... My Thoughts about Human Life ...
~ Human Beings are Actors in a Universal Play ~
Preliminary words...
In May of 2002 I wrote a post to my TriLite list and it contained what you see below. In the mean time, I have made a few small revisions, corrections and additions. Basically however, it is what I had written in 2002. I found it quite amazing that my philosophy about Human Life had changed so little in those eight years. In any case, I thought that it might be of interests to some of my website readers...
In order to understand why the world is the way it is ( very messy now and then ) it might help to know what we as human beings actually are.
We are cosmic energy units or spiritual entities who have come to earth in order to live in human bodies. This means that we temporarily become a human being or think we are one! This is what the majority of human beings think they are. However, we are not the human being and we are not the body! We are an infinite cosmic energy or a soul (in human terms) living within a human body. As this soul we live forever! We play a role in human bodies and we perform a function. Even doing nothing all our life is performing a function...
We chose to come to earth in order to experience the human condition. What is this human condition? This human condition is of such a nature, that it is not in harmony with the earth and its inhabitants. All this is so on purpose! Souls cannot learn anything in a perfect world. Which would be so - if all humans lived in perfect harmonious relationships with each other and the planet...
In order to create a disharmonious whole, our Guardians and Benefactors make sure that there is a tremendous mix-up of human races, religions, personalities, soul-ages, and special characters on this planet. They do this on purpose. Most often it is a hell of a mess. If all was perfect it would not be worthwhile for spiritual beings to incarnate into human forms on this planet...
Is it possible to improve upon this disharmonious situation? Yes, it is, but presently we have not come here directly to improve or change the world. We come here to change ourselves. We can only change ourselves by means of becoming "aware" of what this world and mankind is actually all about...
This world is a 3D experience and an experiment of a specific kind conducted by higher forces! That is what attracted us to this world in the first place. It's a place to gain higher awareness in a relatively short time. Awareness is of the soul! The human body is the spacesuit of the soul...
The world is a learning environment in the same sense as Grade Three of Elementary School is. Most of us went to Grade Three - did our learning and on the end of the year we were promoted to Grade Four. We were promoted because of what we had learned, not because whether we liked certain students and did not like others. Learning or awareness was the clue...
Please note that while we were in Grade Three - there was no need to "improve" upon Grade Three and/or correct the rowdies, bullies, or slow pokes that might have been present there. We more or less learned our lessons, and we went through Grade Three without improving it. Eventually we ended up in Grade Four...
Things are the same on planet Earth in Grade Three or in Third Density! We learn our lessons in 3D and pass on to 4D or higher when promotion time comes along and this is already on its way! The earth always has been known as a difficult, if not terrible, messy place. Lots of unrest, killing, suffering and whatever else. The question is - how do we learn our lessons here in the most efficient manner?
Simply put: we become aware of who or what we actually are and get out! The clue is awareness. Our level of awareness creates our circumstances and/or our environments. It is not necessary to do certain exercises and/or rituals in order to promote ourselves. Promotion depends on the level of our awareness. Have we learned the lessons of this 3D lifetime? Have we learned what this world really is for? Neither does it depend on whether or not we were aligned with this group, or with that group, in order to be helped by them. Or possibly help them...
Neither is it to appeal to others to give us a boost, because we are not powerful enough to stand up by ourselves. All human bodies (or Jesusses) are occupied by an Inner Force that some people call the Inner Christ. This is what we actually are - a soul or a Christ living in a human body. Lots of power there! Again, Christness is determined by the level of our awareness...
As soon as this Power becomes aware of what this world is all about - a Place of Realization - that Power is ready to be promoted when it is time. As we know, that time has come! Many of us have been here enough times to learn the lessons of 3D. They consist of becoming an Authentic Individual and Observer. This is more important than the alignment with a specific group of inhabitants of this planet...
Also, we are not here to be liked by the masses or become popular. However, there is nothing wrong with friendliness and the knowledge that all of us, including the masses of humanity and the special characters are actually One Being or Energy. In the mean time, all spiritual beings are on their own specific journey of evolution...
We are The Infinite Light in human form and our task is to become more and more aware. We do this by being what we are! By being what we are - we will become what we must (Yada). In addition, it is of no use to hang out with the Good Guys or the Bad Guys. Hanging out with either is taking sides! Alignment with any group or force makes us lose our Divine Position of Neutrality. It makes us lose our Observer's Position!
In the mean time, both sides, "Light" and "Dark" are necessary in order to create the training ground for beginning consciousnesses or souls. So, it is not necessary to pick Light or Dark as a favorite. Both are equal! Both sides are played by souls who play the different roles or functions. All souls only have temporary affiliations with certain sides. The next time around, they play a different role or character and could be aligned with the opposite side. It gives them balance in the long run and a readiness at promotion time...
... Knowing who or what we are and being a neutral observer is the Clue ...
... Articles for beginners Here ...
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