Imagine for one moment that we would really have the opportunity as mankind to lift ourselves to a higher level of consciousness. As you could read in the dna-article the word goes that our DNA would be ready for a change to encompass these higher frequencies. Gregg Braden (in 'Walking between the Worlds') describes the idea that the 'love-vibration' might actually activate different parts of our DNA. Wouldn't it be easy if people just got born with these other parts activated right from the beginning? Well, this might just be happening in the form of the 'indigo-children', named this way by Kryon.
This article presents an introduction to some channeled messages given on this topic by Kryon, Sananda and the Spiritual Hierarchy & the Galactic Federation. I hope you enjoy it: if you come across any information which you consider useful as an addition to this site, please let me know!
Since I was not able to find the texts anywhere on the net so far I decided to publish them as I found them through a mailinglist, with permission from the author.
Carolyn J. Holtgrewe
5929 Murray Road ~ Whitehall, MI 49461 USA
231-893-5929 email: mailto:choltgrewe@
Copyright 1999
Sananda and the Children through Carolyn Holtgrewe
March 20, 1998
Overview by Sananda
Oh, my beloveds! I come to you filled with joy for long have I awaited
opportunity to speak to an issue which is so very close to my heart. At
the divine timing is at hand when I may more freely discourse about the
children, the beautiful beautiful children who are beginning to grace your
planet with their presence.
First, however, let me begin by reminding you that nothing upon the earth
plane has ever been static and all kingdoms are in a state of
The very cells and the atoms and molecules which comprise the varying
forms are in process of transforming, of mutating. They are becoming
of light which vibrate at a much higher frequency than that to which you
been accustomed. What was once a very long slow process of evolution has
suddenly been accelerated greatly impacting everything on the planet which
includes you, of course.
For adults, the heavier vibrations of matter under which you passed your
growing up years are giving way to a higher, lighter, more refined level
vibration. This, of course, has impacted significantly the nature of the
children which began incarnating in the 1990's and I wish to make
about them. These children who shall come of age in the next century
bring a
special gift to the world -- a level of love and remembrance and knowing
heretofore possible.
They are the next wave of teachers for the planet. They are very evolved
beings of light who have come in joyful service to humanity. They are
future. They will lead you into the beautiful new world that awaits you,
you will but allow them to help you.
Do not force them into the old molds for they do not fit there. They have
arrived with new higher level imprints for humanity encoded within their
beingness. These children have never had incarnations on this planet. In
fact, they have never had physical incarnations anywhere before. This is
entirely new experience for them. They are coming from the 6th dimension
they are bringing great spiritual wisdom with them.
In these times, more than ever before, it would be wise for you who are
or will become parents to remember that your children are not you. At
levels of your beingness you have made agreements with them to allow them
come through you into the earth plane experiencing. I wish to repeat:
come through you but they are not you. They are each unique and come with
their own personalities, talents and agendas. Do not expect them to live
your dreams for they have their own.
Many of these children born now and into your future will confound and
exasperate their elders for they come here at this time with very definite
missions. Although they retain more of their knowing, they are still
somewhat veiled. It becomes your task to love them unconditionally, to
support and encourage them in their explorations and to help them discover
their purpose for being here, their missions. And to be appropriate role
models for them. These beings definitely will not live by bread alone!
Higher Energy Children
Many of these children will be highly energetic and highly excitable for
carry different neurological wiring in their bodies. They will demand
love and understanding from their families and their communities. These
children may appear to be society's misfits and, in a way, they are for
herald the arrival of the sixth root race, the Indigo Race, upon your
They are the forerunners of even higher dimensional beings to come.
These children may well spout spiritual truths at an early age and exhibit
understanding of the world beyond their chronological years. Many will
exhibit the tendency to want to withdraw from the company of others so
can be alone with their thoughts. You will find that they need a certain
amount of "alone time" to replenish themselves. If they don't get it
naturally, as a matter of course, they may well act up so you will be
to give it to them through such means you call "time outs."
Ritual in the Home
As parents, you would do well to bolster yourselves with some metaphysical
studies. It would be desirable to initiate family meditation times with
soft, soothing music as background wherein everyone may share in a
communion together. Even small children can learn to center themselves.
Simple prayers and the lighting of candles can also aid in bringing a
of the sacred into the home. Create a little ceremony which allows each
family member to participate in some way. Also, children know there are
angels around. Encourage those connections. Allow the angelic kingdom to
participate in these miraculous times upon the earth plane. It is their
chosen service to guide humanity--children and adults.
Dream Time Experiencing
Listen to your children when they wish to share their dream time
experiencing. Contrary to popular opinion, dreams are very important.
is the time when the soul can communicate directly with the personality
without the intervention of the ego. Much information is transmitted
the nature of the earth plane experiencing which impacts the survival of
incarnated beings. Here also are lessons taught and keys given for
the varied personal problems which earth plane living generates.
In the dream state scenes of upcoming events are rehearsed giving the
opportunity of trying out different roles in a non-threatening way. From
time to time, your children may report distinct but puzzling feelings of
"been there, done that" as an event is unfolding in the physical. This is
known as deja vu wherein the memory of something experienced at other
first is carried forward into the conscious mind and the playing out of
event triggers the memory. Although this is actually quite a common
occurrence, it nevertheless can be rather startling when one is moving
through the experience at the physical level. Dreams bring the messages
the soul and are relayed through symbols rather than words. Therefore, it
behooves even the children to learn this language so they may avail
themselves of the guidance given in their dreams.
Encourage your children to appreciate and respect nature, to feel the
to observe the plants and animals as they cycle through the seasons. And
teach them to love and respect their pets. If possible, take them to the
shore and into the mountains and across the great plains. Let them see
hand the grandeur of the planet. Ask them what they are seeing and
and perhaps even hearing for they will not see, hear or feel as you do.
Listen to them. They are wise. They know the sensory organs are becoming
multi-purposed. For example, they may touch a colored object and not only
feel it and see it but also hear the sound of the color. Let them teach
so you may share in their delight. Perhaps you will awaken your senses as
Know also that with the blending of the lower astral planes into the
plane, your children may see figures, shapes and other apparitions passing
through their energy field or otherwise inhabiting the environment.
are more likely to see these than their parents because they have fewer
preconceived notions about what is or is not permissible for them to see.
These waking visions are valid and may be amusing or frightening. For
who have these visions, it is a sign of clairvoyance and wise is the
who does not lightly dismiss these experiencings of their children.
Encourage your children to talk about these experiences and laugh with
or commiserate with them but allow them to give voice to these sightings.
Work with your children to pass these entities into the guiding hands of
angelic forces who will in turn lead them to their appropriate places in
other planes of existence.
Community Resources
As parents there may well be other behaviors exhibited which will surprise
and baffle you. Be not too hasty in your assessments for your children
not crazy. They do not need to be carted off to see some psychiatrist who
will wish to fill them up with inappropriate chemical mixtures as a means
controlling them. They do not understand either and their treatments are
guided by the paradigms of the past. If you are somewhat bewildered about
how to care for and raise these children, seek appropriate guidance from
those who understand metaphysical and spiritual principles and the
transmutation of energy. Teachers to assist in all of these areas abound
upon your planet. They have been in training for years in order to be of
assistance to those in need in these times of great changes. It is their
chosen service so avail yourselves of their wisdom and guidance.
My dearest ones, it has brought me great joy to bring you this message and
say to you give your children your utmost attention. They will teach you
much and you are well blessed by them. Love them unconditionally. Bless
them mightily. Cherish them greatly for they are your teachers. They
here with so much love to share, and they come with peace, harmony,
and joy in their hearts. Yes, my beloved ones, listen well for they carry
lessons in wisdom for you. I withdraw now and allow the children to speak
for themselves. Thank you for allowing this sharing. Adonai Sananda.
The Children's Message
Many greetings we bring to you in this divine timing. We are so excited
be able to present our message for you! We are bursting with joy and
anticipation as we prepare to take our turns upon the earth plane.
We are your future selves coming to meet you in this Now-moment. We come
with the power to complete the shifting of Planet Earth if you will but
us credence, if you will but love us and trust us enough to lead you out
the wilderness of illusion that blankets this planet.
Has it not been written that "a child shall lead them?" That Holy Child,
Jesus, has come and gone from your earth plane but he has blessed us and
empowered us to carry on with the planetary mission of Ascension.
we come as babes, we are masters and are most eager for our incarnations.
course, many many of us are already here in your midst but you know us not
for we are not yet present in sufficient numbers to have merited your
attention. At this time, we represent the anomaly to you rather than the
norm. But that will change.
We are of the Oneness so from the viewpoint of the collective, we are as
but in order to serve you better and at a more personal level, we shall
project ourselves outward as fragments of the Oneness and into the mortal
world of space and time as individual incarnations. This is the way in
we can best serve in the many places we are needed.
Remember, too, that as masters we come in many guises -- rich, poor,
or with varying degrees of physical afflictions. This is not to hoodwink
you, so to say, but we ask that you do not judge us by our outward
appearances. We have carefully chosen our roles so as to assist you in
raising your vibrations, to move into the paradigm of the New Millennium.
And to all of you Lightworkers who have served so tirelessly for so long
with such dedication, we say we know you are weary and long to return
When your service is completed, call to us and we will be waiting for you
that gateway between the worlds. Extinguish not your torches as you pass
from this world into the next for we stand in eager readiness to accept
lamps of Light. Pass your torches to us and we will carry on with the
mission. Proudly shall we raise them high as we bring into the Earth
the Light of our beloved Creator and the flame of freedom that burns
eternally within the human soul.
We honor you and we love you greatly. We bless you and we give you our
deepest gratitude for it is through the fulfilling of your commitments of
service that our incarnations have been made possible. The world awaits
Peace and joy we give to you, our dear sisters and brothers, and boundless
blessings. We are the Children of the New Millennium.
back to top
This next message was received a year later:
Carolyn J. Holtgrewe
5929 Murray Road ~ Whitehall, MI 49461 USA
231-893-5929 email: mailto:choltgrewe@
Copyright 1999
Sananda (Jesus) and the Children through Carolyn Holtgrewe
June 3, 1999
Sananda's (Jesus') Overview
Salutations from the Hierarchy of Light, dear ones. This is Sananda and
come forth from the flow of the divine time and insert myself into these
moments of your linear time frame to make commentary concerning certain
events taking place upon the earth plane which have caused great
consternation among you particularly concerning your children.
Nothing is "wrong" with them from our viewpoint for we do not judge
matters as such but I will say that you have reached a point in your
evolution as the human species where the Violet race experiencing is
drawn to a close and the evolution of the Indigo race is beginning.
Therefore, there are naturally confrontations and conflicts arising as a
result of this. It is as if two great rivers ~ one old, one new ~ coming
from two different directions are converging at the same point and
their contents into the sea of humanity's consciousness.
In this now-time there is a resulting clash of forces and energies.
The older river could be said to be the Violet Race, the fifth root race
the planet. The newer river can be called the Indigo Race and is the
root race. In these cases, there are always those of the "old guard"
who attempt to hang on to the old ways by any means possible against the
inroads of the "new guard" into their territory.
Misunderstandings and miscommunications abound and the true spiritual
purpose for this clashing is hidden from view.
In this message I wish to speak to you of what are called the Indigo
children. They ride the Indigo Ray and have a specific purpose on Earth.
They are here to change the world and they will do whatever it takes,
including sacrificing themselves in the process when necessary. It is
their mission and one which they have wholeheartedly accepted. To this
point I would remind you that they know that the earth plane is a plane
They know they live beyond the physical body they currently inhabit. At
other levels of your beingness you are also well aware of this fact.
You were required to forget this when you took your embodiment but in
own wake-up process you shall remember.
These children will point out many ills that are pervasive in the current
society. They will call attention in any way they can for they are here
to shift the planet's populations from fear to love.
There will not be peace in the world until the hearts are changed, until
lives are lived in love and cooperation instead of fear and competition.
It is the turning of the hearts not the turning of the laws that will
the difference.
If the members of a society wish to know what is wrong in its country
can look to the behavior of the children. If they wish to know what is
right with their society, they can also look to their children. This
said, however, understand that in the spiritual realms there is no
judgment of
"right" or "wrong" placed upon one's behavior. Perhaps you would prefer
to look upon this concept as "life enhancing" or "life diminishing"
of the labels of right or wrong.
Remember that all things are expressions of the Oneness and are for the
benefit of the growth of all of us, including Creator.
As I stated, they are here to point out the ills of humanity by bringing
the issues sharply into focus to enhance your understanding. Their
approach will not be subtle for society has long closed its eyes and
and hearts to the issues brought up through subtle means.
As a planetary population, you are running out of time. Therefore, you
well find their behavior outrageous in order to command your attention
to engage you in meaningful dialogue at a national or even world level.
They have brilliant minds so you can anticipate that the plans they
will also be brilliant.
These children have undertaken a great mission and they only have a
limited amount of time in which to fulfill it. You of the fifth root
race, the
Violet generations, need to understand that they are vastly different
you. Their DNA is different. The neurological wiring in their bodies is
different. They see more, feel more and innately know more than their
elders. They know their mission and will not be deterred from their
A big key to understanding these children is to know that they will do
whatever it takes to focus attention on the world's problems. This is
their pledge to Creator and you can therefore expect them to butt heads
anyone who gets in their way.
Through their own lives, and sometimes deaths, they will demonstrate to
the concept that you have collectively created this reality and that you
can choose to create a different reality.
To expose the plight of humanity they will use the vast resources of the
electronic and printed media and the Internet to draw your attention to
whatever they feel you need to look at. Although somewhat veiled, they
will experience a rapid spiritual wake-up. They will see right through
hypocrisy and will want you Violets, as the reigning power structures on
the planet, to "clean up your act" as you say.
Beloveds, nowhere in the Universe are planetary populations given as much
freedom to create their realities as here on Earth. You might say the
downside of that is that the level of negativity that has been created on
this planet is very high. The Indigo children are incarnating to help
climb out of the planet-wide morass that has been created. Love them
unconditionally. Support them in their endeavors to create a higher
of living. They will impact every level of society and will leave no
unturned in their efforts to move the planetary consciousness higher on
the spiral of ascension.
Through mutual understanding, cooperation and compassion you all can reap
benefits of peace, love and joy that are truly beyond description.
In love and service
I am Sananda.
The Indigo Children
Beloved brothers and sisters. We bring you warm greetings of love and
We are the Indigo children of the New Millennium and from time to time
will venture forth to share our needs and concerns with you in this
We observe the happenings on the planet and are in communication with our
beloved ones who are preparing for their earthly incarnations. We are
also gathering with our beloved brothers and sisters who are returning to
realms of light from their sojourn upon the earth plane.
They are sharing their experiencing with us and we are eager to learn
embodiment in a physical form is completely new to us. Many of them
been unable to complete the unfolding of their dreams of gifting humanity
with their offerings in the fields of art and music and science and
For one reason or another, their time upon the earth plane has been
For most, however, their missions were completed and so they returned.
now we are awaiting our appointed hours of incarnation.
Their sharing with us and our observance of earth life leads us to want
offer our commentary to you as a means of helping you in your
understanding of who we are and why we are incarnating at this time.
we wish to assist you in understanding what our needs are and how you can
help us for as you have been told already, we are not like you. We are
advent of the sixth root race and as such we know there will be a great
clashing between what you call "the establishment" and us. So in the
of education and cooperation, let us speak thusly to you.
We note that there is a great deal of discussion taking place now
regarding acts of violence in the schools and also among the population
large. Know this, dear ones. Until the world gets our message, these
of events will continue to happen for we cannot live in the structures of
society as they now exist. We are incarnating to change them and the
We share your concerns about the unrest in your cities and the potential
wars. What you have accepted and simply lived with all these years we
cannot accept. We dream a different dream. We hear a different
We heed a different cadence and we answer a different call.
We will break your denial of what you have created upon the earth plane.
Before we are through, we will force you to look at everything and see it
for what it is. We will mirror to you your creations. As a group our
behavior will show you what works for us and what doesn't. We will
you abundant opportunities to acknowledge your creations and to take
responsibility for them. We will show you what we need to be happy and
productive citizens of the world.
It is our desire to leave this world in better shape than we found it but
we need your cooperation. While it is true that we are young in the years
lived upon the earth, do not assume we are ignorant. We carry our wisdom
within and simply know things beyond that which you think we should know
for our age and experience.
Pay attention to us!
The systems of public education that are currently in place around the
world are not for us. They are not structured to meet our needs and the
challenges of the future. We would say the same about most of the
and religious schools as well. We speak here of both the physical
configuration and also the emotional and mental climates of the
schools. They serve us not. They are rampant with emotions and devoid
We do not function well in the huge schools and large classes. And when
we must move from class to class all day, it is very disrupting to our
patterns of learning. We become over-stimulated and edgy by all the
commotion and cacophony of vibrations playing out around us. Though we
appear calm on the outside, that is merely a façade, a mask we put on so
can interact with others. We cannot learn in this environment.
Our needs are best met in small groups with a capable teacher who will be
there for us, who can interact with us one on one, who can guide us
successfully through our inner turmoil. We learn very quickly in a
compatible setting and wish to progress as rapidly as we can. As we
become a greater and greater percentage of the population, more and more
us will prefer to be home schooled. Here our environment is familiar and
feel safe. We look at your history and are intrigued with the salons of
Plato and Socrates. Many of us would like to try that way of learning.
So we say to you again that the schools as they are now structured do not
meet our needs. The setup must change or we will bring about the
of the entire system for we will have no need of it. We will use a
methodology for learning. We will evolve into that eventually but in the
meantime we seek to open your minds to the problems at hand and to work
together to change what we cannot accept.
Our potential for advancing the planet is enormous and we are dedicated
that end.
Make no mistake or attempt to dismiss us lightly for we are greatly
empowered by our Creator. The world may well come to view us
as a planetary Pandora's Box but be not dismayed by this. If we did not
our Creator and all of you so much, we would not have volunteered to
in this manner. We know that while we will dazzle you with our
we may also frighten you at times.
Working together in cooperation the fears can be overcome and we can
a continuum of bright and beautiful tomorrows. We love you deeply and
very honored to answer the call to serve you, our Creator and Lady Gaia
the planetary ascension process.
We ask you to remember your promises to us, to remember the agreements we
made before you incarnated. You promised to be there for us, to love us
unconditionally no matter how difficult that may be at times. Remember
also that we do not fit into your molds. We implore you to accept this
and us.
Let us join together to build a brighter world for all of us. Help us to
create wonders not horrors. We will speak to you again at some future
We are the Indigo children of the New Millennium and we tender you our
great love and many many blessings.
Kryon through Lee Carroll, 1997/98
In the book 'Partnering with God (Practical Information for the New Millenium)' from Kryon, a chapter is devoted to the 'Indigo Children'. Lee Carroll is the man receiving messages from Kryon. In Kryon's sixth book he summarizes what Kryon has told about the indigo children, indigo referring to the main color of these kids' aura's. SO, the following parts are not literally channeled messages. The chapter covers 13 pages, and I selected a few excerpts. If you're really interested in Kryon, who coined the term 'indigo children' go and buy the book!
One of the most amazing attributes of the New Age is going to come right out the cribs of thousands of homes all over the world. The new childeren of the 'indigo' color have arrived en masse and are already among us. Sometimes I think this is what has been predicted as the 'the mass landing' (only kidding)!
Spiritual consciousness: Be aware that these new children have an overlay of knowledge of who they are that is far different from what we had as children. At the cellular level, they 'know' that they are creatures of the Universe, with incredible purpose (not lesson) on the the planet.
...Kryon now says that because of the new awareness, the child will instead experience a total breach of trust if told they are worthless, since they absolutely know better! He or she will know that they are being lied to! The result will be withdrawal and lack of trust. The child cannot be convinced that he is anything but deserving of all that is! He intuitively knows who he is at the cellular level. This 'Kingship' and 'Queenship' is the difference in how they feel. Many adults are seeing this attribute and caaling the kids 'headstrong' or 'difficult'. Instead, the children can have good, solid self-worth, and cellular information that they absolutely belong here right now. They asked for it, and here they are.
...Some things just don't work anymore with the indigo kids. Guilt will not work as it did when we were young.'Wait till your dad gets home' is a phrase that simply won't bring about the resuluts it used to. Instead the child will not seem to react at all, and the desired fear of dad finding out simply won't work. The child's inner knowing of 'who he is' short-circuits many of the old tricks of discipline.
..So, if you didn't already get it, here are some suggestions until some enlightened day-care worker or teacher writes the coming bestselling book on the new children (are you listening-there's a book to write, here)!
- (1) From birth, treat the child like he or she is a young adult - especially using your tone of voice. Use this method to honor his or her life force. The child expects this, and will react negatively if you don't
- ...(2) Tell the children from birth verbally what is going on. Explain everything. Okay, there is eye-rolling going on from moms everywhere. Really-do it! The children can sense at a cellular level what you are doing.
- ...(3) As soon as possible, give the children choices over absolutely everything you can! Prepare scenarios for eating, sleeping, and playing that they can choose from. Remember, it suits the children's 'royalty' to be asked which choice they would like.
- ...(4) Discipline them as you would with any children, but do it with less emotion that might otherwise. Raw emotion for effect will not work with these kids any more than guilt does. Yelling won't bring about change in them, and will make you look weak.
- ...(5) Watch for signs of incredible frustration when they start interacting with other children. Some of it is normal. It's the deep depression and 'clamming up' that is the telltale sign of deep frustration or depression.
Not all children being born right now are indigos, but as time goes on, more and more will be. It all started about 1970 with a small percentage of indigos arriving, and now it's up to about 80 percent or slightly higher as this book is being written (1998). At that rate, I believe that the children will be able to find like-minded infant friends more easily. It's the 3- to 6-year-old who are searching right now. They came from a group where only about 30 percent or less were indigos. Shortly, they all will be. Their message to us?
"Here we come, ready or not!"
back to top

Update by the Galactic Federation and the Spiritual Hierarchy through Sheldan Niddle, November 6, 1999
The reality in which you now are has been rapidly changing. It has had its matrix mutated and its foundations have been likewise transformed. The final key in this process is you. At the macro-level, your global society is being evolved now into something much better. Yet, the clearly known parts of this old system seem to be in place still. What is changing is the unseen power structure that attempts to hold tightly to the reins of control. Another critical aspect is the alteration of the micro-level by which this system operates - namely, its people. This integration process is being 'way-showed' by the incoming 'Children of the Light'. These high Beings have arrived with their third DNA strands in an activated position and they possess the ability to be both telepathic and clairvoyant. They have amazed researchers and their families with their magnificent capabilities. Yet, they have another critical purpose - to shift your consciousness.
These Children of Light have come to eventually provide the 'critical mass' needed to shift your consciousness. They have retained their psychic abilities in order to spread their fuller consciousness throughout humanity. As they do so, they are activating many adults. These Beings are meant to create an army whose sole purpose is to transform this reality. The integration/ascension process that Heaven began many millennia ago is assisting their actions. This procedure is now reaching its critical point. It is no coincidence that this process comes at the same time that your planet is seemingly dying. A number of these important factors are coming together currently for a divine purpose - to birth a new and much better reality for Earth's humanity! This process has some implications as well for those who now secretly rule you.
(Update November 6, 1999)
On a page in Ellie Crystal's crystalinksite, an interview with Drunvalo Melchizedek can be read. He touches upon the indigo's as well. In the article Drunvalo speaks about the psychic children of China, the spontaneous AIDS-recoveries and the indigo children. Interesting links are made with 'Cracking the Bible-code' and the idea of 'alien DNA'. Check it out at
On this site you can read various messages on indigo-children.
On you can read the following and more:
The Millennium Crazies?
Some say we are birthing a new species, children with a different DNA Structure, and that they are helping all of us to change our DNA structures... They are known as Children of the Light, Children of the New Dream, the Indigo Children, the AIDS Children, the Super Psychic Children of China. They "know everything". They are immune to almost everything, they may even be immortal....