... Gerardian Philosophy ...

Gee Tips...
1) Religions are teachings for the mass-mind. The mass-mind needs guidance. Meanwhile, all religions are man-made and false (except some forms of Hinduism maybe). Ask yourself - are all religions for the mentally immature?

2) Mankind is born into these different religions repeatedly in order to eventually transcend them and become an authentic fully awakened self-realized Christed Being.

3) All religious teachings contain contradictions. These contradictions are there for a reason. People eventually will see through the shallowness of all religious teachings. If contradictions were left out, people would never wake up!

4) Our mind is like a computer that can be programmed. This means that believing in certain teachings make these teachings the truth for those who believe in them. Therefore, there are different truths for different people.

5) Different truths and or political viewpoints create friction among the followers. This leads to war and destruction. These are the lessons for the mass-mind to transcend. We must see through the causes for these happenings. The world is full of young souls.

6) A strong belief in a religious personality will lead to the reality that this personality eventually will appear in dreams or visions. Beliefs create thought-forms that become realities. We are holograms of the creative energy of the universe. We are creators and manifest our realities.

7) The world or the mass-mind is engaged in a global play with cosmic overtones. The nature of the play is basically nonsense and sometimes even ridiculous! Seeing through the play promotes the individual to the awareness that the world is a staged performance in which he got lost. The purpose of the play is to discover who or what we actually are. Very few people do!

The world is a place where the mass-mind is a victim of its own ignorance. This means that very few people ask questions. They are told nonsense and lies! Eventually it drives the masses insane while assuming that they are sane. The result is that they go to war under the slogan of patriotism. They do not know that all of them have been born thousands of times before in all kinds of different countries and circumstances. They are also totally unaware that all others are actually themselves in the first place. Humanity is shielded from this truth by teachings of separation promoted by the world and its religions. This needs to be transcended...

Paradoxically, all the above needs to be so, since the world is exactly as it should be! We as Free Spirits are here to experience the human condition and to exercise our own Inner Knowing (Hologram or Soul) and thereby learn to transcend the world of appearances. The entire universe, high and low, is a mind-game of cosmic proportions and all happenings occur in our mind only. There is only One Mind. This Mind is Our Mind...

Truth is Simple - Gerardus