Creation... The Perfect Mirror
The Wisdom of Hank

~ Muranda Ellen Everson ~

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     o            --=  THE GIFT OF GOD... TO MANKIND  =--            o
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     One morning on the bus... I said to Hank...
             you know Hank... my landlady's daughter Kalinda...
                                               is asking me questions.

         She's asked me where people come from...
                              or how did we arrive on this Earth.

             What has God to do with all this... she said...
                                   and what about the Devil... Muranda?

                  What is God... and where is he...
                                      and who is the Devil?

     She's only a child... and very sensitive...
                           I think she's eight years old...
                                 and you know Hank... she's beautiful!

         I do not like to tell her about Adam and Eve...
                       or about apples and snakes... and paradise.

             What should I tell her Hank?

                     Do you know what to tell her?

                                             And here is Hank.....

                               - - - - - - -

     At one time Kalinda...
           a very long time ago when the Earth was very young...
                   and the air was still crystal clear...
                                 there were only animals on the Earth.

         There were also trees... and flowers... and lakes...
              and many mountains and seas...
                                and many... many fishes.

     All this was created and taken care of...
                            by the God of Beauty and its many Spirits.

         Everything was beautiful...
                       and the whole Earth was a Garden of Beauty.

     And then Kalinda...
         at some time in the history of the World...
                                a very Wise God looked upon the Earth.

             And the longer it looked upon the Earth...
                                          the sadder it became.

     You see Kalinda...
             this Wise God was sad...
                        because it didn't see any Children...
                                                    or loving Parents.

         It circled all around the Earth...
                       but this Wise God couldn't find any People.

     And then Kalinda... slowly... very slowly...
                this Wise God knew how to solve the problem.

                       The Idea was to create people...
                                 and especially... beautiful Children.

         This God with its Great Wisdom...
                     and its many different Thoughts...
                                   carefully surrounded the Earth.

         And before long...
                   every nook and cranny of the Earth...
            was filled with Beautiful Thoughts of the Wise God.

     And then... with Great Love for Creation...
        and with Brilliant Imagination and Feelings of Tenderness...
                   this Wise God and its many Thoughts...
                            slowly became all the People on the Earth.

               Every Thought became a different Human Being.

     Then... there were Mothers and Fathers...
                               and Aunts and Uncles...
                                        and above all... Kalinda...
                                     there were many... many Children.

     Many People of the Earth...
                 were of a different colour...
                              and many had different hair styles.

                          But all of them were Friendly and Beautiful!

         All the Children joyfully danced upon the Earth...
                           and all the animals were their friends.

         But you know what... Kalinda... you know what happened?

       The Wise God had completely disappeared...
                    the Wise God of Man... couldn't be found anywhere.

     However... all the Thoughts of the Wise God...
                             had become the People of the Earth.
                  And the Eyes of the People...
                                     reflected the Wise God in Person.

         The Wise God was alive...
                       within each Mother... within each Father...
                  and within all the Children and People of the Earth.

                            The Wise God... had become Man!

     It was the Greatest Miracle ever...
              and the whole Universe was amazed and mystified.

                            It was....  THE GIFT OF GOD... TO MANKIND!

     For a long... long time...
         all the People of the Earth lived very happily together...
               and all the Children played...
                                 with the beautiful animals.

    Everybody on Earth knew...
                  that all the People... really were...
                                          the Wise and Thoughtful God.

          They were the Love of this Wise God... alive as People.

     And then there came a time...
         in which the People of the Earth...
                    started to use their Imagination...
         and they created different things for different purposes.

       And then slowly... they began to forget where they came from.

            Pretty soon... nobody remembered...
                         that they were the Wise God in Person.

     They started to make up different stories and legends...
                        about how they had become the People of Earth.

         They filled up their Forgetfulness...
                                with Scientific Nonsense and Fear.

              Many People looked for their Creator in Books...
                        instead of in their Hearts.

     They thought that their God lived in Books..
                  and the Books became more important that the People.

     And then Kalinda... People started to fight...
             because some People thought that the God in their Book...
                                 was better...
                   than the God in the Books of other People.

     Some leaders of the People...
         began to make up their own stories about God...
                         and they started their own Religions...
                   and told the People many things that were not true.

         The Preachers of the Religions...
                                became completely confused...
                           while they thought that they were wise.

         There were even some people who became fanatics...
               and thought that by killing others...
                                          they would go to Heaven!

         What an enormous mistake Kalinda...
                             what an enormous mistake and tragedy.

             ! Killing or violence only creates more violence !

         Many people have forgotten this...
                      yet... they go to Church on Sunday and Pray.

         They pray to some self-imagined God...
                     while the real God lives within their Hearts.

                 ~ What an enormous mistake indeed Kalinda ~

     Because of all these different Religions...
             and the terrible acts committed by some people...
                                      the whole world became confused.

         The greatest majority of people...
                   were completely forgotten...
                            that they were the Wise God in Person.
                ! Nobody knew who or what they were anymore !

         They began to fear each other...
                    and created very dangerous weapons...
                                            to fight other People.

            The People of the Earth became insane...
                      but nobody knew that this was so... 
                               because they were all the same.

            The whole Universe... 
                  and all the People of other Planets...
                                        became very concerned.

     All this happened...
         while all along the Wise God...
                    who became all the People of the Earth...
                                lived in the Hearts of all the People.

     You see Kalinda...
         the Wise God that lives in our Hearts...
                  can only speak with a very tiny voice...
                                and it is difficult to hear sometimes.

       And also you see... people were so busy living and fighting...
            that they had no time to listen to the voice within.

     Anyway Kalinda...
            the True God... who became Mankind...
                    speaks right from within your Heart.

                                               Its Voice is very soft.

     Once in a while...
           you can hear the tiny Voice of the Wise God...
                                  if you listen carefully for a while.

     You see Kalinda... you are this Wise God... in Human Form.
                                     You are this Wise God... Forever.

           Every Father... every Mother...
                        and every Child on Earth... is...
                                       this Wise God... their own way.

               The Wise God... that looked upon the Earth...
                      is... the very Race of Mankind.

        While all the Gods... of all the Religions...
                                      are Man-Made... and False!

       You Kalinda... you are the Wise God and True Spirit... Alive.
                           Just the way you are.

     So now then... you can truly be happy and celebrate...
                                  because you know who you really are.

       You can also be happy for all your Friends and other People...
           because they are this Wise God as well... we all are.

                         The trouble is... Kalinda...
               that so very few People know that this is so.

     This is what the Devil is... Kalinda...
              the Devil is the Forgetfulness and Ignorance...
                                               of the People of Earth.

         Many People are all mixed up...
                 because the Preachers they listened to...
                                                    confused them.

                 People think that God... is somebody else.

         So Kalinda... this Wise God... who lives in your Heart...
                             is what you truly are.

              And your Intuition will help you...
                           to listen to the tiny Voice within.

         The tiny Voice speaks softly about your Greatness...
                   and it whispers... about your Love for Mankind.

     This tiny Voice within... is willing to help you...
         but you know Kalinda... you cannot hear this tiny Voice...
                 when you watch TV... or when you listen to the radio.

         You have to listen very quietly and maybe close your eyes.

                    You are the Love of this Wise God...
                              all by yourself.

           This Wise God and its Love... is living in your Heart.

       You are this Peaceful God... expressed in the Beauty you are.

                     You are the Expression of Beauty.

                          You are the Love of God!

                               - - - - - - -

     When Hank had finished the story...
                 I just sat there... stunned... and undone.

                           I couldn't speak... and I felt like crying.

           And you know...
                  Hank went a stop too far...
                          because he wanted to finish the story.

       And when he got up to leave... I could see tears in his eyes.
                He hardly said good bye... because he cried.

     I felt such great Love for this Man...
                           that I cried as well.

                                Great big tears trickled down my face.

               The Love I felt... was the Wise God crying...
                          for what it had become.

                                          Man... the Insane God!

     Yet... I knew...
             that everything was alright...
                    for the World is a Wonderful School.

         A School in which all Gods... Sane or Insane...
                 are learning to become... Crystal Clear in Knowing.

                        We all are Students of Life.

     Some of us... just seem to learn a little faster...
                       while Others give us the opportunity...
                                           to grow Love in our Hearts.

             All of us are... the Wise God...
                            living... loving... and laughing.

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     o            --=  IT ORIGINATES FROM DEEP WITHIN  =--           o
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     It's Monday today...
          and all the seats in the bus are taken.

                  Hank and I are standing close together.

                         Somehow Hank is quiet... it seems strange.
                      He just stands there... watching me... being me.

         My eyes start wandering around...
                    and pretty soon I'm watching people.
                                           I like watching people.

     In front of me is a man I call Stoneface...
              his face is somewhat reddish and it looks like a statue.

         He's about middle aged... and he never talks much.
                       He sits in his Body very upright and solid.

     Over there is the mitten lady...
                       she is knitting little socks now.
                                 The mittens must be finished.

                         The mitten lady still smiles her inner smile.

     On my left... is the lady with the long nails.
               Today they are pinkish...
                          but most of the time they are red.

             She's very straight laced and moves like a board.
                     She's pretty... but never smiles.
                                      Life to her is serious business.

     The blond Beauty is on my right.
                She always chats with everybody...
                             she giggles a lot... about nothing.

                         She's very beautiful... she's dressed in red.

         Sometimes she wears more make-up than a clown...
                                             she's quite the girl.

     Behind me is Baseball...
         he's always asleep... and his head rolls around.

                  Sometimes I think that it is going to fall in his lap.

                        He's about twenty or twenty-one...
                                        his cap is dirty as hell.

         His cap is three seasons old...
                 and it has been taken off a million times.
                        His pants are full of grease...
                                  but his hands and face are clean.

            Baseball wakes at every stop and looks around a lot.

     In the back are my two politicians... talking as usual.
                The one is the speaker... the other one is the nodder.

                    They're both about fifty years old.

         The one guy seems to be the complainer...
                        and the other guy somebody to complain to.

         They are not real politicians...
                because I've never seen them fight.

                             They are a good pair...
                                        sometimes they tell jokes.

     About half the people in the bus I see every morning...
                           and the other half I only see now and then.

             Once in a while...
                      I see a brand new face.
                                    Then... everybody stares at it.

                All the people in the bus...
                               form what I call... a Bus-Family.

         Every day... except Mondays...
                      we have the same driver... he laughs a lot.

               The driver takes care of us... he is the Boss.

         He's a happy-go-lucky guy... and I like him...
                  he looks like a Buddha dressed up in uniform.
                                                       He's jolly fat.

              Going home at night... we're a different Family.

                 Then I only see a few people...
                           who ride with me in the morning.

     Day in day out I see the same faces...
              and now and then I see someone I haven't seen for weeks.

         I wonder then... what happened to you Face?
                                             Where have you been?

     Next to me... as close as possible...
             stands a hippie... who turned gentleman.
                    His name is Hank... and he's very quiet.

                        He is dressed very neatly...
                                       and I like him better this way.

               Muranda... Hank said... you're conditioned...
                                                     and I agreed.

     Hank looks at me quietly...
             and he keeps pondering.
                         I can feel his ponder-mill.

             His face looks like a question mark...
                       and finally he touches my arm and says.....

                               - - - - - - -

     You know Muranda...
               since I met you... my life is just wonderful.

         It was good before... but now... well...
                  it's so good... it sometimes scares me.

                         When I think of you... I'm turned inside out.

     And sometimes you know...
           I have trouble accepting myself... for accepting you.
                                                    Isn't that stupid?

         Now and then I have to tell myself...
             yes Hank... she loves you... she loves you...
                                     and she will always love you.

             I used to be so sure of myself...
                        and now I feel like a whimpering fool.
                                                      What's going on?

                     Anyway... I hope it will all pass.

     And then there is another thing Muranda...
             someday I would like to come over to your place...
                   and tell you about my experiences when I was young.

                 It's quite the story...
                              and I think about it a lot.

                               - - - - - - -

     I look at Hank's face...
             and somehow it looks bigger.
                       It's awfully close and manly...
                                and it looks like a big puzzle.

         His forehead is high...
                  and his eyes are hazel with green dots.

                              Most of the time his eyes...
                                              light up his whole face.

     Actually... Hank's face is like a big thought... thinking...
                          and if it is not thinking... it is laughing.

             His ears are long... and his hair is dark brown...
                 and some grey is showing on his temples.

               His hair hangs in locks... around his head...
            because it is loose... and it dances when he walks.

     His chin has a powerful shape...
                               and I think...
              that he could burst a window with it... easily.
                                         I hope he never does however.

         Hank's teeth are white and strong...
                    and they just stand apart a bit in the middle.

            His lips are full and curve a bit...
                         they look like a hidden smile at rest.

     All of a sudden I know what it is...
                        that makes Hank so special.

             I used to call it sex-appeal... but that's not it.

                  It's called Charisma...
                              and it's more than sex-appeal.

                       Charisma is something...
                                    that is impossible to pretend.

         Charisma is awfully good to have...
                     for it is like Love in solid form.

                                       IT ORIGINATES FROM DEEP WITHIN.

     It's like a Glow of Goodness and Honesty...
              or like a Glow of Invisible Light you can feel.

         Hank has got Individuality and Greatness...
                            without being self-conscious about it.

                  Hank could be... God... all by himself.

     Maybe what I see...
            is the invisible force of his aura.

                      I don't really see it... but I feel it.
                                                   It's very powerful.

            We're approaching Hank's stop... and he looks at me.

     He smiles and says...
             you know Muranda... I love you...
                             and sometimes you know... I'm very quiet.

                 Please forgive me... today is not my day.

           See you tomorrow my Love... I have to leave now.
                                                  Have a good day.

                               - - - - - - -

     Hank kissed me and left the bus.

         He looked back and waved with both arms.
                                      He looks funny doing it.
                                I laugh inside and it puts me at ease.

         I keep wondering what Hank's story could be.
                               It must be really bothering him.

             I'm going to phone him tonight... and tell him...
                         that Saturday afternoon...
                     would be a good time to come over.

         I have a feeling that I am involved somehow...
                     I don't know... the whole thing feels scary.

     At the clinic I think about Hank all day...
                    and Saturday seems a long time away.
                                      Well... I'll have to be patient.

     I said to myself...
                 Hank is bothered by his boyhood behaviour...
         and maybe all he wants to do is talk about it... so what?

             It will be interesting to hear about Hank as a boy.

               Deep down... I know that all is fine...
                             but yet... I feel apprehensive.

                        We'll have to wait and see.

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     o                --=  LET THERE BE LIGHT  =--                   o
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     On Tuesday morning...
           when Hank and I are at the bus stop...
                   this funny question popped in my mind.

             I turned to Hank and said...
                            Hank are you from this Earth?
                       Or are you a Teacher from another Planet?
                                          Are you a Spiritual Teacher?

         Hank looked at me...
              and he seemed to jump in his Body.
                  It was as if he had to collect himself.

                        He hesitated a bit... and I said...
                                             come on Hank... speak up!

                Finally... he smiled at me... and said.....

                               - - - - - - -

     Muranda... I'm not from any place...
                           I've always been here.
                                       I am... from Here and Now.

         You see... wherever you are... at whatever time...
                  is only where you dream you are... at that time.

                          ! For Lives are Dreams !

         There really are no times or places as such...
                      for we as God live all over... at all times.

             All Times and Places...
                     are only the Dream-Realities of our Mind.

                 All Times... Places... or Things...
                           exist in Mind or Consciousness... only.

        The Mind or Consciousness of God... contains... Everything.

                             We Are This Mind!

     All Times... all Places... and all Things...
                   are made of Dreamstuff by the Processes of Thought.

                       And whatever exists is but relatively real.

         The only Real or Absolute Thing...
                        is the Essence of it all...
                                    which is God... or the Source.

         In other words...
               the only thing that is Real about yourself...
                                          is the God Part you are.

                    God however does not exist in Parts.

                                          God... or the Source is ONE!

             So what are you?
                     You are God... The Totality.
                                            You are The ALL.

          This means that we as God... dream the Universe.
                                      We as God... dream the World.

     We are God the Dreamer...
                       dreaming that we are People...
                who experience Life in a Body that is Solid.

                                                    We are God Asleep.

         And as soon as our Dream changes or expands...
                                  the Universe changes or expands.

      We create the Universe... the World... and the Body by dreaming.

             The more we dream...
                          or the more we think...
                   the more relative reality we create.

                               We are The Dreamer... Who creates.

     All relative reality is Finite...
                      or subject to Human Limitations.

           The only Thing that is Real... and Infinite...
                                              is God... called US.

     Man is the Conscious Aspect of Existence...
                       and God is the Unconscious Aspect of Existence.

                Each Human Being... or each Consciousness...
             is God expanding itself... into greater Awareness.

     God expanding itself as Man and in Man... Universally...
                          is the Universal Evolution of Consciousness.

               So really... God is the only Thing around...!

                           While all the Rest...
                   - which is the Totality of Creation -
               is but a Finite... or Temporary Dream Reality.

        It is but a relative reality of Thoughts in Action or Form.

                         The Idea that You and I...
               are self-contained Entities is a Cosmic Joke.

         We only pretend to be Man...
                   and once we are through pretending...
                       and awaken to Cosmic Truth...
                                          we are Nobody... but IT.

             We Are God... We Are Existence...
                              We Are Life... We Are Infinite.

     Life then... in a Universal and in a Worldly sense...
                                       is nothing but the Play of God.

                  We as God... have nothing else to do...
                         but fool around and play.

         And our Play... creates or develops...
                   more and more Aspects of Ourselves...
                                          in a Self-Relationship.

                           We do this Forever...

                     We Are Infinite and Omniscient...

     At this point Hank and I got on the bus...
                    and Hank continued on the back seat.
            The engine was very loud and he almost had to shout.

     Anyway Muranda...
            all these words really didn't answer your questions.

         So now then... as God... being Hank for a while...
                                         I will give you my reply.

     I am not a Teacher...
         I am not of this Earth...
             And since I am not a Teacher...
                 I am certainly not a Spiritual Teacher...
                                               Life is the Teacher...

     Now... another thing...
                it does not matter where anybody is from...
         or whether you are a Star Child... or a Planet Groveler...
                  we all are Consciousness playing Games.

             In these Games... there is no Real Time or Place.

     There are only Dreams...
         about Times... about Places... and about Paraphernalia...
                   that appear and belong in the Dream...
        and help to delude us into thinking that the Dream is Real.

     In other words... at present I'm on Earth...
         but next time I might be on Travenilia or Abbaculandria...
              and then I might go to Venandria or Bolundrious...
                   but not before I've gone to Hellonia.

        In the mean time I might visit Dreamlandia on a side trip...
           and just for the Hell of it I might visit Nightmaria.

                      I do all this in the Present...!
               For the Present is the only Time there is...!

         And wherever those places are...
                         I cannot possibly know...
                  because all Places... including Earth...
                                  are Fictions of Consciousness.

                             They don't exist anywhere... but in Mind.

     So... where have I been?
              I have been no place but in Mind... my Own Mind.
                                                   The Universal Mind.

             So the question... are you from Earth...
                                       is a Nonsense Question.

         It is similar to...
                   how High is High... or how Big is Big.

                                   They're all Nonsense Questions.

     The Greatest Nonsense ever invented...
          is the Statement... I am a Star Child from Acturnious...
                                      or whatever the place is called.

                    We all are... The Children of Light.
                           The very Light of God.

         This Light is mentioned in the Bible...
                                       it says...  LET THERE BE LIGHT!

               You are God...     No More...     No Less....

                              You Are The All.

     So... really it does not matter from which Place I'm from...
         for all Places are but Arbitrary Agreements in Consciousness.
                       They all are but Dream-Stuff.

             For our Lives are but Dreams...
                               and some of them are Nightmares.

     Our Lives in a Physical Body... on Earth... or any other Place...
                               at any Time...
         are the Projections or Dreams of the Soul or God we are...
                      that become Real to the Person.

            Living then... like we think we do...
                       is about as real as our dreams at night.

     So... you and I... at this instant...
                     are part of each other's Dream...
        and because of our Relationship we have a very good Dream...
                        because we love each other.

     Anyway Muranda... I'm not a Teacher...
                    on the contrary... I like to think that I unteach.

         I might be an Educator... but not a Teacher.

                                For I have no Teaching.

                                                 Life is the Teaching.

     You see Muranda... people have been taught so many things...
                                   that they have lost track of Truth.

         People have been over-exposed to Teachings...
               so that now almost everybody in the world...
                    has been saturated with the finest Nonsense...
                                the world can provide.

     Like I have said some time ago...
               all Teachings are Gobbledygook or Nonsense.

           Except the Knowing or Understanding that you are God.

     However... when you as God come into the world...
           completely ignorant in the Form of a Soul in Flesh...
                     it will take you many lifetimes...
         before you discover that all Teachings are but Teachings.

     To discover that you are God...
                       is done in Spite of Teachings.
                Teachings are inventions of deluded People.

        However... only because you will find all of them Nonsense..
                     is it possible to discover Truth.

     Teachings are like the Alphabet...
                you have to learn it in order to discover...
                                         the meaning behind the Words.

                As soon as you have learned to read then...
                    you can forget about the Alphabet...
           for you know how to get the meaning behind the words.

     It's the same with Teachings...
                             you study them...
                       get the meaning behind them...
          and then as soon as possible forget about the Teachings.

          Teachings are only Stepping Stones...
                              so don't make them Stumbling Blocks.

             Teachings or Religions are like Training Wheels...
                  once you know how to ride by yourself...
                              you chuck them.

          Sooner or later...
                all people will find themselves... to be IT.

                                           Because They Are... IT.

     To find yourself...
               is done by living in the Moment of Nowness...
             with Love in your Heart for the Whole Universe...

       You will experience then... that all of us are God Awakening.

     The easiest way of doing that...
                        - if there is such a thing -
           is to realize your True Nature or Reality of Being...
                              and to assume...
            that you already live in this Reality or Condition.

               Practice this Reality.    Practice being God.

     This means that you practice...
                        being a Witness... to what's happening to you.

           You assume to be then... not the Body or the Person...
                      but the very Greatness of God...
                 that lives by means of the Being you are.

     To learn to do this...
          all people have to be untaught... or learn to forget...
                               the Nonsense they have been exposed to.

                          They have to start anew.

     So... in order for the World of Man to get ahead...
                                   we have to start anew or be reborn.

          To the average Human Being...
                       all this sounds ridiculous...
                 for they have spent years of schooling...
                                       to get them where they are.

     Schooling however... is but Book Knowledge...
                              and it only satisfies the Thinking Mind.

            The Thinking Mind of Man is a Gadget with Memory...
                          that programs itself...
              with whatever the Thinking Mind finds valuable.

         In other words...
                   it is a Parrot on a merry-go round...
                      and confirming it own Nonsense.

     The Thinking Mind is like a guy who lies a lot...
                            and in the long run believes his own lies.

         The Thinking Mind is the Confirmation of itself...
                               by believing what it taught itself.

         It's a like a Computer programmed with Garbage...
                       and then tells you... this is True Garbage.

     Anyway... the World of Man...
            has been exposed to... and is so full of Nonsense...
                that almost everyone has become an expert...
            and behaves like a State of the Art Computer Robot.

                    These Robots... behave precisely...
            according to the Programming done by their Masters.

     Their Masters however...
                are but Thinking Minds in useless motion.

         But they assume to be the Supreme Intelligence...
                          in Politics... Religion... and Business.

                      Their Slogans and Propaganda...
        are out of this World and only appeal to the Thinking Mind.

              They are supposed to create Peace and Happiness.

     The trouble is... that the Leaders of Mankind...
               indeed might be convinced in their own Mind...
         that they bring Happiness and Benefit to their Brothers...
                   but they are convinced of that only...
           because their Thinking Minds are programmed that way.

                             In other words...
                     they all mean very well... but...
                 they are only the Blind leading the Blind.

                                And who is to tell the difference?

     There are but a few people in the world...
             who are willing and able to think for themselves...
                                      and let their thoughts be known.

        They are the voices that cry in the wilderness...
                                         nobody listens to them...
                                      because they sound pretty weird.

     Most people are completely frustrated...
                       but yet... they don't know what's bugging them.

         To compensate for this State of Mind...
                      they have become addicted to booze and dope.

                   Modern Society has become a Machine...
                        that's geared to produce...
          Garbage... Statistical Gain... Computer Instant Logic...
              and the Devastating Idea of Total Destruction...
                      by means of their Nuclear Toys.

                     We live in a very dangerous World.

         This is so... because of Thinking-Ego-Minds in Ignorance.

                       We have created our own Hell.

     Muranda... my Love...
         this very Period in our Lifetime is the Hour of Darkness.

                  The World will have to change or perish.

         Now my Love... I say all this...
                                not in order to criticize Mankind.

          I say all this... in order to point out why this is so.

                  This is so... because we do not know...
                            Who or What we are.

            We are the very Creator of the Universe... learning.

                  And while we learn... we make mistakes.

     The quickest way to learn...
             is to experience our own Mistakes.

                  So what is wrong with the World of Man?

                                            ! Absolutely Nothing !

      When Mankind begins to understand...
                         that we are the Creator...
                   of our own Progression and Evolution...
                                    the whole Universe will celebrate.

     That will be the time...
         when our Space Brothers will manifest themselves...
                                    and help us build a New World.
                                                    I can hardly wait.

                  The old World and Methods of Mankind...
                      have to completely disappear...
           before the New Age Ideas can be applied... world wide.

          The Old System is based on Aggression and Competition...
      and the New System will be based... on Cooperation and Sharing.

               The Old System is based on Material Values...
         and the New System is based on Spiritual Values and Love.

               Love naturally is Understanding or Awareness.

     In other words...
            the Three Dimensional Phase of Growth is finished...
               and the Fourth Dimensional Phase of Growth...
                                               is just about to begin.

     The Changes in the World at the Present...
             are part of a Planned and Organized Transition...
          into the Fourth Dimensionality of Mankind in the Future.

               The Old will have to collapse and disappear...
                    before the New can have its effects.

                  Naturally this Transition is very Painful...
          for the People who keep hanging on to their old Values.

       The suffering we will see in the Future is our own Creation...
                            and is the Result...
            of our Deep Descent into a Physical Reality System.

                  It's Part of a Planned and Organized...
            Endeavour and Education of the Human Consciousness.

                         The World is our School...
                  and the Lessons are... creating Reality.
            This is true... Universally as well as Individually.

     So to blame others for what happens to you...
                is a sign of immaturity and lack of knowing.

         All Creatures are responsible for what happens to them...
              for the Universe is run by the Power of Thought.
                                                        Not by Luck!

          What happens to you is caused by your thinking...
                                                 or the lack of it.

                  Many people do not know this however...
            and they expect to be saved by some kind of Saviour.

     Some people expect this to happen...
           in the Form of a Personal Redeemer called Jesus the Christ.

         And other people expect this to happen...
                 in the form of thousands of Space Ships...
                                       filled with Older Brothers.

       These Older Brothers will lift them into their Space Ships...
                       by means of their Light Beams.

     Once safely in the Space Ship...
                 they presumably will be wined and dined...
                                      and cured of all their miseries.

            Eventually they will be neatly put back on Earth...
                      but not until Cosmic Janitors...
               have cleansed the Earth and declared it safe.

         All these Believers naturally are Members...
                                of the Universal Cleaning Service.

           You louse up your Planet and we'll come and clean it.
                 And while you wine and dine...
                                    we'll heal your Bodies.
                                 Well... how lucky can you get?

     Fantasies of Human Thought however...
                become some kind of Thought-Form-Reality...
                                                and have actual Power.

         The actual Power of Thought-Form-Realities...
                       deludes the Issuers and puts them to sleep.

     In other words...
             these people believe and are therefore at ease...
                      for they are put to sleep by their own Nonsense.

     Well... as you know...
           there are all kinds of Belief Systems in the World...
                      and some of them are more Fantastic than others.

     All Belief Systems and Fantasies...
         are part and parcel of the All-Embracing-Cosmic-Reality...
                   for the REAL contains all Realities...
                         regardless of whether they are True or False.

        All Belief Systems and Fantasies belong to the Play of God.
                      It's what makes it interesting.

     I feel however... that there are only two reasons...
         for our Space Brothers to visit Planet Earth officially...
                                              and they are as follows.

         before we mess up the Earth...
               to the Point that it becomes uninhabitable...
                       they will intervene... like a Police-Force.

               when we have overcome our small mindedness...
          and recognize that we are the Creator of our Reality...
                    they will visit and help us grow in Consciousness.

                       And in no way... whatsoever...
             will they let insane behaviour wreck the Earth...
         either with nuclear waste or other disastrous Pollutants.

                 They will either save us from ourselves...
                  they will visit as Friends and help us.

     You see Muranda...
         for the last Five Thousands years or so...
               we were isolated from the Rest of the Universe...
                          in order to descend into the Material Realm.

         The time has come now...
             that we will join our Universal Brothers again...
                         to celebrate our Friendship and Equality.

     Anyway... in the near future...
                 many People will be ready to understand...
             our Position in the Universal Scheme of Things...
         and some of us will reach the Christ Consciousness Level.

            The Level of Awareness of the Christ Consciousness...
                      the Oneness... with the Father.

          These People have reached this State of Enlightenment...
                      because they have worked for it.

     The rest of us will continue... life after life...
                                 until we have reached the same Level.

              Eventually all of us will reach our Christhood.
                     For Man is God... and God is Man.

     Anyway... Muranda... I'm not a Teacher...
                                   we need more Teachers least of all.
                                       People need to be Untaught.

                 So... in my crazy way... I try to unteach.

     I try to help my way!

             In the meantime I'm fully aware...
                       that I know nothing better or more than others.

         Hopefully... I do things in a Spiritual Manner...
                                              to benefit Mankind.

     However... whatever the Results of my Efforts are...
                       is totally unimportant... one way or the other.
                               For Life... is the Play of God.

         There is no need for Mankind...
                  to play this Play of God a certain way.
                                                  Play... is Play!

     We as Man... are God on Earth...
                    and Nobody is more God than Another.
                                We all are Equals... as... and in God.

                                       Nobody is More... or Less.

               All of Us are the Image of God in different ways.
                          And an Image is an Image.

     However... the Equality of all Members of Mankind Universally...
                     is hard to understand sometimes...
                 because of the Illusionary Nature of Time.

         Many of us... that are so called Crooks or Murderers...
                             in the Present...
                  were great Spiritual Beings in the Past.

          For we as a Soul have to experience all States of Life.

               So... do not judge... for you are judging God!

     We might think sometimes...
                  that we are more advanced than others...
              but what we forget to take into consideration...
           that we might have to be a Crook or a Murderer as yet.

     Living lives in a Time and Space Environment...
                            is similar to taking Courses at a College.

     You take one at the time...
           and you do not have to take...
                  Chemistry before you take Engineering...
                          and you do not have to take Drafting...
                                             before you take Plumbing.

         You might prefer to take your Lives or Courses...
                               according to whatever is available.

     We as God... live our Lives...
                           or take our Courses...
                      by focusing our Consciousness...
                 upon a Specific Area of Time and Space...
           or the Physical Environment we wish to participate in.

     Only as Man can we learn of our Divine Greatness...
          because we have chosen the Biological Path to Enlightenment.

               This is the Position we are in at the Present.

         Only as Man is it possible to learn...
                            that we are the Creator of all Things.

                   All Things are Images of Ourselves...
            within the Dream we dream as God... and live as Man.

     Not only are all Things Images of Ourselves...
           but all Things are real... because our Dream is real.

                           Our Dream is Creation.

       Creation however is subjected to change because it is Finite.

          We as God are the same Forever because we are Infinite.
                          Only our Dream changes.

                      We as God... in and by itself...
          do not appear any place... any time... in any Universe.

                            Only our Images do.

              All That Exists then... are Images of Ourselves.

         God as Existence...
               God as Consciousness...
                      cannot become conscious of itself as itself.

           Only as Man...
                can we become conscious of Consciousness...
                                               conscious of God.

                     God and Man are a Cosmic Paradox.

     It is truly a Game of Hide and Seek.
                      To seek however is useless... for we are IT.

          To overcome the Illusionary Nature of Time and Space...
                 or the Illusionary Nature of Separation...
        is understanding that all Things are Mind or Consciousness.

     To transcend this Illusion of Separation...
                  is knowing that we are the Christ or Buddha already.

                           At this very Moment...
                   we are living as a Christ or Buddha...
          in a specific State of Mind... the Human State of Mind.

     To promote ourselves to Buddhahood or Christhood...
            we have to transcend this specific State of Mind...
                             or transcend the Illusion of Separation.

        We and God... are not separate... or other than Each Other.
                        ! We are the One and Only !

               To realize this... takes many Lives or Dreams.

         The God and Dreamer we are... dreams itself to Buddhahood.

                                                  It's as easy as Pie.

              We are a Christ already...
                           for Time... and Space...
                                     are Aspects of our Dream.

                          Please enjoy your Dream.

                               - - - - - - -

     When Hank finished talking...
                  several people in the bus turned around.
                          I guess they wanted to see who this guy was.

         The funniest part of it all was...
                     that the discussion took two days.

             And the second day... Hank continued...
                                    as if he had never stopped.

                                        Anyway... that's Hank for you.

     In the evening I worked overtime to type it all out.
             My right brain was working overtime...
                                          and so was my Whisperer.

          When I was finished... I read it out loud...
                            it sounded good to me... I felt satisfied.

     Hank told me once... when you write...
                      God really is doing the writing.

         All you have to do is make sure that it is spelled right.
                                                God is a poor speller.

     And by the way... he said...
           don't you become too big headed or too high minded...
                             just because I told you that you are God.

           All you really are is a tiny Instrument of your Soul.
                       A Soul who writes... big deal.

         And what God is... or is not...
                is impossible to write about...
                       for all explanations are but opinions or ideas.
                              Some more ridiculous than others.

                   What God is... has to be experienced.

                               - - - - - - -

     Another time Hank said...
                   Human Beings are very silly Creatures.

         Some of them think that they are God...
                  and others think that they are capable of dying.

             All in all... though... Hank said...
                  the sillier they are... the more I like them.
                                             They remind me of myself.

           Actually... he continued... now that I think of it...
                  Silliness might be the Greatest Virtue.

              Maybe that's why God is Man in the first place.

                               o o o o o o o

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