Opening Doorways... 

  Julie Presson ( 01 Sep 94 writes: 

  December 29, 1993 

  Greetings My Brothers and Sisters, 

  We come this day with a very important message carried to you on the 
  wings of the servents of God, the Angels. To be in tune with the 
  energy of this Holy moment we have come together, in please take a 
  moment before you go on reading and close your eyes to centre 
  yourSelf. Thank you for assisting us in this transmission. 

  Today marks the beginning of a new era for Humanity and the legends 
  who are not in a physical body as well. A page has been turned in 
  the Book of Life. To those of you who have waited for so long to see 
  the changes with your human eyes, you will begin to look around and 
  see the entrance of a new level of awareness as well as its 
  expression taking form in this world. Many of you have waited aeons 
  for this to take form and the doors and windows to the forth 
  dimension to align once again for you to travel from one dimension 
  to the other. The alignments of the portals and energy vortexes are 
  complete now. There is but one thing left that is for you to begin 
  to use them once again. 

  We will try to give you a picture to work with here to assist you in 
  practicing to use the doorways. Each one of you in time beginning, 
  helped to create a doorway to travel through, into the denser 
  vibration you were working with to create the planet earth. It was 
  as if a door was there with the symbol of the Spiritual family or 
  Ring of Consciousness you are apart of on it. No one else could open 
  the door that was not a part of your group. It was as if there was a 
  long hallway connecting the door directly to the Ring you belonged 

  When you all agreed to allow the veil of forgetfulness to cross your 
  face the doors were closed. The portals and energy vortexes you used 
  to get to the doorway were no longer in alignment. This was 
  necessary as not all of you were totally blind to the energy of the 
  past. You could not access them for their true purpose. They became 
  in their dormant state a way to remember the feeling to a small 
  degree of who and what you are. This is why there are so many power 
  spots on your planet that draw you and facilitate a Higher 

  Now once again you will be able to open and use the doorways through 
  the portals and vortexes. The alignment is complete, it is only a 
  matter of you attuning your energy field and adjusting the frequency 
  that will facilitate you to access that which has been unaccessible 
  for aeons. The doorways to the Higher Realms. There are 13 doorways 
  for those of you Working in the physical plane at this time. Each 
  doorway is encrypted with the symbol of your origins. You as an 
  enlightened one will not only remember what the symbol looks like, 
  you will also know the meaning of the symbol. 

  There are only 13 doorways, with many portals or vortexes leading to 
  each one. This is so you will be able to access the doorway you use 
  from many places on the planet surface in your physical form. To go 
  to them in your etheric form is but a thought away and the belief 
  they are real and there you are. In each level of awareness these 
  doorways exist. From the lowest to the Highest. All the way back to 
  the Source of all creation, the First Cause. You have used them to 
  go from one universe to the other as well as galaxies, and planets. 
  This is why space travel has    been such a mystery for so long. 
  This is the secret to what many of you have been searching for. 

  You will be drawn to a location of a portal or vortex to the doorway 
  with your seal on it before the time of great changes. Do not resist 
  this call it will not be given more than once. These are the 
  workings of Spirit not man, heed them. Listen with your Heart not 
  your head. 

  The time is coming very shortly when you will have to lay aside your 
  fears and doubts of the human nature. They do not serve your highest 
  good. It is becoming increasingly difficult to stay in situations 
  that do not reflect the Higher nature of your expression. As the 
  time grows near for you to answer the call to flight you will find 
  all you had relied upon or thought to be permanent in your life 
  slipping away. Many will feel lost for a time as the processing of 
  the negative energies within their manner of expression is 
  transmuted more quickly than before. It will not be an easy time for 
  those of you who have chosen to walk the Path in this epoch. It will 
  seem as if there is nothing left to call familiar. Ride out this 
  time and you will be greatly rewarded. Work at staying in balance 
  and come from Centre in your activities as much as you can. It will 
  be worth it. You are now dealing with the last vestiges of ego as 
  you know it. This is necessary for you to be clear as tool of 
  enlightenment. Come together with others during these times to be of 
  support to each other. If there ever was a time to extend your Heart 
  and hand to your Brother, it is now. This is a group activity make 
  it so through your actions to others. The day of what you view as a 
  personal path is over. There is but One Path, the Path of Unity to 
  one end the Awakening and joining together of the Sons of God as you 
  are known by many. There will be many who will appear to fall away 
  in these times. DO not despair they will return. Do not distract 
  yourSelf with wondering about those who do not accept your hand in 
  support. Focus on yourSelf and those who are with you in this 

  In the time that will become known as the end times you will see many 
  wonders and miracles. You will see the sick heal themselves in an 
  instant. You will see an end of all disease of the physical body. 
  This will be accomplished partly through the use of the doorways by 
  those of you who have elected to participate in the end times in 
  such a way. Not all of you will be concerned with this type of 
  Healing. Many will focus solely on assisting those who do not have 
  the eyes to see or the ears to hear. There will be but a small 
  number of you who will be Awake in the times we now speak of. This 
  is why many of you feel so isolated now. There must be a beginning 
  to this and you would not be doing what you are doing if you were 
  not ready. It will be called the end times because it will herald 
  the end of the sleep and the Healing of what you came to Heal. The 
  concept of duality and separation. 

  Channeled by 

  Julie Presson 818 E Broad Spokane,WA 99207 509-483-6131 


  Hello Everyone, I thought some of you might relate to this message. 
  Let me know what you felt from it. 

  I AM Moranaa (