!  The One Thing Sublime  !

~ The One Thing that's Real or Absolute ~

~ Dedicated to Chris Williams and his Strings ~

What kind of energy?
The following essay developed from a recent conversation that I had with others about the oneness and the multiplicity of the universe. Science tells us for example, that the smallest parts they have found in the physical universe are called strings. Strings are so small that it takes 100,000,000,000,000,000,000 stretched from end to the other to make up the diameter of a proton. How did they ever count them all? Now what a proton is everybody knows. We've heard about them for ages. A proton is a sub-atomic particle that is charged with... well what the dickens is it charged with? Well, I think it is charged with invading the atom. It's a pretty cruel act, for the atom was the smallest piece of cake we could slice for a long time. Well anyway, all I'm using here are words and more words... and what do they really mean? They mean absolutely nothing at all, for they are names for things nobody has ever seen, except as scientific symbols scratched upon somebody's notebook. Let's hope that notebook never gets lost.

No language will ever explain Oneness by means of names!
On the other hand, let's throw that notebook away and let's forget about symbols, names, particles, wavicles, protons, strings or any other dut that might fit in between. The Universe is One Being, One Energy, One Mind, One Consciousness, One Awareness... and it is Ours. In order to use, activate and/or manifest this One Mind or One Awareness, we pretend to be Many. Like the air is the many different kind of winds or storms, so is the Universe the many different Things and Beings we are! Meanwhile, all our pretensions are but aspects of a dream in which we got lost. So, all the symbols we speak of are but fictions or aspects of our mind, they are but names for concepts that do not cut the mustard. No language will ever explain Oneness by means of names! One either understand this or does not. Please pass me the almond clusters Mary-Ann, I want to taste my Oneness in the form of chocolate and almonds. Thank you my Lover... you are a Doll...

Yes, protons and strings, it's a very interesting subject.
I have no idea what a proton really is... except that it might be an energy vibration of some kind. What kind of energy is it? Is it Mind or Consciousness? Or is it Spirit? Hmmm... Well in any case, a string is so minuscule that it would take 10 to the power of 20 strings to cover a proton. Imagine then, a proton is huge compared to a string! Well, if we could just know what a proton really is, maybe first of all we could figure out what color it is... and then maybe... Well never mind, forget it. I guess we just have to continue without knowing what it really is. Yes, this is an interesting subject. We speak of energy-things we know next to nothing about... for they all exist within the minds of scientists. Come to think of it, these energy-things ARE the minds of scientists as well as ours. Have to check this mind of mine - what is it? Is it God dreaming that it is me or am I dreaming that I am God? Well forget that one as well...

What is small and what is big?
Maybe some day we will discover that it takes just as many 'duts' end to end to make up one 'string' as that it takes 'strings' to cover just one proton. Hmmm? And then what would we know? Wow. The question arises naturally: what is small and what is big. Just imagine how many 'duts' it would take to cover the surface of the moon. My golly. That would keep Armstrong and his buddies really busy. Never mind, it would cost at least a dollar a dut and there is no way we could afford it. We're already spending a bundle on strings to keep the country together. Shucks man... behave yourself...

The fun is real but the reality is not...
The physical universe, from the point of my 'soul-mind' - is an illusion. We are able to experience this illusion as real, because we as Souls live in an instrument that is specifically created to experience illusions as realities. Now there is a statement! It comes down to, that we as Souls created an illusionary 'something' in order to experience an illusionary something else. Now what's going on? Come to think of it, it actually makes sense. However, when you start to think twice about it, you start to wonder why we did this in the first place and why it makes sense. It somehow seems as if we are some kind of cosmic crook. Creating illusions in order to experience the reality of other illusions. Is that why we create puzzles and then like to solve them? Well, I guess we did this, because we are mighty creators or magicians. And so, in order to have something to brag about, we put up a huge black screen, disappeared behind it and started to create.

We live in an Instrument that fools us.
Yes, you guessed right. A hundred million years later, we emerge from behind this screen and find out what we did. We discover that we are living in a matter reality and in order to do so, we created an instrument that is made from the same illusionary stuff and therefore it is able to recognize its 'sameness' and says: you are frolicking in a nice reality. But please do not worry when you think that this reality is an illusion, for you dwell in a machine, that is not smart enough to see through it immediately. Not to worry... it's all taken care of - so go ahead and enjoy yourself by having fun with the illusionary reflections of your mind that you accept as real. Anyway, the fun is real, but the reality is not!

If you ever find the answer - please tell me.
So, here we are, confused and befuddled to beat the band, for nobody knows how to pierce this self-created illusion. Somehow, we are too busy having our tea and biscuits, while we are discovering that strings are so small, that we should not have to worry about them until we find duts. Well sure, we're living in a cosmic conundrum that confuses the creators who created it. Please ask yourself - is this really possible? And then, if you ever find the answer, please tell me. Sure, ponder over it while you have your tea and biscuits. And also please, have an easy cosmic cookie to keep you going. We need diversion in order to miss the point...

Do bodies discover things?
Our scientists however, weren't born yesterday, for they discovered that all these strings are not all existing in the same playing field. Many strings exist in other dimensions and as far as we know, there might be as many dimensions as that there are strings. Wow to the power of twenty! That is hard to grasp. What do we do now? More than three dimensions? It is not fair! How do we ever get to the bottom of this illusionary bag of biscuits? Only the English might be able to do it. One thing helps however, for scientists say that only three dimensions make up the playing field in which these strings have been discovered and it happens to be the same playing field in which the bodies or instruments are living who discovered all this. Big help indeed. However, do bodies discover things? That is the question! Maybe it is the ghost who lives in this mighty machine who discovers everything? Yeah, let's hang unto this one and see what happens...

With whom do you have these internal discussions?
Well, I think that the ghost or spirit is the one who does the thinking and creating. Who do you think it is? Do you think that your body is able to figure out who or what really does the thinking or creating? Well, you see; if our bodies are the thinkers and creators, what are the ghosts or the spirits really doing? Well, if you think that ghosts and spirits or souls are entities that do not really exists, please tell me with whom your body has these internal discussions all the time. Yeah, Dr Phil calls them 'tapes'. Your tapes are running he says - please stop that noise and become real! Well, where were we? Oh yeah, these discussions - who actually has these discussions? Your body? Just by itself? Would these tapes be running when the body dies? What is the difference between an alive body and a dead one? In any case, I am convinced that the spirits or souls are the thinkers and creators. So there! These souls or spirits live in bodies, in order to experience their magic creations in this so called illusionary matter reality. And in order to recognize their magic miracles, they live in illusionary matter bodies. For as you know - like recognizes like - and likes it. Now... would you like some more illusionary tea and biscuits? These light chocolate ones here... they are delicious...

Real or Illusion - who cares?
So, I say; that the spirit or soul is the real thinker or creator and in some fashion it lets the body or instrument know what it is thinking about and what the conclusions are. Maybe bodies are needed in order to discover all these scientific conundrums. After all, bodies are conglomeration of huge entanglements of strings, which really are enormous amounts of energy-eyelets that make it easy for souls to hang onto and enjoy their creations in bodily forms. Strings and duts! Naturally these bodies are illusions, but they seem real to the spirits living in them. Somehow it does not make one iota of difference, whether bodies are real or illusions - who cares as long as we know what's going on! The most important question naturally is, what are these instruments or bodies really made of. What really is this energy? What are these strings and duts that hold the world together? What is this energy that is glue and substance at the same time? Beats me? So, the real question is, am I eating biscuits or gooey string-duts?

Very strange indeed!
Well let's see; apparently, there are three dimensions in which all the illusions take place and then there are more dimensions that contain all the real stuff. And scientists say; that the real stuff dimensions are neatly compacted or rolled up like carpets. The one carpet is rolled into the other and the whole thing forms an enormous bundle of carpet-energy that nobody can ever touch because it's all invisible and does not take up any Space or Time. If that is not strange - what is? For all we know, they might be the original 'magic-carpets' after all? The real trouble is, that we're having tea and biscuits in the illusionary regions of our mind and the real stuff eludes us, because we are dazzled by whatever we experience with this hot tea in our hands. It's a miracle we do not burn ourselves. However, this is due to the fact that the illusionary bodies are able to detect illusionary hotness. There it is again! Like sees like and knows what it's all about. Does a writer need to be hot in order to discover hotness?  Please forget it, I will never make it...

Is what makes us tick - God itself?
So, in the universe of mind, whatever belongs to a certain group or level, finds itself all compacted together keeping each other occupied. And whatever exist somewhere else, hopefully keeps other busy things busy. Sure, it's a universe of full employment and no body or soul is dawdling or fooling around, although many of us were fooled from the very beginning by the illusion that was created behind the black screen of ordinary awareness. Sounds very weird. But that's not all, it happens to be true! Another minor point is, that the souls who would want to live in such an environment, must be close to being ignorant and lead onto the garden path by some kind of magic power that is greater than we could possibly imagine. It's hard to believe... could it be the Power of God itself? In any case, it must be very enchanting, because this magic power has a grip on people that's something awful. Maybe it's Lady Curiosity that's confusing the world after all...

The universe is ONE THING...
Well, let's look at the universe the way my soul-mind sees it and maybe we can determine whether my soul-mind is any good to us. Who knows, it just might surprise all of us and come up with a solution that make sense to some of us. Remember, my soul-mind is a small aspect of your soul-mind and in some fashion there is some kind of mutual-awareness between all these soul-minds of ours. They're all connected in these rolled up carpet-dimensions somewhere. So here we go and just keep connected if you dare. You see, the universe is ONE THING! It's an infinite energy in vibration. This vibrating energy contains an infinite amounts of smaller energy vibrations or 'energy-eddies' and it looks like an infinite river full with eddy currents we can't see. So what do we have here and who or what really are we? We are infinitely small eddy currents of mind - living within the Unbroken Wholeness of the ONE THING and enjoy cosmic cookies a lot. Or at least some of us do. Others just delete them because they're too elusive...

What is the Force that permeates and sustains us?
In any case; the universe is an infinite vibrating Holographic Unbroken Wholeness, chuck full of dependent energy-vibrations that form seemingly independent things; like poppy-seeds, animals, beautiful ballerinas, mice, bagels and nice UFO stuff. The vibrations are the clue! Vibration is the clue to manifestation. God vibrates and creates things by means of its vibrations. So, all these seemingly independent things are continually vibrating, fed, permeated and sustained by the "Infinite Energy of the Whole" or the ONE THING God is. What could this God be but Energy or Light? When we live in the physical reality (or in the illusion) however - we do not know this. We all think that we live in a reality with separate and independent Beings, and that we need to scientifically figure out what's what. Well, there it is! All this technical know-how we are fed by all these sciences has brought us further and further away from the ONE THING. All we ever got from the sciences were names and more names. Well, all these names makes us think of separate things and or happenings. The more we think separation - the more we separate - because our thoughts are the Creator! So, there we are, many of us think that we are Beings separated from each other in a medium we call space, which seems like a lot of emptiness that takes a lot of time to get across.

Too many things and too many names.
No doubt whatsoever, we've done a splendid job behind this black screen, for we have fooled ourselves and we are totally confused by all the things we have invented and have given names. You see, things are not their name, but many people think they are. All this creates separation and we're suffering from it something fierce. We think that everybody else and every other thing is something different than we are. It's just not so! We are the One Thing - The One Energy or Light - and we have put ourselves into some kind of hypnotic spell that is just about fool proof. There is but one thing that would smash this spell and it's called the crystal clear awareness of the Christ Consciousness Cake! So, have a piece of it, it's free. Other free pieces are called Cosmic Cookies and they are baked not to crumble at the first bite. This means they're hard to chew because they're true!

We are only looking at a small aspect of the whole...
Physical reality then and the things we are able to discover within this reality belong to a certain frequency range. Only certain strings bother to work in our neighborhood. This is the range of vibrating energy that we are able to experience in our world. Naturally, we are only experiencing a very small aspect of the whole. Sure, we experience less than the tip of an infinite iceberg, but for some reason scientists think, that they know what's on the inside or on the bottom of this pimple. Even Mother Malarkey knows better than that! The things we see, experience or discover in our reality are the energy vibrations that have an effect upon our senses and instruments. And these instruments naturally are only extensions of our senses. The things we are able to see and experience are "energy force fields" of a certain electro-magnetic quality, which most scientists have not been able to recognize or master. All the rest of this infinite "Holographic Unbroken Wholeness" or "One Vibrating Thing", we are unable to see or experience altogether (Leaving thoughts and feelings and a few other unknown vibrations out of it for now). Our third dimensional world or reality contains only so much. It contains the vibrations/frequencies that belong to the third dimension only! It's about three thimbles full and a monkey's whisker. Do you like cookies better than biscuits? All the Dutch do, they hate biscuits! The Dutch happen to be tough Cookies themselves...

Why should there be an end to it?
Now, when we begin to vibrate faster, we move to a higher level of vibration and this level is called Fourth Density. The speed or level of vibration is determined by the level of our awareness. So, the more we are aware - the faster we buzz. Since there is no limit to awareness or knowledge, there is no limit to the level of vibration or density level one can reach. Some teachings speak about Seven Levels and others speak about Fifteen or more - who knows. All we know is, that we are on level three presently - we are 3D Beings. In any case, the higher we move, the more we will be able to experience and enjoy our universe or playground. Our senses then, and our illusionary bodies or instruments become even more illusive in actuality, for they will have risen in vibration and therefore we will be able to experience higher frequencies and vibrations again. Why should there be an end to these levels? God is almighty infinite! And so are these infinite wanderers or discoverers - the Souls of Mankind. You see, like the Air is the Wind - so is God our Soul! And yes Mary-Ann, give the gentleman another cookie please... his mind is sagging...

Man and God are an Energy-Continuum...
One question is, are there any connections between these rolled up dimensions and our matter reality? Sure, all of it is One Energy! And here's another bright point of consideration. Whatever we name, believe and/or discover, is the result of our creative mind, consciously or unconsciously. So, by naming a phenomena a dut, no doubt sooner or later someone will discover lots of duts and show them around to the rest of us. Definitely! For all things, including hot tea and biscuits are the creations of Man. Man is the creator and what he creates with - could be called God. Man and God are an Energy-Continuum. Man and God are ONE THING vibrating to make celestial music. And if you dare to listen carefully, you are taken up into the clouds of seventh heaven and if you're silent enough, you'll hear the whisper -- Ohmm -- Ohmm.

Man lives in the Dimensions or Densities he is able to create.
Man therefore, universally, is the active aspect of the continuum and God is the inactive aspect. Man is the Explicate and God is the Implicate Force (Those are David Bohm words). The two are always trying to be each other and once they do - they change their mind. Naturally, Man in this case, includes the Grays, the Blonds, the Dragons, the Gadchies, the Zetas, the Bragins, the Bronkles, the English and the Dutch! Not to forget all the other infinite groups and tribes on this and other rocks. Man, for the lack of a better word is the 'universal indweller' of his creation. Man lives in as many dimensions as he/she discovers or creates. Man is infinite... for God is pushing from the inside! If it was not for that, hot tea and biscuits would still have to be invented. Anyway, we as Man the Creator have been occupying ourselves infinitely and we will never stop doing it. We love it. And the only big bang that will ever happen, is the one that takes place in your head! It happens when you grasp the lightning realization of the infinite enormity Man is. Cosmic Bingo!

God -is- the entire Picture!
Thus, we have finally answered the question - Who or What really are we? We as human beings are very small, but awfully persistent distorted reflections of the infinite Holographic Unbroken Wholeness or the One Thing! We are the very small eddies within the energy-eddies of our higher selves, who are the energy-eddies of the archangels, who are the energy-eddies of greater energy-beings yet. etc. Well now Mary-Ann - you ask: where does God enter the picture? Mary-Ann my doll... God -is- the entire Picture! God or the Creator is the energy that vibrates and permeates every nook and cranny of all the energy-eddies in the universe and every thing in between. The universe is chuck full of eddies. God the Creator is the "One Harmonious Vibration" that keeps everything humming steadily, including the rolled up bundle of dimensions or the quantum foam of entangled strings. Sure, God the Creator is the force that keeps the illustrious merry-go-round of the universe turning its wheels. Steady as she goes...

Is there anything else but strings and duts?
The entire universe, high and low, is a reality within the Creators' Mind or Consciousness. However, the State of Affairs within the Creator's Mind is an unconscious potential reality only! It becomes actual and conscious as soon as this Creative Cause becomes manifested or objectified. The trouble with human beings is that he step-dances away from this Creative Cause with unconscious activities and becomes estranged from its own Source. We have to get out on the Dance Floor of Creation in a conscious manner, in order to participate and realize the infinite creativity of the universe, visible and invisible. All the densities and the worlds they embrace, are full of strings and duts, out of which we bake cosmic cookies, including the brilliance of the Light We Are! Watch it Mary-Ann, no more cookies for that gentleman over there he is still chewing the last one...

The Realness of the One Thing!
In any case; all my words above make up this nice little article or Cosmic Cake. It sure is a hell of a big bite. Well, so what? If we can swallow universal illusions made from tiny strings and duts, a big piece of Cosmic Cake is not going to hurt our illusionary bodies. What the Hell? Let's have two slices... why not?

For the pleasures of Mankind - Here I am!
So yes, read this article at least twice. It will make all this illusionary dribble more real within that glorious gadget you call your mind or consciousness. This entire literary master piece (smile), is only a small portion of Gerardus' Grist. It is entirely written for the pleasure of the author and all the rest of the possums out-there-inhere. It keeps us convinced that we are real! For as you might have guessed by now; the only thing that is really real is the Actuality of The One Thing - The Observer... Consciousness or The Silent Awareness! For that is what we actually are within the infinite Oneness of our Diversity...

... The One Thing Sublime ...