The Apple of Eve and Eve

! You are the creator of your individually perceived Realities !

Consider this...
Let's take a descendant of "The Apple of Eve" and look at it. What do we see? We see apple skin and some spots here and there maybe. We see top and bottom and we know what it is - an apple. An apple Eve would have been crazy about. Adam does not count here. He ate the darn thing...

We cannot see inside the apple...
However, we know what is inside the apple. There is apple meat and seeds or pits. Give or take a few. Funny things these seeds. They mean continuity! They come all the way from Eve's apple. Since we cannot see inside the apple, let's ask ourselves, what else is there that we cannot see of the apple?

Puzzled we ask ourselves what that could be...
We thought that we saw the whole apple. Not true! The apple we look at, floats in an Infinite Invisible Field of Energy out of which the apple arises. This infinite field also contains the apple tree, the earth, the sun, the galaxy and the entire physical universe. All things float in this Infinite Invisible Field of Energy and all things arise from it. Hmmm?!

What do people call this field?
Well let's call this Field - The Infinite Light or TIL. We could also call it Spirit. So, TIL or Spirit is the Infinite Invisible Field of Energy in which all things float and have their being. We live in this kind of stuff and all of it is invisible to us. Weird! Well, many people call this Infinite Invisible Energy the Divine Mind, but really, that is only to please our own silly mind. I don't think that the Energy Field cares one way or another for this name for it is totally indifferent and insensitive to what it is called. It's a Neutral Field and it is not aware of what it really is and/or who or what it is. From where I am looking (read guessing) it has no self-awareness. Funny business this Infinite Invisible Energy Field. Could we call this Field the Infinite Subconsciousness or The IS? I guess we could for human's sake...

In any case, the apple does not exist just by itself...
The apple is part and parcel or an aspect of an infinite and invisible energy field or reality, of which we know next to nothing. All we know is that in actuality the apple, the apple tree, the earth, the Milky Way and all things float in this invisibleness. Human beings and dogs float in this stuff as well! By looking at our apple however, we have the tendency to forget about all the invisible beings, things and entities that float or have their being in this infinite invisibleness. Boy what a mistake!

The invisibleness of our apple is TIL or Spirit...
TIL or Spirit produces apples. Apples, human beings, dogs, cats, mice and lice. It produces or creates everything we see around us or anything we can think of. Also, consider this, as far as we are concerned, the awareness or consciousness of all beings and things is present within the visible aspects of the universe. Which arises out of the invisibleness, which I call the subconsciousness of the universe. Since I am human, I have to call it something. Humans like names. It's there, being itself! Naturally it is not its name...

So, what do we notice...
There is a conscious aspect of creation and there is an unconscious aspect of creation. This unconscious aspect is the aspect out of which all things arise. Visible as well as invisible things naturally! So, there are zillions of awarenesses (people, beings, apples and things) that arise out of the invisible aspects of creation. What this really means is, that all Beings and Things extent themselves into the invisible aspect of creation out of which all things arise. This has been going on forever. Imagine - forever! No human mind can figure that one out. Can you Sister Soul? On the other hand - is forever just now? For sure it is! All happenings anywhere takes place - now! Time and Space are illusions. How simple...

One thing we must remember!
By looking at our apple we see next to nothing of the entire apple for it extends itself into the invisible regions of infinite invisible energy - the infinite subconscious mind some people call God. Holy Moses! The apple is what appears in our Physical Reality Spectrum. Our apple might extend itself infinitely. Can you imagine that? We only see the visible aspect. The entire apple exist or floats in an infinite field that is unknown to us. It arises out of this field! This infinite invisible field however is part and parcel of the apple. I'd say it is even the main aspect of our apple! Yeah, I wish Eve was here, she would know by now...

Some people call this invisibleness, God, Spirit or TIL or whatever...
What I would like to point out here is, that the invisibleness of the universe, is not separate or apart from the visible aspect of the universe. It's all One Universe! It's mixed together like evaporated tutti-frutty. There are no parts or aspects in this mixture - it is all One Infinite Energy! There is, what we could call - an Unobstructed Universe. We just think that there are two or more or many things. We think so, because we do not see the invisible aspects. We are reality blind. We see our reality but the infinite aspects of ourselves we do not see. All this means naturally that our opinions about things mean next to nothing, for we are not aware of what's beyond the things we have opinions about. Quite uninformed if you ask me! We could even call it totally ignorant...

Another point here...
Scientists tell us that there is no objective world out there. Atoms are 99.99999% emptiness! IOW: there are no actual objects out there! What is the objective world or universe anyway? It's what we think we see when we look around us. Now, if these scientists are right, and I think they are, there is not one thing or actual object out there, the way we see or experience it. Well, WHAT the Dickens IS out there? What is out there is the Energy of an Unobstructed Universe. It's an Energy that has visible and invisible aspects. We are looking straight into it and all we see is an apple, or whatever. We only see the visible things...

The world is an individual experience...
What we see is an individual version of what we are looking at! We all only have our own perception of things! What we see is created by our senses, brain and conscious mind. Hello! Our bodily structure and conscious mind are responsible for what we see. Indeed, there is no objective world out there at all. We all experience our own perception of what is out there in our own mind! What is out there is Energy out of which each and every one of us create our own perceived reality. This means that none of us sees or experiences the same thing. This means that the world is an individual experience. Apple or no apple...

Not so sweet heart...
My body and mind perceives something different than yours does. No wonder we bicker about what we see and experience out there. We all see something different and we think that we all see the same thing! Not so sweet heart. Not so at all! We all create our own perception or concept of the world and every one of us experiences a different world. Now - besides all that - we also create our own individual experiences in order to learn our own individual lessons. So what is common out there? Not a darn thing! The concepts we have of the world and our experiences of it - are self-created perceived realities and all of them are illusions. So much for reality...

All things and experiences are individually perceived and experienced and none of us can compare and think or say - I saw what you saw. Or this is the way it is. Nonsense! We are all different and we all create our own perception of the world and the universe from scratch! This leads me to the conclusion, that we are not just an image of the Creator, but we are a mini-duplicate of the Creator creating our own perception of a collective created reality. We are the creator of our perceived realities. Good thing there are some overlapping areas, for if not, there would be nothing to agree or disagree with. That would be terrible for the world would be awfully boring...

In the mean time... I'd say Congratulation...

You are the creator of your individually perceived Realities
Whatever it out there and is not out there simultaneously.
We are and we ain't.
! Infinitely !