Electricity... What Is It ?

? Are You Ready for Energies of a Higher Order ?

Question:  What is Electricity?           Answer:  Nobody Knows!

Yes, we all know how to use it and or direct it but no one knows what it is. Scientists have said that it is a stream of electrons flowing through a material that is a conductor. Meanwhile, some materials are insulators and electricity is not passed on by them. I do not blame them - why should they! They probably also do not know what it is...

The question arises: What are electrons? Answer: Nobody knows that either! Nobody has ever seen an electron except for a reflection of it on a photographic film. Our scientists tell us that electrons fly orbits around the nucleus of an atom. New question: what's an atom and how many electrons do atoms have?

Scientists say that different atoms have different amounts of electrons circling their nucleus. The nucleus is supposed to be smack in the middle of an atom - but nobody has ever measured it. Maybe it's a bit off center like the sun is. Depends on the orbits maybe. The whole physical universe is made from atoms. Very interesting - but we still do not know what they actually are...

Are atoms tiny balls on sticks like we see on TV? I do not think so. Atoms are 99.999999% emptiness some scientists say (Other scientists say it's 99.99999999999%). Mighty Moses is there anything there?  Maybe they are like empty word-balloons - minus the balloons! These atoms and electrons are so called realities that nobody has ever seen - except for light-traces or shadows of them on photographic film. I figure that scientists really have no idea what these tiny miracles really are. Yet, the entire universe is full of them. You know what?  I think that they are The Nameless manifested! They are The One Force that is absolutely silent and only speak by means of its creations...

Scientists cannot know what electrons actually are by looking at their shadows. They are Electrical Charges they say. Great! Electrical charges of what? What is charged or not charged? Then they say: they are energy vibrating. My question is: what keeps them going? Come to think of all this: we do not know what "any" thing actually is. What is steel? What is rock? What is aluminum? What is pepper? What is a rose? All we can say is that a rose is energy in form of a rose...

Then we ask: what is this energy? What keeps it moving? Right! All things are atoms with electrons dancing around them that somehow 'appear' to be objects or forms when we observe them. They are 'things' we have given names. Naturally, all these named things are not their name. So what are they?

Dancing electrons, very nice thought, but what keeps these tiny dancers dancing? Do they ever sit down and stop dancing and have a drink? Do they dance in pairs or by themselves? Do they have a collective dance? And then you know - could it be that the entire universe is their dance? Hmmm?? Do they dance ballets as well? The Dance of the Electrons. Music by God The Father wearing a costume called Tchaikovsky...

All we know is that there are different kinds of matter and that the different kinds of matter have different weight and feel different to us. They are all made out of atoms or tiny dancers. We ourselves are "energy in form" that looks like a human body. However, in actuality, we are "clouds of energy" moving and mixing with other "clouds of energies". How could we ever dream of determining what 'any' thing actually is? Right! They are the energy things our bodies are made of and no one knows what this energy actually is. All in all - we are still completely ignorant of what all these things actually are. Meanwhile for now - I say that they all are The Infinite Light! This Infinite Light is The Infinite Nameless doing its thing...

We are "Ka-zillions of Atoms" with electrons dancing around them, forming molecules and cells by the billions and when we have enough of them we become a human body that thinks it knows something. Big problem here! Our scientists however look right past this big problem and give everything they discover a fancy name. That's a Querk they say... and over here we've got a Quark. And this is a Photon my friend - it's Light. It's simple!  Well, it's not simple to me - it's a Mystery to me! Things are not their name...

Electrons that flow in groups, bundles, or streams, we call electricity or electric power? Some electrons go back and forth and we call them AC power. What makes them go back and forth? Did they forget something? Do electrons have attitudes? I don't know. Also, how big or wide are these streams and how many electrons do we need to get the toaster popping? All these questions cannot be answered by any scientist of any class. Anyway, I cannot answer them either - I just wanted to write about the astounding mystery we live in. We live in a universe of which we have named billions of things, but have no clue as to what they actually are. Talking about being confused! Do you get my drift Mary-Ann?

We perceive a mystery or reality and this reality is at least 99.999999% emptiness. Weird!  We think nothing of it because we think and speak in names now. Baste baste, my name's Namaste. Sounds beautiful but what am I actually and what kind of container do I live in? Yes, sure, I am energy and I live in a form that is human being. Plenty puzzling - for what actually is this energy? Who or what am I? Am I The Self? Is this Self the Source of all electrons and/or does it contain all the electrons? Do they have cousins? Yes, they have! They are called Positrons. That's another nice name - isn't it? Right! But what the Dickens is it? I wish Moses was here - he would know maybe...

All this means that we know absolutely nothing about anything. In the mean time, we have given all things and phenomenon a very nice name and then we use these names and think we know what we are talking about. Not So...  A thing is not its name! Meanwhile, it is absolutely necessary to have names for things, but the names do not tell us what things really are. They possibly only tell us what they look like or are able to do. Like a toaster pops and a washing machine washes...

Yeah, and cloth is what you wear in order to keep you "energy form" warm. Besides, who would want to look at naked bodies all the time? Would drive you nuts! So, here we are, we speak about electricity and about atoms, about electrons and positrons - still we do not know anything about them. So, let's forget them for a while and figure out how we can make these electrons stream together so that we can call them electricity or electric power...

We know that when we take a coil of copper wire and move it through a magnetic field, the coil begins to generate electricity. The faster we move the coil - the more electricity we get. When we hook up many coils in an arrangement - we call this arrangement an Electrical Generator. We can move a magnetic field passed these coils real easy and by turning this magnetic field around and around we call it a rotor. All the coils are placed around the rotor. Nice machine!

What do you know, when we turn this rotor around and around, we get electricity flowing through all these coils and when we connect all these coils to our lights and appliances in the house, the entire place is ablaze with lights and the toaster is popping while mom does the washing. Great! Ask me and I'll say: Electricity runs the world like God runs the universe and nobody knows who or what either of them actually are. Maybe God is the electricity or power in the first place! So, everything in the universe runs on God? Then, what do we know? We still know nothing! All we can say then is - God or The Infinite Light does it all! Now, why shouldn't this be sufficient? In my book it is...

Another big question is, what is this magnetic field we spoke of? What the heck is a magnetic field? Right, even Edison did not know and neither does General Electric or Westinghouse. Yet, we use it every day! I wonder if Black and Decker knows? Anyway, here we have the biggest puzzler of all - our magnetic field. What the heck is it? I think that our magnetic field is an arrangement of energies of a Higher Order. A higher order of energy than combustion for example, or a higher order than a dynamite explosion or the explosion of a fire-cracker. I figure that our magnetic fields are forms of power that are not of this world - yet we are using them as if they belong here and we think nothing of it. A power of a Higher Order? How many Orders are there? More and more questions and no answers...

Our usual kind of energy is Third Dimensional Energy and I say that our magnetic field is of a higher order than third dimensional energy or density. Let's say that it is a Fourth Density Force and it even could be a Fifth or a Sixth Density Force. Who knows? I have no idea from what level it originates and it might even come from the spaces between the atoms and their electrons. There is lots of space there to store energy. Meanwhile, a magnetic field is like a feeling, or a thought, or a desire - they are also energies of a higher order. Sure, they are not three dimensional happenings and they have to be of a different order. Anyway, our magnetic field is real but you cannot touch it. All we can say is that our magnetic field is a most unusual phenomenon and that it must be of a Higher Order...

I'd like to mention here that when our electricity is met with Higher Density Magnetic Forces, like UFOs or other Higher Forces, our magnetic fields and electricity cancel out. It does not work anymore and we drive or fly blind so to speak. Nice going...

So, when we move a magnetic field past copper coils we get electricity. We transform or change this electricity to make it suitable to use in our houses and we do all this by means of Steam Boilers, Turbines, Generators and hundreds of Transformers and more Transformers. Every Generating Station for example utilizes about 5 percent of the power it produces. Wow, that's a lot! So what do we have? We have an enormous construction of buildings, equipment, water pumps and cooling facilities and all this is needed to generate electricity. My gosh what an enormous amount of money is invested in this Generating Station and look at all the people that work there in order to give us a few Megawatt of power. It's hard to believe!

It is an enormous effort to supply people with electric power because we also have to transport all this power via transmission lines, underground cables and all kinds of manholes. All this in order to get this power to our houses and traffic lights. Mighty Moses! It's hard to believe, we have electricity and it's an enormous accomplishment. Absolutely true, but what an enormously clumsy way to produce and distribute it!

We have invented something and the invention itself necessitates an enormous amount of effort and cost and when it is all finished we charge people for their electric power because we have to invest all this money in order to make use of our invention. Somehow it looks as if the whole thing works backwards. People need to go to work in order to pay the power bill. All this for convenience sake. There has to be a better way to do things...

The clue naturally is our magnetic field - that is the secret of our whole operation. Suppose now there is a way to get electricity directly from this mysterious magnetic field without having to energize a bunch of coils by turning turbines and rotors to produce electricity. That is what we need to figure out. That is the secret! Now, I am not smart enough how to figure all this out, but I am smart enough to figure out that the electric power we need comes from this magnetic field and that this magnetic field is of a "higher order of energy" than combustion or let's say 3D energy...

Could it be that these UFOs we hear and see flying about also work on his higher order of energy? Could it be that the higher densities in which these Alien Beings seem to exist is full of this higher order energy and that all we need to do it use this higher order energy directly and change it to our needs. What we need is a Higher Order Energy Transducer...

If for example we would be able to use this higher order energy and apply it directly to generating electricity we could eliminate all the Generating Stations in the world and have an absolutely clean source of power that would cost next to nothing. All Generating Stations, Cooling Stations, Pumps, Boilers, Transformers, Cables and Distribution, including Pollution, would be completely eliminated. What we need is a "Higher Order Magnetic UFO Power Field" to generate this electric power for us. So, by cutting out all the old fashioned machinery we will be able to produce the electricity we need and we could pop as many toasters as we want to. Besides all that - we could run our cars on electricity and do all the driving without any pollution whatsoever...

Meanwhile, all this would do away with an enormous amount of costs in construction and maintenance in order to get electric power. To cut all that out or bypass it would just be fabulous. In order to do that, I believe that Mr Tom Bearden and his colleagues have produced a device that generates electricity the Higher Order Way! This device has no moving parts, nothing is turning or heating up others things in order to turn turbines and rotors and any and all other gadgets necessarily to make a Generation Station. Would not that be an enormous improvement? So enter...


Please do not ask me to explain how these power-units works. I am not smart enough to explain. All I know is, that they works and that power-units not bigger than a washing machine will be available in the future for all houses and buildings to supply the electric power we need. All this absolutely pollution free! Nothing is moving in these power-units and nothing is ever wearing out either. Talking about inventions of a Higher Order - They Are It! It is even a lot better than Wind-Generators all over the landscape and all kinds of maintenance and upkeep...

All that needs to be done is have these pollution free "Motionless Energy Generators" or MEGS approved by the Camp David and New World Order people. These people however like to maintain their control over us by means of their Oil Interests. Is that why the war in Iraq was started? Hmmm? To me it all sounds as if these Controlling Cabals are the most stubborn and old fashioned people in the world. No doubt they are inspired (read possessed) by Negative Alien Beings...

As you know, sooner or later all outdated methods and habits will change to eventually disappear. No big deal in the long run! Possibly, the BP Oil Disaster in the Gulf of Mexico will help to speed this up. Then we can say: to Hell with all these Polluting Pests and welcome to the Higher Order of Humanity and its pollution free energies... Have a look here too if you like...

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