The above questions will be answered one at a time. We will see that all questions are really interconnected because the universe, the world and mankind are really One Energy or Being! Please consider the following with an open mind...
Why are we alive?
We as a human soul are alive, because we as a soul have always been alive! At this stage of our human soul life however, or at this stage of our journey through our creation, many of us do not remember this, for our memory has been blocked on purpose. This was not always the case. Meanwhile, the lessons of our life will teach us to remember who or what we really are. Infinite Life is an Infinite Cycle...
What really is the human soul?
The human soul is a spiritual entity or spirit-energy and it lives in different realities. The physical world is one of these realities and we as human beings are the containers in which we as a soul dwells for the sake of experiencing the human condition. The soul is an aspect of the Creative Source or Essence and it is a creator in its own right. Our soul is a holographic energy reflection of the creator...
Who created this human soul?
The Creative Essence of the universe has seemingly divided itself into different aspects or souls. Each aspect, in and by itself, is a miniature creator and it creates its own life and reality. When a human aspect finds itself in the physical plane it is called - a human soul. The experiences of a human soul and the wisdom gathered by these experiences form the character or nature of the soul. Basically our soul is the student and the teacher simultaneously...
Under the guidance of our Guides and Helpers all experiences are self chosen. These experiences form the curriculum the soul goes through in order to promote itself to more advanced levels of awareness. In each lifetime the soul learns more and more and the quality of the soul accumulates over the ages. That's why certain people are wiser than others. No human being however is more than another. We all are the Creative Essence Individualized...
What really is the purpose of our life?
The purpose of our life is to eventually become wiser and wiser and in the long run recognize ourselves as the Universal Creator in human form. The purpose of life is complete self-knowledge or the attainment
of the Christ Consciousness! In the mean time; there are as many purposes in the universe as there are Beings. The Earth is a school for human souls in which all of us will eventually reach the "Son of God" or "Christ Consciousness" level...
Who or what is the creator of our world?
We as human souls are the representatives of the Creative Source and we are the creators of the world we live in. However, our reality is a We-Thing and there are higher evolved Beings in the universe who are responsible for Mankind. These Beings or Co-Creators create whatever is necessary for humans to graduate. Human beings have been on earth since the beginning of time. Time and/or space however are aspects of our creative endeavor. We cannot really speak of a beginning in time, since we as human beings had to learn to live in time and space, as much as we had to learn to walk or speak. Time and Space are illusionary conditions of the human experience...
We all create our own reality or circumstances...
The thoughts of the souls or godbeings we are (in or out of the body) are the creative forces that create the world. The world is our thought in physical form! It is consciousness slowed down to a rate or frequency by which it becomes physically real! We are the first cause or source of the reality we live in. This is true en mass as well as individually. We all create our own reality or circumstances. The world is the product of our mind! Our mind however is a lot more than the collective mind of humanity. Our mind is the Universal Mind scaled down to human size. There is but One Mind! To discover that all this is true is an aspect of our cosmic education as a soul or godbeing...
Will the world ever come to an end...
Our world will eventually come to an end but as long as there are souls interested in physical existence there will always be other worlds to exist upon. The human stage of growth is an aspect of an infinite spectrum of Beings existing in a symbiotic relationship. Consciousness or mind as the Creative Force will forever cycle and expand itself. The expansion of consciousness is not solely dependent on life in the physical...
Energy follows Thought...
The answer as to "how" the world will come to an end is simple. All we need to do is: quit thinking about this world. This will never happen naturally! Evolution is an infinite cycle without beginning or end. Our collective thoughts are the forces that manifest our world. Energy follows Thought. However many other forces all over the universe are participants in the creation of our world. We are the Creative Essence of the universe in human form and we live in a physical reality system. Living in a physical reality system is a specific aspect of universal evolvement or education. It is extremely difficult for ordinary human beings to understand who or what we really are - since we have lost conscious contact with the Source of our Being. This Source and the existing co-creators who look after us have not lost contact with us! To reconnect with our Higher Self or Source is accomplished by attaining the Christ Consciousness. This is what all of us are working on...
The following does not answer any specific question
but it is meant as an additional answer to all of them.
In what we call the past, the great Godbeings we were, decided to create a physical reality system and live in it. We had no idea what this really entailed or how difficult this really was going to be. Our creative endeavors however, after billions of years of patience and ingenuity, have brought forth the world and all human beings upon it. We as these human beings are the representatives or the instruments of the Light Beings or Creators we represent. To realize that this is so, is the task we accepted as soon as we endeavored to isolate ourselves from the Source of our Being. True isolation is impossible however, since we are and always will be - the Source of Existence. To forget that we are this Source depends on how far we allow ourselves to descend into our physical creation. The deeper we descend into matter or technological gadgets - the more we forget! We as human beings have gone about as far into physical reality as we need to in order to experience the full gamut of physical existence. The New Age Consciousness is the beginning of our return to our Creative Self...
The whole of creation, visible as well as invisible, is a Dream of the Creator and at this stage of our dream we dream that we are human beings who are actively participating in the creation of our dream. The Creator is Consciousness thinking, dreaming or creating Creation! Mankind and the world is but a small aspect of this Creation or Dream. To awaken from our dream is the task of every human being...
We are human souls incarnated in human bodies. At this stage of our cosmic journey through our dream, the human soul is our mode of travel. We are aspects of the one and only Force or Source and our purpose is to experience our creation. We are the Creative Source in a holographic and miniature version. This makes it impossible to obliterate or do away with ourselves! Suicide then, or death in general is not possible since we are... the Source of Life! Leaving our body is only a change in our modus operandi. We have always been alive in one way or another. Life is a "One Time Forever Phenomenon" and Life does not come and go. Physical Life manifests itself in cycles of enormous duration and in the most diverse ways possible. We as human beings are but one of these wonderful ways...
It is also very important to understand that whether we believe the above or not, belief or lack thereof, is not enough to either confirm or deny it. Things are the way they are! The laws and the activities of the universe are beyond belief. At this stage we are human souls and our task is to figure out the processes of life and the laws that govern them. Naturally nobody can order us to do so, but true happiness will not be found until we begin to understand our Cosmic Relationship...
The study of metaphysics is the study of the above assumptions and whether we study metaphysics or not, will be the determining factor of our mental preparedness in future times. Future years will be difficult and when we are psychologically prepared we will be able to enjoy them a lot better. For some of us however, it is not possible to expand our mind in order to fully grasp the extent of our cosmic journey in just a few lifetimes. However, we all live forever and all of us have to figure out the same puzzle sooner or later. The sooner we start - the sooner we can relax and enjoy the show...
Some religions tell us that God lives within us. What is really meant by this? God lives within us? To many New Age People this means - that We Are God! We are the First Cause manifested as Human Beings. To recognize and totally realize this is our ultimate goal or purpose!
? Questions ? Questions ? Questions ? Questions ? Questions ?
Why have these religions refused to tell us that we really are this God or Creator? Could it be that they really did not know themselves? Could it be that the religions are the Blind who are leading the Blind! Could it be that we needed to be ignorant of our greatness in order to experience a certain state of mind? Are we God, descended into flesh or matter? Are we living life as an ignorant human soul on purpose? Do we as the source of existence need to experience human life? Is it possible that we are the Creator and play games with ourselves? Do we create tiny or puny human beings and then hide within - to be discovered by the human mind? A mind that turns out to be God's Mind? Are we the Father and do not know it? Why don't we know it? Are we on a trip through our creation? Is there but one way to experience the full gamut of human life? Did we create ourselves, and then forget we did? Are we lost in our own creation? Are we bored as the Creator and become Man in order to ask questions? Could it be that the old teachings about the Creator are all wrong? Who gave us these ideas? Could it indeed be that all religions and the whole world is wrong? Is the world a Lie? Is the Force that lives within us, the initiator of all the above questions? Why does it want to know? Are we and the Father one? Were the Buddha and Jesus the Christ but forerunners of all mankind? Are we of the same Greatness? Aha Mary-Ann... please get me a vanilla ice-cream with strawberries?