... Points to Remember ...
We as humanity are like a Global Company of Actors. We are spread allover the globe and we all have different roles to play. By means of the play or the performance, we have the opportunity to recognize that all of us are TIL - The Infinite Light! Although we all have different roles and functions in our play, no actor is more or less than any other. We are all equal! The roles we play depend on our abilities to perform. These abilities are determined by the level of our awareness and wisdom, which are the result of our experiences. Our play is a unique and global performance without beginning or end. All our roles are either chosen or determined before we are born. We perform or function according to our Inner Light or Soul. Our Soul is The Creative Energy of the Universe in all its Glory...
I Am Bliss ... I Am LightHumanity fits precisely between the many other levels or densities of the universe. The universe forms a symbiotic relationship and each universal or global species gives and takes to and from each other! Each density has a specific purpose and each actor or being within each density has its own designated role or function. The different densities are determined by the rate of vibration of universal consciousness or energy. Actors in the invisible regions of the universe look after the actors in the visible regions. There is a hierarchy in a functional manner but not in a manner of value or worthiness of each actor. There are at least seven levels or densities. Sometimes these are called planes of being... Creation contains all densities and beings. Creation is the creator's dream! The creator's presence is expressed or represented by all things and beings that exist within the dream or creation. Since creation is a dream all actors are temporary figments or events of this dream. The dream is absolutely real while we as the creator are dreaming it. Therefore all things and beings are real within the dream! Creation or the dream is our manifested reality, surroundings or environment. Manifested Reality is The Living Truth! We Are This Reality and The Living Truth! We are The Truth and have Opinions. Opinions are mental constructions or concepts and they usually change over time... Please remember...The creator or dreamer as creation, is an "infinite quantum holographic energy force field", that contains an infinite amount of seemingly individual holographic energy fields, of which some are humans. We as these humans, seemingly in and by ourselves, are also dreamers or creators. Our thoughts and our belief-systems form an energy-matrix that creates the world as we know it. Our world or mindset is the matrix that is introduced to us as soon as we are born. Our world then is a creation by the creator by means of mankind. The creator is and lives within us. This matrix is repeated, maintained and reinforced by a mental process we call believing in our surroundings. We create our prison by means of thought... The more we learn - the more we become conditioned. In other words, we are brainwashed into specific social and universal beliefs systems by our parents and this conditioning varies greatly depending on our specific parents. Our parents in their turn also were conditioned or brainwashed by their parents, educators and controllers - and so it goes! In the mean time, we as humans are similar to very sophisticated computers. This is why we believe and repeat whatever we are programmed with. This differs from country to country and from planet to planet. On this planet many people are willing to die for their beliefs. They make perfect suicide-bombers! To become one of them is a decision that is made with a lack of awareness. A belief is a belief - it is an accepted 'reality' or 'concept'. All religions are personal acceptances of misconceptions - it is not awareness of truth... Please remember...We seem to live in this world as free human beings. However, this is an illusion of the First Order! There are no humans or any other individual beings! We all only exist within the dream or illusion we are subjected to. In actuality, we are the One Consciousness of the Universe dreaming. As humans, we only imagine to be free humans. We are brainwashed into that falsehood. Meanwhile, masses of humans are prisoners of a world-wide-mind-control-system... They are deceived by nonsense! They do not have the level of awareness to see through the lies they are told. This is where most humans are at! This is directly reflected by the state of our world. Besides the illusionary reality people are subjected to, they are programmed or conditioned by all kinds of false beliefs. They do not know that all of us are The Infinite Light in Human Form! To realize this is a big step towards full Awakening... So who are you? You are The Infinite Light - TIL. You only temporarily appear as what has been called a Human Being. However, that is only what you 'appear' to be. In actuality You are The Infinite Light without any compromises and/or excuses. You as TIL are engaged in a universal game of deception of your own making. This deception is an infinite scheme humans call creation. This creation is your dream! It is an enormously persistent dream from which all 'appearances' eventually will awaken! Meanwhile, please make your dream the way you want to - it is your dream and life... I Am The Infinite Light I Am The All In All