Universe form a Gigantic... Realistic and most Impressive Stage upon which we live our Human Lives. These Lives are Dream Projections of our Soul or Christ-Self. We as free Human Beings live and are these Projections or Expressions of our Christ Consciousness. We are this Christ-Self playing the Eternal Game of Creation. God hiding within its Creations. At all times however... WE LIVE IN CONSCIOUSNESS OR MIND ONLY o o o o o o o THE MASTER PRETENDER ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Every Human Being... from the Biggest to the Smallest... is a Master Pretender. For he Pretends... that he is Man but in Actuality... He is God. The Act of Pretending however... has gone completely out of hand... and it is not really Pretending anymore. The Act... has become so convincing... that Man is totally deluded... by his own Performance. He proves it to himself time and time again by being but Man. That's why he fights Wars... murders and tortures his Brothers... and finds himself in a Self Destructive Stupor. He believes in some Man Made God to save himself... from himself. And... somehow deep within... he knows that what he does he should not really do. That's why he calls himself a Sinner looking for a Saviour to save him. Yes... here he is... A God thinking that he is a Man. While the more Guilt Feelings he develops the further he feels removed from his God. Yes... this Man we know... is in deep Shit. He is breathing and feeding himself from his own Piles of Debris. The Big Question now is... How do we get Man out of this Stupor of Belief that his God created a World in which his Children die of Poison? Yet he knows that his own Greed and Ignorance are the Causes of his Suffering. But Really Though... Gods that pretend to be Man... are not really that stupid. For the whole of creation of the Gods and Creators we are is exactly... the way it should be. For we as Gods and Creators living as Man in our physical creation are... playing ... The Game of Being Man exactly the way we as Gods and Creators wanted to play the game. In other Words... Things Are Perfect... the Way They Are. For We As Gods Are In Complete Control Of What We As Man Do. We As Man Just Don't Know This. The guidance Man receives from the Creators we are... is more than sufficient to make each man aware eventually that he is the God and Creator of the universe and world he lives in. So... the Trouble Man is in... is not really that Bad. Man and his Life on Planet Earth... is a Planned and Organized Endeavour which is executed by a Loving and Aware Force called God the Creator. Alias... You and I. In order for You and I... to live in our Creation as Man You and I... and many other Great Brothers created the Physical Universe including all Life upon its Planets. You and I then... live in our Creation as a tiny little Man so that we as this tiny little Man can become aware of what we as God have created. We as Gods and Creators have created what we as Man... see... wonder about and are to Awaken to. We as Gods and Creators are experiencing The Life We Are Universally in the Multitudes of Visible and Invisible Forms We Created In Our Likeness. The Whole of Creation is our Image. We as Gods and Creators are here... to find out exactly and precisely what we have created and have become by means of living within the Billions upon Billions of Forms or Images of the Life Force We Are. What We have become... You see all around You. ! Every Blade of Grass ! every Bird in the Heavens every Ant however small is your Brother in Consciousness or ! God the Creator ! Whatever you see at the Present... whatever you've seen in the Past... and whatever you'll see in the Future it is all Your Creation. You Are It. To realize that this is so has taken you a Million times a Million Ages or Lifetimes. For you have been a Million times a Million different Life Forms before you became a Man. And now that you are a Man you are working on your last Step of Evolution. Make this... a Conscious Evolution. Work and study consciously on your Cosmic Education. Because You are The Buddha.... The Christ.... The Krishna or The God and Creator by Whatever Name. There is no Power in the Universe that can stop you for You Are The Power. Welcome to the Kingdom of God.... in which you were lost... Pretending to be but Man. ... YOU ARE ... THE MASTER PRETENDER o o o o o o o |