Life is very strange sometimes...
The bodies we live in - are containers. Containers for souls to live in. The body and the soul are two different aspects of creation and the two are matched for one lifetime only. Bodies however, have been known to exchange souls for shorter or longer periods (possession). Most souls though, stay with the same body. It's easier on the human mind, as well as on the family. Split-personalities however, have been recorded many times in the past. The body in these cases houses many facets of the whole soul, who at different times come out to play their role. Life is very strange sometimes. If all of us were like that, life on earth would be next to impossible.
The human mind and the soul mind are two different energies...
The human mind and the soul mind are two different energy-aspects of our creation and when the soul enters the body, these two minds unite. It is a temporary merging for upon the death of the body the soul-mind leaves and takes with it the experiences from that specific human body with that particular human mind. The human genes and mind contain and project most of our inherited characteristics. The more experienced the
soul-mind is, the more the soul-mind is able to overcome unwelcome characteristics. In all cases, the human mind has considerable influence upon the soul-mind. We need to be careful in selecting the proper body and body mind before we settle in for a lifetime.
It baffles the parents and the doctors...
In some cases we change our soul-mind and leave when the body is still very young. The body dies without a soul! The parents and doctors are baffled naturally. It is usually called a crib death or SIDS. When the soul mind returns to the spirit world undesired human influences are healed. However, all human lives leave imprints upon the soul-mind and this gives us a distinct individuality as a soul. The amount and type of experiences we encounter in a body makes us what we are. Wise souls live in equal amounts of male and female bodies in order to balance the effect of the gender upon the Soul. Too much of an imbalance is difficult to adjust later on. Naturally the soul itself is androgynous.
The creator loves to live in bodies...
The question arises; who is the creator of the body we live in and who is the creator of our soul? First of all, we have to understand that living in bodies for spirit entities is an additional experience for the Universal Creator and this particular enjoyment has been existing for an undetermined length of time, or no time; for the Creator exists beyond time and space. The Creator loves to live in bodies. When the Spirit of the Creator lives in a body it slowly becomes aware of itself as an "entity with self awareness" and eventually it will become aware that it is a human soul. After many lifetimes, it will become aware that it is the very Creator itself! A very well known master said: The Father and I are One! A lot of religions are based on what this master said. Religions however are systems of belief and as long as one believes - one does not know. Knowing is beyond believing.
Our Souls are collectors of Wisdom
Is life in matter an addiction?
Sometimes the human spirit lives in a body and other times it lives out of the body in what we call the spirit world. Life in the spirit world is more fun, but most of the learning is done on earth. Spirits who
live in human bodies become human souls. All souls are collectors of the knowledge and wisdom that is gained by living in bodies. We as man have been doing this for ages, but very few of us know it. Actually the soul is similar to a hard drive in a computer. It's the memory/knowing of our infinite existence. Yes, sometimes some of it is erased as well. Living in bodies possibly started out as a fad. We know now that it has become a tremendous addiction! This addiction however is a healthy one, for the "Creative Force We All Are" experiences more of itself by living in a myriad of physical bodies. We as souls gain an enormous amount of experience by living in matter and wisdom is the result of these experiences. By doing this many times, we eventually become a master and a co-creator within the infinite fun of our own creation. Co-creators are the creators of human bodies - not necessarily do they live on earth. Sometimes masters come back to earth and show us what they can do. It's really amazing!
The Infinite Light - The Infinite Creator Within...
There is no "Specific Universal Creator or Entity" who created the entire creation. Whatever is created is the work of co-creators. Needless to say that many of them have reached very high levels of awareness. They function as co-creators of solar systems and galaxies and all the things that go with it. The Light or Force within all of us however, is "Diversified Universal Creative Energy" and we could see this Force as The Infinite Light. This Light lives within all things and is all things. This Infinite Light, appears by means of its representatives, which are all the beings and things that exist universally. Creation in its totality IS the Universal Creator in Action! However, no one being or entity is the Creator as Such.
We are holographic images of The Infinite Light...
The entire universe then is a company without a director and all of us are our own boss. This is so, because all of us are, this "universal creative force" just the way we are. Naturally, there are so called higher and lower forces within creation, but all forces on all levels are the ONE. All entities or beings have free will. After all, all of us are the universal Creator in all its forms. It's the only force that does the living in the first place. The Infinite Light or TIL creates, produces and appears as an infinite amount of holographic images. Each holographic image is a free entity that becomes real to itself as well as real to other aspects of TIL. Once we have reached a level of evolvement that supplies us with the necessary abilities we as holographic images or aspects have free range within the entire creation.
The One is the Many - the Many are the One...
All holographic images have the same creative nature as the ONE and this may be used according to their own volition and skill. So, the ONE functions as the Many and the Many live Life inspired by the ONE. At
the same time all images or aspects are Whole within themselves for all characteristics of the ONE are holographically present within each and all aspects. These characteristics may be developed by each aspect as desired. This is done naturally in the diversity of our own creation. The truth of all this is difficult to learn from the study of the old scriptures, for most of it needs to be understood by radical knowing or
perceiving that this is so. It is a matter of intuition! Sooner or later, all of us will be able to obtain this direct knowing and all of us will be able to enjoy our creation to the fullest. Awareness and Knowledge are the result of experiences and from this - Love for All is formed by means of understanding.
? The Big Question -is- Who Created Us ?
Now here it is...
Who were/are the creators of the bodies we live in? The human bodies we live in at the present, are down-sized genetic mutations of a higher level of human origins and these changes were implemented by Co-creators, other Beings or Aliens. Whenever this is necessary, our genetic make-up is changed or modified, so that we are able to experience an enormous variety of physical experiences. We have risen and fallen into multitudes of awareness levels and in the future we will be climbing very steeply again. Not necessarily will all of us be able to cope with the times ahead and enjoy the upcoming transformations. Many people will leave their bodies and will incarnate onto other planets. In general the world of mankind is entering a higher Density.
These very smart genetic engineers...
In other words, the bodies we live in, might have been changed and modified many dozens of times. This means naturally that some forces must be very smart genetic engineers. When we investigate all this, we will find, that some of the UFO forces that visit our planet are responsible for some of the genetic changes. All this genetic engineering and the necessary changes that need to be made, means that some of us are possibly "abducted" and necessary measures are taking place. This is not always welcomed by the humans involved, but most of them understand now what it is all about and many are not afraid anymore. They know that they fulfill a very important task for the good of all. Humans do the same things to animals for example.
There are many Ezekiels nowadays...
The bible speaks about Ezekiel and his trips in flaming chariots. As we know, he also gave a description of them. It sounds as if he is describing UFOs or similar phenomena. Naturally, there might have been many cases of joy-flights that were not reported in the Bible. It's not a very religious or popular subject. Nowadays, there are many Ezekiels, for there are millions of people all over the world who have been picked up and returned. It's almost common place. Ezekiel was lucky, he was declared a prophet. Many people who are picked up nowadays, and speak about it, are declared lunatics. Things sure change, don't they? Whoever is picked up and returned has little to say about it before it happens. We are quite powerless to stop what is happening to us. Most often there is an agreement on a higher level. The animals we experiment on, have no say either. We also do what we feel necessary for the best of all. We all play God, because we are God.
We as spirits live in whatever bodies are available...
So bodies then, were genetically created from specific species of the animal kingdom by beings who are superior to humans in that sense. We could even say that our bodies are owned by these beings, like farmers own the cattle they have on their land. Whatever the case might be, we as spirits or soul-beings live in whatever bodies are available. In the mean time, there are also other reasons for the abductions. Certain Alien Forces seem to have weakened, because the reproduction of their bodies might be done by the means of cloning. In order to revive or strengthen their species, they may be introducing human hybrids into their cloning system in order to breed stronger bodies. Maybe they would even like to have a soul-unit that survives their bodies. In any case, inter-dimensional breeding has been going on for a very long time. This was never known before because of the secrecy involved. Nowadays, many people come to startling conclusions, for they subject themselves to hypnotic sessions. Missing time periods, or extremely scary dreams, drive these people to the couch of the hypnotists. Cattle mutilations seem to be on the increase as well and these might be committed by Aliens who live on our planet. Possibly they have underground bases right upon our earth. Who can blame them, it is a nice place to live. This has been known to many governments for a long time, but naturally this has been suppressed for many reasons.
Keep them uninformed and stay in power...
Governments like to keep their people uninformed and robot like. It's a lot easier to stay in power when you have control over the majority. Most of what these Earth-Aliens do on our planet is addressed as UFO phenomena. Indeed, the world is a wondrous place. Most likely the masses will be introduced to these Alien Beings in the next decade or so. Brian Williams and his colleagues are practicing to keep straight faced for the occasion. This earth of ours is not only a wondrous place - it's also a funny place. Maybe Diane Sawyer is going to tell us the secrets - we'll see. What a surprise this one is!
The beginning human soul is a blank wavicle of light...
We have come to the question: who are the creators of our souls and how is this really done. Is God doing all this? And if not, what does God really do? The highly advanced souls/masters/co-creators of the universe think and contemplate and by means of their God-Spiritual-Powers create soul-beings of different kinds. Naturally, in an orderly universe there are patterns and classes of newly created souls and this becomes
more and more apparent, when these souls diversify by living in human bodies. Some of us are philosophers, artists, politicians, bookkeepers, workers, writers, scholars and readers. etc. etc. The innate direction
or type of soul is determined by the co-creators in charge and we will never see too many bookkeepers and not enough musicians. The co-creators create-consciously and know what is needed at all times. The beginning human soul is a tiny luminous "wavicle of light" with a specific innate drive and character. It is a Miniature Holographic Duplicate of the Creative Force.
All you have to do is look within...
By means of its chosen experiences, the soul makes of itself whatever it sees fit. Whatever we experience in or out of our bodies is recorded upon the energy that is collected by our wavicle of light. Our soul then, is a self-created entity, except for the beginning spark or wavicle of light that carries within itself a holographic image of the entire creation or the Creator. That's why, if you really want to know, all you have to do is look within. It's down there! If you behave too badly in a lifetime, certain aspects of your recordings are healed or modified when you have returned to the spirit world. After that, you may start out with a healthy soul again. We are well looked after in the spirit world.
All Spirits Dwell In Their Own Mansions
The spirit world is without egos...
The thing to remember is that the soul is a holographic spark or wavicle of light we could see as a thought! This image is set in motion by the sacred nudges of the wise co-creators of souls. The soul continues returning to earth, at its own discretion and by the advice of its guides, until it is finished with the earth plane. All souls have guides who help choose their next incarnations. Our guides and teachers are always with us and we can call on them at anytime. We are never really alone for we are aspects of soul-groups that were formed when we started as a soul. In the spirit world we dwell in our own mansions and our guides visit back and forth whenever we need them. Many guides are older souls and some of them do not reincarnate anymore. The older the soul, the wiser the guide naturally. Some older souls have a master as a guide. It all works according to need.
The ego has a will of its own...
The spirit world in a sense is a simple place for our egos do not complicate matters like they do on earth. On earth we complicate things by trying to personalize them by means of our own will and possible inadequacies. It gives us the idea of power. So, often we do things the hard way unconsciously. Also, many people live mostly in the past or future and forget to be here Now! The ego has a will of its own. It seems to need the satisfaction of solving self created problems. When they become too big for us, our guides give us a clue when we're asleep. Some guides help sooner than others, but apparently we need to get stuck once in a while. It forces us to face up to our shortcomings and responsibilities. We certainly learn from it, but for many of us it is difficult to figure out sometimes.
Old souls are rare and a master appears very seldom...
It takes time to live in bodies, but nobody is really in a hurry, for life is an infinite affair of conscious self development. There are very few matured human beings on earth. About twenty percent of us are baby souls, thirty percent are toddlers, thirty percent are younger souls and the rest make up the mature and the older souls. Old souls are rare and a master appears very seldom. Masters only appear when it is necessary to correct or change the direction of Mankind. Some of them do not even bother to be born. They appear on the spot wherever they are needed and nobody sees them appear or disappear. Naturally, they do this in seclusion. They work among us disguised as an ordinary person. Pretty soon everybody knows that this person is brilliant
and full of love.
We Need An Entirely New Way of Thinking
We are living in one now...
When a master lives his/her last lifetime and teaches when in the body, no doubt s/he has followers. As soon as the master leaves for good however, the followers quibble a lot and eventually scatter in a thousand different directions. After a while nobody really remembers what the master was all about. The teaching then becomes a scene where the blind are leading the blind. We are living in one now! Meanwhile, some people become scholars and study the old scriptures, which have been written by other wise scholars naturally. There is no end to the games we can play with these old words and their interpretations. Many scholars get lost in the literal meaning of these scriptures or in the logic of logos. It creates a perfect way to diversify the experiences of mankind and it looks as if it was meant to be this way in the first place.
Presently there are dozens of new prophets...
In any case, it was all meant to guide mankind but it was not very effective. We need simplicity and an entirely new way of thinking. The resurrection of the old scriptures is delaying the investigation of the new. Presently there are dozens of new prophets. They channel "New Thinking" and many new teachings contain the sincerity of valuable truth and pure unselfish guide lines. Some of it might sound like a strange philosophy, but upon closer examination they contain truths that are most astounding. The old prophets would be envious if they'd hear about it. However, they might be the ones who are inspiring the channelers in the first place. As we already know, nobody ever dies and many of those who passed over are trying to help us.
Karma really means action...
When we are in spirit we are wiser than when we live in the body and sometimes we have a good laugh about the fools we were on earth. Many of us were way too serious on earth and this created a lot more trouble than expected. Especially when this seriousness becomes a part of the so called religious systems and they start to either convert or kill. It's about as sad as being a terrorist. It's an awful business, especially in the name of a God who never appears on the scene even once! It creates a zig-zag effect on our path of progression toward the Unity of Self. It is wise to avoid these detours. Some people call this Karma. Karma really means action. The universe is not based on punishments or rewards. It's a neutral system with Knowledge and Love or Understanding as its impetus and goal.
Many of our thoughts and ideas become reality as well...
So bodies then, are the responsibility of inter-dimensional intelligences who seem to fly in UFOs. And souls slated to be born are created by other creative forces. Beginning human souls are literally "thought" into existence, in the same fashion as we are able to create our thought forms and ideas. Many of our thoughts and ideas become reality as well. We as human beings are the creators of the circumstances we experience on earth. It is supposed to teach us that our thought processes create our reality. Not too many people have caught on yet but we are entering a period of great awakening.
The universe is an infinite continuum...
It is well possible that we as individual entities live for billions of years within creation and perform different functions. There are many positions and responsibilities that are completely beyond our knowing. Some duties might include the creation of certain solar systems and all the life upon it with the assistance of others. Certain life forms may have to be imported from other solar systems. The Universe is a continuum
and it is run by a company of co-creators with Knowledge and Love as their passwords and energy. The creation of the earth for example, might have started with a million co-creators and look at us now; we are in the many billions. All of us naturally are aspects of each other and within the framework of creation all of us are equal and form the Expression of Love - all for the sake of getting to know ourselves. In turn, all of us, will reach the Ultimate Source and then be scattered once again all over the infinite and boundless creation as holographic images of the Creative Force. The entire universe is a universal and holographic symbiotic relationship or reality in a multi-dimensional setting.
We are the creative force in human form...
This Creative Force, is the Force that is manifested in our bodies and IS the spirits or souls we are. In the end, all our lives and experiences are accumulated and assimilated by this Force. The Universal Creative Force is the only Force that grows and lives forever. We are this Force and it is the only Force that evolves. Eventually all beings or entities unite with this Force. In the mean time, we live in our own creation as human entities. Slowly but surely we become aware of our greatness as this Force.
The big bang is a personal affair...
Oh yes, it is not likely that there ever was a beginning. The universal scheme of creation is a recycling and recreation of diversified universal events, universe by universe, solar system by solar system. The big bang therefore never happened. However, there are local little bangs and they happen all the time. The only bang that is of importance, is the Explosion of Light in our head when we finally perceive the scope of things. It is absolutely astounding! Be aware, the eureka-sound comes from the inside and ear plugs are not effective. Keep your head cocked and you will be able to absorb things easier. Well, that's what worked for me. I am not sure what will work for you. Meanwhile and by all means, celebrate the occasion of "The Realization of Self". It is a rare happening...