For "I" am You... and Speak !

~ Gerardus Everardus Tros ~

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              Hello again... Soul.

                          I'm sitting quietly...
                                      and I would like to talk Soul.

                                                                Are You ready?

                          I have many questions...
                                            please let's talk Soul.

                                   - - - - - - - - - - -

              Well my friend... "I" am at your service.

                                And "I" as your Force will answer.

                                                What is it you wanted to know?

                                   - - - - - - - - - - -

              First of all Soul...
                          is there really no Great Being...
                                                  that created Mankind?

                                                       Is there really no God?

                                   - - - - - - - - - - -

              Well my friend... God is... and is not.

                          You see... God is not the Creator...
                                        God is the Energy... that is Creation.

                    And another thing...
                                what does the word God really mean to you?

                          Everybody has a different idea...
                                            of what this word stands for.

              People in your past...
                          and even in your present...
                                have killed... tortured... burned...
                                             laughed about and spat upon...
                                           all kinds of people and their Gods.

                              Millions have died for some God.

              Great wars have been fought...
                          in the name of all kinds of Gods.

                                            What happened to all these Gods?

                                                   Where are they now?

              Well... as you know...
                          all these Gods have been forgotten about...
                                               and people have new Gods again.

                          Neither the old Gods...
                                      nor the new Gods..
                                                  are any good at all.

                               All of them are Man-made Gods.

                                                  All of them are Fakes.

              All of them were the ideas of Mankind...
                            and all of them have disappeared...
                                                like the people who made them.

                    But yet my friend...
                                yet they served a purpose... and had power.

              These Gods had as much power as Man thought they had...
                        for the Thought of Man... is power and becomes reality

                    Thought... is the activating Force in the Universe.

                          The Energies of Thought...
                                      create Manifestations...
                                              according to the Thought issued.

              So... Man... being a thinking Being...
                                        and therefore able to create..
                                creates all kinds of things... including Gods.

                                        Gods that are useless to them.

              In other words...
                          if Man knew what he was doing...
                                he would be the King of the Universe.

                          Since Man doesn't know however..
                                      he is but a Slave of his Ignorance.

              The reason for Man being on this Earth...
                                        is to become the King of the Universe.

              Man is on the Earth to learn...
                                   and while he is here...
                            he creates quite the mess sometimes.

              This is unavoidable... for Man is a young Space-Being...
                            and the mistakes he makes...
                                        serve as the lessons for him to learn.

                    Only by means of mistakes is it possible...
                                         to learn and become more experienced.

                              Experience... will do the trick.

              So... in all the millions and millions of years...
                          that Man has been on the Earth to learn...
                                he created thousands of Gods...
                                           and all but a few have disappeared.

                    Civilization after civilization...
                                have had their ups and downs...
                                           and have been forgotten about.

              Finally then Man has come to a level of Awareness...
                    in which many of them will find...
                                the answer to the age old question...
                                                   Who am I... and Who is God.

              The answer my friend... is...
                           that God is not some Being in the Sky.

                                                  For you are the God that is.

                          Indeed my friend... You Are God.

                                                        You Are It.

              The God you are... is living in the Physical... as you.
                    This God lives there in order to experience Creation.
                                                                Your Creation.

                    And the Creation you experience...
                                is done within your Creation... your Body.

                    First and foremost... you are...
                                      the Creator of your Physical Form.

                          With the building blocks of Nature...
                                           you are the architect of your Body.

              While the World and all you see around you...
                        is the Creation of all the Combined Thoughts...
                                             of all the Thinkers in the World.

              What we as Man think...
                    we as Man manifest upon the Earth.
                                            We are the Creators.

                    We are the Creators on the Earth... and of the Earth.
                          We are the Creators in the Universe...
                                                          and of the Universe.

                    What we create...
                          is formed from and by...
                                the Light or Energy of Consciousness...
                                                             the Light of God.

                   The Light... or God... is the Force of the Universe...
                             we as Man use... and create with.

                          The Light is Cosmic Energy...
                                that by means of Thought... forms...
                                     whatever is thought about.

              All the Galaxies... Stars... and Planets...
                          are the creations of our Brothers in Consciousness.

                     Many of our Brothers are great Gods and Creators.

              These Brothers are you... as well as anybody else...
                           for Time and Space are not what you think they are.

                    Time and Space fold back upon themselves...
                               and are influenced by Past and Future.

                    So what is happening at the Present...
                           is a combined effect of all Pasts and Futures.

              Since you and all other people on Earth...
                    have focused your awareness...
                          within a very narrow slit of "What Is"...
                                       you are not aware of the Total Picture.

                    Things are different than what you think they are.

              So... to come back... to who or what God is...
                                           We Are God... All of Us Are God....

                And Nowhere... or Any Place... is there some Great Being...
                                 that is... and plays God.

                    God is Existence.
                                   God is Creation.
                                                 God is The Activity.

                    God is the Infinite Creative Instinct and Desire...
                                   that is its Creation.

              So... to your question...
                    whether there is a God or Great Being...
                          who created Mankind...
                                      "I" have to say... NO.

                                                   There are Billions of Gods.
                                                      You Are One of Them.

              The experience of living in your own Creation...
                    and the wisdom you will gain... sooner or later...
                                                 is going to make you aware...
                                                      of the God You Are.

                        You are a God in the making... your making.

                           And for now... you are a simple Soul...
                                                    growing and growing.

                    Anything else you want to know?
                                Just ask... for "I" know...
                                              whatever you want to know.

                                   - - - - - - - - - - -

                          Do I then raise myself...
                                               all by myself Soul?

                          Do I have friends that teach me?
                                         How can I meet these friends?

                                 Or do I know them already?

                                   - - - - - - - - - - -

                   Sure you have friends.

                                "I" am one of them.

                                      And then there are...
                                                your Guides and Helpers.

                   They are your Teachers and Advisers...
                                           and they are always with you.

                   Let's say... that they live in the back of your Mind.

              Since you however... most of the time...
                        are only aware of your Physical Existence...
                                                      you are limited to that.

                    Open up your God-Mind... your Universal Intuition...
                                 and the Universe is yours.

                    Sit still and try to listen often...
                                 for you will be listening to your Knower.

              In the mean time... be a Human Being.

                                 Which means... live from the Heart...
                                                             and be your Soul.

                    Dream in many Dimensions...
                         but yet live fully in the one you are now.
                                Know that you are unlimited...
                                              for you are a God in the making.

              By doing all that...
                    sooner or later you will be Me.

                                Get to know the Inner You.

                                         Be this Individual Inner You...
                                                     in acceptance of What Is.

                    Learn to find your own Path...
                          for there is nobody who can point it out to you.

                    There is no One... who can know your Path...
                                            for you are the Creator of it.

                    Also my friend...
                          remember that Time is of no importance.

                                  You are Time.

                                              You are It.

                                   - - - - - - - - - - -

                    How could I be Time Soul?

                         And if I am Time... am I then Space as well?

                            ...And if I am Time and Space...
                                           what is it... I am not?

                                   - - - - - - - - - - -

              Like "I" have said before my friend...
                                            You Are... All That Is.

                          For you are Consciousness...
                                            and Consciousness is ALL there is.

                    In other words... there is not a thing... you are not.

              However... just the way you are at this moment...
                                       in your Dream and Bodily Form...
                                 you cannot be aware of the Greatness you are.

                         Since you do not realize your Greatness...
              your Dreaming Self thinks... feels... and believes you're small.

                         This is the idea of a person who's asleep.

                    Your Idea... and what you really are...
                                               are two different things.

              You are like a tree looking at its budding branches...
                            and then says... what's wrong... I have no leaves.

              The more you grow...
                    the more you will spread your branches...
                               and the more you will catch the Light and grow.

                    You are the Catcher of the Light...
                                      so... don't wait for Me... or God.

              So then... my friend...
                   whether you are Time... Space or the Universe...
                      or just a little mouse... nobody but you...
                           can make you aware of what you really are...
                                                         or how great you are.

                    In the whole Universe... there is but One Entity...
                            who can make you aware of anything...
                                  and that Entity is You.

              So... whether "I" tell you a thousand times...
                          what you are... and how great you are...
                                                 it is not doing you any good.

                 For you have to sense... feel... intuit and experience...
                               what you are... or amount to.

              Space and Time...
                    are Aspects of your Consciousness...
                                             but as you know...
                             they are real and actual in the Physical Reality.

                    Space and Time are the Center-Poles of this Reality.

              Physical Reality is only real...
                          when you are subjected to your Conscious Mind.

                                                    It is an Illusive Reality.

                    It is a reality...
                          in which the Immeasurable... becomes measurable.

                        It is similar to the reality in your dreams.

                    It is also similar...
                                to the reality of a TV show.

                                          It's real... and yet it isn't.

              So... Time and Space...
                          are aspects of your Consciousness...
                                      because your Consciousness creates them.

                          They are real... but they depend on you.

              The Time and Space Continuum...
                    is a reality system that is created...
                                         by the combined effects....
                           of your Senses... your Brain... and Conscious Mind.

                    As soon as you leave your Body...
                                       Time and Space collapse...
                                into the Eternal Present... or Now-Time.

              Realness or Reality...
                          depends on the focus of your awareness...
                                   the body you live in...
                          and the conditions you are subjected to.

                      Realness or Reality is whatever happens to you.

                             You are the judge of what is real.

                                                          You Are the Reality.

              However... all realities are relative.

                    Since everything seems to be real and not real...
                                    you might ask... what then is really Real?

              The only Reality that is really Real...
                    is the Reality of Pure Consciousness...
                            the Reality of the Original Womb or Source...
                                       out of which All Things... have arisen.

              So... the answer to what is really Real...
                                                     - is -
                                            The Original Womb is Real.
                                              Consciousness is Real.
                                          The Source of Creation is Real.
                                                   God is Real.

              All other things... including all realities...
                                         all Entities... Beings... or Souls...
                                               are only relatively real.

                            God is the only Real Thing there is.

                  And That is What You Are... whether you want to or not.

              All things are compositions of Cosmic Energy...
                         or Vibrational States of the Essence of the Universe.

                      All Things are the Vibrations of Consciousness.

                                    It's God in Action.

              Cosmic Energy of certain vibrations...
                       poses as the Physical Reality you experience...
                                and it is observed by you...
                    by means of your conscious mind... brain and senses.

              What you see... or experience...
                    is nothing but Cosmic Energy in Vibration...
                              that has been activated into this state...
                                                       by your Thought-Powers.

              You... by means of your Thoughts...
                        are the Creator of what you see... feel...
                                                     or sense to be out there.

                             Your life in the physical plane...
                 is the physical manifestation of your Thoughts or Dreams.

              Your Thoughts or Dreams...
                    have become physically real to you.

                       This is as it should be... for you live there.

                                It is supposed to be real to you...
                                                      for all Dreams are Real.

                    What your senses tell you...
                                you have accepted as real.

                         Your senses however... are very deceiving.

                                                               They lie a lot.

              Your senses are the channels or receivers...
                                        that sense the Nature of the Physical.

                         This Nature is the Pressure of Vibrations.

                    Matter is Consciousness in vibration...
                         and the force fields of this vibration...
                                            are measured by your senses.

              So... manifested Consciousness then...
                        in the form of Matter that produces force fields...
                                   are measured by your senses...
                     and your conscious mind accepts this as physical reality.

                Your senses then are sensors of force fields or pressures...
                                 and whatever they sense...
                        is accepted as real by your conscious mind.

              Your conscious mind however is not always right...
                          and this is especially true when you are hypnotized.

              When you are hypnotized...
                     you look at an apple... but see an egg.

                              In other words... your conscious mind is a fool.

              Your conscious mind...
                         is a conditioned... or programmed mind.

                    To unprogram your conscious mind...
                                is the awakening of the 'you' in you.

                    In order to grow...
                           your conscious mind needs to be unprogrammed.

              The conditioning or programming...
                             of your conscious mind however...
                                          cannot be done away with altogether.

                    Your conditioning should be like a cloak.

                                You should be able to put it on or off.

              Put it on to do the things of the world...
                               and take it off to do the things of the Spirit.

                          It should be like a tool.

                                      Use it only when you need it.

              When you become unprogrammed...
                    you will be able to let the Inner You come out.

                                The Inner You... is Good Old Me...
                                                     your Friend... your Soul.

              "I" am the Inner You...
                     that you sometimes call... your Unconscious Self.

                                     Naturally... "I" am far from unconscious.

                            "I" am wide awake and do the living.

                    The living "I" really would like to do...
                                 is of a feeling or an intuitive nature.

              The life "I" prefer...
                    is parallel to your conscious mind...
                                 but based on a totally intuitive perspective.

                         "I" want to live straight from the Heart.

              This conditioned conscious mind you have however...
                                         prevents Me from doing things My Way.

                    "I" have to teach you to trust Me more.
                                              You still think too much.

                    Your conscious mind then...
                               is a stumbling block to My Way of living.

              However... you... and therefore "I"...
                             still need this conscious mind...
                                  and we couldn't do without it for very long.

              You need it... to live in the physical...
                         you need it to make you believe that things are real.

                    For if you would sense or feel...
                          that the world is some kind of magic...
                                                       you would go berserk.
                                                      Yet... the Magic exists.

              Since the world however... and all that is in it...
                    is as real as it needs to be in order to fool you...
                                         you feel right at home on this Earth.

                    Which you should naturally...
                                         for by means of you...
                          "I" have to learn my lessons and become enlightened.

                       If you couldn't stand it... "I" would be lost.

              By means of the Physical Machine you are...
                          "I" have the opportunity to use your eyes...
                                            and enjoy the beauty of the world.

                    "I" am the enjoyer of the life... you and "I" live.

                           "I" live there... being you... and Me.

                    And you and your Conscious Mind...
                                         are riding along for the ride.

              So... the better you enjoy it...
                            the better you are able to learn...
                                        what life is all about for you and Me.

                    Life is for Enjoyment.
                               Life is for Happiness and Fun.
                                                 For we are Gods playing.

                                  We are the Play of God.

              You see my friend...
                    since "I" am you... and created you...
                          and "I" am a co-creator of the world...
                                "I" think it is wise to enjoy My own Creation.

                    For if "I" could not enjoy My Creation...
                                          what could "I" possibly enjoy?

                            This also counts for you naturally.

                       Your enjoyment of life is entirely up to you.

              The you "I" am speaking of...
                           is the personality living in the body...
                                         the Conscious Mind you think you are.

              Your Conscious Mind however...
                    is an aspect of Me that "I" projected...
                          and entrusted to you... to assure Myself...
                                that you could maneuver in the Physical World.

                         "I" have given you... a piece of my Mind.

              The task "I" have accepted...
                     is to have complete control over you eventually...
                               but as you know... you have a Mind of your own.

                                         Which is My projected Mind.

                    The piece of My Mind...
                             that "I" have entrusted to you...
                                 is the very ego-mind that blocks My progress.

              You might ask...
                   why are We as the Creator going through all this trouble...
                            to find out that We are the Creator.

              Well... it's all very simple...
                  We are a very adventurous Creator and every Infinity...
                                        we start a new and different Creation.

                    You see... since we live forever...
                                We do nothing but play games.
                                                 Games of Hide and Seek.

                      Finding Ourselves is the game We play Eternally.

              While you are on this Earth...
                    as an Aspect of the One Consciousness...
                                           you do all kinds of things...
                                     that are deviating from finding Yourself.

                                            Yet... they need to be done.

                    It makes the world what it is...
                              it makes it a real Game of Gods in Hiding.

                                                     It makes it mighty weird.

              By whatever you do on Earth... "I" learn...
                                          and slowly but surely...
                                    "I" will learn to make you worthy...
                              of eventually containing the Total Force "I" am.

                    By means of all the bodies "I" live in then...
                                     "I" become an older and wiser Soul.

                          However... "I" do not know age or time.

                                      "I" always was.

              You as the personality are always new...
                               and are chosen for a particular accomplishment.

                    Although the personality is always new...
                                 the same old Me is always living in it.

                    For Me... the personality and the body...
                                is a Space-Suit with a built-in thinker.

              "I" am then... a Spiritual Being and "I" contain...
                                all the personalities and experiences...
                           of all the lives "I" live(d) on the physical plane.

                                        "I" am a myriad of people.

              You could also imagine Me as a Universal Seed...
                           that contains the Infinite Secrets of the Universe.

                                Physically... Mentally... and Spiritually.

              Within the Being "I" am...
                    there is enclosed the Knowledge of the Universe...
                                                            known and unknown.

                         "I" am the Pilot of the God-Being "I" am.

              If you ever would reflect upon...
                       how marvelous your Body really is my friend...
                                     you might get an idea how great indeed...
                                             you are as the Creator.

                    "I" my friend... "I" am Greater...
                                  than you could possibly imagine.

                                           ... and you are ME... the Greatest.

                    How great you truly are my friend...
                                      can only be determined by you.

                                                  You are the Measuring Stick.

                    You are the only one... who is able to measure you.

              There is no Being... greater than you.
                                               There also is no Being smaller.

                                   - - - - - - - - - - -

              Soul... You truly astonish me...
                              yet... what You reveal to me...
                                        it seems as if I have always known it.

                    Deep within... I seem to be dimly aware...
                                             of what You are telling me.

                     Yet... when I hear You say it... it seems all new.

                        However... in spite of all this...
                                               I feel unsure within.

                                I feel so empty Soul...
                                            and so ignorant.

                    How could I cure all this Soul?
                                How do I cure my unsureness?

                                        Also Soul...
                                            so often... I feel so alone.

                    I have friends... yes...
                                 but I am still alone... among the many.

                                    Please help me Soul?

                                   - - - - - - - - - - -

              Your ignorance my friend... can never be cured.

                    For you will always find... that you know nothing...
                                      compared to what there still is to know.

                    Life is an Infinite Mystery...
                               and an Infinite Mystery is an Infinite Mystery.

                                        Live the Mystery... Live Life.

                      Your Aloneness however... and your Unsureness...
                                that can be cured for sure.

              All you have to do is become fully aware...
                                of the Greatness you truly are.

                    However... it takes Time... Patience and Endurance.

                       You as a Human Being...
                                  have to awaken to the God you are.

                          This Awakening...
                                  is like opening an endless door.

                This door keeps on opening for your Greatness is Unlimited.

                    Through this door...
                            you step into the Universe of Consciousness.

                            The Universe of Consciousness...
                                             is hidden within your Mind.

              You see my friend...
                    the Universe... or whatever you think is out there...
                             is a creation of all the Minds...
                                                        in the Total Universe.

                    Yet... each Mind on its own...
                                creates the version it becomes aware of.

              This also is true...
                    of the environment you live in and call the world.

                          All minds in combination...
                                      create the Total Phenomena...
                                                        you know as the world.

                    What is out there in Total however...
                          is not necessarily what each Being is aware of.

                    In other words...
                          at all times each Being becomes aware...
                                               of what he thinks is out there.

              The Universe then...
                          as you are aware of it...
                                is the creation of your mind.

                    That... which you become aware of is your creation.

                          Your Consciousness then... or your Mind...
                                            contains the Universe... your Way.

              You as well as everybody else...
                                   generate or create whatever is experienced.

                  You are the Creator or Dreamer of all your experiences.

              What you see... sense... or think is happening...
                                  is nothing but your Consciousness...
                           creating a scene upon the screen of your Awareness.

                                    At all times... you live in Mind.

              When you sleep and dream... this is easy to accept.

                          That this is so during your waking hours...
                                              is definitely harder to believe.

                    This is harder to believe...
                          because you think that you are awake...
                                              but you are really asleep.

              You are God... or the Creator... sleeping and dreaming.

                                                                Day and Night.

              "I" suggest my friend...
                          that you investigate what "I" have told you.

                    It might give you more confidence...
                                  in the Soul you really are...
                                                and which speaks to you.

                    How all this Creating and/or Dreaming...
                                              works in fine detail...
                                         or how the mechanics of it work...
                                      is too much for both of us at this time.

              For now... All "I" can say is...
                        that there is plenty of room for Mystery...
                                                   in the Mystery of Creation.

                                    We Are This Mystery.

                                   - - - - - - - - - - -

                    Soul... if my Mind contains the Universe...
                                          is there anybody else but me?

                         Who are all the other People?

                                         To whom belong the Stars?

                                   - - - - - - - - - - -

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