Starbuilders: Live The Impossible/ Star People/ Integrity Tools/ Three Worlds/ Federation-Flash #27 Last update Aug 25, 1994 Greetings from Starbuilders! We are Azlor and Azina, the fourth team of walk-ins to inhabit these bodies. What follows is the electronic version of our publication, "Live the Impossible!" It is a compilation of the first twenty-six issues of Starbuilders' periodical, "The Federation Flash." Many of the articles have been expanded and the information made more clear. We are offering this e-book as "Lightware." What that means is this: If, after reading "Live the Impossible," your spirit directs you to send us a donation, then you do it. The recommended donation for this version is $5; however, you may send us more or less - whatever your spirit directs. (Make checks to "Starbuilders.") All donations are used to further the Mission. When we receive your donation we will send you a hard copy of the current issue of "The Federation Flash." If you are not compelled to donate, you may pick up the electronic version of "The Federation Flash" at the following locations: E-MAIL: say "subscribe" WWW: FTP at: or: GOPHER: We hope what follows serves you well. We Are One Mission! Azlor and Azina This version will updated within few days again to include some pictures as well ... TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 2. THE CHILD WITHIN 3. THE EMOTIONAL BODY 4. MISTAKES 5. MIRRORS 6. SPIRITUAL CONTRACTS 7. THE GROUP SYNERGY EFFECT 8. PRIORITIES 9. AN ANCHOR IN TIME 10. SMOKE AND THE MENTAL BODY 11. THE FOLLY OF INSTANT EVOLUTION 12. VOLUNTEERS OF THE UNIVERSE 13. DEDICATION 14. AS WE GROW 15. WE DANCE THE DANCE 16. POOLS OF LIGHT 17. LIFE AS RELATIONSHIP Inter- and Transpersonal Relationships Divine Design Mates and Team Mates Conclusion 18. KARMA: WHERE STRUGGLE IS SUPREME 19. IN SERVICE THERE IS FREEDOM 20. ASTROLOGY Planets, Signs, and Aspects Transits 21. A VISIT FROM "THE GROUP" 22. ALLOWANCE 23. MOTIVE 24. FREEDOM 25. VISION A Vision The beginning of The End and The Beginning Systems and Institutions Forms and Structures Structural Disintegration The Role of an Evolutionary Agent Continuance? Conclusion 26. OBSERVATIONS, DEFINITIONS, AND PERSPECTIVES 27. THE ONENESS OF THE MISSION 28. STAYING IN INTEGRITY/HALLUCINATIONS 29. PLANETARY HALLUCINATIONS 30. THE E.T. CONNECTION 31. THE CONTROL PANEL 32. HOW IT WORKS The Buttons "Agony and Ecstasy" "Crime and Punishment" "I Don't Want" "Look at Them, They're..." "I'm Afraid" 33. PUSHING 34. MAGNIFY 35. AUXILIARY CONTROL PANEL: "I'm Right (you're wrong)" "I'm Unworthy" 36. PAYBACK "I'm a Victim" 37. CONCLUSION INTRODUCTION Issues # 1-23 were channelled by the original inhabitants of these bodies. Issues # 24 &25 were written by the first team of walk-ins, Zal-zen and Zol-taire. Issue # 26 was written by the second team of walk-ins, Malenchen and Maruna. LIVE THE IMPOSSIBLE! A Transdimensional Expression by Starbuilders Copyright 1994 by Starbuilders Publishing, all rights reserved P.O. Box 22-0964 Hollywood, FL 33022-0964 USA November, 1990: Issue THE CHILD WITHIN We would like to share our insights on the topic, "the Child Within." This concept implies that there is a separate, abandoned "child entity" within ourselves, needing to be healed or to be let out to play. Our interpretation of this concept is somewhat different. We see the Child simply as Spirit - that dancing, spontaneous, free, eternal part of ourselves that does not need to be healed, just expressed. The Child is healthy; it is the adult, carrying dysfunctional pictures of reality, that seeks healing. These dysfunctional pictures, which are accepted as reality, are what block Spirit's free flowing expression. The most direct means to embodying child-like qualities is to identify yourself as a servant of Spirit, because the Universe rearranges itself to accommodate your picture of reality. And your identity is a major part of your picture of reality. We do not seek to become children, although, at head, we are child- like. We seek to manifest our divine and ecstatic nature which is older than time, yet eternally young. December, 1990: Issue THE EMOTIONAL BODY It is useful to know that we are not our emotional, physical and mental bodies. But since we became official inhabitants of these earth bodies, we have found that we must learn to love them. The psychological matrix links all three bodies together. Whatever affects one, affects the others. For many people, the mental body is easy enough to deal with. But how do we master the emotional body, say, if we lose a lover?. In Earth's karmic, limitation system, there are two common responses that are built into the system itself. One response is to take the experience into the mental plane and rationalize or deny it. This has the effect of sweeping it under the rug. It doesn't go away, but lurks in the background until circumstances bring it out again. The other response is to fight it. Fighting it gives it strength - it feeds the fire. "Whatever you are fascinated with, you get more of." It tells the Universe that the experience is real. So the "fight or flight" strategies only propagate limitation. Is there an alternative? Yes, there is. You can take a stand for your inner truth. This shifts the entire perspective; instead of working within the framework of a dualistic reality, trying to manipulate yourself (or others), you simply take a stand for and work within your own reality framework. January, 1991: Issue MISTAKES Mistakes - doing something wrong, not getting it right. We judge actions as wrong by comparing them to our idealized versions of "how it should be." Whether we've done something wrong when performing an everyday task or strayed off the spiritual path, mistakes are an effective means of keeping us down. That's The Karmic Way. But who says these actions are really wrong? are mistakes? Mistakes are what students make when they are trying to follow certain rules of behavior. They strive to do it right; and for them, right is something they have read, heard or picked up from some outside authority. How about masters? Do they make mistakes? Masters are not servants of form - their actions reflect the imPULSE of the INFINITE MOMENT. Learning to do it "right" is inconsequential. Expression of Spirit is everything. So, when beings are following Spirit, can they make mistakes? You have a right to make mistakes - to be completely and stupidly wrong. (Note: This doesn't work when it's tried by the ego; the ego, in its third-dimensional reality base, does make mistakes.) When you volunteered for this Earth mission, you knew that you would be temporarily cut off from your lines of communication with your spirit (your guidance system for "perfect" behavior). To incarnate into a Karmic Educational system requires that you make mistakes, at least until you wake up and smell the coffee of YOUR OWN reality. Just say NO! to uptight, caffeine systems that were never really yours! Don't put yourself at the mercy of SOMEONE ELSE'S reality system. Go ahead and make mistakes; and, if you are so much into NOT making them, we encourage you to start making them consciously. (Try to do this.) STUDENTS FOLLOW RULES AND MAKE MISTAKES. MASTERS FOLLOW THEIR SPIRIT AND MAKE THE MOST OF IT! "Master Rules" are tools that help us flow in the moment; they aren't for the Ground Crew to ponder. The principles governing Master Rules are essentially different from Student Rules, the former being organic, the latter being mechanical. Indeed, Master Rules are not rules at all. They are much softer and more flexible than the HIGH PRICED brand, yet stronger than any spider-web illusion any student can spin. Master Rules guide you in living FREE, like disposable "moment directives." Where do these moment directives originate? Why, from the Heart of the Universe, of course. Are they available in stores or through adult education classes? No, but you can obtain them by simply acting. MIRRORS A method we have run across for dealing with negative encounters is the "Everyone I meet is my mirror' theory. It states that if you run into someone who is acting, say, obnoxious, you must look inside yourself to see how you are obnoxious. This is beneficial: You are taking responsibility for your problems. Ultimately, however, this exercise can lead you into a mirror maze, complicating life more than simplifying it. How does this happen? First, this theory implies that the entire Universe exists only to reflect "you." But you might consider that if everyone is your mirror, you must be theirs, as well. This must be true unless you believe that you are the only conscious being in the Universe. Second, it puts you in the position of being responsible for all of the sins of the world - a precision tool for martyrs. After all, if it weren't for your negativity, events such as war, famine, plague, and mass murder couldn't manifest, right? Lastly, since each interaction is a lesson, you are put into the role of a student. You must ask yourself, "What must l learn from this experience?" And that is a long and joyless road to travel. When a master experiences a parade of obnoxious people, he doesn't label himself obnoxious. He knows that the Universe rearranges itself to accommodate his picture of reality. This means that, at this point in time, he accepts obnoxiousness as part of his picture of reality. Finally, remember that whatever you're fascinated with, you get more of. So it is your fascinations - not other people - that are your mirrors of reality. February, 1991:Issue#4 SPIRITUAL CONTRACTS Some beings are concerned that they are failing to live up to some "contract" that they allegedly signed before coming to Earth. This contract sets a time table for completing specific spiritual goals. We see this as simply another method of self abuse which ERODES YOUR SLACK! You must have SLACK - that indefinable knowing that says, "Relax, everything is all right"- in your moment to moment experience so that you can easily and gracefully follow your Spirit without hesitation. With this contract hanging over your head like the sword of an archangel, who can have slack? REMEMBER THE "OUT CLAUSE" in your contract. It reads: "WITHOUT EXCEPTION, WHOEVER CHOOSES TO FOLLOW THEIR SPIRIT WITHOUT HESITATION IS HEREBY RELIEVED OF ALL DUTIES AND OBLIGATIONS DESCRIBED HEREIN." Dance freely in spirit. Give yourself a break. Let there be SLACK! March 1991: Issue # 5 THE GROUP SYNERGY EFFECT As a master becomes securely grounded in his ability to channel higher dimensional energies and entities (including his own Spirit), and lives the implied realities, new doors open. The cycle goes like this: First, he receives and embodies these energies, and then he projects them outward. This enriches the energetic field of the planet (which is concurrently evolving that field in its own way). In this enriched state, the planet is able to support even higher frequencies and realities. The cycle then repeats itself. When masters meet, they can evoke an intense bombardment of transformative energy which the Planetary Consciousness receives, as well. As the masters' energetic configurations link together, the off-planet teams - using this strong, synergistic configuration - lay down expanded grids. This phenomenon will become increasingly evident as these groups grow in number and capacity. Viewed from a slightly different perspective, one can see a link between all of the masters on the planet today: This is a "group meeting" on Earth. Although the gridwork created by this loose association may appear weaker than that of more closely knit associations, the fact that it is a world-wide network allows the establishment of global energy configurations. MAY 1991: Issue PRIORITIES It is useful to know what your priorities are. This allows you to focus your consciousness and fine tune your perspective. Here is a partial list of our current priorities. 1. To follow our spirit - our navigational gyroscope - without hesitation; 2. To use our vehicles (bodies) as channels for extraterrestrial and interdimensional energies and entities; 3. To facilitate the development of fifth dimensional (and above) technologies; 4. To work with others who are serving the New Civilization; 5. To fulfill our mission on this planet; 6. To translate our experiences in terms of "The Big Story," including the most apparently trivial events; 7. To encourage and allow positive, synergetic relationships to form. 8. To let go of forms or structures that restrict or inhibit the flow of Spirit; 9. To participate in "Small Story" drama with our consciousness detached; 10. To participate in Small Story drama with our consciousness attached (bottom of the list) This allows us an unlimited range of experience. When we explore these deeper options (including "The Pits"), we know that it's a Iow-priority (but esse9n thesential) option that Spirit is man resting Our lack of enthusiasm for low-end experiences tells the Universe, "Don't bother repeating this, really." Consequently, that kind of experience will man rest ess and less frequently. June 1991: Issue #8 AN ANCHOR IN TIME You've probably noticed that Time is behaving differently. In the old days, you could count on Time, rely on it - dependable Time. As more and more Light pours into the third dimension, time (a sequencing device) is being cleared away - shredded. Is this possible? Well, we are at The End Times (Times End). But what we are experiencing is more than just a play on words. It is an opportunity to live beyond the time-bound genetic, sociological, and psychological demands implied by this medium. Instead of relying on time sequencing, which includes planning ahead and scheduling of all sorts, it is becoming more and more imperative to STAY LOOSE and open to SPIRIT'S SCHEDULE. As Time wrinkles, what may have been an appropriate plan for tomorrow (or the next moment) may be totally inappropriate when the designated time arrives. Why is that? Because change is occurring incredibly fast. Following your schedule without hesitation will cause you to miss out on more beneficial experiences and to collide with unpleasant, devolutionary ones. COSMIC WAVES OF IMMENSE PROPORTIONS ARE BATHING THE PLANET. TO REMAIN CENTERED, FOLLOW YOUR SPIRIT; it will be your only reliable guide (and what a guide it is!) during this period. Practice following your Spirit without hesitation every day. That will be your anchor as time goes Ioopity-loop. SMOKE AND THE MENTAL BODY The mental body has it tough. It thinks it has to control the course of your evolution. It has to do, say and even think the right things. Here is an analogy of how it operates. A stream of smoke slowly rises from a glowing tip of incense. As it drifts upward, subtle air currents stretch and twist the smoke into exotic, swirling shapes. Look...Our lives are the smoke: The Breath of the Cosmos blows through us, shaping us. Our mental bodies desperately attempt to keep the fragile, expanding lines together. In vain, it grasps at experiences, trying to shape them to its will. Yet, our direction is constantly redefined by the force of the Great Plan. Some feel that this free-flowing movement will lead to disaster. But others, who embrace this form of freedom, know that there is nothing more secure than to surrender to this Force, for this Force is the Movement of Life itself. THE FOLLY OF INSTANT EVOLUTION We have noticed that many beings want to be perfect right now. They want a formula or advice about how to instantly move through blocks and karma; they want to wake up immediately. Why? Because they don't feel good in their current state of awakening. This is natural. So, if your Light body manifested in your physical body right now, your problems would be over, right? We I, yes, your problems would be over. The amount of energy that would surge through your physical, emotional and mental bodies would blow you right out of this dimension. Imagine running 750,000 volts of electricity through a 7.5 voit light bulb. The light bulb is your physical body. Your emotional body would experience such joy that it would rip out its seams - like a determined 300 pound person forcing himself into a pair of size 28 silk pants. Your Earth bodies are dynamic, energetic structures, precisely balanced for your current evolutionary state Their evolutionary advancement into lighter forms is a step by step process. Evolution has its own sequence; sometimes it makes tremendous leaps, at other times it crawls along. But whatever its pace, Personal Will is powerless to change it. Here is some useful information for those who are inclined to push and rush: You are perfect already. Now how is that handy? When you are feeling bad, left behind, left out, or rejected, just realize that, IN THAT MOMENT, NOTHING ELSE CAN BE HAPPENING. This helps you to relax and enjoy the show. WHO SAYS YOU HAVE TO BE HAPPY TO BE HAPPY? VOLUNTEERS OF THE UNIVERSE Have you ever felt that you were "chosen" to do something special in your lifetime? If this is true, put it in words: say, "I have been chosen to do something special in my lifetime." Do it now and note how it feels. After you've explored that, try saying: "I have volunteered to do something special in this lifetime." Do it now and note how it feels. Chances are you will feel more empowered. JULY 1991: Issue #9 DEDICATION Dedication is one-pointedness. When you are dedicated to something, you increase the amount of life force available to the object of dedication We dedicate ourselves to the establishment of a New Civilization. As Evolutionary Agents, we did not come to this planet to seek enlightenment. In the Big Story, our Spirits radiate what we are: Light. We are not here to be Spiritual Teachers or Gurus; by living our purpose others will sense truth. We are not here to be perfect. Perfection is a mental construct - an idea or an ideal - which can be used to place demands on ourselves and others. in the Big Story, we are perfect in our current state of evolution. We are not here to search for our Soul Mates or even our Team Mates. They have a knack for showing up at just the right time. We are not here to make friends. This apparently happens when viewed from a Small Story context. But we do enjoy communing with others of like intent, experiencing whatever new "alloy" we create by coming together. It's exciting! We are not here to impress anyone. That would require that we manipulate ourselves to find favor or advantage with another being. Our blessing is that the Universe loves us. Are we not One with the Source? Furthermore, to serve the Darkness by manipulating ourselves and others, would be supporting the principles of the Old World. We are not here to seek acceptance. Sure, it's nice when others accept us. But if acceptance requires bowing to a multitude of their demands, then we will live without their acceptance. We are not here to teach others. The teacher/student polarity perpetuates the educational system. Expressing the Master Within BRINGS FORTH the New Civilization. We are not here to follow "New Age" rules. The New Age is an umbrella term covering a multitude of beliefs, models, techniques, and approaches, some of which are riddled with half- truths (and serve the Forces of Darkness). Following Spirit is the only rule we need. We are not here to find The Answer. We know that it is beyond the grasp of the rational mind anyway. Instead, we live with the faith that The Answer is indelibly imprinted within the very texture of our Being. We are not here to find true and pure love, for that is at the heart of our essence. We are not here to Save The Planet or to save humanity. The Old World is dying, giving way to the New World. Both the planet and humanity are transmuting. Our purpose is to direct our attention and energies towards the New to bring it forth, not resurrect the Old. The more concentrated we are in our purpose, the more strongly the Universe, our off-planet team and other miraculous beings send us their love, support, expertise, and everything we need to complete our Mission. March 1992: Issue "In the Old World, Life is Cheap; In the New World, Life is Free." AS WE GROW Oh, yes! Spiritual development is a most satisfying experience. Every day is different. Every day you are alive. You become more pure -purer love. You see into things. And no matter how jagged they may appear, you see them softly...clearly. Although your tendency is to give others the benefit of the doubt, you are sometimes firm, sometimes even fierce, but never malicious. As you unify internally, you find you can naturally and gracefully wear the infinite masks of love. As you joyously surrender to spirit's gentle urgings, your life miraculously unfolds: No longer fighting, no longer struggling, you find peace. Surrender is part of the growth process. The emotional body begins to consistently enjoy the more higher and refined states. The mental body, now relaxed, relishes the easy flow of insights and perceptions. The physical body grows lighter. Relationships change. Friends, who have placed certain requirements and expectations on you, fade from your life: You are no longer for that; the "shadow you" has vanished. You live by a new truth; it says, "it is right to be faithful to my spirit." You begin to see that expressing spirit is life - and compromise, death. If you have outgrown your old identities, why continue to wear them? Let them fail away. As your sense of identity begins to change you come to realize, "What am I but an echo of something divine, indefinable, eternal?" You know your identity is anchored in truth. To sacrifice it on the altar of fear or social convention is sacrilege. But sacrilege is a road we all must travel for a time when we work within a karmic system. We sleep with the planet and awake with her. As we grow, we no longer avoid our illusions; doing so gives them reality status. We look at them, one by one, as they move across our consciousness, like small, gray clouds on a spring day. But these dark patches leave no shadows, for we fix our minds and hearts on the radiant sun. Focused on the Light, we see that our lives are full. When something departs from our lives, something even more magnificent enters. As we grow, all things are renewed. Simple, effortless knowing replaces knowing it all. Natural give-and-take replaces striving. Letting go replaces struggle. Faith in an abundant Universe replaces fear of lack. Contentment with our current state replaces our desire for unobtainable perfection. Living in the moment replaces the search for spiritual liberation. The effortlessness of "just being" replaces the need to be right. The certitude that real power comes from surrender to spirit replaces the quest for Personal Power and the need to control. As we grow, we realize that the New World will flourish without having to fight the Old World; resistance gives life - and the will to live u to the Old. We are exalted through love, not resistance. Our roots are deepened through peace, not struggle. We expand through creativity, not conformity. As stepping stones across the sea of time, we are firmly set in our way; yet, we are as mutable as the water we cross over. Do you see us in the distance? Do you feel us in your head? We are you. The door ahead is open; a great Light shines through. Power emanates from that place. It is our Light, the Light of our Lives, the Light from the sky that moves through us. Yes, our future awaits. Our future is now! Live eternally today. WE DANCE THE DANCE We dance our dance /we sing our song /yet, /the moves we make /the sounds we say /are not our own: /A mouthpiece /for the Mystery. We are not alone. In this stillness, /like light /flashing from failing /crystal snowflakes, /the gleam in our eyes reflects pristine places, /silent shores, which are /at once unknowable, /and yet... /The moves we make /the sounds we say /are not our own: a prism /of living Light tones. We are invisible. A circle is round /by definition: /life is short, some say. /but all the logic /of all the world /cannot capture /the feeling of being beyond, /yet here... It's like /the moves we make /the sounds we say /are not our own. /Yet, we are. /We are: /Timepieces for eternity. May 1992: Issue POOLS OF LIGHT That's how we see the formation of the New World - as the merging of Pools of Light. In this analogy, masters radiate Light; when they gather, their Lights blend and form pools of Light. The number of these pools increases as more and more masters awaken. Eventually, pools begin to merge, forming lakes. So the cycle goes: The evolutionary climate continues to heat up, waking up even more masters; lakes become bays, bays become oceans - until finally the world is covered in a sea of shimmering Light. This is how we see the Ascension: Pools today, oceans tomorrow. It is good to bathe in these Light pools as much as possible; their energy supports one's 'beingness." Beingness -"to be"- simply means accepting how (and who) you are in the moment; there's no need to be more than you are, or to fear that you are less than you are. BEINGNESS IS A STATE THAT GENERATES EVOLUTIONARY ENERGY. Therefore, masters - just being themselves - will be playing their part in co-creating this special layer of Light. Other forces are at work, like the Planetary Consciousness, that are creating their own particular layers, as well. Once formed, all who are pure of head will share in the joys of living in this ecstatic medium. JULY 1992: Issue #17 LIFE AS RELATIONSHIP We are going to address different aspects of relationships, from personal to transpersonal, and their qualities in the co-creative process. Everything in life is a relationship. Everything. When you read these words there is a relationship of one picture of reality mixing with another. If you are sitting down, your body has a relationship to the chair; if you're outside, the wind brushing your hair constitutes a relationship. There are also relationships between your spiritual, emotional, physical, and mental bodies; and, of course, relationships with other beings. Inter- and Transpersonal Relationships Perhaps the kind of relationship that attracts the most attention is the personal relationship between two beings. These third- dimensional unions include lovers (physical relationship), "boy/girl" friends (physical, mental and emotional body companions), and spouses (a legally committed lover/companion). The friction of the male/female polarity is pronounced in these relationships. "Soul Mates" are beings who have been with each other in previous lifetimes on Earth. It is a Fourth Dimensional, or astral, association. Part of what goes on between them is that they must continually work out stuff along the way. In this sense they could be called "karmic mates." Intense interactions, including loving, hurting, and even killing one another, act as strong bonds that link beings together from one life to the next. Many Soul Mates marry; as each participant has played both the male and the female roles in their many incarnations together, the friction of the male/female polarity is less pronounced. This makes the relationship more comfortable and, therefore, more attractive. Soul Mates can have a deep sense of interpersonal bonding that can add balance to the darker elements of the relationship. On the light side, the interpersonal aspect confers a great deal of respect for the partner's sovereignty. The dark, personal side expresses itself as the mutual acceptance (and many times encouragement) of dysfunctional traits that have either developed or were inherent in the particular union. There are also group "Soul Mates." They are relationships in which a cluster of individuals moves through many lifetimes together. The comments about Soul Mates apply to Group Soul Mates as well. During transitional times such as these, many Soul (and Group Soul) Mates get together and have their karmic slates wiped clean. This frees all evolving parties from karmic "sins" that have bonded them in the past. Divine Design Mates and Team Mates Divine Design Mates are Evolutionary Agents working closely, yet independently, together while on the Mission. The Divine Design Mate relationship is fifth dimensional in nature, and is based on love, not fear. As Divine Design Mates recognize, express, and accept their androgynous nature, they transcend the friction of the male/female polarity. Divine Design Mates complement each other in their knowledge, skills, talents and insights in such a harmonious way that they are able to be together 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Team Mates are masters whose Missions are aligned. All who are working for the co-creation of Heaven on Earth are Team Mates. Teams Mates need never meet, nor do they even need to like one another. Spirit will sometimes even keep them apart. There are relationships called - "Group Soul Mates." These differ from group "Soul Mates" in at least two ways. First, Group Soul Mates are Team Mates here on a Mission. Second, the members of a Group Soul are a single entity. Here is a mental picture that describes a Group Soul. Imagine that each cell in your body is an individual, conscious entity. Each cell has its own name, preferences, and talents. They all share the same overall goal. In this analogy, your body, as a whole, would be the Group Soul, and your individual consciousness would be the synergetic consciousness of the Group Soul. Conclusion Spirit puts beings together in whatever combination it chooses. You can fight it, you can moan about it, or you can be totally ecstatic about it, but spirit will always have its way. Surrendering to this truth can relieve much suffering and struggle by allowing you to move freely, however spirit directs. August, 1992: Issue # 18 KARMA: WHERE STRUGGLE IS SUPREME Karma and the astrological functioning of Saturn are related. Both deal with the concepts of "payback," fate, and "the way it must be." There are channeled entities who declare that karma is Universal; that there is no escape, nowhere to hide. Yet, quite a majority of beings exist in karmaless states - the state of Grace. They are without the need or inclination to incarnate into a karmic environment. Perhaps certain planets choose a dense, karmic environment to allow beings to experience the pressure of limitation; this has a strengthening effect. Perhaps karma is just something your spirit puts over its eyes for a moment so it can sleep, and dream of small adventures of life and death, of success and failure, of being "nobody," of having the power to hurt or help, of having to "be good" in order to be free of pain, of thinking it has to know something. Perhaps karma is the dark, intense colors on the palate of history that allows grand civilizations to rise and fail more quickly than you can turn the pages of a book. Perhaps karma is something you can not (or need not) fight or try to please. Perhaps it is no more than the very act of pushing - and its results - by those who have chosen to sleep. Perhaps it is the illusion of control and the hollowness (or frustration) that follows its exercise. For nothing is permanent within the karmic system except the struggle for balance. And nothing is permanent outside of the karmic system except balance. Karma may be no more than a whispered word, meaningful to dreamers. December, 1992: Issue IN SERVICE THERE IS FREEDOM Greetings. I am Agon. As part of a group soul perhaps I should address myself as "we" are Agon. Both are correct. Indeed, in a perfect Universe, all is correct. The human, linear mind measures perfection against an arbitrary model of correctness; but it is no more than a model. We are all, in one way or another, going back to the Source. Even those in the process of going away from the Source are ultimately going towards It. In reality, the Source is everywhere; no one can stray. The part we are playing on this planet is but a small part of our greater selves. As multidimensional beings we have spent eons in exploration and in the ecstasy of experiencing our Beingness in the Heart of God. And the reality that we have come to this planet to express is a beautiful one. It is a poignant, cosmic love story. We channel our love into this plane; it enlightens everything that it touches. We are extraterrestrials serving the awakening of the Planetary Consciousness. We serve each other with selfless love. For the first time on a grand scale, the freedom of Spirit, the Love that is Divine, the movement that is fluid, the inspirations most high, are all made manifest on Earth. Our purpose is the establishment of this reality. Our group efforts flow flawlessly, like great flocks of birds in flight. For, indeed, as our spirits touch, we, too, fly. We love you and invite you to participate in this beautiful recreation. We are not dreamers; we live the dream. The sun shines on our faces and we are awake. The great joy that fills us is no less than the pulse of God, the bliss of dancing spirit's divine dance. We cannot go wrong. We are One and our strength permeates the very core of matter, matter which, as the days go by, becomes increasingly enlightened itself. We are One. Our destiny is in the hands of Spirit. Regardless of where the road leads, we follow. There is no danger; there is only love. We live our purpose as this living entity called Earth transforms. And there is nothing else we need do - no struggle. Besides, to struggle against the forces of evolution is useless. There are no particular forms that define us. We are diverse. We are where we need be, when we need to be there, doing what we need to do. And our forms are optional. Any one will do. Like smoke on a windy day, we mingle and then are gone. Or, our energies shower like sudden rain on an apparently clear, autumn day, and we move on. We are as natural as the day is long. Like sand in your hand, yes, we are passing. It is our essence we offer in this moment; a memory of a time and place beyond itself, yet, eternally present. We are Masters in Service to the All-That-Is. And we are here to serve you. We Serve You In Light. January, l993:Issue # 21 ASTROLOGY Astrology is a symbolic language that originates, as do all symbolic systems, from the sixth dimension. It is a concise language that lends to the understanding of archetypal behaviors. In common fortune-telling practice, astrological symbols are interpreted within a third-dimensional context. It answers questions related to relationships, health, career, and money - concerns of the emotional, mental, and physical bodies. Fourth-dimensional interpretations deal with topics such as spiritual development, karma, and past life considerations. Viewed from a fifth-dimensional perspective, the signs and planets are archetypal patterns shared by all humanity, which Evolutionary Agents can transmute. Once a pathway has been cut through the pattern, others who wear that configuration (wavelength) can then follow the path to liberation. Planets, Signs, and Aspects Viewed transdimensionally, planets are entities; they are sources of conscious energy. These entities interact with each other via specific interdimensional vectors. The signs of the zodiac act as lenses which color or shape the planet's energy. When another planetary consciousness interacts with the Earth consciousness, it also influences the inhabitants of Earth, because Earth and her creatures are one. Before manifesting a physical form, spirit takes into account how the planets are relating to each other. Because just as genetic, religious, karmic, and sociological factors weigh in determining one's experience and disposition in life, so does the astrological configuration. To demonstrate its importance, take, for example, the moon. Among other things, the moon represents the emotional body. The sign that the moon occupies defines the emotional body's characteristics (sensitivity, degree of "wetness," strength, texture, and so forth). Mercury represents the mental body, our bio-computer. The sign that Mercury occupies indicates the brand of computer we will be endowed with. Air signs (especially Gemini) provide the computers with exceptionally precise computing power; in astrology, air symbolizes communication. A mental body shaped by an Earth sign would be slower, yet more solid and enduring in its logic. Water signs add intuition and emotion into the calculations of the mental body. Aspects are specific angular relationships between the planets as viewed from Earth. There are several kinds of aspects. Take, for example, the "conjunction." Planets are "in conjunction" when they occupy the same degree within a sign. The most common example of this aspect is when the moon is New; the moon is in the same position as the sun. Aspects modify the character of each planet involved; they symbolize the qualities of planetary synergies. In a conjunction between, say, Mars (a rapid, direct force) and Mercury, the mental body would be untidng and capable of lightning-fast, on the fly, calculations. Transits The astrological configuration at the time you are born is unique.* (* Critics of astrology contend that many people are born in the same hospital [location] at almost exactly the same time, yet they are not exactly the same. But they are different because of many reasons, including genetics and especially, because their spirit's utilize planetary energies in their own unique ways ) The sun, moon, Jupiter - all of the planets - have a definite position in the sky. A Natal Chad (or "Birth Chart") maps these positions and the relationships between the planets. The Natal Chart remains the same throughout one's life. The planets, however, continue traveling. A transit occurs when a traveling planet aspects a planet in the Natal Chart. For example, when the sun has moved exactly half-way around the zodiac (180 degrees) since one's birthday, the sun is said to be transiting "in opposition" to the natal sun. Transits act as timing mechanisms that open specific, dimensional doorways for a certain length of time. Cosmic gears align, allowing the entry of planetary energies. The transiting planet indicates the character and scope of the energy being transmitted; it a so reveals the area of life that is impacted. Say, for example, Venus (associated with harmony and partnerships) transits the moon (the emotional body). Third dimensionally, one can expect to experience harmonious feelings or enjoy pleasant company. Fourth dimensionally, the astral body will move about freely, being very tolerant of and friendly with other astral bodies. Fifth dimensionally, there will be less likelihood of hallucinating. Planets are constantly forming aspects between themselves as they make their way around the sun. These aspects can be assessed without regard to any individual's Natal Chart; they are global in nature. A full moon is one example of this: The sun is in opposition to the moon. Global transits influence humanity as a whole, not just individuals; they are aspects to the planetary consciousness. Transits are more powerful than ever before, because extraterrestrial teams are refining the zodiac grids. This permits the higher-dimensional vibrations of the planets to penetrate into this dimension.* (* In part, because of this refinement, the "Age of Aquarius" will not simply be a third- and fourth-dimensional "New Age"; rather, it will be an octave leap into another dimension that may or may not have Aquarian characteristics. It's a whole new game.) To conclude, astrology, like any other form of delineation and communication, is a tool for making sense out of chaos. And astrology is mutating. Because of the work that is being done to the grids, we can expect to experience more awe, wonder, and miracles. The doors are being widened - thrown open. Life will be increasingly ecstatic for those with an expanding capacity to receive, embody, and express these new energies. February, 1993: Issue A VISIT FROM "THE GROUP" "The Group" is the name of the first entities the Starbuilders Team consciously channeled. The year, 1990. "Ceeda" was the spokesman for this group soul, whose members included Orlon, Kendon, Lenon and Zendon. Each member had their own special function and distinct personality. Part of their service to us was to help expand our channeling capacity by "drilling" into (and thereby expanding) the upper chakras. "I am Ceeda. We are from another dimension, a distant place. By looking into the heart of this one [the channel], we can see the condition of [your] group consciousness; it is like looking through the hole of a telescope to view millions of stars. "There are many levels [of phenomenon] that you are not aware of. Your words, for example, create forms which we can see. But it seems that you are not fully conscious of the implications and forms created by 'simple words.' "We did not know the concept of 'male' and 'female' until now. By looking, I can see attributes of male and female in the others [of my group]. It is an interesting concept. By your standards, you would consider us a female entity. "We are a group soul of Light that spins like a galaxy. We are lighter than your air; ethereal you may call us. We [are so fine that we] could fit within the spaces of your air particles. "We are aware of a process for evolution called 'breaking patterns.' This sounds violent to us. We need not break nor injure anything to transform. The simple [higher] conscious observation of a pattern is all that is necessary to transform and transmute it. Focused awareness is a key to transformation. The Light of consciousness changes all. "The degree of density on this planet is so great that we [in our form] could not possibly survive here. You must be very courageous to dwell here." ALLOWANCE How are "allowance," "forgiveness," and "tolerance" related? When we forgive another, we are implying that they did something wrong, but that it's okay now. We can forgive ourselves, as well, for doing wrong. When we tolerate another, we are inferring, to some degree, that they are doing something wrong, but we let it pass. Both forgiveness and tolerance are reactions that stem from the "right vs. wrong" polarity. Allowance, on the other hand, is not a reaction, nor is it a value judgment imposed upon an action: it is an action (or inaction) directed by spirit. Allowance is not passive or weak, nor does it avoid; it is positive and straightforward. Like forgiveness, you can apply allowance to oneself and to others. But a good place to start is with yourself. What is allowed, what isn't? One of the characteristics of this particular Universe is that it allows everything. Therefore, in order to be completely in sync with the Universe it is necessary "to allow" everything. Accepting whatever experience the Universe is offering in the moment may be difficult at first, unless one has a deep faith in the ultimate benevolence of the Universe. But after a while, you begin to rely on your experience that the Universe is safe and that you are in the hands of Spirit. When you allow yourself a full spectrum of experience, you are relieved from the pressure of denial. Denial is simply saying "No" to what the Universe is offering; it is resistance to the Eternal Now. Denial indicates that there is something rejected, hidden, or unaccepted within yourself. Once you begin to allow, you expose the avoided information for what it is - a shadow reality. To allow - to say "Yes" to life - doesn't mean that you must submit to the dictates of another or be a willing victim of circumstance. To the contrary, going into resistance shuts down the chakras and drastically limits the options for creative, evolutionary action. When locked into this low-energy state, you revert to manipulation and fighting. Conversely, being in the same situation but in the state of allowance, you remain in communion with spirit. Consequently, you act most effectively, not against a foe, but in harmony with your inner being. There is no need for a defense or offense, for there is no enemy to contend with. There is allowance. MOTIVE A motive is the apparent reason for doing something - the motivating force behind what we do. If there is no motive to do something, chances are we won't do it. We seldom scrutinize the real motives behind our actions. They are either rationalized into something noble, ideal, or practical, or the mental body quickly glimpses the real reasons and dismisses them. But self deception and delusion, in themselves, are inefficient tools for co-creating a New Civilization. Motives reflect our pictures of reality; and the Universe rearranges itself to confirm and conform to these pictures: Why not let our motive be the co-creation of Heaven on Earth? When the mental body is chattering away, setting up THE NEXT BIG PLAN, or just figuring out how to respond to a situation, we ask it, "Why would I act this way?" Our knowing then reveals the real motive for the action. Is it to make money? Some beings spend their life chasing dollars, either for security, power, or self-worth. (Joseph Campell commented, "If you live your life for money, you lose your life.") Or, will The Plan bring respect, love, acceptance, or support? This practice is good for the mental body. Once you become Activated (i.e., you become cosmically energized - your evolution speeds up tenfold), you are a viable, evolutionary tool. By acting solely from the motive of co-creating Heaven on Earth, your energy is optimally deployed. (Following spirit is motive enough.) If you find that your motive is different from co- creating Heaven on Earth, you can simply scrap the plan before you start it. Time, energy, and resources are saved for the next appropriate evolutionary project, and sometimes you spare yourself an unpleasant experience. FREEDOM FREEDOM IS SERVICE TO SPIRIT HAPPINESS IS A NATURAL STATE LOVE IS A UNIVERSAL CONSTANT INSIGHT IS GROWTH WONDER IS THE STATE OF OPENNESS DIVINE IS THE ESSENCE OF LIFE TRUTH IS THE EXPRESSION OF SPIRIT, OF LIGHT, OF ONENESS. March 1993: Issue VISION A Vision is a practical gift from Spirit. It is practical because it can add clarity to one's direction in life. It is a gift because it reveals divine information about the cosmic scheme of things. A Vision acts as a guidepost which points one in a certain direction. Martin Luther King, for example, had "a dream" (a Vision) that set the tone for the rest of his life. If you treat your Vision as real and your affirm it through action, then the Universe will rearrange itself to accommodate that picture of reality. Spirit can motivate you to manifest new forms by flashing you a Vision. A Vision is a visual event that takes place within one's consciousness; it may be as simple as the presentation of a single symbol or a picture. The event may last only a second, but in that brief moment the picture can transmit an entire, full length story. It's as if the picture were alive, talking to you. The words, however, are not transmitted linearly, but in a quantum manner, communicating thousands of words in that moment. Spirit can update and revise a Vision. It can even present a false Vision in order to guide one to a certain point. But regardless of spirit's intent, it seems best to act upon it without question. It is a gift from spirit; that's what makes it important. This unconditional acceptance may be a problem for some people: What if it's a Vision from The Dark Side? This is easy enough to detect. If it feels creepy and devolutionary, then the Dark Forces are playing with you. Send them to the Light. But as a master, you will know a Vision from an illusion. Finally, Visions are individualistic: One person's Vision is another person's hallucination. Follow your Vision. A Vision "In the vast reaches of the oceans of space, a small, glowing orb floats effortlessly: it is the Earth. To the immediate left of the planet, a cosmic tidal wave towers over it, posed to crash upon its shores at any moment. The great tidal wave dances with transcendent, luminous colors; the smaller, leading waters race across the planet. The crash of the main wave is imminent." The beginning of The End and The Beginning Regardless of what's been said, endings of eras can be joyous. True, doomsday stories abound. There are alternate realities that play out these kind of apocalyptic fates. (It has been said that George Bush was re-elected in one of those scenarios.) In this Vision, however, "The Ending" is an ecstatic transformation of form and consciousness. It is how an individual perceives this transformation that determines whether it is "The Beginning" or "The End." Systems and Institutions As the mutational waters drench the very fiber of the planet, structures, systems and institutions that resist the call to lighten up will demanifest. To date, the most striking example of this was the rapid and relatively peaceful dissolution of the Soviet Union - now you see it, now you don't. The public just didn't believe it. In the Cosmic Wave Vision, all governments that reject the sovereignty of all beings will go the way of the U.S.S.R. (Even if the One World Government manifests, it, too, must submit to the dictates of the Divine Plan. It would be "The Last Hurrah of the Old World.") Because of their very nature, financial institutions will pass. As The Wave washes clean the dense, third-dimensional forms of the planet (including flesh and bone physical bodies) and manifests fifth-dimensional Light forms (including "physical" Light bodies) in their stead, who will need cash or a credit card? Light Bodies don't need dense, third-dimensional food to survive, or to own a home or a car. The same goes for the insurance industry: If perfect health is a given, and the illusion of death has been transcended, who needs insurance? Then there are businesses and corporations in general. The object of business is to make a profit. As profit won't be a motive for action -fifth dimensionally, everyone's motive is service to spirit - then, pool!, business is history. Marriage, the ancient institution of spouse ownership, will pass, as well. Spirit is in charge of putting together and ending relationships. No one owns anyone - not even themselves. In the New World, everyone knows that everyone is in the hands of their spirit. The media is an organization of people that feeds fear- based pictures of reality to the mass consciousness. This, too, will disappear, for its cameras are focused on the passing of the Old World. In the New World, local and global interaction will be totally ecstatic and experiential, similar to Group Soul interaction. This does not imply that humanity will be a homogenous entity. To the contrary - each being will display their true individuality and uniqueness. The common denominator shared by all will be a fifth dimensional perspective. Forms and Structures How an individual deals with form and structure determines how he will deal with evolutionary changes. From a third dimensional point of view, social structures are things - real objects. Governments, businesses and societies are some examples; they seem to have an objective existence all their own, like there's "a government-thing" stalking around somewhere out there. Take, for instance, a "decaying society": Where is this society thing? In Mansfield, Ohio? It is the third and fourth dimensional hypnotic illusion that makes it appear this way. From a fourth dimensional point of view, certain structures, such as "the government of the Anti-Christ," are cast in the-never-ending-battle-between-good-and-evil scenario; conspiracies abound. Fifth dimensionally, these forms are simply temporal illusions. So, just what are these alleged "things"? We define them as such: All institutions, systems and organizations are simply people (some with titles, some wearing uniforms) performing tasks, in buildings. Governments, businesses, banks, the AMA, the Astrologers Guild, are just people, usually shuffling around lots of paper, building or manufacturing items, or performing services. What an individual does within a particular institution defines his role in society. For example, an individual who sits behind a counter within a "bank" building and exchanges paper with its customers is a "teller''; if he has a gun, he is a "guard" (or, a "robber"). What an institution does within a particular society determines its role in society. We call an institution that dictates laws to the other segments of society a "legislature." Every individual and institution functions in relationship to someone else. The nature of the relationship is what defines them. Relationships are governed by agreements. For example, a person who takes a job makes an agreement with the company to work for a certain amount of money. If he steps outside the bounds of the agreement, the boss may fire him. Because large-scale social agreements bind people who disagree with the specifics of the agreement, the governing institution hires people who may use force and punishment to coerce obedience. In cities or states, force is administered by a police force (another structure), nationally, an army (another structure). In addition to titles and uniforms, the people in these organizations have weapons, as well. The preceding is not intended to be a lesson in sociology. The point is that if you look at the forms and structures on the planet, you see people relating to one another. The forms and structures - the names that we call these groupings of people (i.e., "the government," or "The Church") - are just mental constructions. Relationships are what is real. [Note: If you have seen the "thing" (or noun) called a "government," an "army" or any other organization that is other than people working together, stop reading here.] Structural Disintegration So the Soviet Union crumbled; the b g, (Western) WORLD THREATENING FORM just demanifested. But the buildings are still there (and are still being used); almost all of the people are still there. The people are just relating in somewhat different ways, using some of the buildings for different purposes. The only thing that has changed, aside from the names of some cities and countries and the titles of some people, is relationships. In the New World, we see immortal co-creators interacting to produce transcendent, multidimensional layers of sound, and totally mind- bending, iridescent, Light forms. Relationships are ecstatic. The Role of an Evolutionary Agent Evolutionary Agents play many roles. At different phases of their awakening, they explore various third- and fourth-dimensional teachings. What they are really seeking, though, is fifth- dimensional information and energy so that they can feel at home again. They also want to know how they can serve the Mission. The original Activators and the following waves of Wake-Ups act as Pillars of Light, providing structural Integrity for the New Civilization as it emerges. It is a joy watching this organic infrastructure develop, twisting and molding itself beautifully into surprising new shapes, creating new relationships between individual Agents and groups of Agents. So what is the role of an Agent? First and foremost, to follow his spirit without hesitation. This adds the touch of Divinity to relationships. The forms that develop in the wake of these interactions serve the Mission. Continuance? The New Species is more than an improved version of the human race. The nature of this evolutionary leap is quantum and alchemical, even more miraculous than transforming lead into gold. The true essence of mankind will be exalted, but the form in which it will shine will hardly resemble the old form at all. Conclusion We are living our lives on the assumption that this Vision is true. As we open ourselves to that probability, we are infused with the energies and wisdom of our Future Selves who live in that future probability. We are becoming our Future Selves today. As dancing Shiva embraces the Planetary Consciousness, we hear Doom and Destruction predictions. This is understandable: the eyes of the Old World are fearfully focused on its own demise. Those with fear- based expectations will live their lives in accordance with that Vision. On the other hand, those who are in the process of manifesting their Divinity will take a stand for their integrity, for transpersonal love, for openness, and for following their spirit. In short, structures and forms pass; how you relate to them is what is important. If you can relate with acceptance and love (including your relationship with your current form), then regardless of what forms and structures you encounter - on any dimension - you will fare well. The New Species is alive and emerging. It waits patiently as the veils of time unfold, revealing itself as part of the cosmic destiny of a planet, a destiny where love is the glue of relationships and forms shine with Heavenly Light. May 1993: Issue OBSERVATIONS, DEFINITIONS, AND PERSPECTIVES (Please read these definitions with the understanding that behind all phenomena there is only love. In relationship to the unfoldment of the New World, everyone on the planet is contributing to the Awakening in the precise context that their Spirit has deemed appropriate.) When we [Zal-Zen and Zol-taire] arrived in these bodies, we noticed that our perspectives were quite different from the perspectives held by the previous inhabitants. So we began redefining and expanding certain pictures of reality held by these Ground Crews that we felt were limiting. The Ground Crew: The mental, emotional, and physical bodies. It serves spirit by functioning as a bio-periscope that spirit can use to directly probe, experience and explore third dimensional reality. The three components of the Ground Crew (the above mentioned bodies) function as one system. The mental body makes plans, develops strategies, and directs the conscious actions of the physical body. It wants to maintain control. The emotional body feels; it is the sixth sense. As a bio-mechanism that can navigate the astral realms, it psychically "knows things" beyond the limitations of the five senses. It desires love and acceptance. The physical body is the material focal point of these bodies - the physical vehicle. It seeks to survive, multiply, control space and know its place in its community. Each of these bodies is in constant interaction with the others; what affects one, affects all. The Master Within: We are all vast, loving, multidimensional beings. In current reality, the Master Within is the fifth-dimensional aspect of ourselves - our "Higher Self." The Master Within is not "up there" in the sky somewhere, but "inside." Ego: If the Master Within allowed the Ground Crew to act strictly on its own instincts, ignoring all input from Spirit, you would have 100% ego. In short, ego is the Ground Crew directing the course of its life. It is an individualized aspect of the Planetary Hallucination [See Issue # 26]. The "I AM": The I AM can be defined in many ways. Ultimately, it's the All-That-is. Stepped down, it could be your spirit. But for practical purposes, we define it as the Master Within. The Master Within embodies our fifth-dimensional perspective, the perspective we want manifested on Earth. This definition simplifies an identity question: "Am I the Ground Crew, or am I the fifth- dimensional master?." (Actually, this is a paradox; we are both. So, I AM a fifth-dimensional master participating in a planetary drama in a human body.) This definition also leaves the I AM open to upgrading. Once Heaven on Earth has manifested and we are expressing our fifth-dimensional reality in our Light Bodies, the I AM will shift to, say, the sixth- dimensional Master Within: The next step up. Like that, we follow our progressively higher aspects back to the Source, dimensional step by dimensional step. Reality: There is no end to the number of realities that exist. You can say everything is real; you can say nothing is real. Esoterically, both are correct. But it's practical to define reality as the picture of reality that the Master Within knows is true. Like this, there's no need to rely on outside authorities to tell you what's real. Vision: A Vision is an encoded, visual picture presented to the conscious mind by Spirit. It is a higher-dimensional reality viewed from a lower one. It is also an overall, higher-dimensional picture of reality that one carries inside (the knowing of the I AM). Hallucinations: Anything not conforming to the picture of reality of the Master Within is an hallucination. Whenever a master identifies himself with an experience not in alignment with his fifth- dimensional reality, he is hallucinating. Integrity: To remain in one's integrity one needs to act in accordance with what is true for the Master Within. To stay centered in the experience of the "I AM" is to be in Integrity. it also implies that if you say something behind someone's back, you should be able to say it to their face. The Awakening of the Planetary Consciousness: [a.k.a: "The Ascension," and "The Second Coming of Christ."] Planets are conscious entities. Like humans, planets can sleep. Earth has been asleep for eons allowing beings to experience the illusion of lack and limitation. All of these experiences take place within her (the Planet's) domain of consciousness; everything that has ever happened on the planet was because she allowed it. But now she awakens into a new form. Like awakened masters who display "halos" - golden auras u so will the planet shine when she Ascends into her body of Light. Heaven on Earth: The Master Within's picture of reality as manifested on Earth; Earth functioning in a fifth dimensional mode. Co-creating Heaven on Earth is not just an idea or an ideal It's a way of life, lived as if your Vision of Heaven on Earth were real. As the Universe rearranges itself to accommodate your picture of reality, every time you take a stand for your Vision, a little bit of Heaven on Earth manifests. That's how Masters "do their Vision." Teachers: A teachers role is to disseminate a body of information to students, to be sure that the students "get it right" and "pass." The teacher is generally positioned above the student, because the teacher has information that the student needs in order to get it right and pass. Those masters who are playing New Age teacher/student roles are serving the Awakening of the Planet by stepping down fourth- and fifth-dimensional information into the third dimension. Masters will populate Heaven on Earth, not teachers and students; the latter will "pass" into history. Here is an analogy describing a similar situation. Some time ago, (home and) buggy manufacturing was big business. Then someone came along and invented the automobile. At the time, those with foresight probably predicted the demise of the buggy business. But it is likely that the public met that prediction with skepticism. After all, there were millions of buggies around. Where were the cam? We are in a similar situation today: there's a planet full of buggies (teachers/students) and just a lot of talk about cars (masters). The evolutionary process, however, is not concerned about the abundance of old models; it dispassionately dismantles them so new ones can manifest. Ground Crew Health: This encompasses more than just "mental health," as it includes the condition of the physical and emotional bodies. There are two ways in which to measure the health of the Ground Crew. The first is to see to what degree one's consciousness is identified with the Ground Crew; the second is to see to what degree one participates (and identifies) with the Old World. For the first, the more you believe that you are your Ground Crew, the farther out of touch with yourself - the master - you will be. This misplaced identification is responsible for tension, anxiety and unusual behavior patterns and keeps the individual in "auto search" mode -always looking, perhaps in the eyes of others, for a clue to his true identity. Usually, this creates only a mild to medium neurosis. Wild and heavy distortions arise when "The Search" lands him "safely" in the arms of an Old World structure and he embraces it unabashedly. Leaders or authority figures of the Old World (or those who have a lot invested in it) usually embody much of the psychosis of the structure. Religious leaders, for example, generally claim to have exclusive communication rights with God. Heretics - those claimants of unauthorized truth - are usually reprimanded, sometimes outcast, and, in the past, were executed. Leaders of nations must have the resolve to push the (nuclear) button and destroy the enemy. This, of course, could destroy all human life on the planet - friend and foe. And although these are extreme examples, the logic is rational within the context of Old World logic. The media promotes neurotic perceptions and behaviors with its "a little fear is healthy" logic. Fear is an alien concept to the I AM; it is a prime tool for control by the Dark Forces. Alignment with this perspective makes a Ground Crew neurotic. Align yourself with any Old World perspective and you will become diseased in one way or another. The more staunchly you "stand behind the issues," the more alienated from your spirit you become. Neurosis and psychosis are terms describing the degree to which one is hallucinating. Even those beings who are acting psychotic are in the hands of their spirit, doing what they're supposed to be doing. Fifth dimensionally, they're just hallucinating. Pillars of Light: Advanced, other-dimensional energy fields are interacting with the fields of consciousness of the planet. Planetary Transition Team members arrive to ground and stabilize these forces. As the energies intensify, Team members become more and more useful. They stand as Pillars of Light as the Old World continues to be dismantled and plunges headlong into history. These Pillars provide support for the sprouting New Civilization. It's a Jungle Out There...: The Divine Plan says that it's time for Planet Earth to wake up, so Planetary Transition Teams show up. They're either born into human bodies or walk in to them. A jungle of illusion covers the planet. Here is their story... The first Teams wake up, unsheathe their machetes of truth (their Vision) and begin hacking their way through the jungle (by taking a stand for their Vision) towards the Path of Light (fifth-dimensional reality). Finally, they succeed in cutting narrow, energetic pathways to the Path of Light. A small stream of the Light filters into the jungle darkness. This stirs other sleeping Team members who then awaken and begin hacking away toward the Path. Naturally, their angle to the Path is somewhat different; so as they chop through the jungle, they widen existing pathways and create new ones. (This makes it even easier for subsequent waves to move through the jungle, because the initial trails have already been blazed.) More Light enters, prompting the next slumbering wave into action. The next wave does the same thing, moving towards the Path, clearing illusions. Rivers of Light flood in. This geometric progression continues until a point of critical mass is reached; then, the body of the main wave of Light rushes in, effortlessly whisking away the remaining underbrush. Machetes are set aside. Heaven on Earth is here. August, 1993; Issue THE ONENESS OF THE MISSION The longer we're on the planet, the more we appreciate the work that other groups and individuals are doing to contribute to the co- creation of Heaven on Earth. This Mission is not a one E.T. job; it's a grand undertaking, interweaving the skills, energies and perceptions of millions of beings. Some beings are hacking away at various levels within the Old World while others are blazing trails in the New World. All of these levels of work blend as one. We would like to say to all who desire to serve the Mission more, but feel they aren't doing enough: Every time you take a stand for your truth or follow your spirit without hesitation, the entire Mission moves one step forward. And even if you become caught up in the Every Day drama, cosmic forces can still work through you. Besides, just your intention to serve more moves you in that direction. The Mission is about love. Love yourself first. Allow peace to enter your life. All is unfolding, and all is well. STAYING IN INTEGRITY/HALLUCINATIONS One of the first things that we noticed upon entering into these Earth bodies was the importance of remaining in our integrity. What this means to us is this: We are E.T. Masters who have come here for a purpose - to co-create Heaven on Earth with other Masters. We see many other masters who appear to be awakening. But they are not awakening: Masters never sleep. It's the Ground Crew - the emotional, mental and physical bodies - that sleeps. As it sleeps it dreams (with the Planetary Consciousness) the realities of fear, injustice, lack, self-doubt, and denial. These are "hallucinations," bad dreams. When we began dealing with other beings (and with our own Ground Crews), we saw how important it was to avoid, if possible, participating in these hallucinations. Because when we accept hallucinations as real, we temporarily step out of our integrity as masters. We co-create Heaven on Earth with other masters most effectively by staying in integrity. When our Ground Crews suggest that we hallucinate, we just say no. If we do begin to hallucinate (and spirit allows us to be aware of it), we use various technologies in order to bring us back to our I AM consciousness, or we just allow the drama to play out, whatever spirit directs. Some hallucinations are acquired - picked up along the way. They are habitual ways of perceiving things. Some hallucinations are inherent in the Ground Crew: you are born with them. The instincts are an example of this kind of hallucination. Fourth-dimensional entities and mechanisms support both of these kinds of illusions. Someone asked us if we "had boogs"- disembodied spirits hanging around with us; we said "no." The Ground Crew had, indeed, made agreements with astral entities over the years (and lifetimes), just like every other Ground Crew on the planet. But the boogs are not attached to, nor do they control or influence the I AM. They manipulate the Ground Crew; they tell the Ground Crew their version of what is real. That's their job. Staying in integrity means taking a stand for your truth, not theirs. In conclusion, to stay in integrity means to do what you know is right. You can do this even when you are hallucinating - snap out of it. Hallucinations are not something to fear or fight. They are just hallucinations. PLANETARY HALLUCINATIONS Shortly after we walked in, we noticed that just about everyone we met was hallucinating. We saw many glorious beings who were convinced they were struggling, or inferior, or misunderstood humans. And we saw these tendencies in our Ground Crews, as well. As time went on, we realized that these hallucinations didn't belong to any particular individual; they were patterns that existed all around the world. People in, say, France had feelings of helplessness, doubt, and the like, too. These patterns are non- personal: It's not your stuff. So who's stuff is it? Let's consider for a moment that the Planetary Consciousness is able to go through cycles of evolution, analogous to those of a human. She can sleep for awhile and then wake up to her enlightened state. When she is sleeping, dreaming nightmares or heroic adventurous dreams, she is hallucinating. Let's consider one of her dreams, Doctor Freud. In this dream she envisions (and manifests) various races and species to live within her biosphere. They are players in her dream. These beings believe that survival is an issue, that struggle and competition are the norm, that disasters can strike at any moment, and that there are allies and enemies. Masters are the players wearing these dream suits. And they play with her as if it were real. Everyone in a body on the planet today is participating in the planetary hallucination, because all of these bodies are a manifestation of the planetary hallucination. Just because you are participating in this drama doesn't mean this hallucination is your hallucination. At worst, you are co-creating it with her as you both sleep. At best, you are a Planetary Transition Team member who has volunteered to enter into this dream to work with her (by following your spirit without hesitation), assisting in her transition from dream state to waking state, helping to make the transition as easy and non-traumatic as possible. From this perspective, you are in the world but not of it. The Earth has an inner truth, just as we all do. We call this inner truth her Vision. She is now beginning to awaken to that truth, and soon, she will replace all of her dream-forms with new ones - Light Forms. December, 1993: Issue #26 THE E.T. CONNECTION "How is it done?" How do "Wake-Ups," "Walk-Ins," "Crash-Ins" and Humans get to planet Earth? When we [Malenchen and Maruna] arrived, we defined ourselves as Walk-Ins; the previous inhabitants of these bodies walked out and we took the wheel. But we didn't feel like we "walked" in. And we still don't feel like it. What seems more accurate is to say that we projected our consciousness into them. We are Project-Ins. Right now we can "see" ourselves in our energetic form in the seventh dimension. So, for us, we're here (on third- dimensional Earth), and we're there (in the seventh dimension), as well. Indeed, we define "there" as our true home. Part of our Mission is to manifest the reality base of home, here. Crash-Ins, those beings who enter a human body after the body has a near-death experience, are Project-Ins. So are Wake-Ups, masters who project into a baby body during the birth process. Because Wake-Ups bear the full brunt of socialization, it is they who have the most intense identification with the body. But regardless of their intensity, these identifications - attachments - are hallucinations. There are millions of masters here, all sourcing from the fifth dimension and above, shining their Light of Consciousness through human eyes. To round out this picture, how do humans get here? As we have said, E.T.s project their consciousness into human forms from their Light bodies. Their Light bodies exist in another dimension: They are sourcing from another plane of reality. The human experience is more straightforward: Spirit projects its consciousness directly into a fetus - there is no middleman. This doesn't imply that humans are not multidimensional beings; like everyone else, their spirits can simultaneously manifest a multitude of different bodies in as many different worlds. But the one that is projected directly into the human form is human. When E.T.s project themselves into human bodies they become human, as well: they acquire "dual citizenship." This can cause great distress; they've just left a dimension where Limitation was not even a concept, and victims no more than a myth. And now here they are, suffering. But they wanted to be here; they really did. They knew how really exciting it would be to participate in this planetary awakening. (it becomes cool after they wake up.) And once they begin living as masters, they realize that accepting the human aspect of self is of incredible importance to the Mission. By integrating their humanity with their Divinity, they elevate the former and serve the latter. THE CONTROL PANEL Introduction: Congratulations! You have just projected into a late- model Human Species Bio- Vehicle (HSBV)! With proper maintenance, these self-healing forms can be useful for up to 100+ years. This Users Guide is provided by The Federation of Light as a convenient way of viewing the different operational modes of your HSBV. By default, the Control Panel is hidden from sight when unused. When, however, any of its buttons are activated, it can effortlessly project into view of your Mind's Eye In principle, your HSBV has a variety of bio-sociogenetic responses built right into it. These state-of-the-bio-art programs are activated automatically, for ease and convenience while living a survival/power-based lifestyle. As you may be aware, next season's model u The Transdimensional Human Species Light Vehicle - will include significant upgrades. If you are attached to the current Control Panel options, then it would be wise to use them as much as possible while you still can. The new PEREC specifications (Planet Earth's Reality Emissions Control) will not support most of the current modes of behavior, including the HSBV Auto Functions. Spirit will operate the new Control Panel and all of its NEW FEATURES. HOW IT WORKS In practice, these bio-programs are triggered by various internal and external events. Once running, devolutionary action results, and you forfeit the option of following your spirit (you're following the HSBVs program). The Control Panel gives you quick-and-easy visual access to help identify these common third- and fourth- dimensional programs. Being aware that they are taking you for a bio-ride is the first step in being weaned from these soon-to-be- unavailable programs. Good luck, and thanks again for choosing an HSBV! The Buttons The Panel contains nine separate Command Buttons. Buttons can be activated individually or in combination with others. Take some time to familiarize yourself with each of them. "Agony and Ecstasy" The first indication that this button has been activated is that you begin to agonize about something. For example, say you've misplaced your keys. First, the realization that you've lost them fires a shot of adrenalin into your bloodstream. You start to agonize about the hassles you'll have to go through to replace the keys, and much more. You search everywhere; and then, thank God, you find them. You are so relieved that you feel a mild sense of ecstasy. It seems like you've been through a whole lot, but you've really just gone in a circle. Other examples of this pattern include the "Oh, no! I'm off the Spiritual Path" syndrome, which makes you sweat it out until you're back on track. Another variation is "The Agony and The Agony." You're driving your car and you're in a hurry. You approach a traffic light. You go through the "I've got to make it through the light(:> agony. If it turns red, it's "The Agony and The Agony." (If the light stays green, it's "The Agony and The Ecstasy"). In all instances, the results would have turned out the same, whether you had hit the Button (and done the drama) or not. In other words, agonizing about something won't make it turn out okay. There are two other variations of "The Agony and the Ecstasy." Say you excitedly scratch off the silver dots of an "Instant Winner" lotto ticket win! You've just pushed "The Ecstasy and The Ecstasy" Button. But usually some degree of Agony can be found running through this kind of experience: you are thinking, "What if the last number doesn't match?" If it doesn't (they usually don't), then you experience "The Ecstasy and The Agony." If you notice that you consistently push this (or any) Button, then perhaps there is something you like about it. "Crime and Punishment" This Button is essential to the Small Story. Every third- and fourth-dimensional institution uses it. You commit a crime whenever you break the rules, and then, if you are caught, you are punished. What determines THE PUNISHMENT is: a) who you are, b) the institution that you've wronged, and c) what crime you've committed. At the office, you can be fired, docked, or humiliated. Church dogma threatens you with Bad-Eternal-Things that are sure to happen to you after you die. In a civic context, deterrents come in the form of fines, imprisonment, and, in extreme cases, termination. Divorce, separation, or just unpleasant attitudes serve as punishment in marriage. Even New Age, E.T., and Angelic groups have their own body of laws. They are usually concerned with idealistic dogma; behave wrongly and they will punish you with snobbish ignor-ance or psychic attack. Perhaps the most subtle and insidious Punishment of all is judgment. When you judge someone, you psychically attack them. But as you throw them out of your Heart, you are thrown into separation, which is punishment in itself. On the fifth dimension and above, no one is ever punished; no one could even consider that. But on the third and fourth dimension, punishment is an essential ingredient. The original name for this Button was "Conditional Happiness: 'I'II be happy if..."'; but for ease, it was shortened to "I Want" (which is essentially the same thing). This Button is directly linked to the Personal Will, just behind the Gratification Strategy Center. "I Don't Want" Originally labeled "Do Not Disturb," this Buttons frequently works in tandem with the "I Want" Button. Expect to see angry or aloof behavior. This Button connects to the Ego Exhaust valve. It has fill-in-the- blank options which include: looking"; "hard working"; "rich"; "miserable"; "confused"; "suffering"; and much more. Push this Button to explore empty space. "Look at Them, They're..." A variation of the "Look at me, I'm..." Button. Also comes with fill-in-the-blank options, options that are usually belittling. For information about yourself, look to the opposite of what you fill in the blank with. Then put it in the "Look at me, I'm..." form. Example: "Look at him, he is sloppy"; (Reads: "Look at me, I'm neat"). "I'm Afraid" This Button has a thousand and one uses, and its effects are obvious. See it in action if circumstances threaten your job security, if someone directs anger at you, or by just listening to the news. Reads: "I am experiencing fear." PUSHING This Button is for general use. Its applications include nagging, "making things happen," and trying to control someone. A favorite Button of the Personal Will. MAGNIFY A.k.a., "exaggerations" or "white lies." Used for fooling yourself and others into thinking that things are better or worse than what they are. Pushing this Button increases the drama and intensity of any situation. AUXILIARY CONTROL PANEL: EVEN MORE FEATURES! The Auxiliary Panel includes the following Auto Patterns: "I'm Right (you're wrong)" Activating this Button creates walls. Whenever you're right, something or someone is wrong. Allowance goes out the window; separation happens. (Being Right is not the same as taking a stand for your truth.) "I'm Unworthy" This Button is usually connected during socialization. Once activated, your truth becomes secondary. It keeps you feeling small and contracted. Like all other Buttons, it offers an opportunity to take part in the Planetary Hallucination. PAYBACK Payback, in essence, is revenge. Use this Button in conjunction with other Buttons. Whenever payback is activated, there will be an enemy, a victim, and a feeling of separation. Auto, auto, auto; wake up, wake up, wake up. This Button is especially difficult to transcend. In a materialistic world, almost everything is owned by someone. Yet, ownership ceases when one dies. Cosmically, everything - including the Ground Crew - is on loan. The "It's Mine" pattern emerges at an early age. The child becomes attached to certain objects, places, and persons. For many, this behavior is never outgrown, in part because society reinforces its validity. It seems that the real issue of "It's Mine" is not ownership per se, but concern with the possibility of being deprived (lack) of something. On the fifth dimension and above, there is no attachment and no lack; these illusions are not available. Attachment to form is slavery to form: It owns you. Everyone, no matter who or where you are, receives exactly what is written (in the Divine Plan) for them. You are the temporary steward of whatever the Divine Plan manifests for you. "I'm a Victim" When you see that "someone did it to me/them," be aware that the "I'm a Victim" Button is activated. When you are attached to hurt feelings, thwarted plans, betrayal, and suffering, this indicates that you are stoppable. Accompanying "victim feelings" include depression, anger, resentment, hate (i.e., suppressed anger), hopelessness, self-righteous indignation, and shock. Victims, in varying degrees, feel abandoned by the Universe. On the fifth dimension and above, the reality that everyone is an Immortal Spark of the All-That-Is rules out this kind of drama. CONCLUSION The preceding is but a small sampling of responses available when one is in Auto Mode. Keep the Panel in your consciousness; when a Button is pushed, just watch. As you participate you will see your own unique expressions of the Planetary Hallucination. To obtain a hard copy edition of this work, send $8 (in U.S. dollars) plus $3.50 s&h (double for Canada and Mexico; quadruple for over seas air mail) to: Starbuilders, P.O. Box 22-0964, Hollywood, FL 33022-0964, USA. |