TIL Life is a Miracle  lives 

... Soul reflections in Matter ...
... This article is About ...
Two and Three Dimensional Browsers.

As Well As

Great Big Hints
... Who or What You Actually Are ...

within You are that Miracle YOU
... Introduction ...

Gerardus is the reflection of his soul in matter and when he looks into the mirror he sees his soul expressed as Gerardus. Gerardus' soul is not somewhere else. His soul is right where he is!  It is incarnated into the meat and bones of the human being he is. His soul lives within him in order to experience physical reality...

What Gerardus sees in the mirror and around him portrays physical reality - he sees this only because he lives in a matter body! His body translates this reality to his soul. What he is looking at is illusionary scenery or energy patterns. Some people call this The Matrix. It is something entirely different than what he thinks he sees! It is a code that has an effect upon his perception and makes him see what he thinks he sees. His body and its visionary system are like a lens that translates cosmic energy patterns into a three dimensional objective physical or matter reality. His soul or his consciousness collapses the Matrix of Quantum Energy that surrounds him and it translates this Matrix into his reality or surroundings. His soul is a specific aspect or event of the SoulSelf - The Infinite One...

It even seems as if all beings and things are separated from each other - which is not actually so - all beings and things are an Infinite Energy Pattern that is One. So all beings, things and souls are interconnected by an invisible Energy. We are this Energy. The substance we call 'matter' does not exist in and by itself!  Matter only appears to exist as an illusion or dream Gerardus and his soul are subjected to. When Gerardus' body expires this matter reality will disappear for him. Gerardus' soul is here for a ride and Gerardus' body is the vehicle. They merged into one human being at Gerardus' birth...

Who creates Gerardus' Life or dream? Who is the Dreamer? The Dreamer actually is the Creative Energy Itself (TIL - The Infinite Light) which in its subconscious existence expresses itself into different patterns or nodes of energy in order to be present in all dimensions or densities. By means of its presence as the created in its dream or creation - the created becomes more and more aware! The created however are the creator. All is One! First of all, the creator within Gerardus becomes aware that it seemingly is Gerardus, and secondly it becomes eventually aware of what it actually is. Meanwhile - "The Recognition of Self" (TROS) might take many lifetimes to complete. It depends on how inquisitive we are in finding out what makes what 'tick' in our universe...

What expresses itself is - The IS (The Infinite Subconsciousness of the Universe). This is what Gerardus calls it. Gerardus IS that Energy or Source. All subconscious expressions of the Source are or form the Universe! The IS - is in the process of becoming aware of itself by means of its expressions like Gerardus and all other human beings and other self-expressions. This takes place on a universal scale...

All these expressions are only virtually real and exist in a multi-dimensional illusion or dream reality. To become consciously aware as the Dreamer of Creation - is the task "we all" have undertaken. In actuality however there is no "we all". There is only One Being or Dreamer. This One Being appears to be the Many. There are only "Many" beings in the dream we are subjected to. To crack the dream or awaken is the trick! Gerardus as The One is also one of the Many. You are the same as he is - The One! Gerardus and You are the One Being or Source. The Universe is a Paradox...

Two Dimensional
Three Dimensional Browsers

Gerardus then is a creation or expression of The IS - which is The Infinite Subconsciousness. This Infinite Subconsciousness is sometimes called SoulSelf and that is what we actually are. We are the Whole of It!  Meanwhile Gerardus, like The IS, also creates or expresses himself. One of his expressions or creations is what you are reading presently...

So, what is going on? The IS expresses itself into certain Three Dimensional Nodes of Energy and one of them is Gerardus, who expresses himself into certain works or creations. At this moment, Gerardus functions as a Three Dimensional Browser which is operated by his Soul or The IS. He represents and 'is' The IS! In the mean time, many of Gerardus' creations or expressions are Two Dimensional and you are able to see them on his pages. Some people call them sophisticated metaphysical articles but Gerardus sometimes calls them metaphysical malarkey. Nobody knows who is right - but everybody likes them...

In other words: TIL - The Infinite Light or The IS expresses itself in a Three Dimensional Browser called Gerardus and Gerardus expresses himself in Two Dimensional articles and explanations on his pages. Now, here is the Clue! In order for Gerardus to produce or create the articles and pictures on his pages, he utilizes a certain "code" that is fed into a Two Dimensional Internet Browser which produces what you see or read presently. In the same manner - The IS expresses itself in a Cosmic Code or Energy that makes sense when our 3D browser called Gerardus looks at it! He sees, or thinks he sees, his three dimensional body and his 3D surroundings. Meanwhile, Gerardus as his Soul, creates two dimensional realities on his pages by means of an agreed upon code. It is called the "Hyper Text Makeup Language" - HTML. It works splendidly...

Simultaneously, in other endeavors, it is also possible for 3D browsers or humans to create three dimensional objects like chairs, tables, wine glasses and computers. So the entire process of creation is like a step down process and all the created beings, regardless of who creates them, also create realities. The IS then, or TIL, is represented within creation by means of its infinite expressions. Many of these expressions exist in higher dimensions than 3D reality. They in turn, express themselves in lower dimensional realities or 3D browsers or beings. Gerardus used to be a very sensible expression at one time - but lately he has gone weird. You are supposed to smile here. Going weird is only noticed by others - not by the one gone weird. Gerardus does not even know how it works precisely. That's how weird it is...

The entire creation is an expression of the One, who in a subconscious manner expresses itself in such a way that its expressions are able to become aware of who or what they actually are. The expressions are The IS in matter form. All created beings are the One and all created beings or expressions use The Infinite Awareness in order to create or express themselves. Nothing can be done or expressed without this Infinite Awareness. This Infinite Awareness is what we actually are! We are it, and use it, every second of our existence. We use it however in a subconscious manner. This is the "weird" aspect of creation in Gerardus' view...

Another 2D browser is the TV people watch. The TV also works by means of a code or electronic signals that in no way look like the pictures they produce. All in all, by means of this explanation, we come to the conclusion that what we perceive in our ordinary life are images, pictures or happenings that are projected upon the screen of our awareness. These images or pictures create the world we think we see. In our day to day life, the energy we look at - and create our perceptions from - is a cosmic code. It is an energy pattern from which we create our reality. This code or pattern is The IS. Some people call this code or pattern The Universal Mind or Consciousness! It is also called the Holographic Matrix of Quantum Energies. It is what we actually are...

What we perceive with our senses produces our world and its happenings. At all times however, there is no actual objective reality out there - we as 3D browsers create our own three dimensional world in our heads (read awareness) - by means of an agreed upon universal code. This means that our 3D world exists in our head or mind only - not out there. Life is a Mind-Thing! This means that no one can go "out there" and fix the world! All of it exists in our own mind ONLY. In actuality - our mind is the Creator's Mind! We are using it, as well as, that we are it. In addition to this - We Are The Infinite Awareness which exists beyond mind...

Hyper Text Make-up Language
( HTML )
Creation's Codes or Nodes

When you look at the picture or frame on top of this article you observe a pattern that is produced by a two dimensional internet browser. The HTML code that is fed into your browser to produce or create this fancy pattern or frame looks similar to what you see below:
(table width="750" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0")(tr)
(td align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFCC") (TABLE WIDTH=100% BORDER="1"
BGCOLOR="#FFFFEE")(br)(br) (b)(font color="#CC0000" face="Arial" 
size="7")... Reflections in Matter ...(/font) (br)(br)(font color="#FF0000" 
face="Arial" size="5") Two Dimensional and Three Dimensional 
Browsers(/font)(/b)(br)(br)(br)(/TD) (TD WIDTH=3% ALIGN="CENTER" 
(/TD)(TD WIDTH=3% ALIGN="CENTER" BGCOLOR="#FFFFEE")TIL(/TD)(/TR)(/TABLE)(/td)(/tr)(/table) 
As you can see, the HTML code does not make any sense at all, but the 2D browser knows how to translate this HTML code into the picture or frame you see on top. It is able to do this because your browser has been created that way! So, in the same manner, there is a universal code that is expressed by The IS - and when we as humans observe it - we see or experience the world and all that's in it. So, what we are looking at, is a Cosmic 3D Energy Pattern or Matrix that we experience as our Third Dimensional Reality...

When we look or experience this code by means of a 3D browser (human body) we are able to experience our surroundings. The mystery of it is that we experience it as real, while in actuality it is an illusion, because what we see is not actually there. We are looking at a code - but what we become aware of is our reality. We each create our own reality on the spot from the code that we are looking at. Weird for sure...

We as human beings, are able to experience our physical surroundings, because the 3D browser we live in! The Matrix we are looking at - is 'created' in such a manner that the universal code makes sense to the 3D browser all people actually are. They do not call themselves browsers however - we all know each other as human beings. Meanwhile - we are not the body - nor are we the browser! We are The Infinite Light living in 3D bodies or browsers. Our brain and our nervous system take care of the translations of the Matrix we are looking at. This means that our surroundings make sense to the Soul who occupies the body or container. As a matter of fact - the body's sole purpose is to be an instrument or browser for the Soul. The body has no other purpose or value! No doubt, knowing this will bring your ego down a step or two...

What the Soul sees is accepted as real! However, it is only real when the Soul lives in a physical body. All physical things are figments of a dream we are subjected to. What this dream looks like and what our body creates its perceptions from - is a universal code or pattern of energy - the Matrix. Some people call this matter reality an illusion or dream. However it is accepted as real when we live in this illusive reality as the Soul or God We Are. All this means that the body and its brain deceives the soul we are...

This illusive reality surrounds us! It actually is - The IS - and all the mysteries that come with it. The most important thing and miracle is, that this mysterious universal energy responds to our thoughts. That is the beauty of it! Each and every one of us contributes to the reality in which we find ourselves by means of our thoughts. Our thoughts create! Our thoughts are "Light" changing The Infinite Light or The IS that surrounds us. Our surroundings are a global collective construction of our consciousness or thoughts...

Needless to say that this collective construction of consciousness includes the human beings who are reading this. We are this consciousness. We are The IS...! To understand this and know this, is important knowledge in this physical reality. It's part and parcel of our awakening! So... Who Are We? We are 'The IS' in physical form. We Are TIL - The Infinite Light - in physical form. We Are The Infinite Awareness Our Way.  Now... if and when you understand all this - please run home and tell your Mom! She is dying to know...