" Our World - Our Creation "

We are Spiritual Beings - not Material Robots

All of us are Aspects of Great GodBeings and live Forever

For a moment or two, let's try to reflect on the state of the world and humanity and see whether things are as they should be. This article however, is not meant to point out or solve any problems we think we might have. In actuality we might have no problems at all! It depends on how we look at it...

At the present and for a very long time in the past, the world has been ruled and is under the domination of Negative Forces. These Forces are Alien Beings and they live in Fourth and Fifth Density. They live off our negative emotions. Fear is their main food supply! This is why - the entire world is ran by fear - instead of love! These Negative Alien Forces are excellent in creating fear. The very idea of fear creates societies that stock pile nuclear bombs by the thousands and all kinds of other very dangerous weapons...

Weapons are the manifestation of Fear! Is this why there are so many guns in America? Fear creates people and nations that have armies that fight wars that are instigated and financed by the Greed of the Money Market Forces. In the mean time, the entire world suffers and many people are subjected to atrocious crimes. Human suffering or trauma also are their food or energy supply...

These alien Forces have their representatives among all the governments and organizations of the world. It's time for humanity to become aware of this reality and see through it. However our reactions or conclusions should never be expressed in violence like in Oklahoma City, the 911 Disaster or in Iraq or any other place in order to go after terrorists. There are no terrorists in the first place for they are created by the Secret Forces who make that their business. Meanwhile, there is an enormous Government-Self-Interest hidden from the public by means of lies and deception...

While living in fear we attract the very acts we fear. It's works by the universal Law of Attraction. Like attracts Like! Unless we change our inner attitude, there is no possible way we could protect ourselves from anything. Protections by means of Police and Guards are not the answer. We can not even protect ourselves from our own Government and its Departments. The fear within all of us creates situations like Waco and many other barbaric solutions...

The answer for us is to become aware. To awaken! It is time to understand that Humanity is One Being. And what we do to one of us - we do to all of us. This is why we always get what we deserve. Life is an experience and when we are born, we are born for a specific purpose. The ultimate purpose is to become fully aware. This often is done by means of going through hard times. These times might be losing a child, a wife or a mate. It's all in the game. We have signed up for this game and it is time to awaken to this fact. God did not do it. Neither did the Devil. We are the Activating Force ourselves! Our destiny is a self created path. It is time for us to realize this.

We all experience exactly what we deserve.
We cannot blame others for what happens to us.
We create by the Thoughts and Feelings in our heart.
We create our Experiences, our Realities and our Destinies.

Many of us wonder why we are a violent society with too many criminals instead of peaceful citizens. Fighters instead of Lovers. We are programmed that way by the Alien Forces who dominate us by means of our Governments! Understanding or realizing how the universe works will helps us to change our lives and our destinies. It will change the world...

In our faraway past, we were great Beings and enjoyed Cosmic Awareness continuously. Many thousands of years ago, our awareness level was lowered. Genetic changes were introduced and the Fall of Man became a reality - we lost the knowledge of our Greatness. We became less and less aware to the point of being next to ignorant about our actual state of affairs. We forgot that we were Gods and became Man! Religions were created and we were born into these family conditions and believed what we were told. All this resulted in a completely different way of living. Somehow, we rather kill others for their religious beliefs than liking or loving them - just the way they are. All these happenings and changes are aspects of the full gamut of human experiences. Meanwhile, we have come to the End of Times and we will enter a completely different state of mind and conditions in the new future...

Thousands of Masters among us and the thousands of Higher Forces all around us, are awaiting the sign from the Guardians of the Earth to give them the signal. To lift us from the Hell we have created for ourselves and raise our awareness levels back up to the higher densities of Cosmic Consciousness! Naturally, a lot also depends on ourselves and the efforts we have applied to raise our own individual levels of awareness. This means that there will be a transformation of awareness for many members of Humanity. Some humans will graduate and some will not. This depends on the level of awareness of the individuals involved. All levels of awareness are states of mind and the expressions thereof...

For many centuries now, the bullies have run the world and they are still running it. They look like people in very nice suits or dresses and they own the world. The masses are their slaves. They are in control and deceive the masses. They have the masses by the tail! The masses work, sweat and fight wars and die. Patriotism is a big thing. You die for your country and your mother gets a flag. Not a very good trade! All this takes place because the masses are asleep. They are not aware of what's happening to them and they keep voting for the same kind of Political Parties and their money connections to the Market Forces. It's called Democracy. Whatever the masses do, they will always be slaves! Awakening is the clue naturally. This is done single mindedly - one at the time...

Some people, think they know what's going on and rebel against their government. They buy guns and form private armies. However, they are going about it the wrong way! They fight violence with violence. That does not work! Jesus knew that, Buddha knew that, Lao Tzu knew that and many others know that. We all know it but somehow we are to complacent to change the system. How do we get out of this Hell? In the mean time, many Masters and StarSeeds are allover our planet and the time for change is at hand. These entities help by means of inspiration, guidance and by means of the Energies of Peace they maintain in order to help the minds and hearts of mankind. The hearts and minds of mankind need to open and become aware of what works and what is useless. We need to be at Peace. We need to have Peace within ourselves. Protests are next to useless...

We need to elect people who know the Inner and the Outer Man. The ones who are awake, aware of the purpose of mankind and the oneness of all. This has been denied to mankind and at the moment we are ruled by Aliens and crooked Governments. All this was possible, for the masses of humanity are asleep and the so called 'awake' are running the show. If the world was a zoo, we could say that the monkeys were in charge and the people are sitting in their cages complaining about the system. They do not know that We ARE the System! As far as I know, in the last 3000 years we have had 5000 wars - Hello! Wake up Mankind, your hearts are dying and your mind is full of misleading short sighted nonsense. The world is ONE Classroom! All of us are in a different grades. What I'm suggesting is, that the people in the top grades start to *see* what's going on. It's not shop until you drop - it's think until you blink! Then do something about it. We must lead with pure intentions and stop following the masters of lies and deceit. We are the Power That Is!!

There are no "New Deals" and there are no "Fights on Poverty" that could be won. There never was an enemy in Russia, there never was one in Korea, Vietnam or Iraq! All enemies are created by the Political Forces that lie! Politicians are kept in power by their Money Changers - Big Business and the Bankers. The masses only hear lies and empty promises! Before long the entire world could be a concentration camp and the information that will be received will be neatly broadcasted on TV and Radio. Everybody will be brainwashed by subliminal advertising and political double talk. The world is a Lie!

Also, the trick is to stay healthy! We need to use our very thoughts to maintain our health. But how could all these TV watching people stay healthy if they are bombarded with Negative Adds day in day out? Who places these adds? The Market Place! They want you sick and full of flaws. It's easier to keep you down that way. Please take another pill. And on voting day, people think they know who to pick. Certainly, vote for the person who speaks your language: Control of Violence, Care for the Old, Kindergartens, Decent Wages and all the rest of the promises. Some of the violence and drug problems have been created by people of the departments of our very own governments. Hello Again! And where does the Aids Virus come from all of a sudden? Africa? What a laugh! Monkeys? Malarkey! Could it be manufactured by the WHO? Who knows... People are kept blind on purpose. They have been deceived for ages...

I've seen this going on for more than eighty years and I'm trying to do something about it by sharing some of my thoughts. I hope you can handle them - there is a lot more to come...

Here it comes! All these so called problems in the world, need to be seen as an experience, more so, than as a problem! Let me explain. This might be a bomb shell, so hold on to your keyboard. There are rumors that Humanity has been hopping along on a two helix strand of DNA. At one time, we had twelve strands! So, we are only firing on two cylinders instead of on all twelve! Enormous difference here. All this is described in the Bible as the Fall of Man. This Fall of Man or the lowering of his level of awareness, was a carefully planned experiment! There are no accidents in the universe and certainly no changes of that magnitude happen by the throw of God's dice. They are perfectly planned and organized. We just do not know much about them on the human level. Our Higher Self however, knows all about it. Our intuition puts us in touch with this Force. We need to develop this God-like faculty! It's there - but it is asleep...

In the past, all the souls on this Earth presently, have volunteered to reincarnate repeatedly, into an environment created by a two helixed human being. Naturally, before we volunteered, we did not know what our world would be like. If we would have known, we probably would not have volunteered. In any case, here we are. We have finally arrived at the End of Times or at the end of this third density experience - things are looking up! Meanwhile, we are living in a self created disaster and we can't fix it - because we are controlled and kept asleep. Why is all this so? It is so, because we have lost contact with our God-Self (the one who knows what to do). We have lost our intuitive powers and many others, because our helixes are severely diminished and all the solutions we arrive at, are the solutions of the Ego or Body-Mind - the Lower Self. The God-Mind, the God-Self, is missing within most of us. This God Self knows where the rubber hits the road...

For millions of years the Souls we are, have lived upon this Earth, but we had never lived with only 20% of our abilities. This is what has been taking place over the last thousands and thousands of years. IOW: we have allowed ourselves to become lowered on purpose to this state of lower awareness. We agreed to this experience and experiment, for that is what life on earth is all about. However, the way we are now, we cannot help our selves somehow. We seem to go deeper and deeper into the mess we have created. Also, this is not just known to me for a few month or so, but I have known this since 1972 and more details about it in 1980/81. We need help from our older Brothers. The truly Great Ones! The Ones we ARE on higher levels...

Possibly the dilemma we are in cannot be fixed. However, all we need to do is understand it. We must understand the why and how of it! After that - all we need to do is surrender to the God within. Our Three Dimensional Endeavor as we know it now, will be abolished in a decade or so (2012). Many of us will be reinstated into the state of a 12 helix DNA body again. This is what the Bible calls the Resurrection. In the blink of an eye, we will live in new bodies! So our daring experiment of lowering ourselves to a two helix DNA strand will come to an end. In the mean time, our Souls will have had the experiences of living in Hell. A state of mind created by ourselves. We will have learned by experience that we cannot live, and do very well, without our connection to our God-Self! We will have proven to ourselves that this creates great suffering.


We are instruments of Existence or Consciousness. We also ARE Existence or Consciousness. In 2012 the Egyptian and Mayan Calendars come to an end. This will be the official end of the Three Dimensional World as we know it and a new phase of our Creative Endeavors will be started. It might even end with a twist of our poles to ensure that many of the old generation will leave the body. Most likely before long, many of us will arise to a Fourth or Fifth Density State of Mind. It really means naturally, we will be returning to our previous State of Greatness. Our Intuition will be working fully again and we will be more psychic than ever. After all, we as Souls or as Gods have lived forever and we are a lot more than puny three dimensional human beings bumping along on two cylinders!

We are creators and we are about to finish a spectacular assignment that was called: "Living in the Illusion". The illusion of being blind and separate, as well as being a 3D individual only. Right now, we are living in ignorance of our own Greatness as Creators or Gods! Call me idealistic if you like, I do not care. I might not be a 100% right, but I might be a lot closer than you think or even dare to think. What I have stated above might not be the most popular knowledge in the world and it could very well be far from most people's understanding. Nevertheless - it will be so! Since the masses are asleep and do not understand, it means that something is missing within them. This does not have to be your state of affairs. It is time to become aware or awaken to the true reality of our experiment and our situation...

Is our life really an experience as well as an experiment? Well, we've been living in a state of being far below our capabilities - just in order to experience it. Is this nonsense? Did you ever go to a movie of which you knew that it was scary and/or violent? Well, we as a Race did the same thing! We agreed to participate in a Cosmic and spectacular Movie by the name of: "Life in Hell". Yes, your body had to die repeatedly because of it, but your Soul will live with or without your matter body. Your Soul is the Real You! Depending on what will happen in the future, we might all be resurrected into a Body of Light! Same kind of a body Jesus walked around with just before he left. I am in favor of Unconditional Ascension! How about you? Light bodies are our original equipment in the first place. We all descended deeper and deeper into our Matter Creation and lived with a dysfunctional mind and body. Everybody got used to it rather quickly and we liked to pamper this body a lot. Our descend into matter was a purposeful endeavor and we're almost through with it. The Bible says something like this: ...and God descended into matter.  Who do you think this God is?  REJOICE!

We as great co-creators have lived forever and we are finishing an almost impossible task! What else are we going to do? Do you have any projects in mind? Let's talk about it and have Souls sign up for it. God is Great and We are IT!

Well Gerardus, your theory works very well in books and in personal lives - but don't you think we have to fix the world and society somehow?

Society is a conglomerations of personal lives. Think about this - you might see a "problem" where I see an "experiment". There really is no problem! Life is an experience which you see as a problem. That is the problem!

Human society is like a brick castle that has lost its mortar or the glue that keeps the bricks together. This mortar is the Love that's lost among us and now we think we're strangers. We use each other and we keep pushing each other around. Loose bricks just cannot stand this kind of pushing. The Human-Brick-Society without the glue of Love has gotten deeper and deeper into trouble. There are no practical solutions to re-glue or re-mortar the brick castle for any little wind or tremor will make it tumble. Simple! We are going to build a new castle and use the same bricks (The Souls we are). This time we will not forget the glue for we know what that means. Disaster!

Our Three Dimensional Matter Experiment has come to an end and our assignment is finished. It's all very simple - many people on the other hand are trying to continue or maintain a society that is dying. It cannot be done! It's almost over and done with and it will be abandoned - whether we like it or not! If you cannot see it fallen apart all around you - you must be a hermit. Now, just because our way of life is changing does not mean that you have to fight the changes. Understand them! See them and work with them. Share, cooperate, become aware and understand! We are being promoted the a higher way of life...

We have substituted Love - with a God called Money - and it does not work. We have sold or neglected our Soul for the love of Greed, Dishonesty and Violence. Why is this so? Because we only worked on two cylinders. We are driving a borrowed car and we do not know who the real owner is. We do not even know where the brakes are! Remember, we did all this on purpose in order to experience the full gamut of human experiences. We are Consciousness and we are experiencing different facets of our Creative Abilities. There are no practical solutions that could fix our world. We are not here to fix it. We are here to experience it and take the knowledge and know-how with us. We are here to become aware! I suggest that you get used to the idea that we live forever. It is true whether you believe it or not. Meanwhile, Life is not a practical problem or a theory to be solved. It's a way of experiencing ourselves and the possibilities we endeavor to create. We are Consciousness experiencing its own expressions...

What else can I say? Read the rest of my articles and other material I have written in the last 30 years. Besides, there are hundreds of ready-made books all over the New Age Book stores that will tell you the same things with different words. Read between the lines in the Bible! However, make sure you are not blinded by all the 'fuzzy' stuff there. Our work on Earth is almost finished. Naturally, our work is an ordeal if you cannot see the Light because of your Negativity. We need to solve that State of Mind by new Thoughts! There really is no ordeal or problem unless you do not understand what Life is all about. Nobody can help you there. We all have free will and do what we want to do. Where is your Consciousness? What have you done to find answers for yourself? What have you been thinking and thus creating? Who did you ask? Search and you will find! Knock and the door will be opened!

In the mean time, our Life in Matter is an enormous Celebration and when this is finally understood by everyone on Earth, we will all break out in love and hug each other for at least a fortnight. We will be awfully hungry by then, unless we live in our Lightbodies. My best wishes to all of you and who knows, I hope many will recognize some truth in the above. This depends naturally on what you have been doing with your Life. The media will never tell you what things are really like. The entire world is under strict control and severe domination - ruled by the dictum - keep them dumb and fearful!

So again, my Greetings and Love to all of You. Please watch out for these flu-pills and never take another Gulf War Syndrome shot. Especially not for fabricated wars and other posturings. Serve your country properly by becoming aware and share it with others in the form of Love and Understanding instead of Fear. Love and Understanding are the results of Awareness. We need lots of it - many are calling...