!  The Universe... and You  !

The easy way to define God is to look into the Mirror

... Then ...
Watch in Wonder Without Words

... Enjoy ... Soul ... Enjoy ...

Perceiving how things really are - is done without words...
Many people are trying to define God or the Universe by means of words. Some people even study what has been written in the past and translate what has been said many ages ago. Then, they analyze all these words, combine them, compare them, ponder over them, and in some cases agree or disagree with them. Somehow, the more words we have in our head, the less room there is for intuitive or radical understanding. Perceiving how things really are is done without words...

I find them awfully confusing...
Many people think that the people of the past were closer to God than we are nowadays. This is not so for God is Creation and the Created! So, what does that make us? We are God or The Infinite Light in Human Form. How close can we get so to speak? Mankind is an evolving species and more and more people begin to grasp what they actually are. Now, back to the people of the past, in my view they do not come any closer than what we find in our Quantum Sciences for example. As a matter of fact, the literature of the present is a lot clearer than the old scriptures. I find them awfully confusing! And the more you know about them, the more confused you might become. However, we all have the freedom to do what we like best...

Religions are Guidelines for younger Souls...
There is evidence that all religions have been instituted by certain "Off Planet Forces". The question arises then, whether God lives in a flying saucer after all. Why not? How else would She get around? We also should not forget, that the majority of the earth's population are very young souls. They need to be told something simple and to tell them that God did it all, gives them enough reason to stay within certain guidelines. All of us need a mental soother when we are young. Religions are the guidelines for people who have not reached the state of awareness by which they are able to explain to themselves that the world and the universe out there, do not really exist the way they experience them. The entire physical or matter universe is an unbelievable beautiful illusion. To see through this illusion is a product of education and growing up. We need to learn how to be responsible for ourselves. Hello Mary-Ann, please pass me the biggest cookie and the ice cream...

All ingredients are there...
Modern scientists like David Bohm, Karl Pribram, Rupert Sheldrake and many others have come up with the paradigm that our entire universe is a Holographic Vibrating Phenomena and if this indeed is so, (and I grasp it is) this means that all objects or holographic vibrations of the underlying energies are vibrations of the Source. We literally are this Source our way then! This makes us miniature universes or Gods for we are the Source in human form. This is also mentioned in some of the religious literature. It states there that Man is created in the image or likeness of God. Naturally he is! Holography means, that whichever way you slice or divide a Whole into parts or aspects, all parts or aspects have the entire Whole present within themselves. It's all we need to recognize in order to know that we are the very Unbroken Wholeness in miniature form. All ingredients exist within...

Too many Words and Technology stagnates the process...
We need to develop these ingredients into an inner Wholeness and nurture it to greatness. All we need is already within us! Life then in all its facets is the development or the awakening of the semi-unconscious God we are! All we have to do is open our eyes and see. We have to be "reborn" into a different way of understanding. This will make it clear that "We Are The Light of the God Within". Many human minds however are clogged up with too many words or technologies that prevent them from being open to the mystical or miraculous side of life. So opening up or awakening is but a matter of time. Within fifty years everybody on earth will grasp what we are all about. Times are changing fast! I like vanilla please...

These aspects are Co-Creators...
In my view, the universe has an omnipresent underlying subconsciousness energy base, out of which all aspects arise. These aspects are the creation and/or the created. Among the most evolved aspects of creation, we find that all of them create. These aspects are co-creators! These co-creators are the creators of galaxies, solar systems, planets and all the life upon them. Creation then is an affair that has come about by the work and/or accomplishments of the highest developed aspects or co-creators. They slowly but surely have arisen from the omnipresent underlying subconsciousness energy base. This arising is what is known as evolution! All things and beings in creation are participating aspects of this evolution. These co-creators then are the direct representatives of the Creator. They are The Infinite Light or TIL in individual form...

Eventually, they become self-aware...
This means also naturally, that each and every entity in the universe is the representative of the Creator. However, The Infinite Light or TIL itself - never appears in Creation in and by itself! We need to grasp that the Creator -is- Creation! The Creator and Creation is One! This Force sends out infinitely small images or vibrations of itself and sooner or later these vibrations become aware aspects. Eventually, they become self-aware. Finally, they become aware that they are the very Creator disguised in one form or another. It is all very simple! Except naturally for those who are too full of too many words and phrases. It blinds them. Being blind means that they do not vibrate fast enough. Does this mean that those who do not vibrate fast enough are next to dead? If so, no ice-cream for them Mary-Ann...

It's a sad state of affairs...
Western Humanity has become so involved with the technical aspects of Life, that mysticism and intuition is regarded as a disease. This is a sad state of affairs. Is that why we have created a world full of devastating pollutants? Like nuclear waste that will be active for two hundred and forty thousand years? This is insanity! Especially because nobody knows where to put it. No sense of wisdom or self-responsibility. On the other hand, the earth is a school and whatever we do is included in our curriculum. Naturally we can do a lot better than this. The funny thing is, that all this occurs because of money. Money - the God of Mankind. We suffer from Golden Calf disease, like the people in the time of Moses. One question might be - how do we convert all these nuclear cookies? Not to worry. In the future, by means of mind over matter we "take" them out of existence. Meanwhile, it is here to remind us how little we really know. It really does not matter, we are here to learn. We have lots of time. We create it. We are the creators of all things, including cookies and vanilla ice cream. You want two scoops Mary-Ann? Absolutely, but don't drop it on your blouse and its roundedness...

We are here to grow in Consciousness...
Accepting the paradigm about the Holographic Universe as truth however, does not completely explain what God is all about naturally. To understand what the universe or God is all about - is what we are working on. We are on earth in order to awaken to our own Greatness. We're here to become consciously aware of Who or What we really are. We are here to grow in Awareness, to grow in Consciousness. This means, that the holographic vibrating God-Aspect we are, needs to be nurtured, focused upon and finally realized as God in Form! We need to become familiar with the Inner Being We Are. Meanwhile, our unconsciousness is the unconsciousness of the Creator that lives within us. No one can awaken this Being but we ourselves! Our unconsciousness needs to be changed into a conscious recognition of our Greatness. The Realization of Self! This is what life is all about. Deep within ourselves lives an Infinite Giant! We need to stretch our mind and grasp the immense value of this truth. Yes, it might be hard, but that does not make it less true...

All of it is ours...
The underlying vibrating unbroken wholeness of the universe is the Quantum Foam our scientists speak about. It is vibrating Spirit! Its vibrations contain all Time and Space densities, all invisible dimensions and all spirits worlds. It contains endless and endless infinities of creation. All of it is ours! What else could we possibly want? We need to acquire sanity in order to grasp the truth? We need to awaken our unconsciousness, the unconsciousness of the Creator within us. We are practically dead! But yet, we are alive enough to awaken and recognize the truth about ourselves. And eventually we will say: Look and behold - I and the Father are One! This unconscious God must awaken, evolve and grow. Even if it took a billion years, sooner or later we will all become Realized Beings and we will be able to consciously join the rest of the Consciously Realized Beings. All we have to do is realize this and work toward it. It's so darn simple that it makes the old scriptures curl up in shame. Thank you Mary-Ann! Thank you for grasping the truth about yourself...

!  The Universe... and You  !