... Wisdom Triangle ...
Human Souls on Planet Earth

! ... Center the picture by adjusting your letter Size ... !
( Set letter size to Medium or Larger )

                                                             Christ or Buddha Awareness Level 
                                                                            / \
                                                                           / . \
                                                                          / ... \
                                  At what level are you                  / ..... \
                                     in this Awareness Triangle?        / ....... \
                                                                       / ......... \
                                                                      / ........... \  Awareness Very High
                                  There are 1682 dots.               / ............. \
                                     Each dot represents            / ............... \
                                     about 4 million people!       / ................. \
                                                                  / ................... \
                                                                 / ..................... \
                                  Lifetime by Lifetime          / ....................... \
                                      we move upwards...       / ......................... \  High Awareness
                                                              / ........................... \
                                                             / ............................. \
                                                            / ............................... \
                                                           / ................................. \
                                                          / ................................... \ 
                                                         / ..................................... \
                                                        / ....................................... \  Awareness Normal
                                                       / ......................................... \
                                                      / ........................................... \
                                                     / ............................................. \
                                                    / ............................................... \
                                                   / ................................................. \
                                                  / ................................................... \
                                                 / ..................................................... \  Awareness Low
                                                / ....................................................... \
                                               / ......................................................... \
                                              / ........................................................... \
                                             / ............................................................. \
                                            / ............................................................... \
                                           / ................................................................. \
                                          / ................................................................... \  Awareness  
                                         / ..................................................................... \  Very Low
                                        / ....................................................................... \
                                       / ......................................................................... \ 
                                      / ........................................................................... \
                                     / ............................................................................. \
                                    / ............................................................................... \
                                   / ........... We all begin here at the level of innocence and ignorance ........... \
Wisdom is the result of Experiences.
The total of our experiences determines the level of our Awareness.
The more lifetimes we live, the more aware and/or wiser we become.
We live many lifetimes and finally reach the Christ or Buddha Consciousness.