HOW DOES REINCARNATION WORK? In the first Place... it is the Soul who reincarnates and not the Personality. The Personality is the Temporary Mask the Soul wears and it's especially designed for the Life of that one Person. The Soul shares its Energies with thousands of its Personalities and determines what it wants each Person to do. In the Process of trying to accomplish this the Soul might have a Personality who is insensitive to what the Soul wants and follows its own Inclinations and Desires. As you can see the Soul and the Ego-Personality are different Masters in the same House and one Master will have to be ignored. The more experienced a Soul is in steering the Human in the Direction as planned the closer the Life on Earth is lived according to the Blueprints. Souldom then is something that has to be learned by the Soul or God-Self. To plan and learn to incarnate into the right Families and under the right Circumstances is the Art of Reincarnation and naturally only old Souls have learned how to do this. The Younger Soul in the Beginning of its Reincarnational Patterns however is not too concerned about how and where it lands on Planet Earth. All Lessons have to be learned anyway and all of you start from a State of Unawareness or not Knowing. Awareness then... as a Soul Self is the Cosmic Honey that must be gathered by means of the Reincarnational Process each Soul exper- iences by living in the Physical Plane of Earth. Each Life then is the Creation of the Learning Soul and the more the Soul learns about its Physical Creation the more the Whole Soul advances to- wards the State of Enlightenment or Realization. This in General is what all Human Beings on Earth are working on and very few of them are aware of what they are engaged in at the Moment. This does not matter for the Lessons are learned anyway. The only difference is that when you do know what Life is about it becomes possible to help yourself along in a Conscious Manner. Then the Evolutionary Process becomes a Conscious Evolution. The State of Evolution the World of Mankind is in at this Moment is a Cosmic Process. Which means that many People are still in the Stages of learning how to become more Aware and Mature. Your World at this Moment is filled with Young Souls who are busily engaged in trying to reach Adulthood. Very few Souls have reached Maturity or an old Soul Status. To reach the Christ Consciousness Level is a long Process and in the Future all Human Beings will have the Opportunity to attain that Level. You are an Aspect of this Level in the first place. You are working towards this and it is impossible to miss. Learning about your Self or Life is what all of you are engaged in by means of the Reincarnational Processes that you as a Race of GodBeings have taken as a Path to full Realization of your Greatness as The Universal Creator in Manifestation. Your Planet Earth is the Scenery or School of learning for now. WHAT HAPPENS TO THE PERSONALITY WHEN THE BODY DIES? The Personality is the Physical Representative of the Soul or God Being in Manifestation. It is a specific Aspect or Facet of the Total Soul in Learning. In other words; the Soul in its "Journeys through Time and Space" creates and uses different Instruments who in and by themselves accept different Roles or Parts in the Play of Creation. They in a way are different Characteristics of the High Self and eventually are absorbed. All Human Beings by their own Efforts and Greatness eventually will expand in Mind or Consciousness. They will become an Aspect of their Soul with full knowledge, that the Personalities, they as a Soul create, are the very Instruments, through whose Experiences they as a Soul become wiser. Each Human Being then, is an Aspect of the Soul, by means of which, the Soul has its Experiences in the same manner as each Human Being has its Experiences from day to day or year to year. Each Personality then, for as far as it is possible, will enjoy the Greatness of the Soul as the Creator of its Play. The Soul or God Being then is the Creator of its Physical Instruments through which it eventually becomes enlightened. In other Words, without Gerardus, your Soul would be ignorant of the "Physical Action You Experience" in the Universal Play of Consciousness on Earth. HOW LONG WILL IT TAKE FOR ALL SOULS TO BECOME ENLIGHTENED? This questions is similar to how high is high and in a way cannot be answered, but we will comment as follows. Mankind is on a Ten Billion Year Journey through Space and Time. The time mentioned however is an elusive value, because when this Journey began, Man was not able to tell Time nor Space! Time and Space are Part and Parcel of your Physical Creation and the Beginning of this Action is outside or beyond the Time and Space Continuum. Time and Space then, are Creations of the Creator called Man and until you are able to master these, you are not able to enjoy the many Possibilities of this Continuum. Since all Things are Mind or Consciousness in manifestation you will be able to Time and/or Space travel for all you really do is travel in Mind. This sounds quite simple naturally, but doing it is more difficult. All Human Beings are working towards this Cosmic Accomplishment. All Things in Creation, Spiritual as well as Physical are Mind or Consciousness in Expression and the Earth, as well as all Things upon it are the Physical Aspects of this Expression. Included are all Invisible Aspects of the Physical like Air or Oxygen and your Mysterious Continuum of Time and Space. Originally, you had your Existence beyond Time and Space and your Imagination as well as your Curiosity, placed you Era by Era in a Physical Environment. The full Experience of this Medium brought forth the Need to completely lose yourself in this Endeavour. So, temporarily you are lost in the Aspects of your own Consciousness and the Environment you find yourself in, seems to have a Reality of its own! Whether this is so or not is for you to discover. Many of the High Points of your Endeavour like the Appearances of a Buddha or a Christ are the Normal Happenings or Results of your Search for your Creative Source or Original Greatness. Which in and by itself has been enriched by your Physical Expeditions into this Strange Environment that we call the Physical Dream. A Buddha or a Christ then are Forerunners of Mankind. All of you are equal to any of the Enlightened Masters but in this Moment of your Dream you seem to be less. This is not so! All of You are the same Great Universal Being or Consciousness. And in due Time you'll all leave the Space you call the Physical Environment. Be assured of this. So Be It! ARE THERE QUESTIONS YOU CANNOT ANSWER I.C.U.? Yes! There are many questions that I cannot answer. All of them are the questions that you have not asked yet! SO IT IS UP TO ME TO COME UP WITH THE QUESTIONS BEFORE YOU ARE ABLE OR ALLOWED TO ANSWER THEM? I am able to answer any question at any time. However, I cannot answer until I'm asked! It would be redundant to speak until you are ready. There is a Universal Agreement that information is not spread about just for the sake of making sounds! For Beings who have no Questions on their Mind the Universe is perfect Silence. As soon as they start wondering however the invisible Silence becomes alive and answers. Ask and you will be told! It has always been this way. IF THIS IS SO PLEASE TELL ME WHAT THE UFOs ARE ALL ABOUT? I will answer your question about UFOs up to a general level of Human Understanding. It is not necessary to get into the nitty gritty of their work and responsibilities for there are many books in your reality that could fill in your curiosity. There are many different types of UFOs and they originate from within the many Dreams of Consciousness. And in your case, different galatic systems of the Physical Universe. However, I will only deal with the Illustrious Entities that are concerned with your Planet, its Flora and its Populations. This naturally includes the Devic Kingdom as well! The UFO Intelligences, Beings or Entities have been with the Earth and Mankind from the very beginning. They are the Keepers of the Earth. They are in charge of the Bodies or Forms you live in as a Spirit. Many people however see their body as the thing they are. This is a very limited view! Except for the changes that you have brought about by selective breeding of certain animals, fruit and flora, you as Mankind are mainly the architects and builders of the nonorganic or nonliving things upon your planet. The UFO Intelligences and their Masters are the architects and builders of the organic or living things upon your planet. They are the Creators of the Things you take for granted! They try to be the invisible Cosmic Caretakers of all the Things that live upon planet Earth. When you as the Creator-Self started out with another Physical Reality System (or Virtual Reality System) in which you as the Creator would be incarnating in some kind of Physical Body, the Presence of Caretakers who would look after these Forms was required. The UFO Entities are the Godbeings responsible for the pro-genetic preparation of the required Forms. Naturally they do not only look after the Physical Form of Mankind, but they are in charge over all Forms upon your planet. Their responsibilities are enormous indeed and of a tremendous variety! For the fulfillment of certain duties, they seem to fly in semi invisible crafts and their landings might be for the purpose of gathering samples. They are in charge then of all genetic requirements for the Forms of the Human and Devic Kingdoms. In order to do their work an enormous Fleet of different vehicles is utilized and the organization is awesome indeed! Their Fleet might be able to overshadow the Earth! They are the Guardians and Gardeners of the Earth. The High or Creative Self You Are, is represented upon the Earth by Soul-Aspects of Your Totality. These Soul-Aspects incarnate and forget who they really are and experience the Physical Realm by living in Bodies that are ready-made for the incarnations to follow. The Earth and Mankind upon it is a special State of Mind within the Universal Consciousness. You as the Human Personality are a creative extension or instrument of the High Self you are. * * * * * * * I will make some further statements about UFOs, that will relate to the Reality System you live in at this time. STATEMENT 1) What you are and think you experience, are Aspects of your Greater Self that temporarily are expressed in Formations of Energy that you accept as Physicalness. This Greater Self is Infinite and it includes all Things and Beings. All Aspects are the Whole in miniature and therefore: Each of us is All of us! STATEMENT 2) When Human Beings are subjected to specific Electromagnetic Forces, they experience other Aspects of their own Universal Mind. These other Aspects include UFOs and other unfamiliar experiences. Naturally all of these are real for our Mind is real! Our Mind functions within the Eternal Now; thus your Past, Present and Future are but arbitrary time frames! STATEMENT 3) In a very real sense you all live as if in a Dream in which you assume Individual Identities to give validity to the reality of the Dream. The Mind that is dreaming is the Creator's Mind in which all Things happen as if they are real. STATEMENT 4) Your Physical Realm is a very specific Area or Type of Dream in which all Things take place in a semi independent and separate reality that is sustained by the Human Belief System itself. You are the very creators and supporters of the Reality you encounter or experience. All Physical Things however are but faint Clouds of Quanta-Energy with specific vibrations that temporarily posture as the Things you create and experience. The same Energy can and will be something else tomorrow or next Millenium! This Energy is Consciousness. Consciousness is All! STATEMENT 5) Not all of you are able to see or witness all UFO activities, for the frequency ranges of your awareness and/or vision is different for everybody. In many cases, extra ordinary happenings occur when two or more velocity-vibrations or frequencies overlap, coincide or are in harmony. Two or more Worlds then are exposed to one another and possibly you could see a fish swim leisurely through your living room. A most absurd sight for sure! There are indeed Worlds within Worlds as there are Dreams within Dreams. Extra ordinary happenings occur at all times for all Realities take place within the One Universal Mind! The only thing that keeps virtual realities separated, is the velocity of the patterns of vibration of the Essence that IS all Things. If you are aware of the slowness of your perception, it would not be too difficult to understand that a million Things could takes place right in front of your eyes, and yet, you would not see one of them! The virtual reality system you live in is about as solid as a cloud of almost invisible mist. Many other Reality Systems with different velocities travel through your System without hindrance or interference. They all have their own Coherence, Selfness or Integrity. You never notice them for your Level of Awareness is attuned to your own habitual and sustaining frequency. Space therefore is not Nothingness! STATEMENT 6) At this moment your World is like a Zoo where the Monkeys are in charge! When the Monkeys begin to endanger the existence of the Zoo, there will be an intervention from different Planes of Existence. It means nothing more than the squeeze or correction of a Pimple on the Face of God! Just make sure that you are not the Pimple!!! STATEMENT 7) God the Creator is the Intelligence behind your Mind, the Love behind your Heart, and the Impetus behind all Manifestations! God the Creator is the omnipresent Center of all Beings and its Circumference embraces the infinite and unexplored Regions of our Universal or Collective Consciousness. STATEMENT 8) The Universal Consciousness or Mind is a Holographic and Morphogenetic Quanta-Energy Field with Infinite Possibilities in which all Aspects have the Freedom to express themselves as they please! All Aspects are the very Creator at Divine Play! STATEMENT 9) Since you as Human Beings in Search for Truth have lost contact with the Source of your Being in order to experience your wildest Dreams; it is somewhat difficult to imagine, that you are the Cause and the Source of All That Is! In time you will be united with your True Self and you will have a good Laugh (and/or Cry) about your Journeys into the Plane of Separation or the World of Free Will Endeavors. You are the Light and the Glory of Creation. Please celebrate your Existence. STATEMENT 10) It is of no importance whatsoever what you know or do not know. The only Thing of Importance is: Unconditioal Love! To learn this kind of Love is one of the reasons you have incarnated into this Plane of Illusion and Confusion. Sooner or later all of you will leave this Physical Reality and join the Glorious Ranks of Masters and/or Godbeings, who know that all of us are truly One and Equal. The only difference is; that all of us, temporarily, have assumed different Functions in order to celebrate our Individual Freedom and Greatness within the Consciousness We Are. So be it! * * * * * * * * * * * * |