Copy and Distribute Freely CENTER OF ATTENTION March 6, 1995 2221 Bowers Ave., Santa Clara, Ca. 95051 (408) 241-7981 ISSUE 6 "The Bi-weekly News and Comment of the Ascension Movement" I'm posting this newsletter because I think that the information should be shared with as many people has possible so that we are prepared for the mass landing. However, consider it to be like shareware and help the authors by sending a donation to the address above. A reasonable donation is 13 issues for $25 but what ever you can afford is fine. Hopefully, in the near future we won't need money but for now in this dimension at this time we have to, "Render on to Caesar what is Ceasar's". Love and Light, Robert - Lightworker Scout] Mass Landing Update Affects World-Wide Consciousness Sheldon Nidle's Update and Commentary by Jason Dunlap Are you ready? Those of you who have been wondering if the information revealed in "You are Becoming a Galactic Human" is true or valid and are waiting to see something happen before you commit yourself are soon to be involved in the most astounding event to ever happen. In an Update Meeting, Feb. 23rd, without actually saying so, gave the impression that Sirian, and other Alien spacecraft will be landing by the end of this Summer. Why do I think so? "The Mass landing cannot occur before Aug. 5th. This is because......." Could this mean that the landings are put off indefinitely? No. It was clear in some of the personal exchanges between Sheldon and Peggy, that Peggy is not excited about the prospect of landings occurring as soon as Sheldon believes they will. I asked about the time- table to see if it did conflicted with what I expected. Sheldon's answer, along with Peggy's rebuttal, showed that there is some disagreement with how things might turn out. Peggy pointed out that Sheldon was in touch with the Sirians at the Command Level and she was not. She feels that the "time window" is bigger than what Sheldon believes and said that she may be able to influence the outcome by petitioning the Command. For whatever reason, she apparently is not happy about the prospect of landings happening anytime soon, which leads me to believe Sheldon has given her the impression it would be much sooner than later. "[sic] New counselors, after the mass landings, will bring enlightenment to the rest world" Doesn't that mean some other counselors, prior to the landings brought enlightenment to a smaller portion of Humanity? Sheldon made one thing clear. We are going to enter the photon-belt no later than Dec. '96. Further, Sheldon made it clear that everyone on Earth had reached at least some new state of mind and body before that happened. In his book, he said it was necessary for the mass landing to take place at least 6 months prior to entering the photon-belt. That puts the landing in the late Spring '96, at the latest. However, too many things have to happen for it all to be done in those six months. He mentioned that the governments of the world will be out of business by the end of this Oct. '95. He also implied that their failure and inability to function will be assured upon the arrival of E. T. counselors. He also indicated that it won't be immediate but governments as we know them won't last long. That means the mass landing must happen, "not long before...." Oct.'95. Would you believe Sept. '95? What have I been telling you?...... mmmmmmmmmm..... There was a huge amount of detailed data that Sheldon related in the process of answering questions and telling us the whys and wherefores of what is about to happen. I will attempt to summerize it and relate it to what we should be doing. There has been a lot of talk about energy grids being put into place, portals being opened, etc, etc. According to Sheldon, inter-dimensional portals, star- gates, and such must be opened up around our planet in order to allow vast numbers of ships, cargo, 3D beings and inter-dimensional beings to arrive here and operate. What is involved is astro-physics beyond our comprehension but there is technology involved that includes metaphysics as well as natural physics. Apparently there are all kinds of rays and beams, and such that must be aligned, tuned and who-knows-what, to make it work. This activity, that has been going on for some time, is affecting our weather, and other Earth changes. Because of this, some plans were changed to limit the impact. They are going to open up the Northern Hemisphere first and then the Southern Hemisphere. This means they are not going to allow major cataclysmic events to destroy things. There will be earthquakes, floods, and destruction but not severe. Nevertheless, I advice everyone to stock up on survival supplies because some of these events may cause temporary hardships over the next 6 months. Few, outside the newage readership will believe or take precautions and your supplies can put you in a position to help others, as well. The following is shortened list of things to come. 1. In order stay on top of things and be blessed we all must practice putting out our best efforts, and practice being patient and loving to all. 2. An end to dark government conspiracies, and projects is imminent. 3. Legions of Angels have arrived and more are on the way. 4. The Angels want to help you and they are here to prepare you. However, you must ask for their help. Continually let your desires and troubles be known and ask Angels for help. Say it outloud. 5. Your personal Karma is also coming to an end and depending on where you are at, depends on the scope of change you must go through. Past traumas, hate, fear, etc may start to surface in your conscious mind, and you may find yourself having to deal with a lot of upsets, even health related issues. Allow yourself to look at and examine old wounds to be sure you can handle them now. Forgive, forgive, forgive. Let go of your crap so you can get on with life. 6. June 5 is the beginning of some exceptional energies and events. Some chaos may ensue as things are being transformed from the negative to the positive. 7. Ringing in your ears, strange feelings in your head, and personal energy fluctuation may be noticed as the Angels begin to "dump" huge blocks of data into your mind that will begin to change your DNA, body chemistry, and awaken your lost memory. We will be prepared to have full consciousness by the end of 96. 8. Entities of the Elohiem and Kumara are involved in changing our bodies. 9. 3/4 of the Galaxy have moved to join the Fed- eration. This is astounding progress. 10. Something is going on with the money. It's about to be changed. Also, the vast funds that will soon be available for lightworkers is in the last stages of getting released. Sheldon thinks it will be soon, like March. (I've heard that before.) Our government is doing everything it can to prevent it. The recent economic trouble in Mexico and the huge bank failure in Britain, lead me to believe that things are very unstable. What amazes me is how people view the billions of dollars lost by that bank. Where did those billions go? Somebody must be thankful that billions of dollars were sent to them from England. Don't you think? 11. The government has psychics working on influencing us. They want us to disbelieve all of this, and to believe that the underground government is too strong and too sinister to resist. They want us to believe that at best, there is to be an alien invasion designed to enslave us. I suggest that we all protect ourselves by imagining protective white light around us as often as it comes to mind. Begin making it a periodic habit, what the govern-ment implies to be our greatest threat is exactly what I believe all the governments of the world ultimately want to do to us. They just don't want anybody else in charge. If that's the case, I really see little difference. It might be more interesting to be the slaves of Sirians as opposed to our own backward, egotistical, power-mad politicians. 12. Most children born in the last year are starseeds and are destined to have an important impact on our reality in the coming years. I suggest that you communicate with young children often, and don't be concerned about asking them pointed questions like, "have you had a conversation with God or Angels lately. If you did, what do you suppose they would want me to know?" One thing Sheldon said confirmed my suspicions that Sept. 95 is a likely date. When questioned regarding those that claim there is a two year delay, or that different time-lines are possible and other such information that basically says he could be wrong, he said, "Rumors of a two year delay are wrong, and the people who don't want to believe that this is really going to happen are in for a really big surprise." Why do I get the impression that he is being pressured to avoid giving us an accurate time window? Could it be that there are many out there that can see the enthusiasm this whole idea has created. Some can see ways to make easy money, doing seminars, selling newage widgets, etc to a bunch of people they consider suckers and fools? Those people don't want this all to evaporate at the end of Summer! They want you to believe that it could go on indefinitely because they don't believe it will happen at all! They just know that when Summer comes, they'll be out of business. I got news for them. They will be out of business all right. Their seminars will be stupid, their prod-ucts won't work, and their ventures will not be successful. And, they will be struck with awe and be totally unprepared when it begins to occur. The charlatans out there that are in it for the money and fun could become emotional cripples in one day. Follow-up With Sheldon After writing the above I began to feel confused. I decided to ask Sheldon a few questions to determine how much I was reading in to what he said and how much guess work was really involved. After I spoke with him I was even more bothered. I asked him why he was so vague about the time window and why "they" think its a good idea for him to be so. He informed me that "they" won't let him tell us. His answer was something like this: What is happening all around this planet is at a critical stage and the E.T.s are setting into motion many energy patterns. Having us know ahead of time will disturb and change those patterns. The main reason, however, is their belief that if we knew an event was a year away, that we would become complacent and merely wait a year before doing anything. If this is truly what those in command believe is true then I hope they read this newsletter because I think they are dead wrong! That sounds just like something a parent would tell a child. A parent will give an answer just to satisfy the child because "they" know best, and it's better we didn't ask questions. It's nonsense. If everyone reading this knew, beyond a doubt, that the landings will take place, Sept 19, 1995, they would be calling and writing me about the things you are doing. Connecting up and commun-icating with other lightworkers would be the only thing on their mind. Why? Because we all see the need to inform, educate and enlightened as many people as possible be-fore it happens. Would we interfere with the planet's karma? You bet! This planet's unconscious mind is us, and we will do what we can as fast as we can to prepare the World for the Coming. Would we cooperate with "their" plans? Probably, but that's up to us to decide isn't it? Who are they to keep knowledge from us and plan things behind our backs? Isn't that what is wrong with this society? For eons our minds have been veiled as part of some grand experiment, and all of us hide knowledge and feelings from our children and each other, and governments hides know- ledge from the people, and God keeps quiet and the Angels stay invisible and there is so much we don't under-stand....... Do you believe we have the authority to ask and receive the answer to any question we desire? Rather impudent, don't you think? Can I say, "Guardian Angel, I want to know what the most up to date prediction is for the mass landings. I don't want a bunch oracle psycho-babble, either. I want you to tell me when the Sirians think they will landing. Yes I know, that no one knows the time or the day, but I think you can narrow it down, some." Usually it goes something like this, "Jason, no one knows when the future will fulfill itself, because everyone is constantly changing their thoughts and actions. If I tell you they will land tomorrow, they will not, because knowing it will cause a chain-reaction of events that will change everything. You have free-will and are therefore un-predictable. Not knowing what you will do, makes it impossible for there to be an answer. Instead, I suggest you do whatever you feel like doing and let providence take care of things." Yeah right. I sure wouldn't want him as my stock broker. However, assume I do have the authority to know. In that case I expect a straight answer. The answer doesn't have to be couched in mystery. Something like, "Okay, sometime in Sept. '95." Now, is that so hard? Yes, it probably is. It's like dealing with Volcans. They can't lie, and they can't interfere with our free-will, and they don't want to cause a paradigm shift by anything they do. It's worse than dealing with lawyers! So, I've had a talk with them and explained the situation. I pointed out that it is not hard for us to understand that knowing what the future holds is bound to modify the future. We are merely asking for an agenda so we can figure where we fit in. We can accept that plans will change as events unfold but we don't have to be completely in the dark, anymore. Giving us a "ball-park" figure is fine, and they can also tell us what kind of things could happen that will change the situation. That way, we can watch for signs that things are going right or wrong, and plan accordingly. It has crossed my mind that they don't want us to be consciously involved. If we are, we may do something to screw things up. Too bad. If that's the case, then they are really interfering with our free-will by default. We have a right to know what they are doing. And, we have a right to cooperate or not. What do you think? Are you willing to talk to your guides, Angels, etc and get a straight answer? I don't know if it will do any good, but if they ever needed an excuse to wake us up, this could be it. Count-Down to Mass Landings I've been working on a plan of action for all of us. As I mentioned last newsletter, you are involved in something, now. I made the assumption that the mass landing would be occurring about Oct.1, 1995, at the outside. Working the scenario backwards to the present I envisioned the likely events that would lead up to the landings. I ended up with 16 significant events. If all 16 events are made to happen, I believe the mass landing will be an expected, glorious event that will bring us into the Newage without the Armageddon scenario. The following are the 7 major mile-stones to success: Mar. 31 Jason's consciousness is raised significantly Apr. 15 Regional Headquarters set-up in foreign countries Apr. 31 Center of Attention proves its ability to play a leadership role May 15 Regional Headquarters have E.T. contact, know what to do, and have training programs set-up Aug. 1 A significant portion of the population has consciousness raised. Aug. 31 Most are aware of the pending mass landings Sept. 31 Mass landing expected at any moment Now it is time to look at the details. Take the first four milestones. I am doing the best I can to raise my con-sciousness. I can use your help. All of you must want this to happen to me, as well. What you can do is raise your own consciousness and ask your guides, etc. to raise mine, too. I'm open to any other ideas. I'm doing the same thing. Whoever gets there first, tell the rest of us. Okay? In order to accomplish all that I see must be done, I, and many of you, are going to have to understand things much better and have better communication with the other entities involved, than I do now. The objective is to be in a much higher state by the end of March. I will be announcing our logistic plan for organizing and networking PAGs and Light Centers. The plan is to have much in place by April 15th. For economic, as well as, other reasons, our friends in foreign countries will be setting up Center of Attention Headquarters at various strategic locations, first. These units will be supported and endorsed by Center of Attention and can coordinate their missions and activities with us, as is practical. They will be independently operated for the most part. Center of Attention, in Santa Clara, will be the Headquarters for the U.S. One of the missions of the Headquarters is to create and support Center of Attention Branch offices that will report to their Regional Headquarters, (i.e. Germany, New Zealand or the U.S.). As we expand, the way we interact will evolve using the principles of fluid management and an "inter-linked, web" network. More on this later. The third milestone is of paramount importance. Center of Attention is sending Wayne to the Yucatan in order to glean, first-hand, the information being delivered. He will be responsible for gathering the needed information to set the format and activities at the Mayan presentation that Center of Attention intends to sponsor, sometime around April 15th. We expect to organize a spectacle that will inspire and enlighten thousands. When this event proves to meet our expectations, as far as participation, financial need, and spiritual experience is concerned, Center of Attention will have proved it is capable of handling a significant leadership role in the world events that lead up to the mass landings and beyond. This is the most exciting thing humanity has ever done. Are you ready for this? Do you want to play? By the end May, I expect that many of us that are associated with Light Centers, PAGs, and our Regional Headquarters will have reliable communication with Masters and Teachers within the Federation and else- where. I expect that these entities will have the mission of training many of us in "rapid-growth" techniques that will allow us to train other humans and go about helping and enlightening the rest of humanity. Until these teachers arrive, Center of Attention will be exploring all the latest techniques, technologies, seminars, etc. to find those that seem to be inspired and useful. Until the other stuff hap-pens, that's about the most we can hope for. This is enough to concentrate for now. Until we achieve some of these milestones, there isn't much point in worrying about the rest of it. This process of looking backwards is a way to execute long range plans without getting lost in the details. With these 4 milestones in mind, we need only concentrate on the first item requiring action. Since the rest of you can't help much with the first two, you can begin to help with the third, which is helping Center of Attention take a leadership role. As mentioned before, we want to put on an outstanding presentation about the Mayan Conferences. We need to connect with people who know about putting on gala events. I intend to see what it will take to have Soultice, an outstanding band, be the music and light show. We will need those that can handle making arrangements, creating a Mayan setting in a large hotel room, and publicizing the event. If you can help or know people we might contact, let us know. These can be professionals or volunteers. As we get organized, many of you can become involved with the logistics if you so desire. This is just the beginning, more information will be forth-coming. Yucatan Man is on His Way I cannot stress the importance of sending Wayne to the Mayan Conferences. Last newsletter I asked all of you to contribute $12, to see if we might get enough money to pull it off. Understand that this is not something I want or for that matter Wayne, as much as it must involve all of you. Center of Attention is no longer an idea I had, or newsletter I wanted to create in order to communicate my philosophy to you fine people. Center of Attention is now a spiritually guided entity of which all of you have the opportunity to experience value, by playing a significant role in the future of Earth. In order to reap the rewards, you must partici-pate, and I don't just mean with money. When you read the books, do your spiritual practices, and learn enlight-ening things, you establish your future role in what is to come. When you are connected to Center of Attention, or any organization, you honor all of us with your growth. When you find yourself having trouble you can allow all of us to be a conduit of support and energy. When Wayne goes to these conferences we all go with him. When he returns, we all are privy to his stories and experience. As he becomes enlightened on this mission he bring the en- lightenment to all of us. Do you believe that? My expectations were very high and I was testing my powers of positive thinking. I forgot this had nothing to do with me. I give high praise to all those that took immediate action and sent in their donations. They rest of may have had to wait for payday. It was pointed out that the first payday has just arrived. Silly me. Expecting unscheduled miracles. However, we are doing very well and I am pleased. Our planned budget for Wayne's trip is approximately $2500 to $3000. The airfare, lodging and attendance at the conferences is not negotiable. It costs $1948. We have raised $1085, so far. Thanks to a most generous and loving soul who gave $500! This means so much to us all. I've taken a big risk, (for me anyway), and borrowed money on my credit card to pay the $1948, already. A small act of faith but a milestone for me. I don't want to sound like some TV preacher, but to those of you who plan to contribute, could you send in $12 or more right away? Leave yourself a memory icon, like drawing a big $ sign on this newsletter, or a string around your finger. I want to see how fast y'all can react. For those of you who don't plan to contribute, could you send a dollar, anyway, so that I know you are out there and are still with us? This is not just a California thing, you know. We plan to create a presentation that can be given by us or others in different locations around the world. We also plan to have tapes and booklets available to those who aren't able to reach a planned location. Everybody shall get to play. I must say I feel a little funny about asking for money. I'm not one that finds it easy to ask for help and I'm not sure I know how to go about it. I could use some instruc-tion on the best ways to go about it so that I don't insult anyone. I'd appreciate your input. How Much is Enough? I have a problem. I have received many inquiries regarding the purchase of our mailing list and those want-ing us to advertise products and services. First, we have not decided exactly how we want to do this because Center of Attention has changed since its beginning into something that covers a much larger scope and responsibility. It is our intention to make our list available at cost, but only to those that are lightworkers or Planetary Advocate Groups. Determining what a lightworker is puts us in the pos-ition of making judgments without much criterion. One of the things that bothers me most is the price that some of these people charge and I don’t know what to make of it. Let me say this, before we will endorse something the product or service must work, (in our opinion) and carry a money back guarantee. This eliminates some good and useful products because there is not a way to meet that standard. “Working” to us means that there are measur-able results beyond a subjective feeling, although that plays an important part. We don’t believe claims made by vitamin companies, etc, etc, because they are always ex- aggerated. Testimonials by many users of services is not good either, because such testimonials are not first- hand and reliable. How can we endorse a meditation class or a channel? The only thing possible is to attend it and tell you what happened. (i.e. Merlin, issue 2). We can’t possibly attend everybody’s workshop. Eventually, we intend to have a list of reporters that will do such things so more things can be investigated. The next problem comes with pricing. How much is too much? I have a philosophy about that. I believe it is okay to charge anything you want, but Center of Attention is not going to endorse something that is outrageously priced. I have a lower middle-class life style, I can barely pay my bills, lose my job about every 6 months, and have no valuable possessions An average income in California of $50K to $60K is probably enough. You should be able to live comfortably and still risk or give to lightwork, anything over that. This is pretty arbitrary, though. One might need $100K a year to pay the mortgage on a ranch or office or other things. So, how can I judge? I can’t, but I do. I’m going to assume that we won’t promote something that costs you over $100/hr. Few of us get paid that, in fact, I’m a little suspicious of anyone making over $60/hr. They either need to lower their prices in order to get more volume, or they need to work more hours. Doctors, law-yers, psychologist, many channelers, charge more than that. What really gets me are those that do group trainings and still charge you over $100/hr. One person called me and was just over flowing with excitement about their new training course and thought I should let all the lightworkers know about it. They claimed it was an extensive training course that every lightworker should do, and it would change one’s life forever. After reviewing the material I found that it was, indeed, covering important and appro-priate things. However, they were limiting their classes to less than 30 people which met a couple days a week for several months. They wanted almost $1000 per person which would gross them close to $800/hr. for their trouble. Some how I doubt this person is making tons of money that he spends on free sessions for those who can’t afford it, or purchasing low income housing for the homeless. Sorry seems like too much. A few other people have called and wanted me to help them publish some much needed material that they had accumulated over several years, that must get out to all lightworkers. Such things usually involve special tech-niques of meditation and sacred geometry channeled from reliable sources. I asked one person, “How much stuff are we talking about and if one got all this material, how long would it take for them to get up to speed?” The answer was that the information was so vast and covered so many important subjects that it could take over 5 years. (supposedly, that’s why it was such a bargain) This was because the author had been studying and doing the exercises for most of their life. I then asked what the value would be in getting material now, that would take 5 years to learn? After all, we’re all outa here in 5 years! Needless to say, there wasn’t a good answer to that. I respect all those that have contacted me, and don’t want anyone to be intimidated by my criticism. Sometimes we can work something out. It never hurts to ask. Here’s what Center of Attention is looking for. First it must work, it must work fast, it must have measurable results. The other stuff can be advertised by someone else. We are hardly the only source for lightworkers. There is not much time. Maybe there is, but I don’t want there to be, because I’m impatient, so that’s how I judge. A ten year enlightenment program is useless to me. You should have gone to India years ago! As far as vitamins and food supplements go, I can judge on a statistical basis. If lots of people tell me garlic works wonders, and they are from diverse places, I’ll mention it. However, there must be a money back guar-antee whether they send the remaining portion back or not. One should be able to contact the supplier and ask for their money back. Am I way off base here? Comment please. Barbara’s Attic By Barbara Bane ACKNOWLEDGMENTS WOW!!!!!!! Thank you, Thank you!!! The response we have gotten for “Yucatan Man” ( that’s our name for sending Wayne to Mexico) has been phenomenal. I had faith that the money would come and thanks to you it has. We are still short the total cost of the flight and conference ( we told Wayne that he doesn’t get to eat!!) but, the fact that we (Jason & myself) don’t have to finance the whole thing relieves some of the stress on our budget. “BLESSINGS ON ALL OF YOUR HEADS” Our budget THANKS YOU, as well as all of us at COA. At this time I would like to comment on those of you who have criticism of our publication. We appreciate your input ( it did get the NewsLetter in bigger type THANKS!), but please be reminded that we started out “With things found around the house” (due to my lack of faith I resisted going out and charging a new computer, printer, fax machine etc., at the time not knowing if I would have a job in my other reality much longer and all ready stressed at how we would pay for what we were about to do. So if we seem to be unprofessional in our lack of equipment or how we go about doing things I will take that responsibility. We did the first two mailings to 500 people, working 40 hours a week in our other realties to support this effort (plus our survival and others!). Our mission is to get the information out as quickly as possible and not charge for it. Thanks to those of you who have donated we are able to keep this mission going and get the information out to those who can’t afford to donate at this time. The words of encouragement and love have strengthened my Faith in Humanity. We can pull together for a common GOAL! I still fall into “Where’s the money going to come from?” from time to time, but then I read the mail and know that it will come!!!!!! Thank You !!!Thank You!!! TO ERROR IS HUMAN And I am human!! To those of you who responded to Newsletter 1,2 or 3 and did not receive #4, I apologize. Bear with me. The mail list is growing everyday and I am bound to miss a few. (For some reason my mind starts to do weird things after being constantly on-line for 12 to 15 hours or more per day.) I have started training someone to help with the mail etc., so in the future we should have less, if any, mistakes. If you have responded and not received the Newsletter.....PLEASE CALL OR WRITE AND LET US KNOW.... MAIL Below is a letter we received and I would like to share with you. A VISION Dear COA gang, Congrats on your phenomenal growth. Sorry I missed the San Jose Expo. Let’s do have a meeting. I finally got the ball rolling on starting a mini-light center, about 7-10 people are interested. Will probably have a 1st meeting soon. VISION-Establish this light center- each member eventually splintering off to start his/her own neighborhood light center-we don’t have to be a big deal, well organized or know everything-just want to help-intent-ask for assistance-Groups- Small or Large all over the place is something I’m encouraging. You might mention this teeny VISION in your letter ..... maybe others would be helpers who don’t think they can actually do anything, might open their home..... call a few friends and discuss regular meetings and support each other....share info....encourage each other etc. I plan to copy various newsletters and info that I receive and distribute at our first meeting so we all have an update on the latest “stuff”. Enclosed is $25.00. Please use whatever part you wish for subscription, but put some of it in the trip to Mexico fund ..... God Speed ...... Have a good trip. Hazel Tice Morgan PO BOX 1629, Monterey, CA 93942 P.S. Went to Europe for 10 days in Jan. with a workshop on Drunvalo’s teachings (flower of Life) as an assistant... Want to go to New Zealand. Sent for info.. so guess I’m doing what USA is asked to do. A BIT OF HUMOR!! A fax from England to one of our readers in response to the Newsletter. I guess this means that there is no point in finding a new job since we’re all going to become 5th dimension quanta of electromagnetic energy. Where will this energy reside? Can you imagine what it would be like if you evolved into a -5.o Volt supply on one of our testers? Having to run around the pin cards at 3* 10^8 meters per second all day with no coffee break on the fly? Alternatively, you could evolve into some static electricity which sparks around whenever someone brushes their hair or removes their nylon underwear! Being electro-magnetic may have some advantages, although there is only a slim chance of getting a piece of the action in the visible light spectrum. The opportunities would be to evolve into:- 1) A DC voltage of around 4.5 to 5.5 volts. (Duracell life-forms.) 2) An AC supply. Americans can be 60Hz, the rest of the world will evolve to 50Hz. (240 volts in the UK, 110 in Latin countries.) 3) An audio signal. Maybe “Stairway” on one of Led Zep albums. (People with twin brothers or sisters will have the chance to become stereo audio signals.) 4) An AM radio signal, much like the BBC World Service. 5) A TV program or soap opera. Can you imagine mutating into a rerun of Monty Python’s Flying Circus? (Perhaps the Parrot Sketch...) 6) A local FM radio signal. 7) A satellite TV channel. (Maybe one of those Dutch porno channels or a video on MTV?) I’m not looking forward to ascending to become another re-run of Eric Clapton Un-plugged. 8) Prince Charlie’s portable phone transmissions.... 9) A 750 Watt microwave oven. 10) Infra Red. (Would they be commies?) 11) A color shade between red and purple. 12) Ultra-Violet. Imagine ascending to become someone else’s suntan, insect-killer or bank - note checker. 13) A Pentium processor. (The chances of this happening are at least 9 out of 2.01112212121.) 14) A small piece of gamma radiation which escaped from a Russian nuclear power station and now lives in a sheep’s liver in the north of Scotland. 15) A high - tension spark - plug cable on a rental car. I would quite enjoy being the electromagnetic energy which makes the “bing-bong” sound when the seat- belts are not used in a Volvo. 16) A talking Barbie doll. 17) The smell of Danish Blue Cheese. If given the chance, I’ll probably become the bar-code on a can of beer or side one of Pink Floyd’s “Wish You Were Here.” I don’t want to become the electromagnetic energy in a transformer, electric motor, re-run of Star-Trek or strip on the back of someone’s credit card. I also don’t want to be a headlight beam on the freeway. Whenever you have decided the shape, amplitude and frequency or electromagnetic energy which you wish to adopt, please tell me and we can write some AC tests on the 2020 to check you out. Best regards.. The English do have a sense of humor!!!!!! BOOKS I finally purchased the “Kryon” books and am almost finished with the first book. Although the time tables may have changed ( depending on what and who you believe) the information is very useful. I find the “Kryon” energy to be very uplifting. We will be adding these books to our order form as soon as we get word back from the publisher. Last year I read “ASCENSION Beginner’s Manual” by Dr. Theodore A. Baroody Jr.. I attribute my energy shift to this book. For me this book changed my life and it hasn’t been the same since. If you’re ready to take responsibility for yourself and the Earth, read on... Good “STUFF”. Gotta go.. Space is limited ... Love & Light to all, Barbara n6w17 Wayne’s Worlds Bulletins Divine Science Church - meditations, services, and facilities for meetings and other Lightworker activities. 1540 Hicks Ave., San Jose, CA. contact Rev. Christine Emmerling 408-293-3838 Classes on The UFO Phenomenon - at “The Willow Center”, 2175 Lincoln Ave, San Jose. Friday evenings 7 - 9:30 pm, beginning on 3/17/95 for 6-week series. 408-723-6450 to register. Another series begins 4/28/95. Taught by Tom Stanton a 5-year MUFON researcher who has also taught at the Academy for Future Science. Tom @ 408-353-4426. Acoustical Refrigeration According to physics professor Steven Garrett at Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, CA, sound waves can be used for heating and cooling. A prototype refrigerator has been built using 160 decibel sound waves to operate a double heat exchange system. One heat exchanger, filled with alcohol, cools the interior of the refrigerator. The other exchanger, filled with water, transfers the excess heat to an external radiator. There are no cholorofluorocarbons to escape into the atmosphere to further damage the ozone layer. Generous insulation reduces the external sound levels to less than a standard refrigerator. That is nice because 160 decibel sound levels will kill humans and most other organic creatures. I wonder how PUNCTURE PROOF the “generous insulation” is? OUCH! Thanks to Rev. Christine Emmerling of “Divine Science Church” in San Jose for the above information. See “Bulletins” section for contact info. Maya Acoustic Genius I suspect that more research will show that such intense sound levels are not needed for refrigeration and many other things as well. The acoustical genius of the Maya is only beginning to be acknowledged much less understood. Levitation, heating, cooling, frequency sensitive directional amplification and more were done by the ancient Maya using the subtleties of acoustics. I say subtle because while I did see indications of many new (to modern science) acoustical applications in the Yucatan (my trip many years ago) I did NOT see indications of “ear protectors” or other sound insulation devices. Several times over the years, I have proposed a research expedition to the Yucatan to study the acoustical applications of the pyramids and other structures there. So far as I know, none has been done YET! I will inquire about this (and many other things) while I am in the Yucatan this time. Yucatan, this Equinox, C.O.A., YES! The quick response of your generous donations have made it possible to obtain a space in a “bonified tour”, so C.O.A. will have access to the conferences via myself (Wayne). Although at this time, we have not received enough for the trip, we know that more is on the way and more to come. Thank you for your donations of information, money, and specially for the Love and Light. We have already received several offers to loan the video and audio equipment needed. Some has already arrived. Again thanks! Yucatan Conferences Moved to Larger Facilities The newly completed Fiesta Americana Hotel in Meridia will host the conferences on 3/22 and 3/24 instead of the Holiday Inn. I will be staying at the new hotel and know that several of you are also going on the trip (some decided at the last minute). Please includes your contact information. Plan on a short meeting the evening of 3/19 and 3/21, we are going to have fun, but there is a lot of work to be done too. We probably have NOT heard from all C.O.A. readers that are going on the trip. Please call C.O.A. right away, if you are going on the trip. Just a quick message of “My name is ________ and YES, Wayne, I will see you in the Yucatan!, My Mayan Tone is ____ and Seal is _____ (or give your birth date and year if you do not know the Mayan)” . Then you may go back and finish reading this NewsLetter. ...... If you ARE going and have NOT called yet, why are you still reading? DO IT NOW! .... Thank you! There are reasons for this request beyond the obvious reason of getting a more accurate count, which I will explain to you when we meet there. Yucatan Schedule of Events 3/18 -- Wayne leaves San Jose air port 9:30 am for Houston, Texas. Meet with Carol Parrish (one of the speakers at conference #2). 3/19 -- Depart Houston and arrive Merida airport. 3/20 -- Welcome briefing and Purification Ceremony at Dzibilchaltun. (like a baptism) 3/21 -- Solar Initiation Ceremony at Chichen Itza presided by Hunbatz Men and Lamas from Tibet. On this day of the solar equinox, we will view the famous image of the serpent that appears on the flank of the Pyramid of Kukulcan. At the same moment that the serpent appears, we will concentrate our thoughts on Hunab Ku. 3/22 -- 1st conference at Fiesta Americana Hotel. The Lamas from Tibet will deliver the message of the New Age to mankind, explaining how it will affect the transformation of modern societies. We have confirmation from 3 High Lamas from the Kalu Rimpoche lineage, from the Monastery of Taisitu Rimnpoche in Dharamsala. There names are Lama Tsang Tsing, Lama Tsewong Jurmay Kekong, and Lama Gelong Tshering Wancdi. Extensive work was required to obtain the final confirmation on the above listed Lamas. Many thanks to Hunbatz Men, Dr. Rob Shweder, Mr. Barry Bryant, and Ms. Aluna Joy Yaxk’in. 3/23 -- Ceremony at Uxmal (Pyramid of the Magician) to awaken the true powers of the Human Being. This ceremony will be carried out by the Lamas from Tibet, all Masters (speakers for conference # 2) and all participants. At this center of magnetic energy, priestesses conducted a solar rite of great importance for Maya society. Through meditation, we will ask permission to reopen the Tantric School. 3/24 -- #2 conference at Fiesta Americana Hotel where the following Masters will speak. Domingo Dias Porta, Barbara Hand Clow, Antonio Velasco Pina, Steven McFadden, Carol E. Parrish, Jose Arguelles, Sheldon Nidle, and last but certainly not least The Supreme Maya Council (including Hunbatz Men) will deliver the message that was kept for over 500 years. 3/25 -- Farewell dinner at Fiesta Americana Hotel to exchange experiences as Mayan Solar Initiates for the new Itza Age. 3/26 -- Most will leave Merida to return home. Some will continue on to Palenque for an extended tour there and at the Aqua Azul Falls and then return home on 3/30. Although I (Wayne) do Not PLAN to go to Palenque (cost is high for the expected benefit), I do PLAN to extend my trip to Cancun for private (but NOT exclusive) ceremonies at Coba, Xel Ha, and Telum. All of which I have specific personal missions assigned for accomplishment. I have many friends in that region, therefore the costs will be minimum while the benefits will be maximum. I have been asked to give a lecture and a workshop while there for the many Lightworkers in the region and set-up a regional center for C.O.A. there in Cancun. I stress the word PLAN above because, things will change during the equinox. After the “bonafide tour” I am open to changing the PLAN. I will do what is needful at the time. I am asking my Guardian Angels to PLAN my itinerary and guide my path to the places where my abilities may be utilized the fullest. AMEN! As PLAN stands now, I will depart the Yucatan on 3/30 and arrive in San Jose at 8:30 pm. Those Who do NOT go on the Trip I am sure many of you will be planning to go to a sacred site near you for the equinox. Be prepared for an upthrust of energy from the earth! NO I do NOT mean an earthquake! (although there may be some noticeable vibrations of the earth) Major amounts of Light energy will be grounded into the earth at Chichen Itza and other sites in the Yucatan as well. This energy will channel thru the newly placed earth grid lines, activating the grid to a new higher resonance. Those of you with operating clairvoyance will see fountains of Light spiraling out of the earth at sacred sites all along the grid lines all over the planet. Take a joyful shower in the fountain of Living Light provided at that time. Fill yourselves with the Liquid Light and ground it back into the Living Earth with Love and Adoration. Some of You can’t go to a Sacred Place? Make where you are a sacred place! Step outside at sunrise. Face the Sun and say the word K’in seven times. (pronounced “Kuh-een”). It does not matter if it is cloudy and you can not see the Sun. You know where it is. Do it! Remember if it is NOT cloudy, do NOT look DIRECTLY at the Sun with unshielded eyes!!! Some of you without previous experience of clairvoyance may be surprised to see Light Fountains even at places not previously known to be Sacred! This is a new Heaven and a new Earth which we (you, I and all) are co-creating. Expect the miraculous, with a heart filled with unconditional love, and you will NOT be disappointed! Remember this is a new beginning. Be ready for anything! What about Rumors of Subterfuge? Yes the Forces of Darkness will surly attempt to use this time to show False effects and possibly even counterfeit ET vehicles! How will we know the difference? We won’t initially, but that does NOT change what we must do. Focus on unconditional Love! Beam that Love unconditionally toward any and all effects you see, hear or feel. If the effect is Loving Light, watch it expand. If the effect is NOT Loving Light, watch it TRANSMUTE into Loving Light! Have NO fear! Call on your Guardian Angels and all forces of Loving Light. There are legions of Angels here of help, waiting for YOUR call !!!!!! So remember to call !!!!! Hawaii, The Americas, Tibet Info from Sheldon Nidle 3/4/95 workshop in Mt. View CA reported by .wayne. In 1992 Kahunas of Hawaii received a message to initiate a spiritual connection from Hawaii (a planetary spiritual outflow point) to the Americas for grounding. In Boats of Acient Polynesian traditional design many will gather in Tahati for a "Ceremony of Return" on 3/17/94. Following the ceremony, begins a sea journey to Hawaii, leaving near the end of July for Alaska. Leaving Alaska near the end of Aug., passing down the coast of North & Centeral America, the arrival in Peru is expected by the end of Sep. 95. This spiritual energy from the west will join the energy from the east (Tibet) to be grounded in The Americas. Several planetary energy points will have been connected, and prophesies fulfilled with these actions. Items to notice: 3/17 and 3/21 are exactly One Harmonic apart (on the Galactic Calendar). Maui and Chichen Itza are very near the same parallel (19.5 north), Tahiti and Northern Peru are also close to the same parallel (19.5 south). Energy from the east (representing the spirit of mind and wisdom - yang - male) merging with the energy from the west (representing the spirit of will and feeling - yin - female) for grounding in the center (representing Balance of Spirit and Will into the Heart). Note: comments above, in italics, are that of the reporter. Others more information on the "Polynesian Connection" are envited to contact C.O.A. by phone or mail. C.O.A. would like contact from someone that will be at the "Ceremony of Return" and that will travel the journey outlined above! Celebration and Gathering Fri., Mar. 17th from Jason I can’t say for sure if we can afford a gathering before Wayne goes or not, but let’s assume it will happen, March 17th, 7:30pm @ The Divine Science Church, 1540 Hicks Ave., San Jose, CA.(Willow Glen). You can meet Wayne, Jason, Barbara all your friends and we’ll figure out the rest later. I will be sending out an EXTRA by next Monday to confirm, with direc- tions,etc., but perhaps you can keep it open. Center of Attention will be available for pointed questions,and we hope to introduce some of you and what you are about doing. I have made no arrangements and haven’t the time to make plans yet, so I must get back to you. If you don’t hear from me, assume it’s a no-go. I can’t think of any way to involve those of you that are out of the area,at this late date. Maybe you can call us on the phone or something. I’ll see what I can come up with. If It Works, Don't Fix It (For the new guys) Some of you readers are not on our mailing list because you received this from a friend or other source. This newsletter was created in order to inform, and to organize lightworkers into an effective resource for the coming new age. If nothing else, to lighten things up a bit. As foolish as this may sound, we don't charge anything for it, we rely entirely on donations and the profits from a few books and stuff we offer. We not only want to entertain and inform, we also want to cause you to think, and practice using your personal power. It's just a theory, but we believe that people are willing to offer what they can, when they get what they want. So, give what you can. A reasonable donation is 13 issues for $26. We hope you are enjoying this. You may not be aware of it, but this newsletter is offered to anyone who wants it, whether they donate anything or not. If you can’t afford it, perhaps you’d be more comfortable copying this and giving it to 10 other people. In this way, you help, and some of those people will afford it. However, we insist that if you want to continue to receive this newsletter, you must contact us and tell us to put you on our mailing list. It's a matter of free-will, you see. It should be up to you to decide you want this. In this regard, out of several hundred people that initially received Center of Attention, over 50% of that number have responded, and out of that, only 2 have asked to not remain on our list. How about you? Are you interested in playing the most exciting, out-of-this-world, "I wonder what will happen next", game and become one of the many that are being initiated into the cosmic realms of Ascension? Perhaps you had something more exciting in mind. Call or write, but take action Queen of the Sun, by E. J. Michael Endorsed by Barbara Bane and Jason This is an exciting and fulfilling book. It's as exciting as the Celestine Prophesy, with all the insights, and enlightening truths. If you’ve ever wondered about the Tri-lateral Commission and under ground government conspiracies, you find interest galore in this fast paced adventure with lot’s of unexpected twists and turns. Highly recommended, destined to be another best seller... ORDER FORM Qty Description Price Total Queen of the Sun, by E.J. Michael 12.95 Earth, by Barbara Marciniak 12.95 Nothing in this Book is True, But It’s Exactly How Things Are, by Bob Frissell 12.95 You are Becoming a Galactic Human, by Sheldon Nidle 11.95 The Secrets of Mayan Science/Religion, by Hunbatz Men 10.95 The Mayan Factor, by Jose Arguelles 12.95 Large Desk style Mayan Calendar, by John-Eric Omland 18.00 Guide Booklet to Large Calendar, by John-Eric Omland 10.00 CA. State Tax 8.25% Shipping and Handling 1.50, 1st item, plus .50 each additional N/A Copy and Distribute Freely CENTER OF ATTENTION March 6, 1995 2221 Bowers Ave., Santa Clara, Ca. 95051 (408) 241-7981 ISSUE 6 ISSUE #6 WAVESPELL #1 Center of Attention 2221 Bowers Avenue Santa Clara, Ca. 95051 |