... The TriLite List is Closed and will eventually be Deleted...

.. TriLite ..     ... TriLite ...     .. TriLite ..
~ TriLite's Second Incarnation ~


An open Metaphysical and Philosophical Discussion List, where posts about the Sciences and World Affairs are welcome. This is TriLite's second incarnation within ten years. Share your Heart and Soul in preparation for complete openness in the higher densities. If you know of any previous TriLite Members please send me their name and address or send them an Invitation. No doubt we are refreshed and a lot wiser by now. Let's round up all the old Members and discuss what we have learned in all those years. Naturally any other Soul may join as well!  The purpose of the List is to discuss the transition to the 4D/5D reality!  We must break the 3D Mind-Bubble that became our prison. We need to connect with our intuitive or infinite Self. We must face Expansion... Openness... Infinity!  Great Times Coming Up...

Post excerpt from Fred:
The key to the Truths existent in all of creation is the concept of limitation. Specifically, it does not in fact exist! This is where organized religion steps into the fray. By creating a false illusion of limitation, it facilitates control over the masses, which was/is the entire point of its existence to begin with. As long as humans in 3d reality can be made to believe in limitation, they can be controlled. For more of Fred's writing Click Here...

Post excerpt from Mahroukie:
To me spiritual practice is effortless. Natural... Spontaneous... Joyful... No big deal... No working at... No trying... No promotion... No higher and lower...

Post excerpt from Gerardus:
We as Souls are actors and we all have our lines or script. We follow our script as if this is the only Truth there is. Truth however -is- What We Are!  This Truth cannot be expressed in words. We as Souls play in a Global Performance repeatedly and in each lifetime we have a different script again. The thoughts and words in our script are but temporary opinions and they create a personal reality in which we are the main actor. Dropping our script and our personal history is Self-Realization...

From Leonard's post...
Excerpt from the book Three Magic Words by U. S. Andersen:
I have complete confidence in the wisdom and the power of the Universal Subconscious Mind. I do not predict the manner in which each of my thoughts will manifest; I have complete faith that TIL moves in the most perfect manner. There is no such thing as lack unless it is accepted; the universe has infinite supply. Vigour and health, abundance and success are mine, for I choose only such thoughts. Love abounds in a universe where I am one with the immortal Self, the Universal Subconscious Mind, TIL. My every decision is answered from a perfect and inexhaustible source of power...

From Sal's post...
There are beings at every level of the Universe -- some have microscopic limited awareness and some have the awareness of entire galaxies. In fact, galaxies are conscious beings on a higher level. We are Gods in our own right, living in a sea of Godhood that is simultaneously aware of itself and the entities that make up its body.   Sal's Website - Right Here...

From David's writing...
When you were born, you were closest to the fundamental diagram of the human body, the original mould. Later, as you live, you work upon the mould, making your own unique contributions, relative to your own unique will. Your will came with you from the spirit world, and goes with you when you die. Your independent will defines the independent nature of your spirit. David's Website is Right Here!   Thank you for the TriLite Symbol David ...

Typical 5D awakened view from SamIam...
There is no time, no space, no matter. All is consciousness and energy of the One mind, which upon awakening conceived all possibilities. We each exist as a minute expression of one of those possibilities. We invented time as a measurement of motion. We perceive space as distance, yet there is no there there. At the fundamental levels of matter (subatomic) there is no matter, only energy acting as matter, or as if it mattered. As we measure our motion through the field of all possibilities, flitting from point to point without going anywhere, we call it passage of time...

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! ... Life is a Celebration of the Creator living as the Created ... !