Creation is our Dream
The Mind of God in Action

Human Beings
Appearances in Consciousness.

Human beings are figments in an infinite Dream.
Each particular figment is a specific event or happening in Mind.

... We do not actually physically Exist ...
... We only exist in our Awareness ...
... In our awareness that Is ...

Creation is our dream...
The Creator's Mind dreams - its dream is Creation! The Creator's Mind is our Mind. They are One and the Same. In the Creator's dream - no Being, Entity or Thing is separated from this dream. The Creator's Mind is an Energy that is One Unbroken Whole! All activities of creation take place within this Mind or Consciousness. The Creator's Mind is our Home - we are this Home! Humans are dream figments in the Creator's dream. All figments of the dream have their being as events in consciousness or awareness...

We awaken as the One who is dreaming...
These events slowly move from unconsciousness to full consciousness and finally reach the level of Realized Beings. This means that we become 'actual' by dreaming. Becoming 'actual' means that we awaken as the One who is dreaming! All dreams takes place in the Creator's Mind - which is our Mind! IOW: our life is a dream and we as humans exist as characters or figments in our own dream. The entire Creation is subjective or mental - nothing is physical. Humans do not 'actually' exist. We only appear to exist!  I hope you get the drift of this Mary-Ann...

We live multiple lifetimes in our dream...
Many billions of years ago, we as humans were tiny wavicles of awareness. In a very slow fashion we as these wavicles grew in awareness to end up as a seemingly individual human consciousness or soul. All this takes place in the dream of the Creator. In actuality we are the Creator or The Infinite Light 'dreaming' or 'pretending' to be creation and the created. In our dream, as seemingly separate individuals, we become more and more aware by means of our experiences. Our dream or life is our Alarm-Clock or Teacher! We dream in order to experience all situations possible in order to get to know ourselves. Each lifetime is a seemingly separate dream episode. In actuality - we were never born - all happenings take place in our consciousness or dream only. Humans are the realities of their own dream...

Our dream contains all personalities we have ever been...
As a soul we maintain or keep our individuality when we move on and up. Our individuality becomes registered as our specific vibration in energy or consciousness. It contains all personalities we have ever been in our lifetimes or dream episodes. All individualities of the soul we are, eventually join other souls in higher densities. In the final stages of our dream, the Group-Consciousness we belong to, joins the so called Godhead again and never leaves. We actually never left it in the first place for the entire creation takes place in our dream. This dream is infinite in scope and duration...

Our lifetimes are states of mind...
When humans as fractions of their soul incarnate, they lose awareness of "The Unbroken Whole" for a long time - but at all times - they still are this Unbroken Whole. There is nowhere else to go! We are the Unbroken Whole but at certain cycles we dream to lose track of the Totality We Are and we experience that we are a flower, a mouse, a brown bear or a human being. These stages or experiences are states of mind. They are dreams within dreams that seem to make up our lifetimes. Until we awaken we suffer from Cosmic Amnesia! Often we feel a sense of incompleteness within ourselves. This is logical since our True Self is missing...

Time is not measured in years...
When we finally have joined the Godhead we exist in Bliss! Eventually, tiny wavicles of The Light We Are leave this Top Level and become unconscious of what they actually are. They appear as infinitely tiny consciousness units, electrons or atoms and begin the very long journey of becoming a so called separated soul once again to eventually join with others once more. We as aspects of consciousness and cycle from unconsciousness toward consciousness toward full consciousness and the whole trip might take one billions years, or maybe ten billions years, or maybe a hundred billions years. I do not know how long, since time is not measured in years...

In actuality there is no time...
Our experiences in the physical realms are measured in time and we all determine the speed of our learning. There is an enormous variety of experiences we go through and there are an infinite number of universal beings. No one can influence or determine the learning speed of others. In actuality there is no time. There are only memories of a dream we experienced as seemingly separated beings or aspects of the Whole We Are. At no time whatsoever, do we leave or break away from the Creator's Mind! Breaking away is impossible for all is One! Aspects of ourselves became unconscious of our Totality and move through creation as an unconscious energy to slowly awaken or become aware as the created. You and I are Two of Them. There is more about this here...

We slowly travel towards Awakening...
At all times, we as the whole are consciousness as well as unconsciousness - we are both! This means that the entire universe consists of conscious or aware energy and unconscious or unaware energy. The Creator's subconsciousness IS also our subconsciousness and from this subconsciousness we arise as wavicles, atoms, flowers, birds, animals and eventually we become human beings. We slowly travel towards Awakening. It is a process we call evolving...

No two Beings alike...
Our consciousness grows until we eventually become fully aware. Once on top again - aspects of ourselves begin the journey anew. This cycling is a continuous process! We as a wavicle however make a single journey - it's a dream! Each wavicle or person is on a different level and its speed of progression depends on the attention and interest we put into this growing process. It depends on the ability to inquire. It's an individual or unique journey. There are no two Beings alike in the entire universe. If that would happen - one would be redundant...

Creation or Life is about us...
The Big Bang is a personal happening. It is a human-light-bulb moment. For example, it could be the understanding what this Grand Cycles is all about. It could also be the understanding that Creation or Life is about us, about you and I. Nothing ever breaks away from the Mind of God or our own Mind. It is one Energy! In the Grand Cycle, all aspects travel from unconsciousness to Full Awareness - again and again. This is what we are engaged in...

All things arise from The IS...
There are different teachings or concepts about the Grand Cycle. No human being will ever completely agree with another about this because a soul is a unique individual. We all 'travel' alone! Later on, we join with like-minded souls and form units of many souls. Eventually many like-minded groups will join each other and then in time, these groups join the top layer where all will loose their individualities as well as their self-awareness. The Infinite Light is not self-aware in my view - it is all-aware. Aware of All!  Meanwhile, all things arise from The IS - The Infinite Subconsciousness, or The Creator, or The True Self of the Universe...

God is Creation...
Creation is the Mind of God expressed. Creation is infinite for Mind is infinite. It can always think of more! Meanwhile, the concept of Heaven is a false concept. There is no such place. There is no Hell either. Heaven and Hell are states of mind. They are states or experiences we go through. We will meet them again and again until we realize that they are self-created. Also, there a no God as Such either - except for what we are. God is Creation. We are the whole thing! We are infinite Beings - but we are only aware as a human being for now. This will change and expand with every experience and understanding. The purpose of Life is becoming more and more aware. We are the whole of creation as well as The IS - The Infinite Subconsciousness...

It is our Home and we never leave it...
Creation arises from our infinite subconsciousness - The IS. Creation and The IS - is One! It is our Home and we never leave it. We just move from one place in creation (state of mind) to another by means of becoming different created beings or states of mind. A state of mind is a form of energy or an energy-form. By means of evolution we move from the lowest to the highest states or forms. The more we move towards the highest state - the greater our functions and responsibilities will be. We move from the level of an atom to the top level, or from the 'next to nothing state' to The State of Full Awareness...

It's like writing a book...
Creation or the OverSoul or The IS changes continuously. It changes because it is an evolving cycle within itself. We are the initiators of these changes. It's like writing a book and then continually make changes between the lines of the book that are absorbed or incorporated as soon as we turn the page. Turn the page back and we can make more changes between the lines. We could do this on all pages and the book is never finished, because the next time we are on a certain page we change it again. Creation is the expression and expansion of the Creator's Mind or Consciousness. It is the Reality of Life and the Expression of Love for Itself...

We are change Itself
Creation is change Itself
The Infinite Light is change Itself
We are all three things in the first Place
We are an infinite dream dreaming itself Infinitely
We are changing Energy as well as the Change that creates It

~ ! ~     Truth is what we Are     ~ ! ~