... The One Page Paradoxical Puzzle ...
... You are and You are Not ... I Am and I Am Not ... The Creator is and is Not ...
I Am The Infinite Light of Creation and I express myself as all the beings, creatures and things you experience in your human life. You and your human life are also expressions of my nature. I am The One in All! I am all the happenings and occurrences in the entire universe and naturally I am all the causes and sources of all these events as well. I've always been what I am and always will be. I am the dreamer and creation is my dream. I am you - dreaming! I also dream that I am Gerardus...
In order to express myself in my creation, I incarnate or take on forms! I am all beings including you. You therefore are me! The process of taking on forms and live in them, is the most suitable procedure for me. I am all these forms in order to experience my creation and all the beings I am. I am The Infinite Light, The Source, The Initiator and The Experiencer of all universal happenings in all worlds. I am The All in All and I dream my dream of which you witness your infinitely tiny event...
I am all the atoms of your sciences, including your scientists and not to forget all the religious folks who believe they know who or what I am. No thing exists anywhere that is not what I am. There are no exceptions! I am not the names you gave to the atoms, nor am I the names you gave to all the things and beings you see or experience. I am the energy, spirit or essence that lives within all beings, creatures and things. I Am The Infinite Light! I cannot be named nor understood by human beings. I am beyond their brain capacity. However, I am not beyond their capacity to experience what I actually am. I am them and experience all the emotions, feelings and love they experience...
... Two Paradoxical Propositions ...
... Take any of these two propositions and run with It ...
We could say: there is no creator for my energy exists as all the created. Since creation is my dream, all the created are dream characters or figments in this dream! This dream takes place in consciousness and nothing goes on anywhere else! The created are also dreamers and only witness specific aspects of the total dream this energy dreams...
We could also say: there is only the creator and it lives as all the created. This means that there actual are no created beings since all are the creator in action in the first place. This means that whatever you or others do are the actions of the creator I am. The figments in my dream only witness some of the activities in this dream or creation...
One thing is very unusual to most human beings. It is the cosmic feat that nothing actually goes on out there. All happenings and things are only appearances. Not actualities! All of it takes place in consciousness or mind only. This means that humans and I, are dreaming the whole show! If that is not most unusual to physical people - what is? On the other hand, maybe I am the unusual one and all the rest is normal! Here's something that might be true for all human beings: could it be that they are the created as well as the creator simultaneously? Mentally immature folks deny this...
Summation: we are and we are not! Which means that Gerardus is actually writing this and at the same time he is not. Well, if Gerardus is not the writer - who is? Am I? Oh my God - maybe both statements are true! In the mean time, all these words are too confusing to ordinary human minds and their state of awareness. Maybe you should just quit writing Gerardus and let me take over. Let's see what comes up. Whatever it is - just let it rip and smile your inner smile...
As I mentioned in the beginning: I am dreaming! This brings me back to the paradoxical question of who this dreamer actually is? Is it the creator, or is it the created called Gerardus? Wouldn't that be nice to know! There is a promise however... once the readers find out "who or what they are", they will know who has written this and who has awoken. But then, this awakeness could be an awakeness within a dream. Then what? It is time to leave this scene for now. This article is supposed to be The One Page Paradoxical Puzzle. Be still and the answer will enter your heart...