... I am a dreamer and a writer and the following is one of my Dreams ... ... Please sit up straight and laugh out Loud ...
The Energy of Nothingness
... This nothingness is chuck-full of Emptiness ...
... Here is my Dream ... ... and ... ... In my dream everything is absolutely True ...
... Like it is in all Dreams ...
About my dream...
On the morning of Sept. 26th, 2010, just before 6:00 AM, I awoke from a long dream. I will try to describe what was happening in my dream. The dream made a lot of sense to me and I hope that the following will make sense to you. All in all, the whole thing is quite wonderful and wise. Sometimes I wonder what others think of my dream. On the other hand, it does not really matter! However, if you like to comment anyway - sock it to me from this place...
In my dream I was among a group of scientists. They all looked very impressive. Later on I was among the philosophers of the world. The first group was discussing a new and special kind of material they had come across and they were discussing its weird characteristics. They were baffled! The second group was discussing what the universe was actually all about and who had created it. They did not have a clue! I kind of smiled at all of them and wandered from the one group to the other. For mysterious reasons I began to speak. This is what I shared with the first group...
My sharing with the first group...
About this weird material you speak of. You say it has the characteristic to go back to its original form whatever bends and twists you try to give it. You say... it is like a natural kind of elastic in a solid form that knows and returns to its own shape and form, regardless what you do to it. Yes! This is definitely possible and normal. We just have not run into this kind of material before, so it is new and strange to us. Well, all material objects of any form are basically illusions and all illusions change back to their original 'basic value' of nothingness over time. Since time is an illusion - this could happen at any time...
The 'basic value' of a material is an Energy-Pose of Consciousness which is the universal quality of the Unformed Universe. Over time, all things appear and disappear, never mind what we try to do with them. Apparently the universe is speeding up for these materials. There is no way we can stop this because our thought processes are not powerful enough to keep this kind of material in the forms and shapes we apply to them. I might even be impossible to keep them in our density. Many scientists frowned at this - but I continued to speak...
All things and forms are but temporary fixed states so to speak. Within these fixed states, I include the pyramids, planets, star-systems and/or galaxies for that matter. Not any one thing lasts forever, except Unborn Awareness. This is what we actually are and presently we appear in a temporary form called Homo Sapiens. Anyway, that's what humans call humanity presently. The universe does not call Homo Sapiens anything but itself...
Apparently this new material you speak of - is on an accelerated return to its 'basic value'. This value is The Formlessness of Consciousness. All things in the universe arise or appear in Consciousness and they eventually all disappear. They come and go! The Universal Subconsciousness is the Almighty Force that projects the pose of the material in question. This happens to all material we assume to be looking at! In the mean time, this is all I have to share at this moment. Everybody stood there with their mouth open! I did not take any questions and walked away...
To the second group I spoke as follows...
You need to know, that the universe is a dream that arises in consciousness. We are this consciousness! As human beings we could see ourselves as tiny consciousness-cocoons within the universal field of consciousness. Yes, consciousness is a universal energy field and from this energy field we create our worlds and universes. We all create our own worlds and universes from scratch. Lots of philosphers' faces were frowning here. I smiled at their frowning faces and continued...
The universe in which we think we exist is only one activity of our dreaming consciousness and another opposite activity of this dreaming consciousness creates an anti-universe. It's like matter and anti-matter. This is a default situation and it is a must! All beings, entities, creatures and things have to exist twice! All realities including worlds and universes are created from The Energy of Nothingness. We could call these two universes the en-energy and the ne-energy universe. The universe is a Two-Timer...
Both universes are equal in quality and greatness but they have to have opposite polarities. This is the dual and default activity of our consciousness in order to establish the division of the Energy of Nothingness into two equal aspects of opposite polarities. All beings, objects and things exist in both universes and have oppos. Then, not to forget, all worlds and universes exist in mind only. Mind is a form of consciousness and although it is similar - they are not the same. Things are like this: mind is the temporary builder and consciousness is the forever lasting awareness. What mind builds arises in consciousness...
Both the en-universe and the ne-universe are equal as well as illusions. Almost all humans experience both illusions as real. Real dreams that is! We live in the one dream-universe but at the same time we also live in the other - we live in both! As a matter of fact both beings are precisely equal to each other but they have opposite polarities and no one knows the difference for they do not recognize that they have oppos somewhere else. They are oblivious to that! Meanwhile, the one cannot exist without the other - all beings and things are equal dream-energies of consciousness with opposite-polarities...
Scientists say that when you put matter and anti-matter together you get an explosion. Well, this is true because the first scientist who thought about this togetherness 'created' it that way! Everybody accepted what he said and that's why it became a physical reality! His thought created the explosion. If he had thought that you would get a "merge-fizzle" into nothingness when you put the two together - that would have been the reality. Definitely, that is what he would have 'created' if he would have thought of that first. Such is Life! A merge-fizzle is like the sound you hear when you delete your files on your computer. It's a kind of phizzle sound. Mary-Ann tells me that it is similar to a near silent wind-break...
We have to contemplate here on The Energy of Nothingness and its emptiness. The big trick with the activity of creating is the creation of two thoughts with opposite polarities in order to create two things from the emptiness of nothingness. However, all this is easily surmounted by creating two objects with opposite polarities. All things take place in mind only anyway! It is a Divine Solution to the puzzle of creating something out of nothing...
Then... there is the matter of our double existences to consider. However, this can be dismissed immediately once we know that we do not actually exist in either universe. We are figments in both dreams of consciousness with opposite polarities. Also, we only appear to exist in both dreams of consciousness. Both appearances nullify each other! There is only the actual existence of Unborn Awareness. It Alone Exist! This is what all things and beings are in the first place. Being human is a temporary but joyful hypnotic spell of delusions that are awfully hard to shake sometimes. All we can do is get used to them for now...
As we know, consciousness is the mysterious energy that can do anything. However, the understanding of this, is not necessarily readily available to the scientists of our world. They has been leaning toward rationality instead of toward the intuitive or the mystical. Miracles included! The majority of scientists are lost in their own matter dream. They have named all things they invented or encountered, and they presently think, that the names they gave these things are the things they are dealing with. Fat chance! They are misguided by their own assumptions and their limited concept that matter is the only thing there is. It's about as far lost as I can think of...
Sages of old had no problem with this for their consciousness-cocoons were strictly focused on the mystical side of creativity. All things were a lot simpler for them than they are for our existing scientists and philosophers nowadays. Humanity's way of thinking has wandered away towards the logical and technical side of infinite possibilities. As we know, in the last six thousand years or so, humanity has lost more knowledge, wisdom and power than they have gained. It's a world-wide happening that we need to stop and transcend...
In the future however, all things will balance out and we will be both mystical and rational thinkers. After that we will all become fully intuitive and thinking will be redundant. Meanwhile, our present day scientists are too focussed on reasonable results, instead of on intuitive solutions to non-existent problems. Creation is - What It Is! It's an activity within consciousness. Yours and mine! It's simple - The Infinite Light We Are - does it all...
At this point, many scientists began to snicker at me. Before long my dream ended. When I awoke I felt kind of happy about my dream. As many of us know - our scientists only think they know something! For me it's completely different. I do not have to know anything - I just dream about it and know. Meanwhile, do not forget: Life lives us - we do not live Life! There is no 'we' or 'us' or 'you' or 'me' and there is no 'them' either. All those words are human terms or concepts. They do not count! The universe of consciousness is the only reality. It is our Very Self dreaming and doing stuff. It's infinitely infallible...
By the way...
I spoke to Mary-Ann the other day. She said: "I wish you would let me out of your writing. It's kind of embarrassing for a saucy Blond. After all what do I know?". I told her that lots of people have become accustomed to your presence. There is no way you will disappear like all the rest of the universe. Your presence is definitely worthwhile and I do not want to deprive our readers of anything! They need all they can get of you and me and all the other Bronkles on this laughing side of the veil. You better get used to it...
Most people need at least two chuckles in each article and there is no one around who could supply it as easily as you can with your sharp mind and all your roundedness. Blond or no Blond. So there! Suck it up and burp if you like. Life needs all of us to make it a laugh a minute. Well, she kind of mumbled and then she smiled at me with this seductive smile of hers. I like her a lot! Anyway, she'll stick around for a while. Makes me happy...